刘元法 孟宗
摘 要:食用油是保障国家食物安全和国民健康的战略必需品,是经济健康发展和社会稳定的重要物质基础,食品专用油是食用油精深加工的最重要产业环节,也是现代食品加工和制造的基本原料,对促进农民持续增收和国民经济发展具有重要意义。该研究围绕当前我国食品专用油产业存在的突出问题,采用现代生物技术,研究和构建新型的食品专用油生物制造技术体系,推动我国食品专用油工业生物工程技术的产业化,开发出一批食品专用油和功能性油脂重大产品,逐渐扭转我国人造奶油、起酥油、煎炸油等专用油脂产品设计和加工技术严重依赖进口的局面,满足我国食品和保健食品业对专用性和功能性油脂产品的需求。
关键词:食品专用油 评价体系 生物制造 产品开发
Abstract:Edible oils and fats are strategic necessities to protect the national food safety and public health,are the important material base for healthy economic development and social stability.Special oils and fats are not only the most important industrial sectors for the deep processing of edible oils and fats,but also the basic raw materials of modern food processing and manufacturing,are important for the promotion of farmers'income and economic development.This study highlights issues currently surrounding China's special oils and fats in food industry.Using the modern biotechnology, research and build the new technology system for bio-manufacturing of special oils and fats,promoting the bio-engineering technology industrialization of China's special oils and fats industrial.Developed a number of special,functional oils and fats products,gradually reversing the situation of that the product design and processing technology of domestic margarines,shortenings,frying oil is heavily dependent on imports, to meet demands for specificity and functional oil and fat products of the China's food and health food industry.
Key Words:Special Oils and Fats;Evaluation System;Bio-manufacturing;Product Development