《中国海洋法学评论》(China Oceans Law Review),ISSN:1813-7350,是由厦门大学海洋法与中国东南海疆研究中心、香港理工大学董浩云国际海事研究中心、台湾中山大学海洋事务研究所、澳门大学高级法律研究所以及大连海事大学海法研究院两岸四地五校联合主办,(香港)中国评论文化有限公司出版的海洋法领域中英双语对照的优秀国际学术期刊。《中国海洋法学评论》秉承“海纳百川,有容乃大”的精神,力求刊发海内外与海洋法律、海洋政策相关的一切研究成果,热忱欢迎专家学者不吝赐稿,兹立稿约如下:
六、为扩大本刊及作者知识信息交流渠道,本刊已加入Westlaw China、北大法宝、台湾华艺、维普、中国知网、超星法源、Heinonline等中外相关数据库,除非作者在来稿时声明保留,否则即视为同意《中国海洋法学评论》拥有以非专有方式向第三人授予已刊作品电子出版权、信息网络传播权和数字化汇编、复制权;和向《中国社会科学文摘》、《高等学校文科学术文摘》和中国人民大学书报复印资料等文摘类刊物推荐转载已刊作品的权利。
China Oceans Law Review Call For Papers
China Oceans Law Review (COLR - ISSN:1813-7350) is a compilation of research focusing on ocean-related laws and policies. This Chinese-English bilingual journal is jointly hosted by Xiamen University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Macau Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, (Taiwan) Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Marine Af f airs and Dalian Maritime University Institute of Maritime Law and Ocean Law, and is published semi-annually. Beginning from Spring 2011,COLR is indexed by Westlaw China, Lawinfochina. com, Airiti, Cqvip and Heinonline.
Papers from all academics and industry practitioners are faithfully respected and welcomed. The agreements for all contributors are as follows:
1. There are no restrictions on the style, idea, perspective or length of the paper.
2. Potential contributors are expected to provide personal information; including your name, degree, occupation, and contact information.
3. Please strictly follow the format for academic writings which can be referred to in the “China Oceans Law Review Writing Format” in the appendix of COLR.
4. If your paper is a translation from other professionals, please attach the original paper and literary authority license from the original publisher.
5. Authors are responsible for the text of their contribution, unless declared otherwise. The editorial office reserves the discretion to edit the textual detail.
6. Submissions are subject to double-blind peer review within two months of submission. Authors of selected papers will be paid in a lump-sum. Two free copies of sample books will be of f ered to the author.
7. Submission of an article implies that the authors have read, understood and agreed to the above statements.
Please include an electronic copy with your submission, either by CD or e-mail (colr@xmu.edu.cn).