

中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2016年2期

王绪云,席少枝,刘 佳,荆 晶,陈韵岱,尹 彤


王绪云,席少枝,刘 佳,荆 晶,陈韵岱,尹 彤*

(解放军总医院心内科,北京 100853)

在冠心病(CAD)患者中分析与替格瑞洛呼吸困难有关的影响因素,及该并发症对患者的替格瑞洛依从性和预后的影响。募集2014年1月至2015年2月于解放军总医院心内科接受替格瑞洛治疗的CAD患者。统计患者院内及出院6个月替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的发生情况,分析该并发症的影响因素。通过6个月随访观察,在持续服用替格瑞洛的患者中,分析替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的发生对联合缺血和出血终点事件的影响。共募集647例CAD患者。6个月内,发生替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难85例(13.14%),其中43例发生在1周内,35例发生在1个月内,7例发生在1个月后。因呼吸困难停用替格瑞洛者15例。多因素相关分析发现,患者合用替罗非班发生替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的风险增加(OR:2.45,95%CI:1.41~4.27,=0.001),而合用他汀类药物(OR:0.20,95%CI:0.04~0.92,=0.04)、或质子泵抑制剂(OR:0.56,95% CI:0.32~0.97,=0.04)发生替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的风险降低。对6个月随访期内持续服用替格瑞洛的患者(353例)分析发现,联合缺血和出血终点事件在替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难者与未发生者之间无显著性差异。CAD患者中替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难多见于服药1个月内,合并用药可能是影响替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难发生的主要相关因素。替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的发生会影响患者的依从性,但可能不影响患者的预后。


双联抗血小板治疗已成为急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)和经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)患者预防缺血事件形成的基石[1,2]。替格瑞洛(ticagrelor)是一种新型的可逆性P2Y12抑制剂,与氯吡格雷(clopidogrel)相比,可以显著改善ACS患者的预后[3]。因此,在最新国内及国外的美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology,ACC)/欧洲心脏病学会(European Society of Cardiology,ESC)治疗指南中,替格瑞洛均被高级别推荐用于冠心病(coronary artery disease,CAD)患者抗血小板治疗[1,2,4]。


1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象

连续募集2014年1月至2015年2月于解放军总医院心内科住院,并接受替格瑞洛90mg 2次/d联合阿司匹林(aspirin)100mg 1次/d进行抗栓治疗的CAD患者。排除标准:年龄<18岁,存在替格瑞洛治疗禁忌证,有心脏停搏病史,有严重的呼吸困难病史,血小板计数<100×109/L,合并癌症或存在多器官功能衰竭且生存期<1个月的终末期患者,存在严重的肝肾功能不全。本研究符合赫尔辛基宣言,并通过了伦理委员会的批准。向所有入选患者说明情况,并签署知情同意书。

1.2 研究方法

记录所有入选患者的基线资料。对所有患者自服用替格瑞洛起随访观察6个月,记录替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难及联合心血管缺血和出血终点事件的发生情况。替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的判断依据前期文献报道的标准判断流程[10],包括:呼吸困难发生在患者服用替格瑞洛后,且多发生在安静时,与活动无关,患者的运动耐量不受其影响;既往无类似症状发生,且不伴有贫血、哮喘、端坐呼吸、夜间阵发性呼吸困难、胸痛及胸部紧缩感等特点;心肺查体及心电图、超声心动图、胸部X线、呼吸功能、血浆N末端B型脑钠肽前体(N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide,NT-proBNP)等客观检查指标无明显异常;除外心肺疾病所引起的呼吸困难;停用替格瑞洛后,即可明显好转的呼吸困难。联合心血管缺血终点事件包括主要缺血(心源性死亡、非致死性心肌梗死和缺血性脑卒中)和次要缺血(明确或可能的支架内血栓、冠状动脉血管重建)终点事件。心源性死亡定义为由明确的心血管因素或除外任何非心血管因素导致的死亡。非致死性心肌梗死定义依据最新的ACC/ESC指南诊断标准,包括非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(non-ST segment elevated myocardial infarction,N-STEMI)和ST段抬高型心肌梗死(ST segment elevated myocardial infarction,STEMI)[1,2]。缺血性脑卒中定义为由于缺血事件导致神经功能病灶性缺失,且症状持续≥24h或导致死亡。明确的支架内血栓定义为PCI手术后发生的和靶血管相关的心肌梗死或死亡,经过造影证实有完全或部分性冠状动脉血栓性闭塞。可能的支架内血栓定义为PCI术后1个月内死亡或者心肌梗死,但没有经过造影证实。冠状动脉血管重建定义为患者再次因ACS入院后,因病情需要行PCI或冠状动脉搭桥手术。联合出血终点事件包括最新定义的心肌梗死溶栓治疗临床试验(thrombolysis in myocardial infarction,TIMI)主要出血和次要出血事件[11,12],其中TIMI主要出血事件包括:颅内出血,血红蛋白下降>5g/dl的临床显著性出血,7d内死亡的致死性出血;TIMI次要出血事件包括:临床显著性出血(包括影像表现),血红蛋白下降3~5g/dl,需要就医的以及未满足上述条件的显著性出血。出血终点事件中不包括冠状动脉搭桥或外科手术引起的出血。上述随访均由专门经过培训的医师在门诊或经电话完成,所有住院和随访期间替格瑞洛相关的呼吸困难及联合缺血和出血终点事件的发生均由≥2位副主任医师专家确诊。

