尹光志 张东明
摘 要:1.使用自主研发的含瓦斯煤热流固耦合三轴伺服渗流装置对平煤十矿及十二矿现场采取的原煤进行了进行了不同温度、不同有效应力和不同瓦斯压力条件下的渗流测试。当有效应力保持恒定,渗透率随着温度的升高逐渐降低;相同温度条件下,有效应力越大,渗透率越小;当瓦斯压力保持恒定时,渗透率随着温度的升高逐渐降低。 2. 在含瓦斯煤热流固耦合问题中,提出了含瓦斯煤的应力场、渗流场及温度场耦合方程。 3.利用“多场耦合煤矿动灾害大型模拟试验系统”进行了0.1 0.4MPa瓦斯压力下常规加载及三种不同开采方式大尺度煤岩的渗流实验研究,煤样的尺寸为长1050mm×宽410mm×高410mm。常规加载大尺度煤岩渗流试验看出随着时间的增加,煤样的应变随着应力的改变而改变,瓦斯流量与轴向应力、体积应变有较好的对应关系;当到达应力峰值后,随着轴向应力的降低,轴向应变与体积应变略微减小,流量增加,但增加幅度不大。 4. 对现场取得的岩石样品进行卸围压试验,同时测定其渗透能力。根据CT扫描成果,卸围压达到 的峰值强度后,大部分原煤试件内部形成单斜破坏的裂隙面,该裂隙面的剪切破坏使原煤样出现整体破坏。 5.在重庆大学国家重点实验室的旋转模型试验台上进行了基于平煤十矿戊9-10煤层与平煤十二矿己15-17200采煤工作面特点的相似模拟实验研究。 6.在平煤十矿北翼东区戊组设置瓦斯专巷,施工钻孔,利用CXK6-Z矿用本安型钻孔成像仪对钻孔中裂隙发育情况进行扫描,并统计裂隙场发育情况;采用UDEC软件进行数值模拟,对己15-17200采面覆岩裂隙场演化 规律进行研究并分析其开采对戊9-10煤层的影响。结果表明,十二矿己15 煤层覆岩裂隙带高度为 100.0~109.5m,综放工作面覆岩破坏范围的形态呈现出两边高中间低的类似马鞍形。 7.采用“远程顶板瓦斯抽采专用巷道下向钻孔法”、抽采垮落拱上方卸压 区内瓦斯的“顶板走向钻孔法”与“本层机风巷瓦斯预抽”相结合的方法,使处于煤层采动影响卸压区范围内的瓦斯得到全面安全高效的抽采。通过优化设计可提高瓦斯抽采率17.52%。
关键词:深部采动 瓦斯运移与富集 渗透率 多场耦合 覆岩裂隙 瓦斯抽采
Abstract:1.Percolation tests conducted under different temperatures, different effective stress and gas pressure conditions on No.10 and No.12 mining scene. When the effective stress remains constant, the permeability decreases with increasing temperature; the same temperature, the greater the effective stress, permeability smaller; when the gas pressure keep constant, the permeability decreases with increasing temperature. 2.In the problems of coal containing heat gas-structure interaction, this report proposed stress field, seepage field and temperature field coupled equations. 3.A series of seepage tests were performed using a large newly developed test system under the 0.1-0.4MPa gas pressure and three different large-scale mining of coal and rock. The sample is 1050mm×410mm×410mm (length, width, height) in size. The conventional large-scale load testing of coal and rock seepage showed that the coal sample strain changes with time, and gas flow increases with axial stress, volume strain; After the peak stress, axial strain and volumetric strain decreases slightly with the reducing axial stress, and the flow increased mildly. 4.Rock samples experienced loading-unloading circle tests to understand its penetration. The CT results show most coal samples formed monoclinic destruction in the fracture surface, and shear failure of coal samples appears. 5.A study are conducted on the State Key Laboratory of Chongqing University rotate the model test bench to simulate No.10 Mine coal bed9-10 in Pingdingshan No.12 Mine coal and the coal working face15-17200. 6.Gas professionals Lane are set in No.10 Mine in Northeast, and provides construction drilling. CXK6-Z mining intrinsically safe for borehole drilling imager are used to scan fractured rock and statistical crack field development case; using UDEC software to simulate overburden mining face crack field evolution and analyze the impact of mining on coal9-10.The results showed that height of fractured zone in 15th coal seam is 100.0~109.5m in No.12 Mine, and mechanized caving face shape overburden showing the extent of damage is similar to saddle both sides high and middle low. 7.Using the "remote roof gas drainage under the roadway dedicated to the drilling method" and a combination of "Roof Holes Law" and " The Wind Tunnel Gas layer pre-pumping machine," this paper get a safe and efficient way to drainage the gas within the scope of relief. The Optimized design can improve the gas extraction rate of 17.52%.
Key word:deep mining;gas migration and accumulation; permeability;multi-field coupling;overburden fissure;gas extraction