郑立荣 王俊宇 韩伟力 李敏波 冯瑞
摘 要:食品安全是当前我国面临的重要社会问题之一,引起社会的广泛关注。目前国内以保障食品质量安全为目标的应用系统(如猪/牛肉、酒类、牛奶等的溯源系统)已经很多,但是在使用便捷性、系统兼容性、系统可扩展性等方面存在不足之处,并且应用推广的成本有待进一步降低。该课题致力于突破农业物联网的关键技术,基于开环的网络数据库,建立开放的、标准化的、数据可信的应用服务支撑平台,为企业用户、监管用户和消费者提供可信的数据服务。所述的关键技术包含3个方面:感知层关键技术,网络层关键技术和应用服务层关键技术。在感知层关键技术方面主要研究了基于射频识别(RFID)的大容量电子标签和温湿度传感器标签、无线土壤温湿度传感器、通用传感器接口电路等;在网络层关键技术方面主要研究了基于OPENNET的农业物联网仿真平台、用于农产品流通环节的无线传感器网络技术等;在应用服务层关键技术中主要研究了农业物联网编码、对象名解析服务、可信的电子履历、食品安全数据挖掘、海量多媒体数据处理等内容。课题研发的关键技术可以实现农产品产地环境信息、流通信息和贮存信息的全程信息记录,并通过溯源机或者智能手机提供给用户查询。与传统的食品安全应用系统不同,该系统采用标准化的编码、基于Internet网络提供开放的、标准化的应用服务接口,通过与移动互联网的结合在智能手持终端上方便地向用户展示所需的食品安全信息,并且结合群智的思想提供食品安全评价信息。该课题的研究成果在江苏无锡、浙江嘉兴、山东滨州等地进行了示范验证,并且取得了积极的应用效果。
关键词:食品安全 农业物联网 编码解析 电子履历
Abstract:Food safety is a big social problem in China right now and is causing wide social attention. There are already many applications and systems aiming for food safety in China, such as tracking and tracing system for swine/buel industry, liquor, milk, etc., but the convenience, compatibility, and extensibility are to be improved, and the cost is needed to be lowered as much as possible. This project is aiming to break through the key technologies, to build an open, standardized, credible application service platform based on the open-loop networked database, and to provide data service for the stake-hoders, government supervisors, and the end users. The key technologies covered the 3 layers of Internet of Things (IoT): sensing layer, network layer, and application/service layer. In the sensing layer, we did research on large-memory radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, temperature/humidity sensor tag, and general sensor interface; in the network layer, we did research on simulator of agriculture IoT based on OMNet platform, wireless sensor network (WSN) for field monitoring and transportation monitoring; in the application/service layer, we did research on the coding schemes, object name service, credibleE-pedigree, mass data mining for food safety, and multi-media data processing, etc. Based on the key technologies developed in this project, the environment information of the farms and the states of the food during transportation and storage can be audited, and be ready for the end users to check through a stand-alone machine in the market or through the smart phone using an app developed in this project. Different from the traditional food safety systems, the system in this project adopted standardized coding scheme, open and standardized application service interface based on the Internet, and combined the mobile Internet to conveniently provide the necessary information of food safety to the consumers. Furthermore, the end users using the crowd-wisdoms can make evaluations. The research results of the pilot projects have been implemented in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province,Jiaxing City Zhejiang Province, Binzhou City Shangdong Province, and achieved positive feedbacks.
Key Words:Food safety;Agreculture Internet-of-Things;Code interpreter;E-pedigree