1. 中心词是定语(不定式)的逻辑宾语(而且句子的主语同时也是不定式的逻辑主语。)
I gave Ann a comic to read. (Ann-read-comic )
Mary needs a friend to play with. (Mary-play with-friend)
Each of us has a role to play. (Each-play-role)
2. 中心词是定语(不定式)的逻辑主语。
Have you got a key to unlock the door? (Key-unlock-door)
He was not the man to draw back when his dignity was concerned. (man-draw back)
The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance. (meeting-to be held)
注意,There be 句型中的不定式作定语,中心词既可作不定式的逻辑主语,也可作逻辑宾语。
There is work to do/ to be done. (work-be done或do work)
There are five pair to choose from.
3. 中心词与不定式(定语)是同位关系。
I have no wish to quarrel with you. (wish=to quarrel with you )
She made an effort to collect herself. (effort=to collect )
1. 用作连接副词,相当于no matter how,引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管怎样……”“无论如何……”,具体结构有“however+形容词+主语+系动词”。如:
However busy he was, he might have given you some help.
Ill come however busy I am.
However fast he run, I can always catch up with him.
2. 用作连词,引导让步状语从句,意思是“怎么样都行”。如:
In ones own home one can acts however he wishes.
1. 引导名词性从句,相当于anything that,意思是“所……的任何事情”,在语气上比what更加强调。如:
Whatever she did was right.
Take whatever you want.
2. 引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意思是“无论什么”,“不管什么”,whatever在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语或定语。如:
Whatever happens,you mustnt lose your heart.
Whatever you do,do it well.
Whatever I am,it is useful to know foreign languages.
You have to go on whatever difficulties you meet.
答:no+n.非常口语化而且简洁明快,常用短语如:no comment不好说; no doubt无疑; no fear不会的; no go不行; no good不利; no harm不碍事; no matter不要紧; no need不必; no problem不成问题; no trouble不费事; no use不管用; no way不可能(没门); no worry不用担心; no wonder不足为怪/更不用说。如:much less, still less, far less, let alone; much more, still more; to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention, without mentioning等。
1. no comment表示对别人所提出的问题给以委婉回绝,意为“无可奉告,没什么好说的”。如:
—Have you got any comments on these proposals? 你对这些建议有什么意见吗?
—No comment. 没什么好说的。
2. no doubt表示对别人所提出的疑问给以明确回答,意为“毫无疑问,肯定无疑”。如:
—Will he come here to attend the meeting tomorrow? 他明天会来这里参加会议吗?
—No doubt. 肯定会来的。
3. no fear表示对别人的看法或疑问予以否定,意为“不会;当然不会的”。如:
—Are you going out on a night like this? 你要在这样的晚上出去吗?
—No fear. 当然不会的。
4. no go表示对别人所做的工作和事情予以否定,意为“不行;不成功”。如:
—I think the job is well done, what is your opinion? 我认为这工作做得不错,你的意见呢?
—No go. 做得不好。
5. no good表示对别人的做法或对某一件事给以坦率的批评或否定。如:
—I have decided to make friends with his brother. 我决定和他哥哥做朋友。
—No good. 这对你没有好处。
6. no harm表示对别人所流露出的担心委婉地给以化解。如:
—Could you tell me whether what I am doing will affect you? 能告诉我正在做的事影响你吗?
—No harm. 不碍事。
7. no matter表示对所陈述的憾事或错事给以善意的安慰,意为“不要紧;没关系”。如:
—The door is locked and I have not got a key.
—No matter.
8. no problem表示对别人所提出的请求予以肯定的答复,意为“没问题;完全可以”。如:
—I wonder if you could lend me some money.
—No problem.
9. no trouble表示对别人所表现出的内疚给以真诚的宽慰,意为“不费事;没什么”。如:
—Dont trouble to meet me at the station.
—No trouble at all.
10. no use表示对别人的做法或建议予以明确的否定,意为“不管用;没有用”。如:
—He is talking with her to warn her not to be late any more.
—No use.
11. no way表示对别人所提出的请求或建议予以直接否定,意为“没门;不可能;结对不行”。如:
—I think you would phone Jenny and say sorry to her.
—No way. It was her fault.
12. no worry表示对别人所表现出的焦急给以真心的安慰,意为“放心;不用担心”。如:
—It is already five oclock. Why hasnt he come back yet?
—No worry. He is on the way now.
答:1. 用形容词表达。
She should be the last one to blame. 怎么也不能责备她。
This is the last place when I expected to meet you. 真没料到我会在这里碰见你。
The child is carefree. 这小孩无忧无虑。
2. 用连词表达。
He earns money than he can spend. 他赚的钱他自己花不完。
The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. 那地方景色之美非我所能形容。
Before I could protest, he got to his feet. 我还没来得及抗议,他已经站了起来。
3. 用介词表达。
He lives beyond his income. 他的生活入不敷出。
A great man is above flattery. 一个伟大的人是阿谀奉承不屑一顾的。
Her testing performance is well below par. 她的考试成绩大大低于常态。(暗喻不及格)
4. 用动词表达。
He failed to pass the examination. 他没能及格。
Her score leaves much to be desired. 她的成绩远未达到要求。
5. 用短语表达。
That story takes a lot of believing. 那个故事令人难以置信。
Your work is far from being satisfactory. 你的工作一点也不令人满意。
He is completely in the dark about their quarrel. 他对他们的争吵一无所知。
Such tourists are anything but tight-fisted, they spend a lot of money here. 那些游客一点儿都不手紧,在这儿花了很多钱。
6. 用特殊结构句too ... to ..., too ... for ... 或用特殊短句but for, but that表达。
Youre driving too fast for safety. 你开车太快了,恐不安全。
I was too young to have learned to say no to a woman. 我当时还太年轻,还没学会拒绝一位女士。
But for being a little out at elbows, I should have had the house repaired. 要不是我缺钱的话,这房子早就该维修了。
But that he was prevented, he would have accomplished his design. 要不是受到阻挠,他的设计本应已告完成。
7. 通过修辞手段表达隐含的否定。
If you believe that, youll believe anything. 你绝对不能相信那件事。
Isnt this flower beautiful? (=This flower is beautiful) 难道这花不美?(=这花真美。)
答:可以。在英语中,“be +表语”或“be+过去分词”常可说明状态或情况,但有时在口语中也可表达某种行为或动作已经完成的意义。如:
He is dead. (=He has died.) 他已经死了。
Here we are. (=Weve come.) 我们来了。
Mother isnt home yet. (=Mother hasnt come home yet.) 妈妈还没有回家。
Half the work is already finished. (=Half the work has already been finished.) 这项工作已完成了一半。
I hear you are ill. 我听说你病了。
I learn youre getting married. 我获悉你要结婚了。
What good news do you bring us? 你给我们带来了什么好消息?