根据所给的汉语意思, 完成下列句子


中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年9期

1. 他说的不多, 但是我们应该体会他的言外之意。

He didnt talk much, but we should ______.

2. 一只母老虎一次生两到三只小老虎。

A mother tiger ______ two or three baby tigers at a time.

3. 为了鼓励更多人参与我们的活动,我们去街上分发传单了。

In order to encourage more people to take part in our activity, we ______ leaflets on the street.

4. 通过互换礼物,我们不仅分享爱,而且传递快乐。

By exchanging gifts, ______ do we share love, ______ pass on happiness.

5. 我已经许诺再也不如此冷漠地对待他们了。

I have promised ______ so coldly.

Ⅱ. 阅读下面的对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

A: Paul, I hear you have two important festivals to 1. c______ in fall, right?

B: Yes. One is Thanksgiving and the 2. o______ is Halloween. They are both 3. p______


A: Which do you like better?

B: Its hard to say. But I think many children may like Halloween better because they can play games like “4. t______ or treat”.

A: 5. S______ interesting. How do you play it?

B: We dress up by 6. w______ special clothes and masks (面具). And then we knock on our 7. n______ doors.

A: And you 8. a______ for treats?

B: Yes. Usually our neighbors are kind enough to give us some 9. c______ as a treat.

A: Are they scared?

B: Maybe, but all of us are happy.

A: What a 10. f______ festival it is!

Ⅲ. 阅读理解。

On Thanksgiving Day, most of us will sit down to enjoy a turkey dinner. The bird also shows up on the table at Christmas. How did we start with the tradition of savoring turkeys during the holidays?

They were fresh, cheap, and big enough to feed a group of people. Americans like having large poultry (家禽) for celebrations because they dont need to pay a lot for the birds. Cows were more useful alive than dead, and beef wasnt widely offered until the late 19th century. Chicken was more highly regarded than it is today. Venison (鹿肉) would have been another choice, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries. Eating turkey was also a British holiday custom people brought to the New World.

Among the big birds, turkey is the most suitable for Thanksgiving. Turkeys were born in the spring. They spend about seven months eating insects on the farm. By Thanksgiving, they have grown to about 10 pounds. Turkeys are cheaper than geese, which are more difficult to raise, and cheaper by the pound than chickens. Cost is an important factor for holiday shoppers, because people will not prepare just one meal. Thanksgiving Day is the time to bake meal and other types of pies. The foods can last through the winter.

( )1. The underlined word “savour” in paragraph 1 probably means “______” in Chinese.

A. 享用 B. 欣赏 C. 饲养 D. 清洁

( )2. Why do Americans enjoy eating turkeys on Thanksgiving day?

A. Turkeys were fresh.

B. Turkeys were big.

C. Turkeys were cheap.

D. All of the above.

( )3. How long do turkeys grow to about 10 pounds?

A. About three months.

B. About eight months.

C. About one year.

D. About eleven months.

( )4. What were more useful alive than dead?

A. Turkeys. B. Chicken.

C. Cows. D. Geese.

( )5. The underlined word “factor” can be

replaced by “______”.

A. opinion B. reason

C. thought D. thing

