A New Species of Liosarcophaga Enderlein, 1928 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) from China, with New Distribution of Liosarcophagayunnanensis (Fan, 1964)


四川动物 2016年4期

XUE Wanqi, VERVES Yuriy, DU Jing*

(1.Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China; 2. Institute for Evolutionary Ecology,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 03022, Ukraine)

A New Species ofLiosarcophagaEnderlein, 1928 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) from China, with New Distribution ofLiosarcophagayunnanensis(Fan, 1964)

XUE Wanqi1, VERVES Yuriy2, DU Jing1*

(1.Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China; 2. Institute for Evolutionary Ecology,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 03022, Ukraine)

Liosarcophaga(s. str.)fimbricaudan. sp. was described from Yunnan province.Liosarcophaga(s. str.)yunnanensis(Fan, 1964), n. comb. was firstly recorded in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Parasarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensisNandi, 1979, n. syn. andCurraneaisauraeLehrer, 2008, n. syn. were synonymized toL.yunnanensis(Fan, 1964).

Sarcophagidae;Liosarcophaga; new species; new combination; China

Liosarcophagawas established by Enderiein (1928), and withCynomyamadeirensisas the type species designated by Schiner (1868). Pape (1996) listed 8 synonym of this genus, such asCurraneaRohdendorf, 1937. There are 81 species all over the world, and among of which, 22 are distributed in China. Lehrer (2008) recorded one species of this genus in Thailand, namedCurraneaisaurae. This species is closely related toParasarcophaga(Curranea)yunnanensis(Fan, 1964), but differs from the latter by distiphallus. He also pointed out thatParasarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensis(Nandi, 1979) was synonym ofParasarcophaga(Curranea)yunnanensis(Fan, 1964). This paper studied the original drawing ofParasarcophaga(Curranea)yunnanensis(Fan, 1964). We found that Fan (1964) described the species and drew the figures according to the only one dry specimen which had a dry phallus. In fact, the apical part of lateral processes of juxta was ossific and hook-like, the same asParasarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensis(Nandi, 1979).

Material and Methods

The terminology of the description follows Merz & Haenni (2000) with a few modifications proposed by Verves (2000) and Verves & Khrokalo (2006).

Such abbreviations used for morphological features:acr, acrostichal setae;ad, anterodorsal setae;av, anteroventral setae;bas, basal setae;C, costal vein;dc, dorsocentral setae;f, femora;fr, frontal setae;ial, intra-alar setae;ivt, inner vertical setae;kepst, katepisternal setae;lm, lateromarginal setae;M, medial vein;marg, marginal setae;mm, mediomarginal setae;npl, notopleural setae;oc, ocellar setae;ovt, outer vertical setae;p, posterior setae;pd, posterodorsal setae;ph, posthumeral setae;pn, postpronotal setae;poc, postocellar setae;pocl, postocular setae;pra, prealar setae;pv, posteroventral setae;R1, 1stradial vein;R4+5, branch of radial vein;r4+5, 4th+5thradial cell;subap, subapical setae;t, tibia.

Other abbreviations are: coll., collector; Fig., figure; IEAS, Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica, Shanghai, China; IESNU, Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University, China; Mt., mountain; NCZC, National Collection of Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, India; TAU, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; ZIN, Zoological Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Liosarcophaga(s.str.)fimbricaudaXueetVerves, n. sp.(Figs. 1: A~D)

Holotype male: Body length 11.8 mm.

Head: Black, with silver-gray pollinosity. Eye bare; frons about 1/5 of head in width; frontal vitta black, about 2.5× as wide as fronto-orbital plate;ocabout 1.5× longer as width of fronto-orbital plate;fr9-10,ivtabout 2.0× as long asovt; fronto-orbital plate, parafacial and gena with silvery pruinosity, parafacial 2.0× as wide as postpedicel, with vertical row of setae; antenna black, postpedicel about 2.5× as long as pedicel, arista plumose in basal 3/5, the longest hairs slightly longer than the width of postpedicel; frontal angle not projecting in profile, vibrissal angle situated behind it; facial ridge setose in the lower 3/5; gena about 1/5~2/9 of eye height, covered with black hairs, postgena with yellowish setae; 3 regular rows ofpocl; palpus blackish brown; prementum black, 2.5× as long as broad; labellum 0.8× as long as prementum.

