基于Topic Circle的大学英语口语教学实践
何湘君(湖南商学院 外国语学院,湖南 长沙 410205)
基于Topic Circle的大学英语口语教学实践
(湖南商学院 外国语学院,湖南 长沙 410205)
Topic Circle是一种口语合作学习形式,它可以帮助学生在短时间的口语交际中,提高口语表达的流利性,获取大量未知信息,从而丰富口语表达的信息量。Topic Circle能深化学生口语表达的内容,从而充分调动学生口语表达的积极性,而且它的覆盖面广,是一种有效的大班口语教学形式。
合作学习;小组;口语教学;Topic Circle
二、合作学习与Topic Circle
合作学习(cooperative learning)起源于20世纪70年代初的美国。该理论富有创意与实效,同时也是一种结构化的、系统化的学习策略。它的基本分组原则是“组内异质,组间同质”,通常2-6人一组,通过合作、互助,进行各种学习活动,各组成员亲自动手实践、自主探索和相互交流,共同完成小组学习目标。(苏晓俐,2012)因此,它能活跃课堂气氛,消除学生焦虑,不仅提高小组成员成绩,还能提高小组整体水平,促进学生形成良好的团队合作精神。
但在我国,大学英语班级人数众多、个体口语实践量小、个体时间量小和个体间差异大,这些都加大了大学英语口语教学的难度,解决这个难题值得一试的教学方式是小组合作学习。教师可以根据不同的教学目标,在教学过程中,把全班同学分成不同的小组,每一组形成一个圆圈(Circle),这样,全班围成几个圆圈,进行各种口语活动。在Topic Circle活动中,我们要求每一个圆圈内相邻的两个同学在限定的时间内对不同的topic进行讨论和合作学习。活动过程中,我们可以采用多种评价方式。这种Topic Circle可以给学生营造轻松的课堂交流气氛,获取大量未知信息,从而丰富口语表达的信息量。
三、Topic Circle教学示例
教学目标:通过口语练习,帮助学生获取相应的相关知识(Related Information),并提高学生口语表达的流利性(Fluency)。
教学内容:Applying for an Australian University(申请赴澳大利亚读大学)
如:Universities in Australia;English Tests for Universities of Australia;Criteria for Enrolment in a University in Au stralia;Duration of the Degree in Australia;Vacations in the Australian Universities.
5.所有Topic讨论完毕,学生从信封内拿出所给Topic的参考答案,对照自己的讨论内容,找出哪些内容是自己不知道的,或是与自己的理解有偏差的。即What do I not know?以下是参考信息(Reference Information),其中内容要点我们用粗体字标出。
Universities in Australia
Australia has both government and private Universities. The famous universities are the Austrailian National University,the University of Sydney,the University of Melbourne,the University of Queensland,the University of New Southwales,the University of Western Australia etc.
English Tests for Universities and Foundation
The test IELTS is the preferred one for Australian institutions to measure the level of English of international students in Australia,but the TOEFL is also accepted.Many U-niversitiesofferEnglishcoursesforforeigners,andalso preparation courses called foundations for successful enrollment in Universities.
Criteria for Enrolment
The criteria for enrolment in a University vary depending on the institution.But generally besides the official translated documents,you will need to show:
Evidence of English knowledge/level.
Evidence of study,for example,if High School was not done in Australia need to show similar qualification,recognized by NOOSR.
Have already done at least 1 year in a university.If a person has not done a previous year in a University then an Australia course called Foundation during 6 months up to 1 year will guarantee entry in the University.
Duration of the Degree in Australia
A Bachelor degree generally takes three years.The majority of the structures offer the opportunity to combine two qualifications.In that you will be able to finish a University with a two qualifications or a“Double Degree”by studying one more year.For example:Bachelor Degree of IT&Business in 4 years.After finishing a Under Graduate degree you can get then continue on to a Graduate degree either in Master or PhD.
Vacations in the Australian Universities
The vacations vary in accordance with the system of semesters that the university adopts.The school year of the University in general starts in the end of February or start of March with one week of orientation,and finishes in November,with a month break between semesters.The Universities with fewer holidays usually have 3 semesters.
主要是自评。即学生对照参考材料,找出What do I not know?
最后是师评。学生口语练习期间,教师在各个Circle之间走动,监听学生的口语表达。学生以What do I not know?为题的汇报完成后,教师总结学生口语活动中及汇报中的表现,并解答活动中的典型疑难问题。
Topic Circle活动中,小组成员用英语交换看法或展开讨论,合作完成口语任务,提高口语表达能力(吴远航等,2010)。Topic Circle可用于课前的Warm-up及课后的Discussion等以获取信息为目标的口语活动中,这种活动重在鼓励学生开口将自己所知道的内容通过口语进行表达,因而更注重表达的流利性及内容的真实性(authenticity),因而对语言运用的准确性要求不是很高,因而一个Pair中的学生可以随机选择,教师在评价时只应更注重学生所表达信息的真实性。这种Topic Circle可以给学生营造轻松的课堂交流气氛,获取大量未知信息,从而丰富口语表达的信息量。另外,Topic Circle几乎覆盖了所有学生,因而是大班口语教学时的一种较理想的形式。
Topic circle is a cooperative learning mode for oral English,which can help improve the fluency of oral expression in communication within a short period by obtaining a large amount of unknown information and enriching the amount of information in oral expression.Topic circle can strengthen the content of students'oral expression,thus fully stimulating students'enthusiasm for oral practice.Besides,due to its wide usage,it is an effective oral English teaching mode for big classes of college.
cooperative learning;group;oral English teaching;Topic circle
首先是各组学生对照参考信息自我检查。What not know?并将自己的未知信息作适当笔记。然后每个Topic,教师分别叫一位同学分享他的未知信息(unknown information)。最后,教师还应该负责解答材料中的疑难点,如上文中的NOOSR。