What To Do With Minutes To Go In Class(2)


第二课堂(校外活动版) 2016年2期


These teaching tips are all to be used when you have extra time after a lesson.

Provide an Outline After Each Lesson每节课后提供一张略图

Ann, 6th Grade teacher/Special Ed

“Give your students an outline of everything that you expected them to get from your lesson during the last five minutes of the lesson. Go over the outline with the students and ask them if there are any questions that they may have. Leave a line for them to write in a question that they may have or ask the teacher to help where needed. Collect the questions and tell the students that you will answer the questions the next day or when you return to that lesson.”

Always Have a Good Book Handy 随身带一本好书

Diane, 3rd Grade teacher

“Have a book to read from when you find that you have ‘5 minutes left to go. Choose a book that you know will be interesting to your students and is related to what they are learning. Tell them that you will be reading five minutes from this book when you have any time left... do it after school, before lunch, or at any free time that is available. It will calm students down before they are on the move. It is also a good way to develop listening skills and appreciation for story time.”

Throw a Volleyball or Something Similar扔排球或类似的东西

Mary, 2nd Grade teacher

“When faced with 5 minutes before or after an activity/event, try this! Using a volleyball, or something similar, the students set in a circle or by their desk, throw the ball to another student. The student must catch the ball, then throw it to someone else within 3 seconds. Students must alternate (交替) players to make sure everyone gets a turn. If a student drops the ball, something in English must be said, and they have to give up the game. The last 3 people remaining at the end of the set time collect a prize. Students monitor the game themselves. Variations (变换的动作) should be appreciated, such as 1 hand catch, under throw, behind the back throw.”


昆明部分小学课时“瘦身” 每节课缩短至35分钟
What To Do With Minutes To Go In Class(2)
北京 小学初中将打破每节课45分钟惯例
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