刘 平,许 慧,璆 玮
(1.江苏科技大学 土木工程与建筑学院,江苏 镇江 212003;
2.安徽理工大学 土木工程学院,安徽 淮南 232000)
图1 斜拉索受力示意Fig.1 Schematic diagram of cable force
式中,σ0为拉应力值,取值为700~1 100 MPa;ρ为拉索折合密度(包括套管、油脂及装饰物重量),可取20×103kg/m3;g为重力加速度,可取10[12-14]。将此假定与变换式代入式(1),有:
边界条件为:左右两端端点值y(x1)=y(x2)=0, 且有x2-x1=L。求解式(2)并且代入边界条件可得拉索挠度方程为:
图2 偏移比与拉力/重力比曲线Fig.2 Curves of offset ratio vs. tensile-weight ratio
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Analysis of Deadweight Induced Sag of Long-span Stay Cable
LIU Ping1, XU Hui2, QIU Wei1
(1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212003,China;2. School of Civil Engineering, Anhui University Of Science & Technology, Huainan Anhui, 232000,China)
Abstract:In order to study the influence of sag of stay cable on cable length and force of long-span ultra-high cable stayed bridge, by using analytical method, the relationship of elongation and cable force with load, length and height of stay cable is researched, and the theoretical formula is presented. The coupling of both the gravity and the tensional pre-stress are considered without the assumption that the stay cable is in catenary shape in vertical direction. The result shows that (1) the key factor of the sag of stay cable is the ratio β which is the ratio of product of unit weight and height to stress of cable; (2) the max vertical displacement of cable is not at the midpoint of the cable, but at the point moving a little to the gravity direction, the offset is proportional to β ; (3) the maximum sag of cable is proportional to the square of cable length and is inversely proportional to β; (4) when β is little, the result can be simplified as the Ernst formula.
Key words:bridge engineering; long-span cable-stayed bridge; Ernst formula; sag analysis; non-linearity
作者简介:刘平(1983- ),男,湖南攸县人,博士.(liupinghaiyan@163.com)