王叶群,杨增玲,张绍英,刘 婷(中国农业大学工学院,北京100083)
摘要:为在加工前将黄曲霉毒素超限的带衣花生米从原料中剔除,参照已有的色选系统,提出一种依据黄曲霉毒素含量超限带衣花生米的专属荧光信号进行逐粒分选的技术构想。采用Cary Eclipse荧光分光光度计测定100粒外观具有代表性的带衣花生米表面的紫外-荧光规律,通过与免疫亲和层析净化荧光光度法(GB/T18979-2003)检测结果对比,判定了黄曲霉毒素超限带衣花生米的荧光光谱特征;通过绘制450/490、460/490荧光强度比值的箱线图,评估了表面荧光法判断黄曲霉毒素超限带衣花生米的准确率;在搭建的荧光成像系统上,对黄曲霉毒素超限带衣花生米进行了荧光成像。检测发现,在365 nm波长激发下,黄曲霉毒素超限带衣花生米在420~460 nm处有荧光峰;以450/490荧光强度比值为依据剔除超限值带衣花生米的判断准确率为81%;a.u.>40的带衣花生米可在图像中呈现亮蓝荧光光斑。表明表面荧光信号可作为带衣花生米在线、无损、逐粒分选的专属光学信号,用于黄曲霉毒素超限带衣花生米的剔除。
王叶群,杨增玲,张绍英,刘婷.用于污染黄曲霉毒素花生分选的荧光信号研究[J].农业工程学报,2016,32(01):187-192.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.01.026 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Yequn, Yang Zengling, Zhang Shaoying, Liu Ting.Fluorescent signal characteristics for sorting of peanut contaminated by aflatoxion[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(01): 187-192.(in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.01.026 http://www.tcsae.org
0 引言
花生是重要的食用油原料,占中国油料作物总量的50%左右[1]。花生在生长、收获、运输、贮藏过程中极易感染黄曲霉和寄生曲霉[2-3],其次级代谢产物——黄曲霉毒素具有强毒性和高致癌、致畸性,毒性是氰化钾的10倍,被国际癌症研究机构确定为Ⅰ类致癌物[4-5]。世界各国对花生及其制品中的黄曲霉毒素制定了严格的限量标准,中国对花生及其制品中黄曲霉毒素B1的限量为≤20 μg/kg[6-8]。因此,研究污染黄曲霉毒素花生加工前的分选技术,将有效隔绝污染源,以防代治,对确保食品安全意义重大。
图1 带衣花生米逐粒分选系统方案图Fig.1 Sorting system of single peanut
1 材料与方法
100粒检测样本的荧光光谱采用Cary Eclipse荧光分光光度计(美国VARIAN公司)测定。以稳定性、重合度及分辨率为依据选定的Cary Eclipse荧光分光光度计检测参数为:激发光波长365 nm,发射波长范围为400~600 nm,狭缝均置为5 nm,扫描速度置为medium,电压设为600 V。对样品表面进行周向6点荧光发射光谱扫描,以6点平均荧光强度绘制荧光发射光谱[31]。
依据免疫亲和层析净化荧光光度法(GB/T18979—2003)进行带衣花生米黄曲霉毒素超限检测。在检测过程中为实现黄曲霉毒素提取液免疫亲和柱恒流纯化,自制了恒流定量过柱系统(图2):利用丝杠副将步进电机的旋转运动转换为注射器柱塞的直线运动,通过控制步进电机转速和转角间接控制进样器进样流量及体积。进样流量调整范围:0~333 mL /min。
图2 恒流定量过柱系统Fig.2 Liquid flow velocity control system
以XSY-1落射荧光显微镜(重庆光电仪器有限公司)为平台,搭建了带衣花生米荧光成像系统(图3)。利用扩束镜将激发光斑投射区域扩充至覆盖2~3粒花生米;在DLCW-L 1.3M USB2.0工业相机物镜前配置带通滤光片,获取样品的单色荧光图像。试验选定的带通滤光片为(460±5)nm[26]。
图3 荧光图像采集系统示意图Fig.3 Fluorescence image acquisition system
2 结果与分析
对挑选出的外观具有代表性的100粒带衣花生米(包括霉变粒和正常粒),以中心波长为365 nm的紫外光激发,在400~600 nm范围内扫描得到了其受测样品的荧光光谱(见图4)。100粒带衣花生米荧光光谱见图4。
将100粒受测带衣花生米与图4中各自的荧光光谱比对发现:具有不同外观特征的带衣花生米的荧光光谱差异明显,并且,表皮具有霉变特征的个体,其荧光光谱大多在420~460 nm范围出现明显的荧光峰。依据100粒带衣花生米在450 nm处的荧光强度分布,将其分为8组(见表1),每组样品的黄曲霉毒素采用GB/T18979-2003方法检测,每组3次重复。
表1 受测样本分组依据及分布表Tab.1 Grouped basis and distribution of test sample
按GB/T18979-2003方法,称取3.4 g硫酸奎宁,用0.05 mol/L硫酸溶液稀释至100 mL,此溶液在450 nm处的荧光强度相当于20.0 μg/kg的黄曲霉毒素标准溶液,其荧光光谱如图5a所示。8组受测样本的黄曲霉毒素免疫亲和柱提取液的荧光光谱(每组重复测3次,取其平均荧光强度绘制荧光光谱)如图5b所示(图中十字标识点为硫酸奎宁校准液450nm处的荧光强度)。通过对比图5a和图5b可以判断8组受测样本中黄曲霉毒素含量大于20.0 μg/ kg的样本组。
图4 100粒带衣花生米荧光光谱Fig.4 Fluorescence spectra of 100 peanuts
图5 硫酸奎宁溶液及带衣花生米(8组)黄曲霉毒素免疫亲和柱提取液的荧光光谱Fig.5 Fluorescence spectra of quinine sulfate solution andsolution extracted from 8 grouped peanuts by immunoaffinity column
由图4和图5b可知,带衣花生米表面荧光光谱及其黄曲霉毒素免疫亲和柱提取液的荧光光谱谱形相似,均在420~460 nm有明显的荧光峰,表明受测带衣花生米表面产生荧光的物质应为黄曲霉毒素。