Thorax: Black in ground color, with light gray pruinosity; scutum with three black longitudinal vittae, the median one reaching to apex of scutellum;acr0+1,dc2-3+4-5,ial0+2,praas long as posteriornpl; notopleuron, lateral and ventral surfaces of scutellum, basisternum of prosternum black haired; middle hollow of proepisternum bare;kepst1+1+1; scutellum with a pairs ofbasandsubap.

Wing: Hyaline; veins brown, basicosta yellow; costal spine as long as the diameter ofC; 5thsection ofCabout 3/4× of length of its 3rdsection;R1bare;radial node and first section ofR4+5with black hairs;r4+5open; both calypters white, with yellowish margin borders; halter dark brown.

Legs: Wholly black; foretwith 3adin basal half, and one submedialpv; midfwith a complete rows of shortavandain basal half, and many rows of long tassel-likepv; mid t with a single submedialav,ad,p, and 3-5pd; hindfwith a rows of comb-likeav, and long tassel-likepv; hindtwith 5ad, rows of long tassel-likeavandpv, and 2pd; all tarsi as long as tibiae, all claws and pulvilli longer than 5thtarsomere.

Abdomen: Black in ground color, with gray pruinosity, longely oviformed; sutfaces of all tergites with chessboard-like patches; 3rdtergite withoutmmand withlm; 4thtergite with a pairs ofmmandlm; 5thtergite with a complete row of strong elongatemarg.

Postabdomen: Epandrium shining black; each of arms Y-shaped 5thsternite with several apical long hairs, irregular row of strong elongatemargand numerous short cilia behing triangular basal opening (Fig.1: A); cercus in profile narrow, almost straight, slightly curved ventrally, covered with very long hairs, without spines; surstylus shortened, triangled (Fig. 1: B); cerci in dorsal view very narrow, clearly divergent in apical half (Fig. 1: C); pregonite and posgonite almost equal in length, hook-liked; basiphallus about 2.0× as long as high, with short hook-shaped epiphallus; vesica protruded, with straight apical protuberance; ventral process of paraphallus widened and beak-shaped; lateral stylus distinctly longer than juxta, stock-formed; juxta shortened, triangular basally, with entirely straight, narrow and bilobed apically elongate lateral arms (Fig.1: D).

Female: Unknown.

Type material.Holotype: Mt. Meili, Yunnan province, China, 2 600~2 700 m, 27 May 2012, Xiang Zhang coll., ♂ (IESNU).

Paratype: Same data as holotype, 3 ♂♂ (IESNU).

Remarks: This new species is similar toLiosarcophagadux(Thompson, 1869) by construction of male genitalia, but well differs by distinctly narrower cercus, widened beak-shaped ventral process of paraphallus and entirely straight juxtal lateral arms.

Etymology: The species name is derived from the Latin words “fimbria” meaning tassel-like hairs, and “cauda” meaning tail, refering to the segmacoria behind tergite 5 densely with long tassel-like hairs.

Distribution: Mt. Meili,Yunnan province, China.

Liosarcophaga(s. str.)yunnanensis(Fan, 1964), n. comb. (Fig.2: A~D)

Parasarcophaga(Curranea)yunnanensisFan, 1964:

Fig. 1 Liosarcophaga fimbricauda Xue et Verves, n. sp., male

A. 5thsternite, ventral view; B. Terminalia, lateral view; C. Cerci, dorsal view; D. Genitalia, lateral view.

308-309, figs 7~8, ♂. Holotype: Shishong-Baanna, Men-ah, Yunnan, China,♂ (IEAS).

Parasarcophaga(Curranea)yunnanensis: Fan, 1965: 276, ♂ (redescription & faunistic); Fan, 1992: 708-709, fig 1332, ♂♀ (in key); Kurahashi & Chaiwong, 2013: 90, ♂ (in key), 99 (ecology & faunistic); Nandi, 2002: 292 (in key), 299-301, figs 518~519, ♂ (morphology, habits, faunistic).

Parasarcophaga(Liosarcophaga)yunnanensisLopesetal., 1977: 570 (catalogue).

Parasarcophagayunnanensis: Kanoetal., 1999: 141 (faunistic); Kurahashi & Tan, 2009: 293, ♂ (ecology & faunistic); Thinh, 1988: 14 (faunistic).

Pandelleiscayunnanensis: Fan & Pape, 1996: 252 (faunistic).

Curraneayunnanensis: Lehrer, 2008: 11, fig. 1, ♂ (notes).

Sarcophaga(Pandelleisca)yunnanensis: Pape, 1996: 373 (catalogue).

