The Qing Horn Bow made by Zhou Xiaochu, and the Qing arrows he collected.周晓初制作的清式角弓和收藏的清箭。
nihao: What is the most charming aspect of traditional bow?
Zhou:Traditional bows have cultural symbols in that they can make you see the ancients when you are holding it. For instance, how did people at that time achieve the archery on horseback? What were the aesthetic orientations of different social hierarchies? Given the example from the Qing Dynasty, emperors' bows were very plain but structured without any decoration. Since Manchu people were quite respectful to their ancestors, they cherished and followed the standards of the bows made by ancestors. On the contrary, the bows owned by the imperial bodyguards were made from valuable materials and full of ornaments, which looked rather extravagant. Besides the horn for the bow, the key of bow making is to conform to seasons. Things are supposed to be done at the right time, and people should not break the rules set by the ancients. Chinese people have been doing archery for thousands of years and accumulated important experience spanning several generations. What you might think of must have been considered by our ancestors first.
nihao: How has archery been in fluenced with the change and introduction of modern bows?
Zhou:The bow of every dynasty changed with the times. In the Qing Dynasty, the main functions of bows were replaced by modern firearms. Thus, the bow started to intensify their lethality, the speed of gripping arrows etc. The body of the bow, including the protector of the bow and arrows were changed for this. The bow of the Qing Dynasty belongs to the group of bows that had a large drawing range, and muscles of archers should be held tight to make sure of their shooting accuracy (which means that every time the string should be drawn to the same standardised position and long-term training would be adopted to form muscle memory). This is different from American hunting bows and mid-Asian short bows that rely on position practices.
nihao: From weapons to sports goods, what different spirits does archery represent?
Zhou:For me, the most charming point of traditional bows in modern times comes from the archery itself. It's too hard to keep the accuracy. No targeting lens, no standards to measure, so it's dif ficult to shoot straight. Compared to shooting and modern archery, it's impossible to reach the limits of traditional archery accuracy. However, things without limits could be more likely to encourage people to keep brushing up and improving. A good archer can form a union with the bow and alter himself according to the change of the bow. For example, thermal expansion may happen when bows are exposed in different temperatures. Thus, in summer, the strength of drawing could be relatively less, while in winter it would be more. This depends totally on the control of the archers, and it's in the core spirit of traditional Chinese sports. How does this experience develop? From long-term practice. It's in the same sense to bow making. Chinese people believe that practice makes perfect, just like hoe I can judge a bow from its raw materials, which is a conditioned re flex formed through long-term habits.
Zhou Xiaochu, the maker of the Qing Horn Bow. His skills were passed on from artisans of the Weaponry Factory in the Qing Dynasty.周晓初,清式角弓制作者,师承手艺传自于清朝兵仗局工匠。