通过与硫酸奎宁校准液450 nm处的荧光强度比对可见,除组号1、2外,其余6组样本在450 nm处的荧光强度均超限值,即黄曲霉毒素(B1+B2+G1+G2)的含量均大于20.0 μg/kg。表明:利用荧光分光光度计(激发波长365 nm)检测450 nm处的荧光强度判定带衣花生米中黄曲霉毒素限值,与GB/T18979-2003中采用化学方法进行黄曲霉毒素限值的判断结果存在逻辑关系,即当450 nm处的荧光强度>30a.u.时,带衣花生米的黄曲霉毒素含量超过国标限值。
由此可以确定,黄曲霉毒素污染超限的带衣花生米的特征荧光信号为:在365 nm波长激发光下,发射光谱在420~460 nm处有荧光峰;且发射光谱450 nm的荧光强度>30。
由于GB/T18979-2003中的免疫亲和层析净化荧光光度法依据450 nm处的荧光强度判断带衣花生米黄曲霉毒素含量是否超限值,因此,以带衣花生米在450 nm处的荧光强度30为界限将检测样品分为两组,分别得到了其在450/490 nm和460/490 nm处荧光强度比值的箱线图(见图6a和图6b)。
图6 450/490 nm和460/490 nm荧光强度比值分析Fig.6 Fluorescence ratio of 450/490 nm and 460/490 nm
由图6a和图6b可见,450 nm处a.u.>30和a.u.<30的带衣花生米的荧光光谱在450/490 nm和460/490 nm两处荧光强度比值的中位数位置、四分位间距框的位置与高度均不重合,说明两者比值基本不同。根据Whisker上限和Whisker下限计算出的450/490 nm荧光强度比值的重叠率为19%,表明:应用该方法判别黄曲霉毒素超限带衣花生米准确率为81%。
示例选取了光斑具有代表性的9幅污染超限粒的单色荧光图像,并按光斑亮度和面积划分为3组(每组3粒,见图7)。为了考察光斑亮度和面积与荧光光谱的关联,在选定检测参数下检测了与9幅单色荧光图像对应的污染超限粒的荧光光谱(见图8)。通过图7与图8的比对发现:污染超限粒单色荧光图像中的光斑面积和亮度,与其在450 nm处的表面荧光强度正相关。
图7 带衣花生米单色(460 nm)荧光图像Fig.7 Fluorescence image of peanuts with 460 nm filter
图8 污染粒的荧光光谱Fig.8 Fluorescence spectra ofcontaminated peanuts
3 结论
1)黄曲霉毒素污染超限的带衣花生米的特征荧光信号为:在365 nm波长激发光下,发射光谱在420~460 nm处有荧光峰,且发射光谱450 nm的a.u.>30。
3)试验条件下,a.u.>40的污染超限粒的单色(460 nm)荧光图像中会出现明显的蓝色光斑。
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Fluorescent signal characteristics for sorting of peanut contaminated by aflatoxion
Wang Yequn, Yang Zengling, Zhang Shaoying※, Liu Ting
(College of Engineering, China Agriculture University, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract:Peanuts are especially susceptible to contamination of aspergillusflavus and aspergillusparasiticus, which can produce a kind of highly toxic substance, aflatoxin.The study about the separation technology of aflatoxin-infected peanuts before processing can effectively isolate the source of contamination by taking precautions instead of executing treatment on the contamination, thus being of great significance on guaranteeing food safety.For the purpose of effectively eliminating the red-skin peanuts with excessive aflatoxin levels from raw materials, one technology concept of one-by-one sorting method using the exclusive fluorescent signal of the red-skin peanuts with excessive aflatoxin levels was conceived here referring to the existing color sorting system.In this study, the fluorescence spectra of 100 red-skin peanut samples with representative appearance were determined using Cary Eclipse fluorescent spectrophotometer(at an excitation wavelength of 365 nm, an emission wavelength in the range of 400~600 nm and discharge voltage of 400 V).According to the fluorescence intensity distribution of samples at the wavelength of 450 nm, all these 100 red-skin peanut samples were divided into 8 groups.The aflatoxin