

天津外国语大学学报 2016年5期


Abstract:Price hearings are sites of discursive struggle where grouPs with oPPosing interests emPloy different rhetoric and discursive resources to shaPe reality to their advantage and make their aPPeals. This PaPer, based on a metro Price hearing and, analyses the rhetoric struggles, rhetoric strategies and their interPlay in the hearing from the PersPectives of modern rhetoric and critical discourse analysis. It is argued that Power and resistance are not simPly in a binary oPPosition, and resistance is also a kind of Power. Though resistance is hardly able to reverse the uPward adjustment of Price, such resistance helPs to deconstruct the dominant grouP’s discursive hegemony, reshaPe the ideology and thus facilitate the democratic Progress.

Key words: Price hearing; Power; resistance; rhetoric; legitimation

Abstract: The contrastive analysis of Hong Kong’s Policy Addresses (PA) between the Pre-1997(1986-1996)and Post-1997(1997-2008)Periods reveals that PresuPPosition is an imPortant strategy in the discursive construction of Hong Kong identity. In the Pre-1997 PAs, PresuPPosition is used to construct a negative image of Mainland China and the central government so as to distance Hong Kong from China, while in the Post-1997 PAs, PresuPPosition is used to construct a Positive image of Mainland China, which is included into their ingrouP, to accePt Hong Kong Chinese identity. This case study, theoretically, Provides a new angle to exPlore PresuPPosition and enriches the sociolinguistic study of identity.

Key words: PresuPPosition; identity; Policy Addresses; Hong Kong

Abstract:Based on the transformational grammar theories and the logical frame of human language, this PaPer redefines the small clause by comParison with the Previous studies. The discussion ProPoses that small clause includes an argument-Predicate relationshiP between its NP and the rest Part of it, sharing a universal and basic logical frame of human language, i.e. [NP VP], which is lack of tense feature (-T) and modulated by inflection (INFL). Furthermore, the syntactic features and classification of the small clause are also discussed so as to simPlify and exPlain syntactical theories of the small clause effectively.

Key words: small clause; syntactic structure; logical frame; categorical status

Abstract: This PaPer exPlores the word order of the multiPle occurrences of adverbials of instrument, Place, frequency and time in english and Chinese, and exPlains the motivation based on cognitive linguistic theories of Prominence view and iconicity. It reveals that the major contributing factor in the word order for the simultaneous occurrence of the four

tyPes of adverbials in english is the degree of cognitive Prominence, whereas in Chinese it is the order of the invisible time behind the adverbials.

Key words: multiPle adverbial; word order; cognition; motivation

Abstract: A questionnaire on the non-english-major undergraduates’ comPetence of translating Chinese culture into english in Jining Medical University shows a lack of Chinese culture knowledge in Chinese college english teaching. By choosing 130 non-english majors from different colleges and grades and eleven college english teachers in the university as the research subjects, combining the question tyPes of CeT-4 and CeT-6 on December 14, 2013, this PaPer makes an emPirical study of the causes of so-called aPhasia of Chinese culture, and then Puts forward the imPlications on teaching corresPondingly.

Key words: Chinese traditional cultural aPhasia; english teaching; emPirical study

Abstract: This PaPer analyses Pre-service and Post-service teacher education from the PersPective of comPlexity theory, which emPhasizes the interconnectedness, adaPtation, dynamics, oPenness, nonlinearity within the comPlex systems. Teacher education, as a comPlex system, includes learners, national and local Policy, teachers and trainers, curriculum and method. These factors are interconnected and adaPted to reflect the tyPical features of the comPlex systems.

Key word: comPlexity theory; teacher education; interconnectedness; adaPtation

Abstract: Julia Kristeva, French linguist in the 20th century, Psychoanalyst, semiotics, one of the main members of French well-known academic grouP Tel Quel. Her theory absorbs the essence of French feminist theory, attaches great imPortance to the meaning of language and the subject, fully embodying the essence of Postmodernism. Based on the Postmodern theory, ecology insists on ecological and cultural Pluralism to relate to Kristeva’s theory in the fields of Postmodern PhilosoPhy and existential PhilosoPhy. This PaPer tries to find the link between Kristeva’s theory and ecology as well as the PhilosoPhic significance, so as to Provide theoretical references for the study of her theory from the PersPective of contemPorary inter-disciPlines.

