

中国学术期刊文摘 2016年2期


数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2014-01—2015-08 检索时间:2015-09-10

Psychology,Experimental 实验心理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物84 Inhibitrion and the right inferior frontal cortex:One decade on Aron,Adam R.; Robbins,Trevor W.; Poldrack,Russell A.Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2014,18(4):177-185 61Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable Hayes,Andrew F.; Preacher,Kristopher J.British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2014,67(3):451-470 34  Evaluation of neurofeedback in ADHD:The long and winding road Arns,Martijn; Heinrich,Hartmut; Strehl,Ute Biological Psychology 2014,95(SI):108-115 31 P-curve:A key to the file-drawer Simonsohn,Uri; Nelson,Leif D.; Simmons,Joseph P.Journal of Experimental Psychology-General 2014,143(2):534-547 30  Why self-control seems (but may not be) limited Inzlicht,Michael; Schmeichel,Brandon J.; Macrae,C.Neil Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2014,18(3):127-133 27 Working memory improvement with non-invasive brain stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex:A systematic review and meta-analysis Brunoni,Andre Russowsky; Vanderhasselt,Marie-Anne Brain and Cognition 2014,86:1-9 26 Committee report:Publication guidelines and recommendations for studies using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography Keil,Andreas; Debener,Stefan; Gratton,Gabriele; et al.Psychophysiology 2014,51(1):1-21 24Frontal theta as a mechanism for cognitive control Cavanagh,James F.; Frank,Michael J.Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2014,18(8):414-421 24 A re-examination of neural basis of language processing:Proposal of a dynamic hodotopical model from data provided by brain stimulation mapping during picture naming Duffau,Hugues; Moritz-Gasser,Sylvie; Mandonnet,Emmanuel Brain and Language 2014,131:1-10 24 Nonnaivete among amazon mechanical turk workers:Consequences and solutions for behavioral researchers Chandler,Jesse; Mueller,Pam; Paolacci,Gabriele Behavior Research Methods 2014,46(1):112-130

Psychology,Mathematical 数学心理学

被引频次文章题目61Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable 24 Nonnaivete among amazon mechanical turk workers:Consequences and solutions for behavioral researchers作者来源出版物British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2014,67(3):451-470 Behavior Research Methods 2014,46(1):112-130 Hayes,Andrew F.; Preacher,Kristopher J.Chandler,Jesse; Mueller,Pam; Paolacci,Gabriele 15  Concreteness ratings for 40 thousand generally known English word lemmas Brysbaert,Marc; Warriner,Amy Beth; Kuperman,Victor Behavior Research Methods 2014,46(3):904-911 10 Ward's hierarchical agglomerative clustering method:Which algorithms implement ward's criterion? Murtagh,Fionn; Legendre,Pierre Journal of Classification 2014,31(3):274-295 9  A comparative investigation of seven indirect attitude measures Bar-Anan,Yoav; Nosek,Brian A.Behavior Research Methods 2014,46(3):668-688 9Collecting response times using amazon mechanical turk and adobe flash  Simcox,Travis; Fiez,Julie A.Behavior Research Methods 2014,46(1):95-111 9 Ecological rationality or nested sets? Individual differences in cognitive processing predict Bayesian reasoning Sirota,Miroslav; Juanchich,Marie; Hagmayer,York Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2014,21(1):198-204 8Reputation as a sufficient condition for data quality on Amazon Mechanical Turk Peer,Eyal; Vosgerau,Joachim; Acquisti,Alessandro Behavior Research Methods 2014,46(4):1023-1031 8  The frequency of excess success for articles in Psychological Science  Francis,Gregory Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2014,21(5):1180-1187 8 The effect of iconicity of visual displays on statistical reasoning:Evidence in favor of the null hypothesis Sirota,Miroslav; Kostovicova,Lenka; Juanchich,Marie Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2014,21(4):961-968

Psychology,Multidisciplinary 综合心理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物586 Detection of B-mode polarization at degree angular scales by BICEP2 Ade,P.A.R.; Aikin,R.W.; Barkats,D.; et al.Physical Review Letters 2014,112(24):241101 444 First results from the LUX dark matter experiment at the sanford underground research facility Akerib,D.S.; Araujo,H.M.; Bai,X.; et al.Physical Review Letters 2014,112(9):091303 134  Strain-induced gap modification in black phosphorus  Rodin,A.S.; Carvalho,A.; Castro Neto, al.Physical Review Letters 2014,112(7):176801 117Cavity optomechanics Aspelmeyer,Markus; Kippenberg,Tobias J.; Marquard,Florian Reviews of Modern Physics 2014,86(4):1391-1452 101  Parity-time-symmetric whispering-gallery microcavities Peng,Bo; Oezdemir,Sahin Kaya; Lei,Fuchuan; et al.Nature Physics 2014,10(5):394-398 96Spin and pseudospins in layered transition meta dichalcogenides l Xu,Xiaodong; Yao,Wang; Xiao,Di; et al.Nature Physics 2014,10(5):343-350 91  The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks  Boccaletti,S.; Bianconi,G.; Criado,R.; et al.Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters 2014,544(1):1-122 89What drives nematic order in iron-based superconductors? Fernandes,R.M.; Chubukov,A.V.; Schmalian,J.Nature Physics 2014,10(2):97-104 85  Search for low-mass weakly interacting massive particles with SuperCDMS Agnese,R.; Anderson,A.J.; Asai,M.; et al.Physical Review Letters 2014,112(22):241302 83Quantum simulation Georgescu,I.M.; Ashhab,S.; Nori,Franco Reviews of Modern Physics 2014,86(1)

Psychology,Psychoanalysis 分析心理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物5 Operationalizing the psychodynamic diagnostic manual:A preliminary study of the psychodiagnostic chart Gordon,Robert M.; Stoffey,Ronald W.Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 2014,78(1):1-15 4 Imagining fear:Attachment,threat,and psychic experience Slade,Arietta Psychoanalytic Dialogues 2014,24(3):253-266 3  Does capitalism cause depression?  Dornes,Martin Psyche-Zeitschrift Fur Psychoanalyse Und Ihre Anwendungen 2015,69(2):115-160 3Training analysis and institution:A paradox Herrmann,Andreas P.Psyche-Zeitschrift Fur Psychoanalyse Und Ihre Anwendungen 2014,68(11):1057-1084 Psychoanalytic Quarterly 2014,83(4):897-915 Psychoanalytic Quarterly 2014,83(4):783-802 Psychoanalytic Quarterly 2014,83(3):525-563 Psychoanalytic Psychology 2014,31(2):182-191 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 2014,62(1):125-147 3  The interplay of deductive and inductive reasoning in psychoanalytic theorizing  Hanly,Charles 3Becoming related:The education of a psychoanalyst Purcell,Stephen D.3 Analytic mind use and interpsychic communication:Driving force in analytic technique,pathway to unconscious mental life Diamond,Michael J.3Moral injury Shay,Jonathan 3  Ever evolving approaches to exploring the human mind Hoffman,Leon 3 Footnotes in the history of british psychoanalysis:Observing ernest jones discerning the works of sigmund freud,1905-1908 Kuhn,Philip Psychoanalysis and History 2014,16(1):5-54