content for each group of samples was determined using the standard method, GB/T 18972-2003 Determination aflatoxin content in food-Cleanup by immunoaffinity chromatography determination by highperformance liquid chromatography and fluorimeter.By comparing the surface fluorescence spectroscopy of the 8 groups with the obtained results from the standard method, the fluorescence spectroscopy characteristics of the the red-skin peanuts with excessive aflatoxin levels were primarily determined.The accuracy rate of discriminating the aflatoxin levels of red-skin peanuts using surface fluorescence was evaluated by means of drawing the box-plots of the fluorescence intensity ratio at 450 nm/490 nm and 460 nm/490 nm.Taking the colony laser fluorescence microscope as a platform, and using a laser beam expander that can enlarge the projection area of the excitation light to cover 2-3 peanuts, the fluorescence images of the red-skin peanuts with excessive aflatoxin levels were taken using a monochrome fluorescence image acquisition system, which was set up by putting a band-pass filter(460±5 nm)at the front of an industrial camera objective.The results of this study showed that there was a correlation between the determination of the aflatoxinlevels in red-skin peanuts by using fluorescent spectrophotometer at an excitation wavelength of 365 nm to detect the fluorescence intensity at 450 nm and the aflatoxin measurement using the standard method, which means that while the fluorescence intensity at 450 nm is greater than 30 a.u., the aflatoxincontent exceeded the national standard limit.Thus, the characteristic fluorescent signal of the excessive aflatoxin contamination can be intended as follows: the emission spectra generate fluorescence peaks at 420~460 nm and the fluorescence intensity at 450 nm was greater than 30a.u., while under an excitation wavelength of 365nm.According to the calculation based on the Whisker upper and lower limit, the overlapping ratio of the fluorescence intensity was at 450 nm and 490 nm is 19%, indicating that the discrimination accuracy rate of red-skin peanuts with excessive aflatoxin levels was 81%.Meanwhile, using the fluorescence image acquisition system, the monochrome images of the aflatoxin excessive peanuts were obtained, which displayed blue light spot for the contaminated peanuts once the surface fluorescence intensity was greater than 40a.u.Overall, the study indicates that the surface fluorescence signal can be the exclusive light signal of the red-skin peanuts for on-line, nondestructive and one-by-one sorting, for the purpose of eliminating the red-skin peanuts with excessive aflatoxin levels.
Keywords:agricultural products; fluorescence; red-skin peanut; aflatoxin; sorting