霍 冰, 刘习军, 张素侠, 刘 鹏
(1.天津大学 机械工程学院力学系,天津 300072; 2. 天津市非线性动力学与混沌控制重点实验室,天津 300072)
霍冰1,2, 刘习军1,2, 张素侠1,2, 刘鹏1,2
(1.天津大学 机械工程学院力学系,天津300072; 2. 天津市非线性动力学与混沌控制重点实验室,天津300072)
覆冰导线舞动机理的发展主要经历了Den Hartog垂直舞动机理[2],Nigol扭转激发舞动机理[3-4],以及Yu等[5]提出的偏心惯性耦合失稳机理。随着非线性动力学的日益发展,20世纪90年代以来,越来越多的学者通过非线性理论研究舞动问题。Luongo和Benedettini,Lee,Perkins以及Nayfeh[6-9]就悬索的稳定性和多模态间内共振引起的丰富动力学现象进行了大量的研究。李黎,赵丽等[10-11]采用有限元方法研究覆冰导线中存在的非线性问题。近年来有学者发现在舞动系统中还存在多解、滞后和跳跃等不稳定现象[12-14]。覆冰导线的分岔与混沌等复杂的动力学现象也备受关注[15-16],然而对于覆冰导线系统中的奇异性现象还鲜有涉及。
图1 输电导线模型Fig.1 The model of transmission line
图2 覆冰导线气动受力分析图Fig. 2 Aerodynamic forces acting on the non-circular section
图3 覆冰导线舞动时程曲线图Fig.3 Time history of galloping for iced transmission line
由于αi为系统工程参数的函数,根据上式可直接在工程参数坐标中绘制转迁集曲线或曲面,绘制过程中可预留关心的参数作为工程开折参数,本文中选取风速U、空气密度ρ和面外阻尼系数ζw作为工程开折参数,其余参数选取为[20]:T0=30 000 N,l=110.5 m,m=2.378 9 kg/m,D=0.028 6 m,A=423.24 mm2,E=4.78×1010N/m2。如图4所示,系统的转迁集将空间U-ρ-ζw分成了四个子空间,逆时针方向依次将曲面和子空间定义为SF-Ⅰ、SP-Ⅰ、SF-Ⅱ、SP-Ⅱ、SF-Ⅲ、SP-Ⅲ、SF-Ⅳ和SP-Ⅳ八个不同的区域,其中SF-Ⅰ和SF-Ⅳ为分岔点集,SF-Ⅱ和SF-Ⅲ为滞后点集。
图4 系统在空间U-ρ-ζw中的转迁集Fig.4 Transition sets in coordinates U-ρ-ζw
图5 不同区域的分岔曲线(ζw=0.04)Fig.5 Bifurcated curves in their corresponding regions
图6 区域SP-Ⅱ中的数值模拟 (U=14,ρ=1)Fig.6 Numerical simulation with parameter selected in SP-Ⅱ (U=14,ρ=1)
图7 区域SP-Ⅲ中的数值模拟 (U=10,ρ=1.5)Fig.7 Numerical simulation with parameter selected in SP-Ⅱ (U=10,ρ=1.5)
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第一作者 霍冰 女,博士生,1987年12月生
Singularity and chaos of nonlinear galloping for an iced transmission line
HUOBing1,2,LIUXi-jun1,2,ZHANGSu-xia1,2,LIUPeng1,2(1. Dept. Of Mechanics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Control, Tianjin 300072, China)
Abstract:A continuous dynamic model for an iced transmission line was proposed for describing the coupling of its in-plane, out-of-plane and torsional vibrations. It was built on the basis of Hamilton principle considering geometric and aerodynamic nonlinearities. Galerkin method was applied to spatially discrete the partial differential governing equations and acquire the oddinary differential equations of the line system. With the average method, the average equations and the bifurcation equation of the line system were deduced. The relationship between bifurcation parameters, unfolding parameters and physical ones was established, bifurcation parameters and unfolding ones were decoupled. Transition sets of the physical parameters and their topological structures in different regions were derived by employing the singularity theory. It was found that there exist saddle nodes and jumping phenomenon in the line system. Numerical simulations were implemented in stable and jumping regions, respectively. The bifurcation diagrams obtained with numerical simulations were consistent with those acquired with the theoretical analysis, the periodic and chaotic solutions were observed. The results provided a theoretical support for the optimization of the system’s physical parameters.
Key words:nonlinear vibration; iced conductor; galloping; singularity theory; chaos
通信作者刘习军 男,教授,1956年1月生