1.3 统计学处理

2 结 果

2.1 患者的基线资料


2.2 替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难的发生情况


2.3 替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难影响因素分析


2.4 替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难与临床转归的相关性分析


3 讨 论




表1 服用替格瑞洛冠心病患者的基线信息

CAD: coronary artery disease; MI: myocardial infarction; CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; ACS: acute coronary syndrome; SCAD: stable coronary artery disease; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction

表2 与替格瑞洛呼吸困难相关的影响因素分析

表3 随访6个月期间持续服用替格瑞洛患者缺血和出血终点事件的比较

CAD: coronary artery disease


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(编辑: 周宇红)

Clinical analysis of ticagrelor-related dyspnea in coronary artery disease patients

WANG Xu-Yun, XI Shao-Zhi, LIU Jia, JING Jing, CHEN Yun-Dai, YIN Tong*

(Department of Cardiology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)

To determine the influencing factors associated with ticagrelor-related dyspnea in the patients with coronary artery diseases (CAD), and investigate the impact of the side effect on compliance and clinical outcomes of ticagrelor treatment.Consecutive CAD patients treated by ticagrelor in our department from January 2014 to February 2015 were recruited in this study. The in- and out-hospital incidence of ticagrelor-related dyspnea was recorded in 6-month follow-up, and the influencing factors for the side effect were analyzed by multivariate regression analysis. The influence of ticagrelor-related dyspnea on the occurrence of ischemic and bleeding events was observed during the 6 months’ follow-up.There were 647 CAD patients recruited in this study, and ticagrelor-related dyspnea was found in 85 patients (13.14%). The side effect was observed in 43 patients within 1 week after ticagrelor treatment, 35 patients within 1 month, and 7 patients after 1 month. Cessation of its administration was in 15 patients due to ticagrelor-related dyspnea. Concomitant therapy with tirofiban was associated with higher risk of ticagrelor-related dyspnea (OR=2.45, 95%CI: 1.41−4.27,=0.001), while concomitant therapy with statins (OR=0.20, 95%CI: 0.04−0.92,=0.04) and proton pump inhibitors (PPI; OR=0.56, 95%CI: 0.32−0.97,=0.04) were with lower risk of the effect. For the patients (=353) continuously taking ticagrelor in the follow-up period, no significant difference was seen in the occurrences of ischemic and bleeding events between those with ticagrelor-related dyspnea and those without.The side effect of ticagrelor-related dyspnea usually occurs within 1 month after ticagrelor treatment in CAD patients. Co-medication may be the main relevant factor influencing the occurrence. Ticagrelor-related dyspnea impacts the compliance of ticagrelor, but may have no effect on the clinical prognosis.

ticagrelor; ticagrelor-related dyspnea; influencing factor; compliance; prognosis


R541.1; R595.3; R972.9






尹 彤, E-mail:

