

当代医学 2016年9期

赵咏梅 刘凯


赵咏梅 刘凯




1 室内过敏原






2 室外污染物





3 环境干预





4 其他改良危险因素及可疑因素




5 结论


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More than two decades ago, a substantial disparity in asthma prevalence and morbidity among urban children compared with their nonurban counterparts has been recognized. Because of the characteristics of pest allergens, urban neighborhoods, such as mouse and cockroach,are present in high concentrations in urban housing and have both been linked to asthma morbidity. Moreover, there is a growing amont of evidence demonstrating that concentrations of many pollutants are higher indoors than outdoors and that exposures to indoor pollutants such as particulate matterand nitrogen dioxide are independently associated with symptoms in children with asthma. Although environmental interventions are challenging to implement, when they reduce relevant indoor allergen and pollutant exposures, they are associated with clear improvements in asthma. Other possible risk factors in childhood asthma that have emerged include dietary and nutritional factors. Obese and overweight childrenmay be more susceptible to the pulmonary effects of pollutant exposure. Insufficiency of vitamin D and folate has also emerged as modifiable risk factors for asthma morbidity in children. The identification of these modifiable risk factors for urban childhood asthma morbidity offers a ripe opportunity for intervention.

Environmental exposure;Childhood asthma


新疆 8384400 新疆维吾尔自治区和布克赛尔蒙古族自治县人民医院儿科 (赵咏梅) 辽宁 124010 辽河油田总医院儿科 (刘凯)



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