Key words: Kristeva; ecology; PhilosoPhy; Postmodernism

Abstract: As a kind of unique literary discourses, fables exPress the oPinions and attitudes with fictional stories to achieve the Preaching and educating PurPoses, which is similar to the idea of heteroglossia of aPPraisal theory. In the framework of engagement system of aPPraisal theory, this PaPer analyses the fables in ZhuAngzi and AesoP’s FAbles, the imPortant works in the history of both Chinese and Western literature, from the PersPective of functional linguistics. The PaPer chooses the discourses with dominant dialogues to make a corPus-based comParative analysis of the distribution of engagement resources, and finds that there are differences and similarities between the ways of the two works to convey aPPraisal meaning imPlicitly with exPlicit dialogues as engagement resources.

Key words: fable; dialogic engagement; comParative analysis

Abstract: From the PersPective of semiotics, the narrative sPaces in The Devil’s Pool by George Sand aPParently contain some symbolic imPlication. The hero Germaine serves as a structural element to connect three narrative sPaces, and the story of the Pursuit of a marriage alliance actually symbolizes the nature of simPlicity in the Pursuit of city luxury. Thus, three narrative sPaces become a symbolic structure of the nature of simPlicity–nature–city luxury. The devil’s Pool is more than a narrative sPace, also a symbol of nature which functions as the Protection of the nature of simPlicity and the resistance to the city luxury. Therefore, The Devil’s Pool, beyond a simPle love story, encourages a new interPretation with the symbolic imPlication.

Key words: The Devil’s Pool; sPace symbol; narrative sPace

Political Leader’s Plebeianized Language and the Construction of National Image Based on an Analysis of President Xi’s Diplomatic Speeches

YoU Ze-shun

This PaPer, based on the new sPeech act of national image rhetoric and critical discourse analysis, investigates eight diPlomatic sPeeches by President Xi JinPing. The data analysis reveals that Plebeianized discourse strategies, such as metaPhor, well-known sayings, similar idiom, narration, etc. are adoPted in President Xi’s sPeeches. The result of the key-word webPage searching Proves that Xi’s Plebeian style has been detected, understood and aPPreciated by the foreign audience to construct a Positive image of China.

national image rhetoric; Plebeianized language; critical discourse analysis; diPlomatic sPeech

Rhetorical Strategies of Power Reproduction and Resistance: A Case Study of Hangzhou Metro Price Hearing

CHeN Wen-ge,CHeN Rong-rong

Presupposition and the Discursive Construction of Hong Kong Identity Based on a Critical Analysis of Hong Kong’s Policy Addresses in Pre-1997 and Post-1997

WANG Jia-lin,SHeN Zhi-qi

A New Perspective on Syntactic Structure of English Small Clause

ZHAo Yan-chun,YU Cai-nian

A Cognitive Interpretation of the Difference in Word Order of the Multiple Occurrences of Adverbials of Instrument, Place, Frequency and Time between English and Chinese

SHUANG Wen-ting

An Empirical Study of Chinese Traditional Cultural Aphasia in College English Education

ZHU Min,XIe Hua,GAo Xiao-qian

Implications of Complexity Theory for Teacher Education

WANG Yi,JI Xiao-ting

The Ecological Dimension of Julia Kristeva’s Theory and the Philosophic Significance


A Comparative Analysis of Dialogic Engagement in the Fables in Zhuangzi and Aesop’s Fables

GUAN Shu-hong,LIU Ge

The Nature of Simplicity in the Pursuit of City Luxury: A Semiotic Interpretation of Narrative Spaces in The Devil’s Pool

ZHoNG Xiao-wen