Sarcophaga(Parasarcophaga)yunnanensis: Shinonaga & Thinh, 2003: 332 (faunistic).

Sarcophagayunnanensis: Bänzinger & Pape, 2004: 1677 (habits & faunistic); Chaiwongetal., 2009: 992 (in key); Pape & Bänziger, 2000: 201 (habits);Sugiyama, 1988: 123 (faunistic).

Parasarcophaga(Liosarcophaga)vietnamicaVerves, 1980: 38-39, fig. 2, A~B, ♂ (synonymized by Pape, 1996: 64, 373). Holotype: Vietnam, Ninh Binh Prov., Hanoi, China ad., ♂ (ZIN).

Parasarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensisNandi, 1979: 457, ♂, n. syn. Holotype: male: India, West Bengal, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, ♂ (NCZC).

Parasarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensis: Nandi, 2002: 292 (in key), 296-299, figs 513~517, ♂ (type revised; habits, faunistic); Nandi & Ray, 1982: 457 (faunistic).

Parasarcophaga(Liosarcophaga)kalimpongensis:Verves, 1988: 18 (faunistic).

Fig. 2LiosarcophagayunnanensisFan, 1964, male

A. 5thsternite, ventral view; B. Terminalia, lateral view; C. Cerci, dorsal view; D. Genitalia, lateral view.

Curraneakalimpongensis: Lehrer, 2008: 11, fig. 2 (notes).

Liosarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensis: Verves, 2001: 241 (faunistic).

Sarcophaga(Liosarcophaga)kalimpongensis: Pape, 1996: 353 (catalogue).

CurraneaisauraeLehrer, 2008: 12-13, figs 3, A~D, ♂, n. syn. Holotype: male: Thailand, Chiang Mai prov., 675 m, Doi Inthanon NP, Vatchirathan Waterfall, 18°32.46′N, 98°35.92′E, Han Yarom coll. (TAU).

Material examined: Nonggang, Longzhou county, Guangxi, China, 300~450 m, 1 & 10 May 2011, Chuntian Zhang & Chao Fu coll., 2 ♂ (IESNU).

Remarks: There are not any essential differences between original descriptions and drawings of male genitalia ofParasarcophaga(Curranea)kalimpongensisNandi, 1979,CurraneaisauraeLehrer, 2008 andParasarcophaga(Curranea)yunnanensisFan, 1964; thus, we interpretP.kalimpongensisNandi, 1979 andC.isauraeLehrer, 2008 as the new synonyms ofLiosarcophaga(s. str.)yunnanensis(Fan, 1964).

Distribution: Oriental: China: Guangxi (firstly recorded), Yunnan (Fan, 1964, 1992; Fan & Pape, 1996); India: Sikkim (Nandi & Ray, 1982), Tamil Nadu (Verves, 1988), west Bengal (Nandi, 1979); Malaysia: Pahang (Kurahashi & Tan, 2009); Nepal (Pape, 1996); Pakistan (Sugiyama, 1988); Thailand: Chantha Buri, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang (Bänzinger & Pape, 2004; Lehrer, 2008; Chaiwongetal., 2009; Kurahashi & Chaiwong, 2013); Vietnam: Ha Tay, Ninh Binh, Son La, Thua Thien Hue (Verves, 1980; Thinh, 1988; Kanoetal., 1999; Shinonaga & Thinh, 2003).

Habits: Adult flies have been collected at altitudes from 60 m (Kurahashi & Tan, 2009) to 1 000 m a.s.l. (Kurahashi & Chaiwong, 2013) and prefer bushes near human excrement (Nandi, 2002); known as pollinators ofSapriaram(Rafflesiaceae) (Bänzinger & Pape, 2004; Pape & Bänzinger, 2000).

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Chuntian Zhang, Shuchong Bai, Chao Fu and Xiang Zhang for providing the examined materials.


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2015-12-07 接受日期:2016-04-24 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.31172139, 31401990)

薛万琦(1942—), 男, 理学学士, 教授, 从事昆虫分类学研究,





薛万琦1, VERVES Yuriy2, 杜晶1*

(1. 沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所, 沈阳 110034; 2. 乌克兰国家科学院进化生态研究所, 基辅 03022)

报告了发现于云南的缨尾酱麻蝇Liosarcophaga(s. str.)fimbricaudan. sp.新种。云南酱麻蝇是该属新组合的种,在广西首次发现。噶伦堡亚麻蝇和伊萨乌拉亚麻蝇都是云南酱麻蝇的新异名。


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