Radiology,Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging 放射学,核医学和医学影像学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物67 Methods to detect,characterize,and remove motion artifact in resting state fMRI Power,Jonathan D.; Mitra,Anish; Laumann,Timothy O.; et al.Neuroimage 2014,84:320-341 58 A review on continuous wave functional near-infrared spectroscopy and imaging instrumentation and methodology Scholkmann,Felix; Kleiser,Stefan; Metz,Andreas Jaakko; et al.Neuroimage 2014,85(SI):6-27 57 Comparison of PET imaging with a Ga-68-labelled PSMA ligand and F-18-choline-based PET/CT for the diagnosis of recurrent prostate cancer Afshar-Oromieh,Ali; Zechmann,Christian M.; Malcher,Anna; et al.European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014,41(1):11-20 38 Modern radiation therapy for hodgkin lymphoma:Field and dose guidelines from the international lymphoma radiation oncology group (ILROG) Specht,Lena; Yahalom,Joachim; Illidge,Tim; et al.International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2014,89(4):854-862 36  The tumor radiobiology of SRS and SBRT:Are more than the 5 Rs involved? Brown,J.Martin; Carlson,David J.; Brenner,David J.International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2014,88(2):254-262 33On the interpretation of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging Haufe,Stefan; Meinecke,Frank; Goergen,Kai; et al.Neuroimage 2014,87:96-110 33 Therapeutic effects of non-invasive brain stimulation with direct currents (tDCS) in neuropsychiatric diseases Kuo,Min-Fang; Paulus,Walter; Nitsche,Michael A.Neuroimage 2014,85(SI):948-960 32MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data Gramfort,Alexandre; Luessi,Martin; Larson,Eric; et al.Neuroimage 2014,86:446-460 31  Permutation inference for the general linear model Winkler,Anderson M.; Ridgway,Gerard R.; Webster,Matthew A.; et al.Neuroimage 2014,92:381-397 31Time domain functional NIRS imaging for human brain mapping Torricelli,Alessandro; Contini,Davide; Pilled,Antonio; et al.Neuroimage 2014,85(SI):28-50

Remote Sensing 遥感学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物51Geographic object-based image analysis -towards a new paradigm Blaschke,Thomas; Hay,Geoffrey J.; Kelly,Maggi; et al.Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2014,87(51):180-191 49 Landsat-8:Science and product vision for terrestrial global change research Roy,D.P.; Wulder,M.A.; Loveland,T.R.; et al.Remote Sensing of Environment 2014,145:154-172 29  Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing:A review  Colomina,I.; Molina,P.Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2014,92:79-97 29Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change Olofsson,Pontus; Foody,Giles M.; Herold,Martin; et al.Remote Sensing of Environment 2014,148:42-57 29 Early on-orbit performance of the visible infrared imaging radiometer suite onboard the suomi national polar-orbiting partnership (S-NPP) satellite Cao,Changyong; De Luccia,Frank J.; Xiong,Xiaoxiong; et al.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(2):1142-1156 23MIMO-SAR:Opportunities and pitfalls Krieger,Gerhard IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(5):2628-2645 23  Spectral-spatial constraint hyperspectral image classification Ji,Rongrong; Gao,Yue; Hong,Richang; et al.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(3):1811-1824 23 Use of general regression neural networks for generating the GLASS leaf area index product from time-series MODIS surface reflectance Xiao,Zhiqiang; Liang,Shunlin; Wang,Jindi; et al.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(1):209-223 22 Hyperspectral Image classification by nonlocal joint collaborative representation with a locally adaptive dictionary Li,Jiayi; Zhang,Hongyan; Huang,Yuancheng; et al.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(6):3707-3719 22Automated parameterisation for multi-scale image segmentation on multiple layers Dragut,L.; Csillik,O.; Eisank, al.; Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2014,88:119-127

Reproductive Biology 生殖生物学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物44 ESHRE guideline:Management of women with endometriosis Dunselman,G.A.J.; Vermeulen,N.; Becker,C.; et al.Human Reproduction 2014,29(3):400-412 40 The physiology and clinical utility of anti-Mllerian hormone in women Dewailly,Didier; Andersen,Claus Yding; Balen,Adam; et al.Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(3):370-385 28 IFPA senior award lecture:Making sense of pre-eclampsia two placental causes of preeclampsia? Redman,C.W.; Sargent,I.L.; Staff,A.C.Placenta 2014,35(A):S20-S25 28 Individualization of controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF using ovarian reserve markers:From theory to practice La Marca,Antonio; Sunkara,Sesh Kamal Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(1):124-140 Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(1):63-75 Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(1):40-62 Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(3):334-352 Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(5):617-631 Human Reproduction 2014,29(2):193-200 27  Transgenerational developmental programming  Aiken,Catherine E.; Ozanne,Susan E.24 The combined human sperm proteome:Cellular pathways and implications for basic and clinical science Amaral,Alexandra; Castillo,Judit; Ramalho-Santos,Joao; et al.23 Definition and significance of polycystic ovarian morphology:A task force report from the androgen excess and polycystic ovary syndrome society Dewailly,Didier; Lujan,Marla E.; Carmina,Enrico; et al.22 Clinical outcomes following selection of human preimplantation embryos with time-lapse monitoring:A systematic review Kaser,Daniel J.; Racowsky,Catherine 20 The relationship between male BMI and waist circumference on semen quality:Data from the LIFE study Eisenberg,Michael L.; Kim,Sungduk; Chen,Zhen; et al.19Long-term treatment of uterine fibroids with ulipristal acetate Donnez,Jacques; Vazquez,Francisco; Tomaszewski,Janusz; et al.Fertility and Sterility 2014,101(6):1565

Respiratory System 呼吸系统

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物99 International ERS/ATS guidelines on definition ,evaluation and treatment of severe asthma Chung,Kian Fan; Wenzel,Sally E.; Brozek,Jan L.; et al.European Respiratory Journal 2014,43(2):343-373 81 Sixth INTERMACS annual report:A 10000-patient database Kirklin,James K.; Naftel,David C.; Pagani,Francis D.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(6):555-564 59 Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in reducing mortality in patients admitted to hospital with influenza a H1N1pdm09 virus infection:A meta-analysis of individual participant data Muthuri,Stella G.; Venkatesan,Sudhir; Myles,Puja R.; et al.Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2014,2(5):395-404 51 A prospective,molecular epidemiology study of EGFR mutations in asian patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer of adenocarcinoma histology (PIONEER) Shi,Yuankai; Au,Joseph Siu-Kie; Thongprasert,Sumitra; et al.Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2014,9(2):154-162 42 Interagency registry for mechanically assisted circulatory support (INTERMACS) analysis of pump thrombosis in the heart mate II left ventricular assist device Kirklin,James K.; Naftel,David C.; Kormos,Robert L.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(1):12-22 38 Caring for critically Ill patients with ebola virus disease perspectives from west africa Fowler,Robert A.; Fletcher,Thomas; Fischer,William A.,II; et al.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014,190(7):733-737 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014,189(3):250-255 35  Minimal clinically important differences in pharmacological trials Jones,Paul W.; Beeh,Kai M.; Chapman,Kenneth R.; et al.34 Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome (ACOS):Current literature review Papaiwannou,Antonis; Zarogoulidis,Paul; Porpodis,Konstantinos; et al.Journal of Thoracic Disease 2014,6(1):S146-S151 34 An analysis of pump thrombus events in patients in the heart ware ADVANCE bridge to transplant and continued access protocol trial Najjar,Samer S.; Slaughter,Mark S.; Pagani,Francis D.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(1):23-34 33The bronchiectasis severity index an international derivation and validation study Chalmers,James D.; Goeminne,Pieter; Aliberti,Stefano; et al.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014,189(5):576-585

Rheumatology 风湿病

被引频次文章题目197 EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs:2013 update 84 OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis作者Smolen,Josef S.; Landewe,Robert; Breedveld,Ferdinand C.; et al.McAlindon,T.E.; Bannuru,R.R.; Sullivan,M.C.; et al.来源出版物Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(3):492-509 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2014,22(3):363-388 56 Efficacy and safety of secukinumab,a fully human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody,in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriatic arthritis:A 24-week,randomised,double-blind,placebo-controlled,phase II proof-of-concept trial McInnes,Iain B.; Sieper,Joachim; Braun,Juergen; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(2):349-356 50 Efficacy of certolizumab pegol on signs and symptoms of axial spondyloarthritis including ankylosing spondylitis:24-week results of a doubleblind randomised placebo-controlled Phase 3 study Landewe,R.; Braun,J.; Deodhar,A.; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(1):39-47 48 Efficacy and safety of the anti-IL-12/23 p40 monoclonal antibody,ustekinumab,in patients with active psoriatic arthritis despite conventional non-biological and biological anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy:6-month and 1-year results of the phase 3,multicentre,double-blind,placebo-controlled,randomised PSUMMIT 2 trial Ritchlin,Christopher; Rahman,Proton; Kavanaugh,Arthur; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(6):990-999 48 International recommendations for the assessment of autoantibodies to cellular antigens referred to as anti-nuclear antibodies Agmon-Levin,Nancy; Damoiseaux,Jan; Kallenberg,Cees; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(1):17-23 46 Efficacy and safety of epratuzumab in patients with moderate/severe active systemic lupus erythematosus:Results from EMBLEM,a phase IIb,randomised,double-blind,placebo-controlled,multicentre study Wallace,Daniel J.; Kalunian,Kenneth; Petri,Michelle A.; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(1):183-190 42The global burden of low back pain:Estimates from the global burden of disease 2010 study Hoy,Damian; March,Lyn; Brooks,Peter; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(6):968-974 42 Effect of certolizumab pegol on signs and symptoms in patients with psoriatic arthritis:24-week results of a Phase 3 double- blind randomised placebocontrolled study (RAPID-PsA) Mease,P.J.; Fleischmann,R.; Deodhar,A.A.; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(1):48-55 42 Treating spondyloarthritis,including ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis,to target:Recommendations of an international task force Smolen,Josef S.; Braun,Juergen; Dougados,Maxime; et al.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014,73(1):6-16

Robotics 机器人

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物13 Interfacial effects of superhydrophobic plant surfaces:A review Wang,Guiyuan; Guo,Zhiguang; Liu,Weimin Journal of Bionic Engineering 2014,11(3):325-345 10 Propulsion mechanism of catalytic microjet engines Fomin,Vladimir M.; Hippler,Markus; Magdanz,Veronika; et al.IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2014,30(1):40-48 9 Development of 'Multi-arm Bioprinter' for hybrid biofabrication of tissue engineering constructs Ozbolat,Ibrahim T.; Chen,Howard; Yu,Yin Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 2014,30(3):295-304 8Nature's moisture harvesters:A comparative review Malik,F.T.; Clement,R.M.; Gethin,D.T.; et al.Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2014,9(3) 8 Topological mapping and scene recognition with lightweight color descriptors for an omnidirectional camera Liu,Ming; Siegwart,Roland  IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2014,30(2):310-324 8 PD with sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of robotic system Ouyang,P.R.; Acob,J.; Pano,V.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 2014,30(2):189-200 8  Liftoff of a motor-driven,flapping-wing microaerial vehicle capable of resonance Hines,Lindsey; Campolo,Domenico; Sitti,Metin IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2014,30(1):220-232 7 Low-bandwidth reflex-based control for lower power walking:65 km on a single battery charge Bhounsule,Pranav A.; Cortell,Jason; Grewal,Anoop; et al.International Journal of Robotics Research 2014,33(10):1305-1321 7  HyperUAS-imaging spectroscopy from a multirotor unmanned aircraft system Lucieer,Arko; Malenovsky,Zbynek; Veness,Tony; et al.Journal of Field Robotics 2014,31(4):571-590 7 Design and control of a bio-inspired soft wearable robotic device for ankle-foot rehabilitation Park,Yong-Lae; Chen,Bor-rong; Perez-Arancibia,Nestor O.; et al.Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2014,9(1):016007

