On Teacher


校园英语·上旬 2016年2期

Yang Haili Huang Yumei

【Abstract】Teachers teaching behavior refers to dominant behavior and invisible behaviors conducted by teachers during the process of teaching. The teaching process includes teaching preparation, lead-in, presentation and surveillance.Teachers teaching behavior has a vital effect on classroom teaching and students English learning. Therefore, the thesis analyzes and discusses the teachers behavior on the base of the flipped classroom and aims to make the teachers behavior have positive impact on students English learning.

【Key words】Teaching behavior; Flipped classroom; Classroom teaching

1. Introduction

Teachers teaching behavior has two layers of meaning in the structure. Firstly, dominant behavior, that is to say the direct result, and it is also called teacher speech. It is the primary linguistic input and teaching medium in the class and definitely influences the course of learning acquisition. Secondly, it refers to nonverbal behavior, which includes emotion, will, ethics, values, teachers professional knowledge, personal accomplishment and personal quality and so on. And it is a combination of potential ability with personality. It demonstrates strong in some ways of awareness, stability and independence. Invisible behavior also varies across cultures (such as the OK finger O), because the six main emotions(disgust, happiness, surprise, fear, anger and sadness) are common across the world. Emotional teaching is the kind of non-verbal behavior. It is closely related between students and teachers. In the English class, mastering and understanding English language and using English comprehensibly is very important. Its influence depends on helping students to behave well in teaching environment, stimulating the students interest, fostering autonomy of students, cooperative mind and creative capacity.

2. Flipped classroom

The flipped classroom is a new form of teaching, which is becoming a popular teaching pattern. It means firstly students can get knowledge by self-study, and the classroom becomes a place of interaction between teachers and students and between students and students, including answering questions, the use of knowledge and so on, so as to achieve better teaching effect. The differences between the traditional classroom teaching and the flipped classroom is that the teacher gives lecture in the classroom, then assigns homework to students, and then the students practice at home. Different from the traditional classroom teaching mode, the flip teaching is actually the reversed structure of the traditional teaching. So with the popularity of the flipped classroom, it will have an influence on teachers teaching behavior.

3. The importance of teachers teaching behavior for students in learning English

Positive teaching behavior can push forward the students to memorize, to study to picture sharply and think positively. In turn, low tension not only puts students to study actively, to achieve and offer students direct infection. The infection can promote students to study gladly. Whats more, the development of the relation between students and teachers could further make students enjoy classroom instruction.

3.1 The influence of teachers feature on students in learning English

Expression is one of the most basic in body languages. If the eyes are the windows of the heart, then the expression is the mirror of the soul, which can express richly and complexly and delicate. To highlight the dominant position of teaching students, there will be some radical students showing self-expression phenomenon, teachers can indicate and stimulate students to help students find their own fault with timely gestures, facial expressions, and eyes in the classroom.

English teaching is the course of emotional communication between the two. Students can sense the inspiration and joy with an optimistic teacher. Teachers should always come into the classroom with a beaming face and warmest greeting, explain questions patiently, teach with great passion and try to encourage students frequently. Teacher should keep students eyes open to his or her posture of teaching. An appropriate body language should be applying to the teaching when it is needed. For instance, when teacher asks: “Who can respond to this question? Please put up your hands”, students would raise their hands to set an example. Students would become familiar with these gestures and understand the meanings of the gestures. All of this can give their lessons full of enthusiasm. It also can make students play a vital role in accepting knowledge amusedly in the classroom. Teachers facial expression is a good habit of support for students to learn knowledge of humanistic inquiry. Teachers must use their own wisdom, rich classroom expressions meticulously and the teaching resources to control students.

3.2 The influence of emotional teaching on students in learning English

Emotion is the secret of touching the heart of the people, the inner drive of human behavior. Teachers attitude to students and tone of voice can rise to give students a sense of security, reduce students anxiety and arouse students interest in study.

3.2.1 The theoretical base of teacher's emotional teaching in English learning

As an English teacher, he or she wants to make the students learn successfully and improve learning efficiency. He or she should concern emotional factors in his or her English teaching in the classroom.

Abraham Maslows hierarchy of human needs provides a theory to carry out teachers affect in English classroom. In his level of human demands, Maslow agrees with two different categories of demands, growth demands and basic needs. The deficiency needs cover elementary physiological needs (water, food, body pain and sleep); demand for security and safety, needs between man and man closeness, demand for self-respect. Thus, students who are thirsty or sleepy (the elementary psychological demands) will find their lives dominated by this and will be incapable of focus on their study, or other, knowing students aesthetic demands. Equally, students who feel unsafely have low self-respect, and have a fair chance of not closely concentrating on lessons in class. Being connected with the fulfillment of personal potential, the highest peak in the demands level is self-actualization. Few people ever realize their full potential of achieving self-actualization between their lower orders needs tend to remain unsatisfied.

3.2.2 Teacher's emotional teaching for the English learning

Emotion teaching refers to teachers using certain teaching means, by stimulating, to meet the needs of the students emotion and promote the process of teaching activities actively. Teachers profession has much to do with the states future, the nations flourish and prosperity, the development of society and the progress of times. So it demands the bigger enterprise for the teacher. From the character of the profession, teachers emotional teaching affects the rising generations study quality, so it needs teachers greater responsibility sense for work. From the content of the profession, its the process of constantly absorbing, processing and improving knowledge, ideas and skills. So it demands the greater devoting spirit for the teachers.

4. Conclusion

Many researchers have proved that teaching behavior plays a more and more important role in English language teaching and learning. A lot of valuable explorations in and out of China, “Enjoyable education”, “Successful education” have generated good consequences, but further efforts and modification need to be made before they can be widely implemented. This thesis mainly discusses the positive influence of teachers teaching behavior on students learning English on the base of the flipped classroom. It provides the ways from a new view, by evaluation of students English learning, by changing teaching methods, and by emotional control in English teaching in the classroom.


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【基金项目】本文为甘肃省教育科学“十二五”规划2015年度“翻转课堂在初中英语教学中的行动研究”课题(课题批准号:GS[2015]GHB1180)阶段性研究成果;2015年度全国高校外语教学科研项目“信息技术环境下大学英语翻转课堂教学模式及应用研究” 阶段性研究成果。



[2]黄玉梅(1978-),女,甘肃靖远人, 甘肃政法学院人文学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,研究方向英语教学。

