葛树志 王刚 程伟 代小林
摘 要:在多飞行器航迹动态协同规划方法方面,已经初步完成飞行器自主控制与机动调控飞行演示系统和微型无人旋翼飞行器(直升机、四旋翼)的实验平台。在环境和飞行轨迹给定的条件下,该系统可以演示多飞行器的航迹规划效果。在此基础上提出了一些约束条件下多飞行器航迹动态协同规划方法,以满足低空复杂飞行的需求
关键词:航迹规划 协同控制 无人机
Abstract:In the research of dynamic trajectory planning and collaborative control multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), we have completed the demonstration system of multiple UAVs and built the experimental platform of UAVs, including micro helicopters and quadrotors. In the known environments and give fight path, the system can demonstrate the effect of multiple UAVs trajectories using virtual reality technology. Based on the platform, we made the deep research on the algorithms of dynamic trajectory planning under complex constraints conditions. 17 papers are published or accepted. 8 papers of them are indexed by SCI, and 9 of them by EI. One of the journal papers are published in IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, and one of the conference papers appeared in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Key Words:Trajectory Planning; Collaborative Control; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle