黄湘 常春
摘 要:太阳能热发电技术以其生命周期排碳低、电价低和对电网冲击小等优势,近十年发展迅猛,2006年以来全球已签订购电容量3 200 MW。国家发改委的《可再生能源中长期发展规划》及科技部的《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020)》均将其列为重点和优先发展方向。该研究团队从前期承担的MW级太阳能热发电技术及系统示范的863重点项目实施中,深刻认识到制约发展的主要技术障碍是:聚光成本高,在不稳定太阳辐照下的系统光学效率和热功转换效率低。为此提出以下研究思路和目标:以构建光、热、功间的内部关联机制为牵引,以探索光能到热能高效输运与转换的时空协同规律为主线,以关键材料创新与能量高效转换相耦合为突破口,同时关注热发电与生态环境作用机制,完善和发展太阳能热发电理论。并结合正在进行的863项目,对新原理、新方法和新材料进行实证。期望通过本研究的实施在未来5年将平均发电成本降低30%。
关键词:太阳能热发电 聚光 热功转换 生态环境
Abstract:Solar thermal power has made rapid development over the past decades for its inherent advantages of low carbon emission in the life cycle, low price and few impacts on the grid. Total 3200MW electricity capacity of solar thermal power has been signed since 2006 in the world. In the regulation of"Middle/Long-Term Renewable Energy Development Plan"promulgated by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Peoples Republic of China and in the regulation of " Middle/Long-Term Planning Framework of National Scientific and Technological Development(2006—2020)"promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, solar thermal power was designated as focus and given priority to the development. Based on the implementation of 863 key projects of MW capacity solar thermal power technology and system demonstration, our application team profoundly understood the constraints of the main technical barriers of solar thermal power technology are: high cost of concentrating process, low optical efficiency and low heat power conversion efficiency because of the system instability due to the non-steady solar radiation input. Thus following ideas and research objectives are proposed: to set internal correlation mechanism among light, heat and power as the engine, to explore the spatial -time collaboration law of energy efficient light transportation and conversion as main direction, to couple innovation of key materials and efficiently energy conversion as a breakthrough point, at the same time we concern the mutual effects of solar thermal power and the ecological environment, thus to improve and develop the theory of solar thermal power. Combined with the ongoing 863 project, the new principles, new methods and new materials can be demonstrated. We hope that through this project the average cost of power will be reduced by 30% after five years.
Key Words:Solar thermal power;Concentrating;Heat power conversion;Ecological environment