Facing the Challenge,Boldly Asking Which Path to Take
Fan Zao
Abstract:In the age of economic globalization,information networking and cultural diversification,Chinese traditional culture is facing a strong challenge from Western modern culture,while at the same time,contemporary mainstream culture is also facing challenges from mass culture—this is a double challenge being faced by Chinese contemporary literature.Meanwhile,contemporary ethnic literature of China is facing another challenge,that is,the marginalized ethnic cultures are facing an implicit challenge from the orthodox culture of the Han.Where is the path for contemporary ethnic literature in China under these triple challenges?
How does ethnic literature seek to break through these three restraints? Seen from the aspects of the current academic system,educational mechanisms,and courses of study,this is not just a technical issue or an issue of a cultural study concerning protection for a multicultural ecology,an ethnological study of ethnic cultural compositions,or an artistic study on preserving the unique styles of art.Instead,this is much more a question of aesthetics.Generally speaking,a breakthrough of ethnic literature needs the aesthetics to take the lead.If so,then,what strategy should ethnic literature adopt for this aesthetic breakthrough?
I.Retaining the authors self- identity
Ethnic literature is generally supposed to be created by the writers from the same ethnic group.Hence,it involves the issue of the authors identity.we need to construct a kind of “self” perspective; namely,the authors of ethnic literature should not underestimate their own capabilities because they are in the corners or on the edge of the literary world.Instead they should believe that “ I make decisions for my position”,and,the written material,cultural resources and aesthetic consciousness that they have are the very quality that the Han or other ethnic minority writers do not have.What the ethnic writers of literature need to acquire and promote is the confidence of the subjective consciousness of “self-identity”
II.Advocating the use of a language structure with ethnic style
When talking about the “aesthetic breakthrough” of ethnic literature,we must also first establish the subjective meaning of the structure of the language used in the ethnic literature.What the language structure of ethnic literature involves is not only the art of language,but also historical evolution,social customs,life consciousness and philosophy that is carried behind the language.For instance,the Tibetan epic “King Gesar” is an orally transmitted “encyclopedia” which incorporates the history,legends,myths,concepts of love,life and beliefs of the Tibetan.Just imagine,if it were not sung or recorded in Tibetan,the aesthetic charm of this ethnic literature would disappear,leaving us only a story with dry content and abstract preaching on the various themes.This is because any form of language is not just a question of “form”,instead there are rich and endless cultural mimes and emotional genes behind it.
III.Making efforts to present the construction of the original ecological content
If language structure is the issue of how to write ethnic literature,then the construction of the content is about the content of writing.So,what are we expecting from ethnic writers?Ethnic writers should try to reveal the characteristics and implications of three aspects of creation.The first aspect is the tangible form of material culture; the second one is the sensory form of a cultural system; and,the third is the practices of the cultures ideas and concepts. Under the current background of “triple” cultural challenges,how can ethnic literature stand independently,and grasp opportunities for development and prosperity? What we should do is to focus on the landscape,pure customs,and natural philosophies that modern culture,mainstream culture or popular culture cannot represent.Instead of saying it is original and ecological,it is more about life,or a consciousness of life which displays primitiveness and original features,nature and self,greatness and charm.All of these are the life force of ethnic areas,and also represent the deepest,richest,and most unique aesthetic values of ethnic literature.
IV.Fully open up diversified routes of dissemination
On the issue of fully opening up ways to disseminate ethnic literature,the first thing we must understand is why we should pay attention to it,and,then,strengthen its ability to spread.In addition to promoting the writers fame and reputation that we all know,what other meaning should it have? Firstly,it should have a wide range of social significance.Secondly,it should have rich cultural significance.Thirdly,it should have deep spiritual significance.Moreover,we should find better ways of dissemination.Publishing,pursuing various awards,and converting it into other types of art are the ways of dissemination we have been familiar with for many years.In the current age,with a flourishing internet and developed cultural industries,there are other pathways,for example:1) dissemination with the aid of the new media.2) dissemination through the creation of topics .3) dissemination by relying on tourist sites.
In the face of the triple challenge brought about by modern western culture,Chinas mainstream culture and the popular culture,ethnic literature has lost its direction.Where is its path? Although “all roads lead to Rome”,the most unique,quick,smooth,joyful and pleasant path should be one filled with the sunshine of aesthetics.This is the “aesthetic breakthrough” discussed in this paper,which is: to retain the authors self-identity in order to construct the aesthetic confidence of the ethnic main body; to promote the use of language structure with ethnic style in order to highlight the freedom of aesthetics confidence in the ethnic literature ; to make efforts to present the construction of the original ecological content in order to excavate the ecological aesthetics meaning of life force in ethnic literature ; and to open up fully diversified routes of dissemination in order to search for the rich aesthetic feelings in ethnic literature .
Key Words: ethnic literature; cultural dilemma ; aesthetic breakthrough
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