Statistics & Probability 统计与概率

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物317 RAxML version 8:A tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies Stamatakis,Alexandros Bioinformatics 2014,30(9):1312-1313 172 Trimmomatic:A flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data Bolger,Anthony M.; Lohse,Marc; Usadel,Bjoern Bioinformatics 2014,30(15):2114-2120 114  HTSeq-a Python framework to work with high-throughput sequencing data Anders,Simon; Pyl,Paul Theodor; Huber,Wolfgang Bioinformatics 2015,31(2):166-169 104InterProScan 5:Genome-scale protein function classification Jones,Philip; Binns,David; Chang,Hsin-Yu; et al.Bioinformatics 2014,30(9):1236-1240 61  Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable Hayes,Andrew F.; Preacher,Kristopher al.British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2014,67(3):451-470 57Causal analysis approaches in ingenuity pathway analysis Kraemer,Andreas; Green,Jeff; Pollard,Jack,Jr.; et al.Bioinformatics 2014,30(4):523-530 56  Prokka:Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation  Seemann,Torsten Bioinformatics 2014,30(14):2068-2069 54 iNuc-PseKNC:A sequence-based predictor for predicting nucleosome positioning in genomes with pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition Guo,Shou-Hui; Deng,En-Ze; Xu,Li-Qin; et al.Bioinformatics 2014,30(11):1522-1529 54 Combining evolutionary information extracted from frequency profiles with sequence-based kernels for protein remote homology detection Liu,Bin; Zhang,Deyuan; Xu,Ruifeng; et al.Bioinformatics 2014,30(4):472-479 49 Minfi:A flexible and comprehensive Bioconductor package for the analysis of Infinium DNA methylation microarrays Aryee,Martin J.; Jaffe,Andrew E.; Corrada-Bravo,Hector; et al.Bioinformatics 2014,30(10):1363-1369

Substance Abuse 药物滥用

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物42 Nicotine content of electronic cigarettes,its release in vapour and its consistency across batches:Regulatory implications Goniewicz,Maciej L.; Hajek,Peter; McRobbie,Hayden Addiction 2014,109(3):500-507 38 A longitudinal study of electronic cigarette users Etter,Jean-Francois; Bullen,Chris Addictive Behaviors 2014,39(2):491-494 33 Electronic cigarettes:Review of use,content,safety,effects on smokers and potential for harm and benefit Hajek,Peter; Etter,Jean-Francois; Benowitz,Neal; et al.Addiction 2014,109(11):1801-1810 32 Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation:A cross-sectional population study Brown,Jamie; Beard,Emma; Kotz,Daniel; et al.Addiction 2014,109(9):1531-1540 31 Carbonyl compounds in electronic cigarette vapors:Effects of nicotine solvent and battery output voltage Kosmider,Leon; Sobczak,Andrzej; Fik,Maciej; et al.Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2014,16(10):1319-1326 29 An international consensus for assessing internet gaming disorder using the new DSM-5 approach Petry,Nancy M.; Rehbein,Florian; Gentile,Douglas A.; et al.Addiction 2014,109(9):1399-1406 29 An international consensus for assessing internet gaming disorder using the new DSM-5 approach Petry,Nancy M.; Rehbein,Florian; Gentile,Douglas A.; et al.Addiction 2014,109(9):1399-1406 28Secondhand exposure to vapors from electronic cigarettes Czogala,Jan; Goniewicz,Maciej L.; Fidelus,Bartlomiej; et al.Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2014,16(6):655-662 24 Potent rewarding and reinforcing effects of the synthetic cathinone 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) Watterson,Lucas R.; Kufahl,Peter R.; Nemirovsky,Natali E.; et al.Addiction Biology 2014,19(2):165-174 23 Intentions to smoke cigarettes among never-smoking US middle and high school electronic cigarette users:National youth tobacco survey,2011-2013 Bunnell,Rebecca E.; Agaku,Israel T.; Arrazola,Rene A.; et al.Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2014,17(2):228-235

Surgery 外科学

Telecommunications 电信学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物87 Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systems Larsson,Erik G.; Edfors,Ove; Tufvesson,Fredrik; et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2014,52(2):186-195 40 Five disruptive technology directions for 5G Boccardi,Federico; Heath,Robert W.,Jr.; Lozano,Angel ; et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2014,52(2):74-80 33  Power allocation strategies in energy harvesting wireless cooperative networks Ding,Zhiguo; Perlaza,Samir M.; Esnaola,Inaki; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2014,13(2):846-860 33Cellular architecture and key technologies for 5G wireless communication networks Wang,Cheng-Xiang; Haider,Fourat; Gao,Xiqi; et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2014,52(2):122-130 32 Millimeter-wave beamforming as an enabling technology for 5G cellular communications:Theoretical feasibility and prototype results Roh,Wonil; Seol,Ji-Yun; Park,JeongHo; et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2014,52(2):106-113 32Throughput maximization in wireless powered communication networks Ju,Hyungsik; Zhang,Rui IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2014,13(1):418-428 31  Routing metrics of cognitive radio networks:A survey Youssef,Moustafa; Ibrahim,Mohamed; Abdelatif,Mohamed; et al.IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2014,16(1):92-109 30Network densification:The dominant theme for wireless evolution into 5G Bhushan,Naga; Li,Junyi; Malladi,Durga; et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2014,52(2):82-89 30 Enabling wireless power transfer in cellular networks:Architecture,modeling and deployment Huang,Kaibin; Lau,Vincent K.N.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2014,13(2):902-912 28Designing intelligent energy harvesting communication systems Guenduez,Deniz; Stamatiou,Kostas; Michelusi,Nicolo; et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2014,52(1):210-216

Thermodynamics 热力学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物36 Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biogas production Zheng,Yi; Zhao,Jia; Xu,Fuqing; et al.Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2014,42:35-53 36 Thermal and flow analysis of microchannel heat sink (MCHS) cooled by Cu-water nanofluid using porous media approach and least square method Hatami,M.; Ganji,D.D.Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78:347-358 30 Economic-environmental energy and reserve scheduling of smart distribution systems:A multiobjective mathematical programming approach Zakariazadeh,Alireza; Jadid,Shahram; Siano,Pierluigi Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78:151-164 29Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehicles in smart distribution system Zakariazadeh,Alireza; Jadid,Shahram; Siano,Pierluigi Energy Conversion and Management 2014,79:43-53 26  Natural convective boundary-layer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical plate:A revised model  Kuznetsov,A.V.; Nield,D.A.International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2014,77:126-129 25Numerical simulation of MHD nanofluid flow and heat transfer considering viscous dissipation Sheikholeslami,Mohsen; Abelman,Shirley; Ganji,Davood Domiri International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2014,79:212-222 25 Investigation of entropy generation in MHD and slip flow over a rotating porous disk with variable properties Rashidi,M.M.; Kavyani,N.; Abelman,S.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2014,79:892-917 25Multi-objective stochastic distribution feeder reconfiguration from the reliability point of view Kavousi-Fard,Abdollah; Niknam,Taher Energy 2014,64:342-354 24  Optimal design of unequal heat flux elements for optimized heat transfer inside a rectangular duct Hajmohammadi,M.R.; Rahmani,M.; Campo,A.; et al.Energy 2014,68:609-616 24 Simulation of ferrofluid heat dissipation effect on natural convection at an inclined cavity filled with kerosene/cobalt utilizing the lattice boltzmann method Kefayati,Gh.R.Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications 2014,65(6):509-530

Toxicology 毒理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物60 Size-dependent cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in human lung cells:the role of cellular uptake,agglomeration and Ag release Gliga,Anda R.; Skoglund,Sara; Wallinder,Inger Odnevall; et al.Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2014,11:11 42 An integrated risk function for estimating the global burden of disease attributable to ambient fine particulate matter exposure Burnett,Richard T.; Pope,C.Arden,III; Ezzati,Majid; et al.Environmental Health Perspectives 2014,122(4):397-403 42  Nanotoxicity of graphene and graphene oxide Seabra,Amedea B.; Paula,Amauri J.; de Lima,Renata; et al.Chemical Research In Toxicology 2014,27(2):159-168 40Mechanisms of genotoxicity.A review of in vitro and in vivo studies with engineered nanoparticles Magdolenova,Zuzana; Collins,Andrew; Kumar,Ashutosh; et al.Nanotoxicology 2014,8(3):233-278 39  A brief overview of the potential environmental hazards of ionic liquids Bubalo,Marina Cvjetko; Radosevic,Kristina; Redovnikovic,Ivana Radojcic; et al.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2014,99:1-12 34 Small-molecule allosteric activators of sirtuins Sinclair,David A.; Guarente,Leonard Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 2014,54:363-380 31 Temporal trends in phthalate exposures:Findings from the national health and nutrition examination survey,2001-2010 Zota,Ami R.; Calafat,Antonia M.; Woodruff,Tracey J.Environmental Health Perspectives 2014,122(3):235-241 28 Oxidative stress induced by inorganic nanoparticles in bacteria and aquatic microalgae -state of the art and knowledge gaps von Moos,Nadia; Slaveykova,Vera I.Nanotoxicology 2014,8(6):605-630 24 Birth outcomes and maternal residential proximity to natural gas development in rural colorado McKenzie,Lisa M.; Guo,Ruixin; Witter,Roxana Z.; et al.Environmental Health Perspectives 2014,122(4):412-417 24Oral toxicity of silver ions,silver nanoparticles and colloidal silver :A review Hadrup,Niels; Lam,Henrik R.Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 2014,68(1):1-7

Transplantation 移植

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物105 Banff 2013 meeting report:Inclusion of C4d-negative antibody-mediated rejection and antibody-associated arterial lesions Haas,M.; Sis,B.; Racusen,L.C.; et al.American Journal of Transplantation 2014,14(2):272-283 81 Sixth INTERMACS annual report:A 10000 patient database Kirklin,James K.; Naftel,David C.; Pagani,Francis D.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(6):555-564 42 Interagency registry for mechanically assisted circulatory support (INTERMACS) analysis of pump thrombosis in the heart mate II left ventricular assist device Kirklin,James K.; Naftel,David C.; Kormos,Robert L.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(1):12-22 34 OPTN/SRTR 2012 annual data report:Kidney Matas,A.J.; Smith,J.M.; Skeans,M.A.; et al.American Journal of Transplantation 2014,14(1):11-44 34 An analysis of pump thrombus events in patients in the Heart Ware ADVANCE bridge to transplan t and continued access protocol trial Najjar,Samer S.; Slaughter,Mark S.; Pagani,Francis D.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(1):23-34 29 OPTN/SRTR 2012 annual data report:Liver Kim,W.R.; Smith,J.M.; Skeans,M.A.; et al.American Journal of Transplantation 2014,14(1):69-96 27  A new classification system for chronic lung allograft dysfunction Verleden,Geert M.; Raghu,Ganesh; Meyer,Keith C.; et al.Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2014,33(2):127-133 23Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatment of hyponatraemia Spasovski,Goce; Vanholder,Raymond; Allolio,Bruno; et al.Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2014,29(2):1-39 21 Long-term results in recipients of combined HLA-mismatched kidney and bone marrow transplantation without maintenance immunosuppression Kawai,T.; Sachs,D.H.; Sprangers,B.; et al.American Journal of Transplantation 2014,14(7):1599-1611 21 Donation after circulatory death:Current practices,ongoing challenges,and potential improvements Morrissey,Paul E.; Monaco,Anthony P.Transplantation 2014,97(3):258-264

Transportation 运输学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物20Thirty years of inventory routing Coelho,Leandro C.; Cordeau,Jean-Francois; Laporte,Gilbert Transportation Science 2014,48(1):1-19 19 Containership routing and scheduling in liner shipping:Overview and future research directions Meng,Qiang; Wang,Shuaian; Andersson,Henrik; et al.Transportation Science 2014,48(2):265-280 11  Optimization-based adaptive large neighborhood search for the production routing problem Adulyasak,Yossiri; Cordeau,Jean-Francois; Jans,Raf Transportation Science 2014,48(1):20-45 11ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic:A meta-analysis Vaa,Truls Accident Analysis and Prevention 2014,62:415-425 Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 2014,64:73-89 Journal of Transport Geography 2014,34:78-87 Journal of Transport Geography 2014,34:262-273 10  An energy-efficient scheduling and speed control approach for metro rail operations  Li,Xiang; Lo,Hong K.10Why culture matters for transport policy:The case of cycling in the UK Aldred,Rachel; Jungnickel,Katrina 10  Mining bicycle sharing data for generating insights into sustainable transport systems O'Brien,Oliver; Cheshire,James; Batty,Michael 9 How do built-environment factors affect travel behavior? A spatial analysis at different geographic scales Hong,Jinhyun; Shen,Qing; Zhang,Lei Transportation 2014,41(3):419-440 9  Macroscopic fundamental diagrams:A cross-comparison of estimation methods Leclercq,Ludovic; Chiabaut,Nicolas; Trinquier,Beatrice Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 2014,62:1-12 9Advance transit oriented development typology:Case study in Brisbane,Australia Kamruzzaman,Md.; Baker,Douglas; Washington,Simon; et al.Journal of Transport Geography 2014,34:54-70

