

天津美术学院学报 2016年6期

杨 洋/Yang Yang


杨 洋/Yang Yang



“自媒体(We Media)”概念由美国学者谢因·波曼与克里斯·威理斯于2003年共同提出:“自媒体实现了普通市民通过数字科技与全球知识体系相联、提供和分享自己真实看法、发布自身新闻的途径。”自媒体时代的到来使得“受众”变成了“公众”和“传媒人”。这种交互媒体的特点是它打破了公域和私域的界限。“传媒使得公共事件成为‘经传媒的公共事件,’私人事件成为‘经传媒的私人事件。’传媒时代的公众未必要在公共事件发生时人人亲自到场见证,他们可以在家里或别的私人场所通过技术传递来获取信息。同样,私人的事件一经录制和播放,便广为传播,获得了一种并非私人的性质。”①





The concept of We Media was proposed by American scholars, Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis in 2003. “We Media makes the connection of ordinary people to the global knowledge hierarchy through digital technology possible and opens a channel for them to share their opinions and report their own news”. The arrival of We Media era turned“audiences” into “the public” and “media people”. The characteristic of such interactive media lies in that they break the bounds of public and private affairs. “The media turn public events into ‘public events via the media’ and private affairs into ‘private affairs via the media’. The public in the media era don’t have to witness them on site when public events happen. They may obtain information at home or in other private venues through technology transfer. In the same manner, private affairs, once recorded and played, are widely spread and get a non-personal nature.”1

According toThe 37thStatistical Report of Chinese Internet Development(Jan 22, 2016), “By December 2015, the number of Chinese mobile netizens reached 620 million, and the proportion of mobile netizens in all netizens increased from 85.8% in 2014 to 90.1%...”2We Media developed from forum, blog, space that rely on computer to Microblog and WeChat that rely on mobile and other mobile devices. Since 2014, WeChat has transcended Microblog and become the most preferred We-media platform for young artists’ self-promotion.

I. “Debut”: The Contrast Between Traditional Channels and We-media Era

The debut of traditional artists draws support mainly from the media and exhibitions. For example, in the 1980s, due to deficient information, the magazine,Art, became the mainstream media to lead artistic thoughts. This periodical gathered the attention of everyone in the circle of fine arts. Every piece of it has been repeatedly analyzed and assessed. Every work of art and every article published onArtpossesses incomparable influence. Therefore, magazine was a very important channel to debut in that age.

However, with the deepening of reform and opening up as well as the growth of communication and mass media, that special age was gone forever. The 21st century characterized by information explosion has been with us for over 10 years. People have said goodbye to the thirst for information and learned to say no to most of information to avoid being crammed with too much. In such an age, even a report on CCTV will soon be diluted by new information, let alone works published on a magazine. Although a debut on magazine is not impossible, it demands more than a piece of master work, but multiple works published on various magazines constantly. Only in this way, can it obtain certain attention and impact.







The other channel for traditional artists’ debut is exhibition. The prizewinners at national fine arts exhibitions and national youth fine arts exhibitions were seen as successful debut in the last century. Besides, artists of ’85 New Wave and the first group of artists who took part in international exhibitions in the 1990s also experienced becoming famous overnight. However, in 2008 after the bursting of bubbles, the art market went through a downturn, and the artistic development returned to be rational. Becoming famous overnight is rarer and rarer. Art exhibitions attract less and less attention. There is less and less possibility of rising to fame through a single exhibition or a piece of artwork. Artists can only build up their impact by means of accumulation. Likewise, because of market downturn, the funds used to sponsor exhibitions are reduced. The extremely low-cost Internet promotion has became an effective supplement of exhibitions.

In recent years, there are fewer and fewer cases that university graduates sign contracts with galleries right after graduation or sell out all their graduation creations. More graduates and those young people who just stepped out of university gates a couple of years ago wish to get through the close siege and win more opportunities. They promote themselves through We media, come down to earth, and consolidate at every step. They set great examples for youngsters in this age of mobile Internet.

