


(河北大学物理科学与技术学院,河北保定 071002)







实验装置示意图如图1所示,2个内径为65 mm的圆柱形容器,它的两端用厚度为1.5 mm的玻璃片封住,并且充满水.水作为液体电极,玻璃板作为介电层,两电极之间放置一个圆形的玻璃边界,每个水电极内各有一个金属环浸在水中,并且各自从一端引出与高压交流电源两极相连.整套双水电极装置放在一个密闭的腔内,这个腔的气压和气体成分以及交流电源的频率都是可以调节的.峰值电压 0~10 kV,频率 0~100 kHz.实验中,氩气体积分数从0增加到20%,每增加5%,分别对3套结构的等离子参量进行采集.电压电流波形的实验数据通过示波器来记录(Tektronix TDS 3054B).用曝光时间为25 ms数码相机(Konica Minolta Dimage Z2)在一侧对斑图进行拍摄.气体放电发出的光通过透镜成像后,利用光纤探头将不同位置的光导入光谱仪(ACTON ADVANCED SP 2750A,CCD:1340×400 pixels,光栅:300 G/mm,2 400 G/mm,)由计算机采集分析后进行存储.


图2所展示的是在双水电极介质阻挡放电中,观察到的亮暗点蜂窝斑图,该斑图单个晶胞主要包括中心点、顶点以及连线,其中实验参数为:直径D=2.5 cm圆形放电区域,放电间隙d=2.8 mm,气体压强p=15 kPa,纯空气条件下,外加电压U=3.04 kV,频率f=53 kHz.图2中心点a最亮,直径也比较大,顶点b次之,最弱的是连线c.由此,可以推测,这3套结构处于不同的等离子状态.

图1 实验装置 图2 亮暗点蜂窝斑图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the experimental setupFig.2 Bright and dark dot Honeycomb pattern in dielectric barrier discharge

为了得到氮分子的振动温度,选择光谱仪的300 G/mm光栅,在360~420 nm内,采集了氮分子第2正带系(C3∏u→B3∏g)谱线,如图3所示,通过观察可以发现,中心点a的强度最大,顶点b和连线c的强度比较小,a几乎是b或c的5倍.计算中,为了减小计算以及拟合的误差,选取2组振动序带:(0~2,1~3,2~4)和(0~3,1~4,2~5).结果显示:在同一条件下的亮暗点蜂窝斑图中(氩气体积分数为0时),中心点的分子振动温度最低(2 520 K),顶点的高些(2 720 K),连线处的温度最高(2 840 K).图4给出了亮暗点蜂窝斑图中3套子结构的分子振动温度随氩气体积分数的变化曲线,保持其他实验参数不变的情况下,只改变氩气体积分数,分别对a、b和c的分子振动温度进行测量,结果发现,3套结构的分子振动温度随氩气体积分数的升高均减小.

a.中心点;b.顶点;c.连线.                a.中心点;b.顶点;c.连线.  图3 a、b、c点 在360~420 nm的发射光谱     图4 a、b、c点的分子振动温度随氩气体积分数的变化曲线  Fig.3 Optical emission spectra of a,b and c     Fig.4    Variations of the vibrational temperature of a,b and c     respectively in the range of 360~420 nm   as a function of argon volume fraction

a.中心点;b.顶点;c.连线.                  a.中心点;b.顶点;c.连线. 图5 介质阻挡放电中的氮分子离子第1负带隙转动谱   图6 a、b、c点的转动温度随氩气体积分数的变化曲线 Fig.5 First negative(0,0) rotational lines of       Fig.6    Variations of the rotational temperature of a,b      observed in dielectric barrier discharge   and c as a function of argon volume fraction




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Measurement of plasma parameters in bright and dark dot honeycomb pattern

WANG Qian,ZHANG Hao,DONG Lifang,FENG Jianyu,WEI Lingyan

(College of Physics Science and Technology,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)

Abstract:The bright and dark dot honeycomb pattern composed of center spot,vertex and spot of the line can be observed in a dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) device filled with air or its mixture with argon.The brightness of the three sets of structures is different.It indicates that the parameters and the states of the plasma may be different.The molecular vibrational temperatures and the rotational temperatures of the three sets of structures are measured by using optical emission spectra under different argon concentration.The results show that the sequence of the molecular vibrational temperatures from the highest to the lowest is the spot of the line,the vertex,the center spot.The rotational temperatures of them remain constant.The vibrational temperatures of the three sets of structures decrease with the rising of the argon concentration while the rotational temperature changes little.

Key words:dielectric barrier discharge;bright and dark dot honeycomb pattern;molecular vibrational temperature;rotational temperature