Transportation Science & Technology 交通科技

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物29 Transit network design based on travel time reliability Yao,Baozhen; Hu,Ping; Lu,Xiaohong; et al.Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 2014,43(SI):233-248 23 Comparison of three electrochemical energy buffers applied to a hybrid bus powertrain with simultaneous optimal sizing and energy management Hu,Xiaosong; Murgovski,Nikolce; Johannesson,Lars Mardh; et al.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014,15(3):1193-1205 20  Thirty years of inventory routing Coelho,Leandro C.; Cordeau,Jean-Francois; Laporte,Gilbert Transportation Science 2014,48(1):1-19 19Containership routing and scheduling in liner shipping:Overview and future research directions Meng,Qiang; Wang,Shuaian; Andersson,Henrik; et al.Transportation Science 2014,48(2):265-280 17 Envelope level crossing rate and average fade duration of nonisotropic vehicle-to-vehicle ricean fading channels Cheng,Xiang; Wang,Cheng-Xiang; Ai,Bo; et al.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014,15(1):62-72 16A macro model for traffic flow on road networks with varying road conditions Tang,Tie-Qiao; Caccetta,Lou; Wu,Yong-Hong; et al.Journal of Advanced Transportation 2014,48(4):304-317 13  Design and characterization of a full-duplex multiantenna system for wifi networks Duarte,Melissa; Sabharwal,Ashutosh; Aggarwal,Vaneet; et al.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2014,63(3):1160-1177 13 Charging infrastructure planning for promoting battery electric vehicles:An activity-based approach using multiday travel data Dong,Jing; Liu,Changzheng; Lin,Zhenhong Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 2014,38:44-55 11  Optimization-based adaptive large neighborhood search for the production routing problem Adulyasak,Yossiri; Cordeau,Jean-Francois; Jans,Raf Transportation Science 2014,48(1):20-45 11 Wireless energy and information transfer tradeoff for limited-feedback multiantenna systems with energy beamforming Chen,Xiaoming; Yuen,Chau Zhang,Zhaoyang ;IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2014,63(1):407-412

Tropical Medicine 热带医学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物31 The global burden of disease study 2010:Interpretation and Implications for the Neglected Tropical Diseases Hotez,Peter J.; Alvarado,Miriam; Basanez,Maria-Gloria; et al.Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014,8(7):e2865 30 Outbreak of ebola virus disease in guinea:Where ecology meets economy Bausch,Daniel G.; Schwarz,Lara Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014,8(7):e3056 26  Arrival of chikungunya virus in the new world:Prospects for spread and impact on public health  Weaver,Scott C.Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014,8(6):e2921 22Geographical variation in Plasmodium vivax relapse Battle,Katherine E.; Karhunen,Markku S.; Bhatt,Samir; et al.Malaria Journal 2014,13:144 19  Using global maps to predict the risk of dengue in Europe Rogers,David J.; Suk,Jonathan E.; Semenza,Jan C.Acta Tropica 2014,129(SI):1-14 18 Biting by Anopheles funestus in broad daylight after use of long-lasting insecticidal nets:A new challenge to malaria elimination Sougoufara,Seynabou; Diedhiou,Seynabou Mocote; Doucoure,Souleymane; et al.Malaria Journal 2014,13:125 16  First case of a naturally acquired human infection with Plasmodium cynomolgi Ta,Thuy H.; Hisam,Shamilah; Lanza,Marta; et al.Malaria Journal 2014,13:68 16 Genetics,cross-resistance and mechanism of resistance to spinosad in a field strain of Musca domestica L.(Diptera:Muscidae) Khan,Hafiz Azhar Ali; Akram,Waseem; Shad,Sarfraz Ali Acta Tropica 2014,130:148-154 15 Burden of disease from inadequate water,sanitation and hygiene in low- and middle-income settings:A retrospective analysis of data from 145 countries Pruess-Ustuen,Annette; Bartram,Jamie; Clasen,Thomas; et al.Tropical Medicine & International Health 2014,19(8):894-905 15Helminth colonization is associated with increased diversity of the gut microbiota Lee,Soo Ching; Tang,Mei San; Lim,Yvonne A.L.; et al.Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014,8(5):e2880

Urban Studies 城市研究

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物19 Urban green space,public health,and environmental justice:The challenge of making cities 'just green enough' Wolch,Jennifer R.; Byrne,Jason; Newell,Joshua P.Landscape and Urban Planning 2014,125(SI):234-244 16 Urban ecology and sustainability:The state-of-the-science and future directions Wu,Jianguo Landscape and Urban Planning 2014,125(SI):209-221 13  The 'urban age' in question  Brenner,Neil; Schmid,Christian International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2014,38(3):731-755 11 Matlab software for spatial panels Elhorst,J.Paul International Regional Science Review 2014,37(3):389-405 Landscape And Urban Planning 2014,122:196-208 11  Methods for identifying land use conflict potential using participatory mapping Brown,Greg; Raymond,Christopher M.10 The hybrid spatialities of transition:Capitalism,legacy and uneven urban economic restructuring Golubchikov,Oleg; Badyina,Anna; Makhrova,Alla Urban Studies 2014,51(4):617-633 Cities 2014,38:25-36 9  Current trends in smart city initiatives:Some stylised facts Neirotti,Paolo; De Marco,Alberto; Cagliano,Anna Corinna; et al.9 Urban vacancy and land use legacies:A frontier for urban ecological research,design,and planning Nassauer,Joan Iverson; Raskin,Julia Landscape and Urban Planning 2014,125(SI):245-253 Landscape and Urban Planning 2014,125(SI):222-233 9  Urban ecology in China:Historical developments and future directions Wu,Jianguo; Xiang,Wei-Ning; Zhao,Jingzhu 9 A comparison of spatial autocorrelation indices and landscape metrics in measuring urban landscape fragmentation Fan,Chao; Myint,Soe Landscape and Urban Planning 2014,125(SI):117-128

