

空中之家 2016年10期



Hosted by the People's Government of Guangdong Province, organized by the Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province, the 2016 China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo (CITIE) took place from September 9 to 11 in Zone A, China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou. CITIE enjoyed widespread popularity with sales of 800 million yuan and more than 500,000 visitors attending the event. China Southern Airlines, the biggest Airline in Asia, was an important exhibitor at this year's CITIE Transportation Pavilion.

Text by Yang Zhen & Wang Jun

由广东省人民政府主办、广东省旅游局承办的2016中国(广东)国际旅游产业博览会(以下简称“旅博会”),于9月9日-11日在广州琶洲中国进出口商品交易会展馆A区举行。展会销售额高达 8亿元,现场人气爆棚,进场观众超50万人次。南航作为亚洲最大的航空公司,是本届“旅博会”交通馆的重要参展企业。


The Transportation Museum and Travel + Museum, designed by China Southern Airlines Media, showcased high-grade, precision and advanced technology. The two museums, exhibited the new trend and new industrial format of the integrated development of tourism, fi nance, real estate, transportation, technology, education, culture and other related industries, attracted great attention from the industry and audiences and became a new landmark for this year's CITIE.

This year's CITIE, emphasizing industrialization, specialization, marketization and internationalization, had a great deal of highlights. In the Transportation Museum, the sea-air-land integrated exhibition gave a grand view of the state-of-the-art tourism products. The shows and interaction activities by airline companies attracted lines of audiences; DJI Technology Company set up a fl ight-experience zone where audiences could experience the joy of fl ying a drone; and the exhibition area also amazed with a comprehensive range of entertainment, even a Mahjong table. In the Travel + Museum, Foshan Chancheng Central Hospital, highlighting “Travel plus Regimen”, set the Pavilion of Chancheng Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine which attracted a group of French tourists to experience it. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China introduced the comprehensive services of “Travel + Finance”, which frees the users from issues of money before, during and after the travel.

"Scan this QR code, follow the off i cial account of China Southern Airlines and download the app, not only can you get a small gift, but you can also join in the lucky draw to win domestic round-trip tickets!" said an air hostess, guiding visitors at China Southern Airlines pavilion in the 2016 CITIE.

Other such voices resound in the hall.

"Scan the QR code and follow the account. There'll be small gifts for you."

"This is our app. Download it and you can get coupons!"

“The Internet Technology has penetrated every aspect of the tourism industry where people can use their smart phones to enjoy intelligent travel with the help of the Internet and especially mobile Internet technologies. We are now in an age of intelligent travel.” said Wu Wenda, a product manager of an Internet company of China Telecom.

南航空乘为旅客推介扫码入会活动。An air hostess from China Southern Airlines is introducing the Scan-for-membership process to the visitors.

Intelligent tourism, also known as smart tourism, is def i ned as "by the use of new technology such as cloud computing and Internet of Things, tourists who have personally experienced the travel information concerning resources, economy, activities, travelers, etc. can post such information via the Internet or mobile Internet using portable Internet-enabled devices to enable the timely update of information for other tourists, who can then arrange and adjust their work schedule and travel plan accordingly, thus achieving the desired effect of the intelligence and availability of varied travel information." Through the Internet, tourists can pinpoint a location and search for detailed information on tourist attractions such as where can be crowded, where the parking lot is and where they can shop, relax and have a meal. They can make the booking and payment online; use the car, ship, air ticket and entrance tickets in paperless formats; share the joys of travel with family, classmates, colleagues, friends, teammates and tour members; and know the condition of and control household appliances from afar. The most frequently used devices in intelligent travel are GPS, NFC and other sensor devices which are used for location, data transfer, ID identif i cation, e-check receipt and sending, mobile payment and even opening the smart lock of the hotel.

Also in the Transportation Museum were some emerging Internet companies that are actively exploring tourism markets and offering services of portable Wif i abroad, intelligent voice guides and others. “Using Internet technology and smart devices, we can offer a wide range of services. For example, we can develop an APP of airport services for those on their very fi rst trip abroad, which they can use to identify their location, lounge room and place for check in when they arrive at the airport abroad.”, said Wu Wenda.

南航展台亮相旅博会。China Southern Airlines pavilion is unveiled in the CITIE.

Wu's company also provides the service of VR trailer making. VR experience was another highlight of CITIE, and many travel agencies introduced their VR travel experience which was extremely popular with audiences. “A VR trailer of 2 to 3 minutes like this one costs several hundreds of thousands Yuan, and the expenditure will be determined by different requirements”, said Wu, “but I think VR experience should be equipped with VR devices and would be better used for off l ine promotion. 3D technology is more suitable for the online experience of the natural and cultural sceneries of new airlines and determinations.”

VR experience, intelligent travel and other high technologies have greatly shaped the tourism industry. This year's CITIE, emphasizing industrialization, specialization, marketization and internationalization, had a great deal of highlights. The Transportation Museum and Travel + Museum, designed by China Southern Airlines Media, showcased high-grade, precision and advanced technology, which gave a comprehensive demonstration of the new trend and new industrial format of the integrated development of tourism, fi nance, real estate, transportation, technology, education, culture and other related industries.

旅博会开幕式。The opening ceremony of CITIE.

南航股份公司纪委书记李家世接受CCTV发现之旅的采访。Li Jiashi, Secretary of Commission of China Southern Airlines, is interviewed by CCTV- Outlook Channel.


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阅读之美 摄于第29届书博会