

中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2016年2期

朱亚琼,周 明,彭 楠


朱亚琼,周 明,彭 楠*

(解放军总医院南楼康复医学科,北京 100853)




1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象

选择2014年6月至2015年2月于解放军总医院门诊部查体的老年男性肌少症患者87例,年龄(89.5±4.4)岁。纳入标准:(1)能够独立行走;(2)自愿参加本研究。排除标准:(1)近期疼痛、骨折、手术史;(2)简易智能量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)<27分;(3)言语、听力障碍;(4)深感觉障碍;(5)严重前庭功能障碍;(6)严重骨骼、肌肉系统疾病;(7)严重心脑血管系统疾病;(8)严重神经系统疾病;(9)疾病急性发作期等。男性肌少症的诊断根据亚洲肌少症工作组(Asian Working Group on Sarcopenia,AWGS)意见:年龄≥60岁的老年人步速<0.8m/s或握力下降<26kg,同时伴有相对骨骼肌肉质量指数(relative appendicular skeletal muscle mass index,RASMMI)下降<7.0kg/m2[4]。

1.2 测量工具和方法

身体成分测试采用双能X线(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry,DXA)骨密度仪;握力测试采用握力计(JAMAR);下肢肌力测试采用美国进口便携手持式测力仪(FET3),分别测试髂腰肌、股四头肌、胫前肌及腘绳肌的最大等长肌力,测量范围0.37~90.82kg(精确度:±0.01kg)。

测试方法如下。(1)平均骨骼肌肉质量指数:DXA测试大腿肌肉质量、四肢肌肉质量、全身肌肉质量、全身脂肪含量、大腿骨矿盐含量、全身骨矿盐含量,并计算体脂百分比。(2)肌力测试:上肢握力测试;下肢肌力测试[5],包括屈髋肌(髂腰肌),伸膝肌(股四头肌),足背屈肌(胫前肌)和屈膝肌(腘绳肌)。(3)活动能力测试:6min最大步行速度测试;计时“起立−行走”时间测试(time up and go test,TUGT);5次起坐时间测试(five times sit-to-stand test,FTSST);闭目单腿站立时间测试。


1.3 统计学处理

2 结 果

2.1 一般临床资料


表1 高龄男性肌少症患者基本情况表

BMI: body mass index; RASMMI: relative appendicular skeletal muscle mass index

2.2 身体成分测量


2.3 下肢肌力测量


3 讨 论

欧洲老年肌少症工作小组(European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People,EWGSOP)与AWGS在肌少症的诊断标准中都强调机体功能即活动能力的降低。老年人肌肉质量、肌力及活动能力均下降,严重降低生活质量,被视为老年肌少症患者的主要负面影响[6]。本研究阐述了身体成分(肌肉质量等)、下肢肌力与活动能力的关系。年龄越大、脂肪含量越高,老年人的活动能力越差;肌肉含量(尤其下肢)、大腿骨矿盐含量越高,老年人活动能力则越好。活动能力受多种混杂因素的影响,其中肥胖可能会增加促炎性细胞因子如IL-6、TNF-α、C反应蛋白等,导致肌肉脂肪化[7,8],使体内储备的肌肉质量不足以维持正常的活动。我们研究发现,步速与下肢脂肪含量、体脂百分比、下肢肌肉质量、全身肌肉质量、大腿骨矿盐含量相关(均<0.05)。有研究表明[9],患有少肌性肥胖的老年人比单纯患有肌少症或肥胖的人群,步速更慢,与我们研究结果一致。


步速、TUGT、FTSST、闭目单腿站立测试共同体现了老年人日常生活最为基本的活动技巧。测试过程中老年人需完成起立、向前直线行走、转身绕过障碍物、坐下等一系列功能活动。本研究显示,高龄老人活动能力与下肢肌力紧密相关,且活动能力与髂腰肌、股四头肌肌力相关性更高,这也证实了股四头肌神经肌肉兴奋性的破坏与活动能力下降相关联的说法[14−16]。TUGT还与Berg平衡量表、步速、Barthel指数呈中度至高度相关[17]。FTSST有较好的重测信度(ICC=0.91,95%CI:0.79~0.96),主要反映股四头肌群的快速激活能力,若激活能力强,则步行速度快[14];且FTSST与短期身体活动能力得分(short physical performance battery score,SPPB)成正相关[15,16]。因此,TUGT、FTSST均可作为老年人肌力及活动能力下降的预测指标。1项研究显示[16],对2 735名社区老年人进行测试,在去除性别、跌倒史、用药及独居因素后,发现FTSST是反复跌倒的独立风险因子(OR=1.74,95%CI:1.24~2.45,<0.001)。老年人下肢肌力降低、步态发生改变,动态平衡能力较差,因此增加了跌倒的风险。

表2 高龄肌少症男性活动能力与身体成分的相关性

TUGT: time up and go test; FTSST: five times sit-to-stand test

表3 高龄肌少症男性活动能力与下肢肌力的相关性

TUGT: time up and go test; FTSST: five times sit-to-stand test



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(编辑: 刘子琪)

Correlation of functional activities and muscle mass with lower limb muscle strength in aged sarcopenic men

ZHU Ya-Qiong, ZHOU Ming, PENG Nan*

(Department of Geriatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)

To investigate the correlation of functional activities and lower limb muscle mass with muscle strength in the aged sarcopenic men.According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS), 87 men at an average age of (89.5±4.4) years were diagnosed as sarcopenia from those who took physical examination in Outpatient Department of our hospital from June 2014 to February 2015. Their average relative appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (RASMMI) was (6.04±0.62)kg/m². Physical composition was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), grip strength by a dynamometer named JAMAR, and maximum isometric strength of iliopsoas, quadriceps femoris, tibialis anterior and hamstrings by a dynamometer named FET3. Physical composition, lower limb strength test, 6-min walking test, timed up and go test (TUGT), five times sit-to-stand test (FTSST), and one-legged stance test with eyes closed were performed respectively to investigate the correlations of above indices with the test results.The walking speed, TUGT, FTSST, and time for one-legged stance were correlated with age (=−0.567,=0.018;=0.742,=0.001;=0.632,=0.007;=−0.489,=0.047), muscle mass (=0.489,=0.045;=−0.579,=0.012;=−0.641,=0.003;=0.476,=0.048) and fat mass (=−0.517,=0.032;=0.513,=0.031;=0.528,=0.015;=−0.533,=0.012). In addition, the indices of walking speed, TUGT, FTSST, and time for one-legged stance showed correlation with maximum isometric strength of iliopsoas (=0.313,=0.000;=−0.887,=0.000;=−0.666,=0.003;=0.515,=0.035) and maximum isometric strength of quadriceps femoris (=0.251,=0.017;=−0.775,=0.000;=−0.612,=0.013;=0.671,=0.002).There exists a high correlation of functional activities and physical composition with lower limb muscle strength in aged sarcopenic men. The elderly with high fat content and low muscle mass have relatively poor physical activity, and those with high lower limb muscle strength have good physical activity, especially for iliopsoas and quadriceps femoris muscle strength.

aged; sarcopenia; muscle mass; muscle strength

R592; R337.2





彭 楠, E-mail:


造就美肌力 一日之际在于晨