Urology & Nephrology 泌尿外科和肾内科

被引频次文章题目作者183 EAU guidelines on prostate cancer.Part 1:Screening,diagnosis,and local treatment with curative intent-update 2013 Heidenreich,Axel; Bastian,Patrick J.; Bellmunt,Joaquim; et al.115 EAU guidelines on prostate cancer.Part II:Treatment of advanced,relapsing,and castration-resistant prostate cancer Heidenreich,Axel; Bastian,Patrick J.; Bellmunt,Joaquim; et al.来源出版物European Urology 2014,65(1):124-137 European Urology 2014,65(2):467-479 68 Enzalutamide in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients progressing after docetaxel and abiraterone Schrader,Andres Jan; Boegemann,Martin; Ohlmann,Carsten-H.; et al.European Urology 2014,65(1):30-36 58 EAU guidelines on muscle-invasive and metastatic bladder cancer:Summary of the 2013 guidelines Witjes,J.Alfred; Comperat,Eva; Cowan,Nigel C.; et al.European Urology 2014,65(4):778-792 49 Value of targeted prostate biopsy using magnetic resonance-ultrasound fusion in men with prior negative biopsy and elevated prostate-specific antigen Sonn,Geoffrey A.; Chang,Edward; Natarajan,Shyam; et al.European Urology 2014,65(4):809-815 43 Long-term study of patients with type 2 diabetes and moderate renal impairment shows that dapagliflozin reduces weight and blood pressure but does not improve glycemic control Kohan,Donald E.; Fioretto,Paola; Tang,Weihua; et al.Kidney International 2014,85(4):962-971 41  Long-term risks for kidney donors  Mjoen,Geir; Hallan,Stein; Hartmann,Anders; et al.Kidney International 2014,86(1):962-971 37 Prospective multicentre evaluation of PCA3 and TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusions as diagnostic and prognostic urinary biomarkers for prostate cancer Leyten,Gisele H.J.M.; Hessels,Daphne; Jannink,Sander A.; et al.European Urology 2014,65(3):534-542 37 A critical analysis of the role of testosterone in erectile function:from pathophysiology to treatment-A systematic review Isidori,Andrea M.; Buvat,Jacques; Corona,Giovanni; et al.European Urology 2014,65(1):99-112 36 Adjuvant chemotherapy for invasive bladder cancer:A 2013 updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials Leow,Jeffrey J.; Martin-Doyle,William; Rajagopal,Padma S.; et al.European Urology 2014,65(1):42-54

Veterinary Sciences 兽医学

被引频次文章题目作者35 Amino acid nutrition in animals:Protein synthesis and beyond Wu,Guoyao; Bazer,Fuller W.; Dai,Zhaolai; et al.28 Review of influenza a virus in swine worldwide:A call for increased surveillance and research Vincent,A.; Awada,L.; Brown,I.; et al.来源出版物Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 2014,2:387-417 Zoonoses and Public Health 2014,61(1):4-17 21 Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N8) in domestic poultry and its relationship with migratory birds in South Korea during 2014 Jeong,Jipseol; Kang,Hyun-Mi; Lee,Eun-Kyoung; et al.Veterinary Microbiology 2014,173:3-4 18 Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus antibody reactors among camels in dubai,united arab emirates,in 2005 Alexandersen,S.; Kobinger G.P.; Soule,G.; et al.,Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2014,61(2):105-108 15 FELASA recommendations for the health monitoring of mouse,rat,hamster,guinea pig and rabbit colonies in breeding and experimental units Maehler,M.; Berard,M.; Feinstein,R.; et al.Laboratory Animals 2014,48(3):178-192 15 Factors associated with morbidity,mortality,and growth of dairy heifer calves up to 3 months of age Windeyer,M.C.; Leslie,K.E.; Godden,S.M.; et al.Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2014,113(2):231-240 13  Genetics and genomics of reproductive performance in dairy and beef cattle Berry,D.P.; Wall,E.; Pryce, al.Animal 2014,8(1):105-121 13 The intravenous and oral pharmacokinetics of afoxolaner used as a monthly chewable antiparasitic for dogs Letendre,Laura; Huang,Rose; Kvaternick,Valerie; et al.Veterinary Parasitology 2014,201(3-4):190-197 13  Discovery and mode of action of afoxolaner,a new isoxazoline parasiticide for dogs Shoop,Wesley L.; Hartline,Eric J.; Gould,Brandon R.; et al.Veterinary Parasitology 2014,201(3-4):179-189 13 Simultaneous detection of the feline lungworms Troglostrongylus brevior and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus by a newly developed duplex-PCR Annoscia,Giada; Latrofa,Maria Stefania; Campbell,Bronwyn Evelyn; et al.Veterinary Parasitology 2014,199(3-4):172-178

Virology 病毒学

被引频次文章题目作者108 The treatment-naive microbiome in new-onset crohn's disease Gevers,Dirk; Kugathasan,Subra; Denson,Lee A.; et al.45 The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with today's treatment paradigm Razavi,H.; Waked,I.; Sarrazin,C.; et al.来源出版物Cell Host & Microbe 2014,15(3):382-392 Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2014,21(S1):34-59 45  A view to a kill:The bacterial type VI secretion system Ho,Brian T.; Dong,Tao G.; Mekalanos,John J.Cell Host & Microbe 2014,15(1):9-21 40 Successful treatment of advanced Ebola virus infection with T-705 (favipiravir) in a small animal model Oestereich,Lisa; Luedtke,Anja; Wurr,Stephanie; et al.Antiviral Research 2014,105(1):17-21 40  Prevalence of broadly neutralizing antibody responses during chronic HIV-1 infection Hraber,Peter; Seaman,Michael S.; Bailer,Robert T.; et al.Aids 2014,28(2):163-169 39Microbes,microbiota,and colon cancer Sears,Cynthia L.; Garrett,Wendy S.Cell Host & Microbe 2014,15(3):317-328 37  The family parvoviridae Cotmore,Susan F.; Agbandje-McKenna,Mavis; Chiorini,John A.; et al.Archives of Virology 2014,159(5):1239-1247 37Strategies to manage hepatitis C virus (HCV) disease burden Wedemeyer,H.; Duberg,A.S.; Buti,M.; et al.Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2014,21(SI):60-89 35 The FLS2-associated kinase BIK1 directly phosphorylates the NADPH oxidase rbohD to control plant immunity Li,Lei; Li,Meng; Yu,Liping; et al.Cell Host & Microbe 2014,15(3):329-338 33The 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa Gatherer,Derek Journal of General Virology 2014,95:1619-1624

