王雪薇 ,夏文豪, 刘 涛, 唐 诚, 褚贵新
(新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室/石河子大学农学院,新疆石河子 832000)
王雪薇 ,夏文豪, 刘 涛, 唐 诚, 褚贵新
(新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室/石河子大学农学院,新疆石河子 832000)
摘要:【目的】增铵营养具有明显改善旱地作物氮素营养与提高作物产量的效应。【方法】设置N(0 )(不施氮)、N(375 )(全氮)、75%N(375)+CP (减氮25%+增铵)以及N(375)+CP (全氮增铵)4个处理,在覆膜滴灌条件下,研究尿素减量及其与氯甲基吡啶,随水分次滴施对玉米氮素营养、产量及氮素养分资源利用效率的影响。【结果】减氮增铵处理75%N(375)+CP可促进植株干物质的积累,较N0增加了22%;75%N(375)+CP处理的玉米叶鞘含量比N(375)处理降低了16.7%;75%N(375)+CP处理产量较N0处理增加了18.6%,且使滴灌玉米的氮素利用效率和氮肥偏生产力,较全氮施肥分别提高了41.6%和26.8%。【结论】在滴灌水氮一体化供应条件下,通过硝化抑制剂增铵减少氮肥用量25%(75~95 N kg/hm2),可显著提高氮素养分利用效率。
0引 言
1.1材 料
该试验为滴灌小区试验,于2014年在新疆沙湾县乌兰乌苏气象站试验地进行(E85°49′、N44°17′),年降雨量约为187.7 mm,供试土壤为灌耕灰漠土(CalcaricFluvisal),质地为壤土,耕层(0~20 cm),土壤pH 8.52,有机质18.73 g/kg,全氮0.96 g/kg,速效磷23.87 g/kg,速效钾340.95 g/kg。玉米品种为春玉米良玉66 号。供试氮肥为尿素(含N 46.6%)375 kg/hm2、磷肥为磷酸一铵(含P2O561%、含N 12%)90 kg /hm2,钾肥为硫酸钾(含K2O 51%)90 kg/hm2。
1.2 方 法
采用滴灌小区试验,随机区组设计。设置4个处理,分别为:T1:N0(CK)、T2:N375(当地滴灌高产玉米常规施氮量)、T3:75%N375+CP、T4:N375+CP(其中N375:纯氮施量375 kg/hm2,75%N375:纯氮施量281.25 kg/hm2,CP:氯甲基吡啶 上海碧晶),重复3次。40+80 (cm)宽窄行覆膜种植,株距14.5 cm,每小区4膜,1膜2行,铺设1条滴灌带,理论种植密度为112 500株/hm2,小区面积38.4 m2(4.8 m×8.0 m)。氮肥和磷肥全部作追肥随水滴施,生育期内滴水10次,施肥8次,各生育时期田间管理措施等同当地一般大田。4月25日播种至10月2日收获。表1
Table 1 Schedule for water drip irrigation and fertigation of both N and P fertilizers
出苗后天数TheDaysafterseedlingemergence(d)506068758290100110120135滴水量(%)Irrigationvolume15101510101010884N (%)15101512151210650P2O5(%)78101112131313130
分别在玉米拔节期、抽雄吐丝期、灌浆期、乳熟期、完熟期滴水施肥前取植株样,各小区随机取3株,分器官在105℃杀青30 min,然后在75℃烘干恒重,称重,测定干物质量;粉碎样品测定植株氮含量及氮素吸收量。 植物中硝酸盐含量
用RQ flex10反射仪(德国MERCK)测定玉米叶鞘的硝态氮含量。测试时期为拔节期、抽雄吐丝期、灌浆期。拔节期测定最上部完全展开叶的叶鞘部位,抽雄吐丝期和灌浆期测定穗位叶的叶鞘部位,各小区随机抽取无损伤且长势均匀的 3株进行测定。产量与产量构成要素
测产:在每个小区未取样区划2.4 m×4.0 m的样方,收获全部玉米,称重并计算穗数。
2 结果与分析
研究表明,不同处理对玉米各个器官干物质积累有较大影响。完熟期玉米干物质的分配表现为:穗部(61.4%~62.1%)>茎秆(23.4%~25.8%)>叶片(12.7%~15.0%)。与对照处理(N0)相比,施氮可增加玉米茎、叶、穗干物质量(P< 0.05);N375、75%N375+CP和N375+CP处理的干物质分别比N0增加了7 648.8、6 565.1、9 732.0 kg/hm2,增幅分别为25%、22%、32%。各施氮处理之间的干物质量表现为N375+CP > N375> 75%N375+CP。N375和N375+CP处理的干物质分别比75%N375+CP处理增加了1 083.7和3 166.85 kg/hm2,增幅分别为2.9%和8.6%,但经方差分析处理间差异不显著。由此可见,减氮增铵不会显著降低玉米干物质积累量。图1
Fig. 1 The effect of different N treatments on maize dry matter accumulation at maturity stage
研究表明,拔节期施氮处理植株叶片含氮量均显著(P< 0.05)高于不施氮处理N0。N375+CP、N375和75%N375+CP处理叶片含氮量分别较N0处理增加了38.8%、32.9%、43.9%,差异显著(P< 0.05),但3个施氮处理间差异不显著。在拔节期和成熟期各施氮处理玉米植株吸氮量均显著高于对照(P< 0.05)。如在拔节期,N375、75%N375+CP和N375+CP处理的叶片含氮量分别比对照增高了54.6%、44.3%和76.5%;在成熟期时N375、75%N375+CP和N375+CP处理的叶片含氮量分别比对照增高了60.7%、46.9%和67.5%;但施氮处理间植株叶片吸氮量不显著。说明减氮增铵处理并不会降低植株叶片含氮量、吸氮量。表2
表2 不同施氮处理下叶片含氮量和吸氮量变化
Table 2 The effects of different N treatment on leaf total N content and maize N uptake
