

中国环境监测 2016年4期

巩宏平,朱国华,周 欣,王 玲,张 睿,冯元群,刘劲松,庞晓露

浙江省环境监测中心,浙江 杭州 310015

巩宏平,朱国华,周 欣,王 玲,张 睿,冯元群,刘劲松,庞晓露

浙江省环境监测中心,浙江 杭州 310015

1 实验部分

1.1 样品采集


1.2 样品分析

1.3 质量控制结果

采样的吸附材料(QFF、PUF)按照HJ 77.2—2008中方法分别进行了清洗和处理。全程空白样品的质量浓度小于0.01 pg/m3;分析样品中采样内标(SS)回收率范围为72%~130%,净化内标(IS)回收率范围为62%~150%。质量控制结果均满足HJ 77.2—2008中质量控制与质量管理的要求。

2 结果与讨论

表1 杭州城区环境空气中二英检测结果


图1 沙尘天气和日常天气环境空气中二英同类物分布

图2 环境空气样品聚类分析图

3 结论

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Study on PCDD/Fs in the Ambient Air of Hangzhou City,China

GONG Hongping, ZHU Guohua, ZHOU Xin, WANG Ling, ZHANG Rui, FENG Yuanqun, LIU Jinsong, PANG Xiaolu

Zhejiang Environmental Monitoring Centre,Hangzhou 310015, China

According to the result of PCDD/Fs of the ambient air of Hangzhou city from July 2009 to February 2012, PCDD/Fs toxic equivalent concentrations range from 0.13 to 0.55 pg TEQ/m3and the average value is 0.34 pg TEQ/m3. It is manifested that the PCDD/Fs concentrations of the ambient air of Hangzhou city rarely change with seasons; the values in summer were slightly lower than those in winter; There were no significant changes among main administrative areas; annual trend was not found during 2009 to 2012; the PCDD/Fs concentrations increased significantly in sandstorm weather. The dioxin homologues distributions in ambient air of fireworks heavily setting off weather and normal weather were significantly different, The proportion of total mass concentration of OCDD was significantly increased Analyzing the 24 monitoring results by using software of IBM Statistics 19.0, it is manifested that distribution of PCDD/Fs congeners in the ambient air of Hangzhou city has significant source characteristics.

PCDD/Fs; ambient air; Hangzhou








1002-6002(2016)04- 0074- 05



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