Water Resources 水资源

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物38 Full-scale partial nitritation/anammox experiences - An application survey Lackner,Susanne; Gilbert,Eva M.; Vlaeminck,Siegfried E.; et al.Water Research 2014,55:292-303 32 The sweet spot of forward osmosis:Treatment of produced water,drilling wastewater,and other complex and difficult liquid streams Coday,Bryan D.; Xu,Pei; Beaudry,Edward G.; et al.Desalination 2014,331(1):23-35 30  Forward osmosis for application in wastewater treatment:A review Lutchmiah,Kerusha; Verliefde,A.R.D.; Roest,K.; et al.Water Research 2014,58:179-197 29 A novel magnetic Fe@Au core-shell nanoparticles anchored graphene oxide recyclable nanocatalyst for the reduction of nitrophenol compounds Gupta,Vinod Kumar; Atar,Necip; Yola,Mehmet Lutfi; et al.Water Research 2014,48:210-217 25 Uncertainty in evapotranspiration from land surface modeling,remote sensing,and GRACE satellites Long,Di; Longuevergne,Laurent; Scanlon,Bridget R.Water Resources Research 2014,50(2):1131-1151 23 Storage dynamics in hydropedological units control hillslope connectivity,runoff generation,and the evolution of catchment transit time distributions Tetzlaff,D.; Birkel,C.; Dick,J.; et al.Water Resources Research 2014,50(2):969-985 22 Debates-The future of hydrological sciences:A (common) path forward? A call to action aimed at understanding velocities,celerities and residence time distributions of the headwater hydrograph McDonnell,Jeffrey J.; Beven,Keith Water Resources Research 2014,50(6):5342-5350 22Heteroaggregation and sedimentation rates for nanomaterials in natural waters Quik,J.T.K.; Velzeboer,I.; Wouterse,M.; et al.Water Research 2014,48:269-279 20  Carbon nanotube membranes for water purification:A bright future in water desalination Das,Rasel; Ali,Md Eaqub; Abd Hamid,Sharifah Bee; et al.Desalination 2014,336:97-109 20 Oxidative treatment of bromide-containing waters:Formation of bromine and its reactions with inorganic and organic compounds - A critical review Heeb,Michele B.; Criquet,Justine; Zimmermann-Steffens,Saskia G.; et al.Water Research 2014,48:15-42

Women’s Studies 妇女研究

被引频次文章题目作者8 Osteoporosis prevention,screening,and treatment:A review Kling,Juliana M.; Clarke,Bart L.; Sandhu,Nicole P.8 Maternal mortality and morbidity in the united states:Where are we now? Creanga,Andreea A.; Berg,Cynthia J.; Ko,Jean Y.; et al.来源出版物Journal of Womens Health 2014,23(7):563-572 Journal of Womens Health 2014,23(1):3-9 7  The times we're in:Queer feminist criticism and the reparative 'turn'  Wiegman,Robyn Feminist Theory 2014,15(1):5 7 Influence of patient sex and gender on medication use,adherence,and prescribing alignment with guidelines Manteuffel,Marie; Williams,Sophy; Chen,William; et al.Journal of Womens Health 2014,23(2):112-119 7  The cost of social reproduction  Rai,Shirin M.; Hoskyns,Catherine; Thomas,Dania International Feminist Journal of Politics 2014,16(1):86-105 7 Implementing a prospective study of women seeking abortion in the united states:Understanding and overcoming barriers to recruitment Dobkin,Loren M.; Gould,Heather; Barar,Rana E.; et al.Womens Health Issues 2014,24(1):E115-E123 7 Developing geographies of intersectionality with Relief Maps:Reflections from youth research in Manresa,Catalonia Rodo-de-Zarate,Maria Gender Place and Culture 2014,21(8):925-944 6 Exploring young adults' contraceptive knowledge and attitudes:Disparities by race/ethnicity and age Craig,Amaranta D.; Dehlendorf,Christine; Borrero,Sonya; et al.Womens Health Issues 2014,24(3):E281-E289 6 Reducing the endorsement of sexism using experiential learning:The workshop activity for gender equity simulation (WAGES) Zawadzki,Matthew J.; Shields,Stephanie A.; Danube,Cinnamon L.; et al.Psychology of Women Quarterly 2014,38(1):75-92 6Postpartum anxiety and comorbid depression in a population-based sample of women Farr,Sherry L.; Dietz,Patricia M.; O'Hara,Michael W.; et al.Journal of Womens Health 2014,23(2):120-128

Zoology 动物学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物38 Amino acid nutrition in animals:Protein synthesis and beyond Wu,Guoyao; Bazer,Fuller W.; Dai,Zhaolai; et al.Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 2014,2:387-417 29 When and where does mortality occur in migratory birds? Direct evidence from longterm satellite tracking of raptors Klaassen,Raymond H.G.; Hake,Mikael; Strandberg,Roine; et al.Journal of Animal Ecology 2014,83(1):176-184 27  Anatomy of hierarchy:Feedforward and feedback pathways in macaque visual cortex Markov,Nikola T.; Vezoli,Julien; Chameau,Pascal; et al.Journal of Comparative Neurology 2014,522(1):225-259 26 Temperature dependence of trophic interactions are driven by asymmetry of species responses and foraging strategy Dell,Anthony I.; Pawar,Samraat; Savage,Van M.Journal of Animal Ecology 2014,83(1):70-84 25  Biogeographical regionalisation of the Neotropical region  Morrone,Juan J.Zootaxa 2014,3782(1):1-110 24 The dynamics of animal social networks:Analytical,conceptual,and theoretical advances Pinter-Wollman,Noa; Hobson,Elizabeth A.; Smith,Jennifer E.; et al.Behavioral Ecology 2014,25(2):242-255 19  The Drosophila IMD pathway in the kactivation of the humoral immune response  Kleino,Anni; Silverman,Neal Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2014,42(1):25-35 18Ligand specificities of Toll-like receptors in fish:Indications from infection studies Pietretti,Danilo; Wiegertjes,Geert F.Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2014,43(2):205-222 17  Best practices for use of stable isotope mixing models in food-web studies Phillips,Donald L.; Inger,Richard; Bearhop,Stuart; et al.Canadian Journal of Zoology 2014,92(10):823-835 17Peptidoglycan recognition proteins in Drosophila immunity Kurata,Shoichiro Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2014,42(1):36-41


Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century
Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast