

未来传播 2016年1期


















Journal of Zhejiang University of Media and Communications



Development of Video News and Evolution of Cultural Power Structure


Remodeling Routine:The Construction of New Media Society by the Mediated Time


Application and Mode of the Internet of Things Technology in the “Wisdom Agriculture”


The Discourse of Young Chinese Entrepreneurs Constructed by the Media


An Analysis of Chinese Video Websites’ Exclusive Broadcasting Strategies

——A Case Study Using Iqiyi


“Soliloquy” and “Public Enemy”

——Lu Xun and Chinese Modern Media’s Vitality


Cognitive Construction and Communication of National Image on Mainstream News Websites in a Cross-cultural Context


A Study of the Huallywood Cinema Soundtrack Tyoe and International Survival


“Internet +” Era: Development Path and Mechanism Innovation of Local Film Industry


We Still Have a Long Way to Go: A Primary Use for the Chinese Cinema “Going Global” Strategy


System Sense: A New Method for Film Sound Theory


On the Supporting Role of Sound in theConstruction of University Film and Television Courses


On the Creation Methods of Chinese Movie Soundtracks in the Context of New Technologies

——A Case Study on the Movie Coming Home


Five Faces of Urban Modernity: A Review of Taxi Drivers’ Cinematic Representations


Old Films on New Run: A Survey on a Cultural Phenomenon


An Analysis of the Charts of the 2015 Summer Holidays Domestic Box Office Smash Hits

——Monster Hunt, Jian Bing Man, and Monkey King: Hero is Backin Reception Aesthetics Visual Threshold


Visions and Contradictions in the Literary History of Mythology Studies


Authenticity Discourse and Modern Anxiety

——Discussing Classic Formation Mechanisms of Contemporary Chinese Novels from Midnight


New Communication Revolution:A New Dimension of Understanding Media Literacy


The Construction of the Government’s Media Image and the Cultivation of Civil Servants’ Media Literacy

——Based on the Perspective of Media Society


Media “Disempowerment”, Internet Terror and Self- distinction

——A Research about Domestic Female Workers’ Media Access and Use in Hangzhou


The Innovative Logic Behind Promoting the Chinese Spirit and Disseminating Chinese Values

——A Summary of the Opening Symposium of the 2015 National Social Sciences Fund Art Studies Key Project “A Study on the ‘Chinese dream’ in Movies and Television Production and Distribution Strategies”


Challenges and Opportunities for the “Art and Science” Majors in the “Internet +” Era

——An Overview of the Construction of Key Art and Science ProgramsZhejiang University of Media and Communications School of Music Academic Forum


Beyond the “West” And “Structure”: A New Perspective of Taking China as a Discursive Whole for Communicational Research

——A Review for the Newly Released Book Chinese Discourse Studies



Development of Video News and Evolution of Cultural Power Structure

Zhang Aifeng

With the accelerating media converge process, video news have become an important goal of mutual competition among difference producers. From TV news, to online video news, to mobile video news, the cultural power structure has changed three times. Before the Interne era, it established itself as a “pyramid-type” cultural power structure, relying on government decrees. In the traditional Internet era, it built a “quadrilateral-type” of cultural power structure among foreign media/domestic media, traditional media/online media, professional reporters/ordinary Internet users. In the mobile Internet era, it is building a “multilateral game model” of the cultural power structure among different industries, which are dominated by the technology of integration. Changes of the cultural power structure mean redistribution of the discourse and fierce competition for cultural leadership.

Remodeling Routine:the Construction of New Media

Society by the Mediated Time

Zhang Menghan

Time has the function of regulating internal social relations, which represent people’s life in various forms in every social formation. But with the advent of a new media society, time becomes an important concept in the area of media research, as it has broken away from both space limitations and the restraints of a single measurement tool. This study focuses on one core aspect of media time, the mediated time, discussing how it marks and becomes part of everyday life. By observing the modes of participation of mediated time in the new media society, we can individuate four types: timing of a certain program, timing of program guides, timing of media use behavior and timing of media events. These means of timing show that producers and audiences are remodeling spatiotemporal meanings by taking advantage of electronic media. At the same time, new characteristics of the mediated time emerge when it interacts with other kinds of new media: these features are the increase of time density, the shortening of interval time, the changing of time display mode, the increase of duration in different levels and the trend of various expressions of time. Last but not least, when compared with the linear, irreversible and metric time that was popular in the industrial society, the mediated time is an important new ways of expressing time as a part of an accelerating social construction. The conclusion of this paper is that the mediated time that grows with every kind of new media will remodel social routine, and it will help us understand the new media and the social construction of reality based on time.

“Soliloquy” and “Public Enemy”

——Lu Xun and Chinese Modern Media’s Vitality

Chen Cailin

Lu Xun’s creation is permeated by the temperament of “soliloquy”, while being filled with the spirit of “public enemy”, and Chinese modern media has inseparable relationships with them. During his “soliloquy” we can feel the extremely angry and painful mood of “public enemy”; on the other hand, when he placed himself in the hostile environment of the “public enemy”, this often inspired the “soliloquy” in the depths of his soul. The inward “soliloquy” is actually a kind of art, the art of opening a channel to the whole world by refusing and closing said contact, eventually transformed into the widely accepted “public discourse”. The “public enemies” on the outside are actually defending and spreading the truth with the public guide of modern media. Both “soliloquy” and “public enemy” highlight Lu Xun’s most characteristic spiritual existence, the deepest part of his thinking and his most personal expression, giving new vitality to Chinese modern media with a penetrating thought and long-lasting artistic charm.

A Study of the Huallywood Cinema Soundtrack

Type and International Survival

Shao Peiren & Zhou Ying

Film soundtracks play and important role in controlling a film’s pacing, highlighting the features of the characters, serving as background for the theme. With the spread of globalization, Huallywood Cinema soundtracks are no longer limited to using only national music elements, and in the practice of nationalization and localization, the introduction of western music elements in building a more international music style, create a more diverse film atmosphere. There are three main types of Huallywood Cinema soundtracks: music that highlights cultural nationality; music that puts emphasis on modern western music elements; music that mixes national and western music elements. Of course, Huallywood Cinema soundtracks are also encountering some problems: for example, the oriental style sweeping across Huallyood Cinema soundtracks, the lack of cultural confidence and cultural consciousness in local musicians. With the globalization of film dissemination, the survival of Huallywood mixed soundtracks should follow this path: face the disadvantages and problems; develop cultural consciousness, strengthen cultural self-confidence; open a dialogue with world cinema, borrowing from it to improve itself, realizing its own cultural identity and constructing a multi-polarized model for world cinema; and continuously develop Huallywood Cinema as the vanguard in the dissemination of Chinese culture.

“Internet +” Era: Development Path and Mechanism

Innovation of Local Film Industry

Xiang Zhongping & Wang Bingxue

In the “Internet +” Era, the native discourse, the rise of local consciousness, social change and convergence brought about by new communication forms, caused the film industry to show a much wider spread from global to local trends. Indigenous movie industrialization construction needs to be integrated into the ways of thinking and multiple platforms developed by the new era film industry, borrowing from the ways of thinking and mechanism innovation of the Internet era, creating a more positive and varied industrialized development space through interactive and virtuous communication, moving the important practical issue in the development of society as a whole in the specific local immigration, creating richer content and themes for movies, to further strengthen the awareness of industrialization, the concept of network, to jointly promote the breakthrough of local film industry ecology, driving the coexistence and co-prosperity of the whole industry chain, seeking a broader space to grow up and vision to move forward.

System Sense: A New Method for Film Sound Theory

Zhang Jinhui & Yao Guoqiang

Sound is one of the main ways to convey meaning of the meaning of the movie, and is both an object of creation and an object of study. Over the last 90 years, sound has truly become part of the artistic creation of movies. However, when compared to photography, director, etc. sound research is relatively scarce. To this day, some people still will not acknowledge film sound theory, thinking that film sound theory does not exist or is not worth pursuing. As a matter of fact, common sense suggests that film sound is in fact an important research topic. Not only film sound theory exists, but it has already reached many academic achievements.

So, we focus on the study of film sound theory, n its basic concepts, study type, etc., attempting to start from the framework, to form a holistic understanding of the theoretical study of film sound. This paper shows the existence of theoretical sound research, also leading the way to new research directions.

Five Faces of Urban Modernity: A Review of Taxi

Drivers’ Cinematic Representations

Chen Tao

The taxi driver, as an important type of character in the urban films, represents and reflects different historical contexts, economic developments, gender issues, post-colonial identities and cultural constructions in various countries and regions. This essay gives a brief review on some important move protagonists - the five faces of urban modernity - in taxi films, providing some important bases and context for further research in fields such as social space, class or gender discourse and traffic development in modern cities.

New Communication Revolution:A New Dimension of

Understanding Media Literacy

Liu Yong

The concept of media literacy is being enriched with the development of communication technology and the changes of the times. Based on the wide application of the Internet, the “New Communication Revolution” has brought many big changes, for example in the ways of communication, the shift of communication rights and the fundamental changes of the relationship between communication and audience. So the connotation of media literacy should also be expanded. The content of media literacy includes not only using and rethinking new technology, but also respecting and upholding common sense.

Media “Disempowerment”, Internet Terror and Self- distinction

——A Research about Domestic Female Workers’ Media Access and Use in Hangzhou

Wang Shuhua

This article will focus on the media practice of domestic female workers in Hangzhou, and attempt at outlining the situation of media literacy of city domestic female workers, exploring its trends and origin. The research shows that media literacy of domestic female works in Hangzhou is not very high. They like watching TV, especially TV series, variety shows and social news. They use mobile phones only for convenience, and their internet participation is not so active. The media make no difference in the everyday life of domestic female workers in Hangzhou. The have fears concerning the internet, and misconceptions related to new technologies, and have no desire to express themselves and be empowered trough media. They try to maintain close relationships with society, and are eager to develop a sense of belonging with this city. However, they still choose to go back to the strong ties they have established within real society.


