

世界建筑 2016年2期





Filling in Time, Constructing by Time, Indulging with Time






Both architecture and music are arts that are based upon time. Human organs feed sequences of sensory information to the brain, which are then processed and converted into satisfaction in aesthetic experience. There have been all kinds of quotes that address the metaphoric link between architecture and music. We are not interested in them though. What we are interested here is the structural inspection into the synthesis of forms in architecture and music, using time as the tool. This inspection reveals some common modes.

The first mode is the filling-in mode. Under the lead of the contents, architecture (music) provides purposeful fi lling-in to a given time. In music, this mode is represented in programmatic works. In architecture, it is represented in functional buildings. Music works written for any special event/use must fi ll the time with materials translated from the predetermined contents. Similarly, functional buildings that prioritise e ffi ciency and precision, also have to engineer spaces for certain functions. It is obvious that under this mode, neither music nor architecture can have easy resonances in the hearts of the audience/users.

The second mode is the constructive mode. Powered by certain sets of rules, architecture (music)gives autonomous compositions of time. In music, this mode is best represented in works that try to innovate the existing tools and rules. In architecture, this mode is represented in works that claims to go back to the fundamentals of architecture. In this mode, the value of architecture (music) resides in the process of synthesis of form, and materialises in its structure. Because of the abstractness of the synthesis process, it is possible to have interchangeable rules/tools between architecture and music. However, the same abstractness also limits the possible distribution of audience. It is mostly the architects/musicians that are interested in this mode, particularly those who are interested in generative theories. Claiming that architecture can be automatically generated from music or the other way around is a little bit too far. The attempts in this regard by Daniel Liberskind can only be best described as individual records of synaesthesia.

For the abovementioned modes, objective causes and processes are common. The third mode, however, is subjective and without an obvious purpose. It is a mode to lavish (or to indulge with) time. It is built upon the curiosity over the relationship between life and time. It is only used to carry a personal situation/ feeling of the author. In music we see works that are virtually composed for the composer him/herself, such as Scriabin's poem ecstasy. In architecture we see buildings that have the architect in mind, such as Scarpa's Brion Cemetery. In this mode, the subjective process usually end up ironically with more universal appeal. The lavished time definitely is paid back by permanence.

Although this issue of World Architecture takes "indulging with time" as the title, it actually pays equal attention to all three modes. The erudite and passion of the contributors, who have been truly committed to the discussion of architecture and music, are good reasons for us to indulge ourselves in some deep reading.□



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