—— 草间弥生(日本艺术家)
Yayoi Kusama is 87 years old. But when she is wheeled in, on her blue polka-dotted wheelchair, she looks more like a baby, the sort you might see played by an adult in a British pantomime1). Her face is large for a Japanese woman and at odds2) with her smallish frame. Apart from her intense, saucer-shaped eyes and the arc of deep red lipstick across her mouth, there is something masculine about her features. She wears a lurid red wig and a dress covered in polka dots. Coiled around her neck is a long red scarf decorated with black squiggles. When she is out of the spotlight, without her splashy red wig and garish outfits, she looks like a nice, grey-haired old lady. It is as if the patterns she has obsessively replicated since childhood have seeped off the canvas and into the three-dimensional world of flesh and blood.
Kusamas story begins in the conservative surroundings of rural Japan in 1929, where she was born in Matsumoto, Nagano prefecture3), into a family of seedling merchants. One early photo, taken at the age of about 10, shows a serious, rather beautiful girl with short hair, holding an enormous bunch of chrysanthemums4). So upstanding was her mothers family, that her father, a philanderer5) who spent much of his time in the company of geisha6), adopted the Kusama name as his own. At around the time the photograph was taken, Kusama was already producing pencil sketches featuring dots and a net-like motif. Even a portrait of her mother, whom she hated for her strictness and prudish7) values, is covered in dots as though she were suffering from chicken pox. “My parents were a real pain,” she says. “I couldnt stand it. They were very conservative. My family had been running the business for 100 years. My parents had old customs and morals.”
From early childhood Kusama experienced “visual and aural hallucinations8).” In her autobiography, she writes of her experience sitting among a bed of violets. “One day, I suddenly looked up to find that each and every violet had its own individual, human-like facial expression, and to my astonishment they were all talking to me.” On other occasions, “suddenly things would be flashing and glittering all around me. So many different images leaped into my eyes that I was left dazzled and dumbfounded.” Whenever these hallucinations occurred, she would rush home and draw what she had seen.
In 1948, after the war had ended, she began a formal course in Kyoto where she was instructed in Nihonga9), a style of Japanese painting. She hated the rigidities of the master-disciple system where students were supposed to imbibe10) tradition through the sensei11). “When I think of my life in Kyoto,” she says, “I feel like vomiting.”
She began to absorb the influences of cubism and surrealism, gleaned from magazines. In these styles she was almost entirely self-taught. Her artwork started to attract attention in Japan, where she staged several exhibitions. Some time earlier she had discovered a book by Georgia OKeeffe12) in a second-hand bookshop in Matsumoto. Something connected and she sent OKeeffe a letter, enclosing several of her watercolours. To her astonishment, OKeeffe wrote back with words of encouragement. It was the first of several letters the great American artist would send the “lowly Japanese girl.”
In spite of OKeeffes warnings that New York would be a tough place for a single Japanese woman, Kusama decided she belonged in the art scene of Americas greatest city. It was difficult to travel in those days. Japanese were restricted in the amount of foreign currency they could take out of the country, and Kusama had to sew bundles of notes into the lining of her clothes. Eventually, she made her way to New York, via Seattle, where she had persuaded one gallery to stage a small exhibition.
Her first years in New York, where she was to spend more than 15 years, were financially and psychologically traumatic. Winters in her unheated apartment were so cold she stayed up all night painting. She called it a “living hell.” But it did not lack for excitement. Kusama, a frenetic experimenter, absorbed everything she could. Though she played on13) her exotic qualities as a Japanese woman, often wearing a kimono14), she became very much an American artist. “America is really the country that raised me, and I owe what I have become to her,” she wrote. Within a year she was ready to strike out on her own, telling a Japanese magazine, “I am planning to create a revolutionary work that will stun the New York art world.”
The revolution came in the form of lace-like paintings that she called “infinity nets.” She filled huge canvases, sometimes more than 30ft-long, with endlessly repeated white loops of paint. Though it must not have looked that way at the time, the “infinity nets” were to become her defining creation.
In 1966, heart problems now compounding her psychiatric afflictions, she went uninvited to the Venice Biennale15). There, dressed in a golden kimono, she filled the lawn outside the Italian pavilion with 1,500 mirrored balls, which she offered for sale for 1,200 lire apiece. The authorities ordered her to stop, deeming it unacceptable to “sell art like hot dogs or ice cream cones.” Andrew Solomon16), writing in Artforum many years later, said Kusamas “lust for fame” had to be put into context. Comparing her to Andy Warhol17) he wrote, “It should not be forgotten that she was less readily accepted since she was a woman, and battling for ground in a foreign tongue, and living in a society recovering from aggressive wartime prejudice against Japan.”
Around this time, she began to stage “naked happenings18).” It was perhaps the height of her fame, but a low point in her reputation. Bands of Kusama followers, whom she recruited through newspaper advertisements, would descend on19) a public place such as the New York Stock Exchange. There they would disrobe and cavort20) around to the sound of bongo drums, while Kusama would daub polka dots on their naked bodies. Most of the happenings were quickly curtailed by the police. One of the events took place in the famous New York financial district. Kusama issued a press release in which she suggested, in capital letters naturally, that her aim was to “OBLITERATE WALL STREET MEN WITH POLKA DOTS.” In this, as in many things, she was ahead of her time.
By 1973, depressed, broke and facing a media backlash after her five minutes of uber-fame, she returned forlorn to Japan. The reception was hostile. She knew no one and belonged to no Japanese art movement. “It must have been deeply humiliating for her to come back to Japan,” says Morris, the Tate curator. “She had a breakdown. She needed surgery. She had no money. It was burnout.”
Kusama checked herself into the Seiwa Hospital for the Mentally Ill and eventually took up permanent residence. In the 1970s and 1980s she drifted into semi-obscurity, though she wrote poetry and fiction that won her a cult following in Japan. Only in 1989, when New Yorks Center for International Contemporary Arts staged a retrospective was interest revived in her art. She became more active again, mounting several one-woman shows in the US. In 1993, she went to the Venice Biennale, this time officially, where she produced a mirrored room filled with the pumpkin sculptures that are now central to her repertoire21). Today, her silver pumpkins fetch around half a million dollars each. Kusamas revival gained even greater force in 1998 with a major exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. That was the same location where she had been stopped from staging an unauthorised protest 30 years before. Her career had come full circle.
She does not want to be associated with other commercially successful Japanese artists, such as Yoshitomo Nara22) or Takashi Murakami23). “Such Japanese art is categorised as kawaii culture,” she says. “I have never seen my art as kawaii like that. I dont want to be seen as a Japanese artist. I just want to be able to explore my art freely in an international context.”
These days Kusamas biggest obsession is her legacy. When she was told about the price her silver pumpkins fetched, she nearly cried, not because of the financial gain but because of the recognition such large sums implied. Several times, often unprompted, she mentions the foundation she has established to spread her fame after she is gone. “I am always trying to transmit my own message to as many people as possible,” she says. “My main message is please stop war and live out the brilliance of life. I want to keep my profile as high as possible even after I have died.”
1. pantomime [?p?nt??ma?m] n. (英国尤在圣诞节演出的)童话剧;哑剧
2. at odds:不相称,不和谐
3. prefecture [?pri??fekt??(r)] n. 县;管区,辖区
4. chrysanthemum [kr??s?nθ?m?m] n. 菊花
5. philanderer [f??land(?)r?] n. 玩弄女性者;风流男子
6. geisha [?ɡe???] n.〈日〉艺妓;歌妓
7. prudish [?pru?d??] adj. 假正经的,假道学的
8. hallucination [h??lu?s??ne??(?)n] n. 幻觉
9. Nihonga:日本画,指日本的民族传统绘画。
10. imbibe [?m?ba?b] vt. 吸收(知识、思想等),接受
11. sensei [sen?se?] n. 〈日〉老师
12. Georgia OKeeffe:乔治亚·奥基夫(1887~1986),20世纪最具传奇色彩的美国艺术家之一,她以给人感官享受的花卉特写绘画而著称。
13. play on:利用(感情)
14. kimono [k??m??n??] n. 和服
15. biennale [?bi?e?nɑ?le?] n.〈意〉(尤指两年一次的)现代艺术(或美术)节
16. Andrew Solomon:安德鲁·所罗门(1963~),美国作家,其作品涉及政治、文化和心理学。
17. Andy Warhol:安迪·沃霍尔(1928~1987),被誉为20世纪艺术界最有名的人物之一,是波普艺术的倡导者和领袖。
18. happenings:指偶发艺术(Happening Art),流行于20世纪60年代的美术流派,以表现偶发性事件或不期而至的机遇为手段,重现人的行为过程,展示人的本能反应。
19. descend on:突然造访,突然到达
20. cavort [k??v??(r)t] vi. 雀跃;嬉戏玩闹;(常指)调情玩乐
21. repertoire [?rep?(r)?twɑ?(r)] n. 全部作品
22. Yoshitomo Nara:奈良美智(1959~),日本著名的现代艺术家,作品包括漫画及动画,其笔下的形象非常可爱。
23. Takashi Murakami:村上隆(1926~),日本极具影响力的现代艺术家,他的作品结合了日本当代流行卡通艺术与传统绘画的特点。