II. Comparison of WeChat Promotion Modes

WeChat promotion of young artists mainly depends on Moments and official accounts. Compared with person-to-person communication and instant messaging, WeChat is a hysteretic communication tool. As an instant messenger, compared to telephone and online video, it reserves space for both parties of the conversation. In the message-like communication mode, every tiny hysteretic reply may cause psychic reaction in the other party of the conversation. Moments of WeChat is even more so.

The posting on Moments includes sending and forwarding. First, in sending, the most effective way is posting nine photos with some text description. On the one hand, such an illustrated mode is very visual. Compared to text, pictures, eye-catching, transfer information faster. Therefore, pure text is disadvantageous. On the other hand, friends, attracted to pictures at the first sight, come to notice the text description and then understand the information in a fast, visual and sufficient way. Second, forwarding involves link forwarding and video forwarding. According toThe 37thStatistical Report of Chinese Internet Development(Jan 22, 2016), the proportion of mobile netizens using 3G/4G is 88.8%.3Moreover, the expenses of surfing the Internet is calculated by cellphone traffic. Therefore, due to the limit of cellphone traffic and loading rate, the probability of links being opened is quite low. The opening of links depends on the attraction of titles. Though there is always a small icon on the left of the link, it makes less difference. For this reason, title attractors dominate links. Another cellphone traffic consuming thing is“sight” (small videos), which is not visual but traffic consuming like links. Most audiences only open sights when they are really attracted. Only 10% of audiences open them without considering they are under 3G or WIFI and watch if they want.4The least traffic consuming is text which is least attractive though. Therefore, the most efficient posting requires pictures plus text.

Another communication mode about WeChat is official accounts, which include subscription accounts and service accounts. Artists usually use subscription accounts. With subscription accounts, artists can edit a complete post like an article. Such a link, compared to the posting of pictures plus text, seems more complete and professional, even more formal. Another advantage of official accounts is high arrival rate. Every post can arrive at its subscribers without exception. Compared to the overflow of Moments, posts of official accounts just stay there until subscribers open them and the red dots to the right of small icons will disappear. However, it is so difficult for an official account to be subscribed. Only those collectors, galleries, agents, clients, curators and family members who pay close attention to you may follow your account. Nevertheless, the primary objective of building an official account is to attract people outside the core social circle, and it’s difficult for these people to follow you. To expand your influence to these people, you have to keep sharing on Moments your posts published on subscription account to attract people to follow you. This can be a very long and difficult process. In a word, effective promotion of official accounts lies in the forwarding of posts on Moments for your friends to open, read and forward again to attract more people to follow.








如何事半功倍地推广是大家最关心的话题。首先,发布时间很关键。从宏观时间来说,发布话题需要贴近时令。例如,每年3月发一些女性题材艺术,或关于女艺术家的帖子;6月发布各大美院毕业展的帖子,年末发一些艺术品营销类的帖子,等等。对于突发事件,抓住热点问题,针对性强,也可以增加受关注度。例如扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)死亡事件。扎哈女士2016年3月31日死亡,此事件迅速在微信朋友圈被刷屏。在她死亡后72小时内,微信朋友圈中一共有22篇关于她死亡事件的帖子。其中阅读量最大的是《Zaha Hadid:今天就让创作休息,梦想的宽度停止》,由公众号“iWeekly周末画报”发表。截止到4月3日凌晨00:09分阅读量是43381;另一篇由艺术类媒体“artable艺伯乐”发布的《为伟大的建筑师哀悼 Zaha Hadid》的阅读量达到41082。而前后其他4篇帖子与之形成对比,其平均阅读量为738次,浮动于600多到800多之间。可见,热点问题对于提升帖子阅读量至关重要。


III. Analysis of Successful Cases

In terms of official accounts, a successful self-p romotion case of young artists is Grandpagu, who was born in the 1980s. His autonym is Gu Mengjie. He is a young cartoonist. Each of his posts has over 10,000 readers. His subscription account has grown from his own We-media to the official account of Shanghai Guye Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Grandpagu has transformed from self marketing into brand marketing by professional planners. Grandpagu is very active on WeChat, Microblog and traditional paper media. He registered a Microblog account in 2012, and by Apr. 20, 2016, the number of followers had reached 955,642. In 2014, he published a bestseller,Young Gu Talks about Painting. Through the efforts of several aspects, the official account of Grandpagu started to make profits from commercials.

We can learn from Grandpagu from the following aspects.

First, a follower will receive a welcome audio of 28 seconds long once he starts to follow the official account. The celebrity’s voice makes his followers feel close to him. Voice weighs much more than cold text.

Second, the most important reason the account got popular is that most of the posts are interesting. Professionals may find the posts very boring and meaningless. However, the general public regard them successful copywriting. The great example is the post namedHow come Van Gogh killed himself. 95% of the post is about how Van Gogh planned to be a famous artist with careful planning, but when audiences think Van Gogh’s plan was about to be realized, he committed suicide, and the reason is he was too poor to have a Alipay account. In this way, the commercial of Alipay is implanted. Professionals may point out that the copywriting is rooted on a wrong fact, but the general public don’t know well about such a legendary artist. They are amused by the ups and downs of the narration in the post just like watching a dramatic film.

Third, the format arrangement of Grandpagu’s posts is rather ingenious. Firstly, the heading is constituted of title, artist’s logo and picture composition. A single picture retains the open-and-shut advantage of traditional headings. Secondly, different from common official account format, Grandpagu’s account uses another platform for formatting and then leads in with pictures. The advantage is its freeing from the regular text editing mode of official accounts and designing format in a freer, more active and vivid manner according to the needs of the theme. Finally, Grandpagu’s posts are characterized by illustration without too much decoration, which makes them easier to be spread.

IV. Actual Operation of WeChat Promotion

It is people’s common concern how to achieve their aim of promotion more effectively with less effort. First, the time of posting is crucial. From the macroscopic perspective, the topic of a post has to be timely. For example, to post about the female subject or female artists in March, about the graduation exhibitions of colleges of fine arts in June, and about the marketing of artistic works at the end of a year, etc. To talk about the key points of breaking news can raise popularity as well, such as the death of Zaha Hadid. The news that Ms. Hadid died on March 31, 2016 was widely spread on Moments. Within 72 hours after her death, there were 22 posts about her death on Moments, and the most read one wasZaha Hadid: Today let creation off and the extension of dreams cease, posted by the official account of iWeekly. By 00:09, April 3, the reading quantity was 43,381; another post namedMourn Zaha Hadid, a Great Architect, posted by artable, an artistic medium, had a reading quantity of 41,082. Four other posts had an average reading quantity ranging from 600 to 800. It is thus clear that hot topics are crucial for raising reading quantity.

From the perspective of microtime, the posting time of each day is important also. Moments is a dynamic platform refreshed continuously, so the posting time is closely related to information exposure rate. According to theMicroaesthetics Questionnaireby Doctor Zhou Ying from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, 80% of people check out their WeChat before going to sleep.5The average time of going to sleep is 12:30 p.m. for most Chinese people. Then to post around 00:00 a.m. is the most ideal. Posts will be read not only by those who are used to checking official accounts before bed but also by those who are used to checking in the morning. Because after the midnight, few official accounts have new posts. In the morning, after getting up, you just scroll down several posts and see those posted around 00:00 a.m. 32% of interviewees

indicate that they have the habit of checking WeChat in the morning after getting up. So posting around 00:00 a.m. makes it possible for readers of two periods to notice. In addition, several other periods are noteworthy, such as commuting rush hours. People tend to check out WeChat or Microblog to kill time when they are waiting for or taking bus or subway. 54% of interviewees choose the period of taking bus or subway.