处理Treatment植株叶片含氮量LeafNtotalcontent(g/kg)拔节期Jointingstage成熟期Maturestage 植株叶片吸氮量MaizeNuptake(kg/hm2)拔节期Jointingstage成熟期MaturestageN014.48±2.44b10.84±1.37a48.75±6.73b53.44±7.14bN37520.10±1.75a12.90±0.65a75.40±4.60a85.92±2.81a75%N375+CP19.25±2.13a12.13±1.06a70.35±5.74a78.54±14.73aN375+CP20.84±0.77a13.03±1.79a86.08±18.60a89.52±10.53a平均Mean18.6712.22 70.1476.86
Note:Different letters on the same column mean significant difference atP<0.05,the same as below
Table 3The effect of different N treatment on maize yield and its component
Fig. 3 The effect of different N treatment on maize apparent N fertilizer recovery rate and partially fertilizer production per N of nitrogen fertilizer
3 讨 论
4 结 论
在天山北坡滴灌玉米种植区,以当地滴灌高产玉米施氮量(375 kg/hm2)为基础,通过减氮增铵(75%N375+CP)可促进植株干物质的积累,且可改善植株氮素营养,提高玉米植株吸氮量;减肥增铵处理的玉米氮素利用效率和氮肥偏生产力,较全氮施肥提高了41%和26.8%。在现有常规施肥量的情况下,通过增铵措施、氮肥施量减少25%并不会导致减产。在滴灌水氮一体化条件下,通过硝化抑制剂增铵减少氮肥用量25%(75~95 N kg/hm2)不仅不会降低玉米的氮素营养与产量,且可显著提高氮素养分利用效率。
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Response of Reduing Nitrogen and Enhancing Ammonium to Maize N Nutrition and Yield under Drip Irrigation Condition
WANG Xue-wei, XIA Wen-hao, LIU Tao, TANG Cheng, CHU Gui-xin
Abstract:【Objective】 The project aims to study the effect of enhancing ammonium nutrition in upland crop nitrogen nutrition in arid areas and improve crop yield as well. 【Method】In the present study, the effect of decreasing urea supply rate and enhancing ammonium nutrition by chloromethyl pyridine on maize yield, corn plant N nutrition status and N fertilizer using efficiency were investigated under plastic mulched drip irrigation condition. Four treatments was designed: N0 (without N), N(375 )(375 kg/hm2), 75%N(375)+CP (25% of N was reduced plus chloromethyl pyridine) and N(375)+CP (375 kg/hm2 plus chloromethyl pyridine). 【Result】Plant dry matter accumulation was increased by 22% with 75%N(375)+CP treatment compared with N0; the leaf -N content of maize was decreased by 16.7% with 75%N(375)+CP treatment in contrast to N(375); the maize yield was increased by 18.6% with 75%N(375 )+ CP treatment compared with N0, and N fertilizer recovery rate and nitrogen partial factor productivity of maize was increased by 41% and 26.8% respectively, in 75%N(375)+CP treatment compared with N0. 【Conclusion】 In brief, a great fertilizer N recovery rate and better plant N status could be archived by corn, meanwhile, the maize yield is not down through the strategy of reducing N supply rate and enhancing ammonium nutrition under drip irrigation condition.
Key words:maize; grain yield; decreasing the nitrogen and increasing the ammonium; nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency; maize N nutrition
Fund project:Supported by Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period. (2012BAD42B02)