庞雄奇 姜振学 姜福杰
摘 要:本研究完成的主要工作如下:①深入开展了塔北隆起和准噶尔盆地腹部等地区的地质结构、构造应力场与古构造恢复和古温压场重建的研究工作;②进一步阐明了油气成藏门限,研究了不同丰度碳酸盐岩烃源岩特征;以相关的实验为基础,揭示了塔里木盆地台盆区海相油气的主要成藏相态特性及其成藏机制,建立了碳酸盐岩油气藏富集模式;③主要研究了塔里木盆地碳酸盐裂缝发育控制因素,储集层类型及有利区带预测,并探讨了热流体与储层物性的关系。同时利用反演技术建立碳酸盐储层模型,以达到雕刻碳酸盐储层缝洞体系的目的;④ 研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷白垩系沉积、储层及孔隙演化,准噶尔盆地二叠系碎屑岩储层特征及评价和有效储层地球物理预测方法;⑤ 开展了塔里木盆地深部典型油气藏的剖析,建立了成藏模式;确定了致密砂岩气成藏期成藏临界物性条件;并研究了输导层非均质性、沉积成岩非均质性及陆相储层非均质性对油气运聚的影响;归纳特征地区油气分布与断裂的关系;⑥在塔里木盆地油气分布特征及成藏机制剖析基础上,深化了研究区深部碳酸盐岩油气富集规律与成藏主控因素研究,重新评价了台盆区油气资源量;通过准南储层分布和冲断带成因机制厘定,深化南缘下组合油气成藏机制认识。
关键词:成藏主控因素 储集物性 地质改造 地震反演 油气成藏模式
Abstract:The annual task in 2013: the key factors of controlling the accumulation of deep oil and gas as well as the mechanism. Doing some following research: the intergrowth and association of the deep structural crack, corrosion pores and many types of reservoir space; the compositely additive effect and genetic connection of geological process such as the effect of hydrothermal fluid and Karstification; the Geological and geophysical response of deep carbonate reservoir space; In addition, the other issues relating with accumulation research and deep oil and gas. Accomplished mian works: ① deep research on the geological structure, restoration of tectonic tress field and paleostructure, and reconstruction of paleopressure and paleotemperature in the region of the North Tarim Uplift and the hinterland of Junggar Basin etc.②To further elucidate the hydrocarbon accumulation threshold, studying the characteristics of source rocks in different abundances of carbonate; revealing main accumulation and phase state characteristic and forming mechanism in the Tarim Basin, having builded enrichment mode of carbonate rock reservoir.③the main research are the controlling factors of carbonate fracture, reservoir type ,the prediction of favorable zone and the relationship of thermal fluid and reservoir. At the same time, inversion techniques being used to build a carbonate reservoir model, in order to carve fracture cave and pore system in carbonate reservoir. ④ the cretaceous deposition, evolution of reservoir and pore have studied as well as features and evaluation of Permian clastic rock reservoir and effective reservoir geophysical prediction method. ⑤Deep typical gas reservoirs in the Tarim Basin is analysised, and reservoir pattern is established ;the critical physical conditions of forming period reservoir about compact sandstone gas is determined;at the same time, the influence of conducting layer heterogenelty, sedimentary rock heterogeneity and continental reservoir hetergeneity in oil-gas migration and accumulation are studied; The relationships between distribution of oil-gas and fracture in characteristic area are concluded; ⑥Based on the analysis of forming mechanism and distribution characteristics of the Tarim Basin oil and gas.
Key word:Main factors of hydrocarbon accumulaiton;reservoir property;geological transformation;seismic inversion;hydrocarbon accumulaiton model