The duration of reading a post is equally important. According to theMicroaesthetics Questionnaireby Zhou Ying, 53% of interviewees indicate that they spend 2-5 minutes finishing reading a post; only 6% of interviewees spend over 10 minutes reading. Therefore, to control the length of a post and ensure readers can finish reading it within 2-5 minutes is necessary. Although artists cannot guarantee that each post is interesting enough, the posting form should be varied.

Last but not the least, the frequency of posting on Moments or official accounts is rather important as well. The productivity of artists varies from artist to artist, perhaps several works a day, or one work per year. However, to retain followers, one post a week is relatively ideal. Although many artists can’t guarantee that, to post and retain followers before new works come out is a must. Among all posts, the most popular is interesting posts, so artists had better create original and interesting posts. If their knowledge is limited, forwarding is better than keeping silent. Another type of posts is those theoretical ones that can provide academic support to artists’ creation. Artists can paste pictures of their creation on the posts so that they can complement each other. One thing that is worth attention is artists should make sure that followers can finish reading the theoretical posts within 5 minutes. Theoretical posts and interesting posts should be published alternately.

Facing up the competition in the industry and the constant depression of the art market, young artists proceed in hardship. Ten years ago, once a student of a college of fine arts graduated, he could sign a contract with a gallery or sell his graduation creation. By contrast, current young artists have to wait long enough for their talent scouts. Using Wemedia to make their voice heard is a feasible way of breakthrough.



②《第35次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》, http://www.cnnic.。





1Xu Ben: “Media, the Public, and Participation into Public Events”,Leadership Digest, Issue 6, 2005.

2“The 35th Statistical Report on China Internet Development”, t20150203_51634.htm.


4“Questionnaire of Micro-aesthetics”, a major project of scientific research of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute of 2015, titled Micro-aesthetics: Art of Mobile Internet Platform (Project No.: 15ky02), hosted by Dr. Zhou Ying, a teacher from the institute, with the undergraduates of the institute as interviewees.

5 Ibid.

[1]老妖. 如何做好微信营销方案[J]. 企业家信息,2015(6):80-82.

[2]李雷.“微时代”的文艺生产与审美接受[J]. 社会科学辑刊,2015(4):138-143. [3]李蓝天.浅析时尚杂志的微信传播方式[J]. 南京理工大学学报,2013(37·增刊):263-264.

[4]杨佳宜.微信世界的“理想国”——广西师大出版社微信营销策略[J]. 西部广播电视,2013(16):15-16.


杨 洋:四川美术学院讲师


[1]Lao Yao. How Can You Make a Good WeChat Marketing Program [J]. Entrepreneur Information, 2015 (6): 80-82.

[2] Li Lei. Literature and Art Production and Aesthetics Acceptance in “WeChat Age” [J]. Social Science Journal, 2015 (4): 138-143.

[3] Li Lantian. Analysis of WeChat Transmission Mode of Fashion Magazines [J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2013 (supplement to Issue 37): 263-264.

[4] Yang Jiayi. “Utopia” in the World of WeChat-WeChat Marketing Strategy of Guangxi Normal University Press [J]. Radio and TV of West, 2013 (16): 15-16.

The source of this paper is a major project of scientific research of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute of 2015, titled Micro-aesthetics: Art of Mobile Internet Platform (Project No.: 15ky02).

Yang Yang: lecturer at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

Self-Promotion of Young Artists on the WeChat Public Platform in the We-media Era

Along with the development of the Internet and smart phone, relying on the application software of WeChat, taking premium content as the foundation, and taking advantage of public platform, WeChat promotion has developed in a speedy manner. Different from the era of inaccessible information, young artists need no longer careful planning and long-term preparation to rise to fame overnight. Artists should consider the value of the We-media and apply it effectively so as to let WeChat grow into a useful tool of their development and publicity.

young artists; We-media; WeChat; the Moments; official accounts

