James Adem
For as deeply as teams dive into the makeup of prospective players, little attention is paid to potential mental health issues.
According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, 20 percent of the nations population deals with some form of mental illness——nearly half of which have an onset average of 14 years old. The most commonly diagnosed type of mental illness, anxiety disorders, affect an estimated 42 million people.
Former NBA first-round pick Royce White is one of them.
In 2013 , White reiterated his commitment to being his own advocate as it concerned receiving support from the NBA and the Houston Rockets, the team that drafted him. Out of the gate, both the Rockets general manager and head coach were aware of Whites anxiety disorder. As the first player to be properly and publicly classified, White, his representatives, and the Rockets negotiated several accommodations over the course of his contract. Sadly, with Whites condition preventing him from logging much in the way of court time, and with no precedent to follow, the relationship came to an abrupt end.
All these years later, the NBA still lacks concrete policies for handling mental health and illnesses. The reason being, perhaps, that it simply doesnt fully understand it as a disease. Without acknowledging it as such, the criticism goes, how can you expect players to feel comfortable talking about it?
The annual rookie symposium, held every year after the June draft, doesnt hold any sessions centering exclusively around mental health education. However, based on pure statistics alone, of the 60 players who are drafted each year, at least 12 of them already have or will have a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Considering how many Americans are never diagnosed, that number could well be higher.
In this emotional netherworld of pro sports, being dismissive, detached, and ego-driven is encouraged, so much so that these qualities quickly become second nature. The result is a psychological makeup that, when put in uncomfortable or compromising situations, can yield a hitherto unseen side. Just this past week, former NBA player Delonte West, long since washed out of the league, was found hallucinating outside a Jack in the Box in Houston, Texas.
在职业体育这个不含情感的冰冷世界,蔑视他人、高冷以及自大的性格是受人推崇的,甚至备受推崇到了可以成为球员第二天性的地步。这就会导致,在心理做出伪装后,又被放入一个不舒服或者不好的环境中时,一种过去从未见过的状态发生了。就在上周,离开联盟已经很长时间的前NBA球员德隆蒂·韦斯特被人发现在德州休斯敦一家Jack in the Box快餐店外迷迷糊糊地游荡。
On the one hand, its easy to dismiss Wests travails as an isolated instance of big money and bad appetites. If anything, though, West is merely the latest casualty of a business still not fully invested in the total health of its players.
The game is unforgiving. Regardless of the league or talent level, athletes are, at the end of the day, high-end commodities. The fear of losing out on a job, and the millions in potential earnings that come with it, can dissuade players from disclosing mental health issues.
And while there is no clear-cut standard for evaluating mental health in any of the major professional leagues, its prevalent enough in the general population that sports leagues can no longer afford to ignore it.
During his time in the NBAs Development League, Royce White stated that several NBA players, both current and long-since retired, relayed their experiences to him. And yet, hes the only one who became something resembling a top-fold story.
In his private letter addressed to Commissioner Adam Silver and NBA leadership, White said something vital in his criticism of the leagues lack of interest in mental health.
"Shockingly, the consensus throughout the NBA that was communicated to me was no one would listen unless I played well. Unless I made myself of value to the league and the owners. I was told that saying something true is no longer enough to bring change or solution."
Despite notable efforts to preach inclusion and acceptance, professional sports value a positive narrative that can be monetized on some level. Michael Sam wasnt moving the needle. Jason Collins wasnt moving the needle. If mental health is ever going to be an issue that forces change in policy and treatment, leagues will need the face of the issue to be one they can market. That might sound cynical and exploitative, but the proof remains very much in the PR pudding.
Even though hed found a productive niche during his stint with the Cavaliers, Wests career took a hit after it was alleged hed had relations with LeBron James mother, Gloria James. In the years that followed, West had multiple erratic run-ins with the law. All the while, despite a 2008 diagnosis for bipolar disorder, West refused to take medication for his mental illness. Whats worse, there was never any official report indicating whether or not the league or the National Basketball Players Association reached out to help West seek professional help.
Strangely enough, Cleveland.coms Chris Haynes reported it was LeBron himself who reached out to West before bolting for South Beach.
"He later walked me down the stairs and said, D, I dont know where youre going or what youre about to do." West was quoted as saying, "But Ill be right here when you get back.
The NBA players union is slated to tackle its next collective bargaining agreement negotiation in 2017. On the table will be a number of salient issues, with basketball-related income (BRI) being chief among them. But with new leadership at the helm——in the form of the experienced, dynamic Michele Roberts——and statistics regarding mental illness continuing to crystalize, its high time the NBA lead the charge in taking an active role in treating afflicted players.
So how, exactly, should sports leagues approach such an imperative? First and foremost, all players unions should make it mandatory for draftees to be examined psychologically as a part of their physical. Players often fail drug tests because theyre using substances (marijuana, for instance) to dull the effects of the larger underlying issue——including, in many cases, anxiety or depression. Leagues seldom hesitate to be as punitive as possible when confronting such transgression, yet seldom is the narrative about providing the best, most comprehensive treatment.
Players are grilled intensely about criminal activity and past indiscretions. But if teams are willing to dig that deeply into a players mental makeup, why not marshal the necessary resources to truly get to the underlying issues? This would be a smart, proactive way to prevent players from falling through the cracks, and lessen the chances theyll run into problems later in their careers.
Second, rookie transitioning programs must incorporate an educational session dedicated to teaching beyond the basics. Specifically, there needs to be open dialogue——from day one——between players and their corresponding professional organization about how mental illnesses are accommodated by teams and the league. Leagues should also make it a priority to install a certified board of clinicians and therapists to be available throughout the duration of any players career. Teams do this for biomechanics and physiology, so why not the brain?
Perhaps most important, leagues should work to establish a employeecentric network that offers mentoring and support to any player who needs it. To understand how this could be effective, one can look no further than what Brandon Marshall is doing with his foundation, Project 375, established shortly after the All-Pro wideout received his own psychological diagnosis. The organizations primary mission is to raise awareness and remove the stigma that comes with a mental illness. Although his efforts are dedicated to the entire mental health community, Marshall has solidified his position as a leader that other players can go to in confidence.
也许最重要的是,联盟应当致力于构建一个以员工为中心的网络,为任何有需求的球员提供指导与支持。想了解这种方法如何起到效果,只需看看布兰登·马绍尔的基金会Project 375就可以了。这个基金是马绍尔,这个最佳外野手在得知自己心理疾病确诊后不久建立的,这个组织的主要任务,是提高人们的关注,消除精神疾病的污名。虽然他目前努力的方向是所有精神健康领域,但这已经足以让马绍尔成为其他运动员的领袖了。
The harsh reality is that sports has cultivated a false image of what mental illness looks like in professional athletes. Without adequate, actionable knowledge, the ripple effect——young players being less likely to seek out help, and therefore more likely to develop unhealthy coping habits; just like the rest of us——is bound to remain a dangerous one.
We neednt wait for a front-cover superstar to proclaim his mental health diagnosis at a press conference for action to be taken. If anything, its insulting to those who suffer from mental illness to suggest their struggles require a "face" as if the faces of thousands were somehow not enough. Weve experienced enough cautionary tales, and know far too many friends and family whove experienced their own darkest days, for us to stand idly by any longer. What we need is a new, enlightened level of acceptance, encouraged by leagues and teams, to offer treatment not only for those in thick of the game, but those from whom the game already moved on.