(1.广东省医学实验动物中心 比较医学实验室,广东 佛山 528248;
2.广东省佛山市南海区 第三人民医院,广东 佛山 510180)
(1.广东省医学实验动物中心 比较医学实验室,广东 佛山528248;
2.广东省佛山市南海区 第三人民医院,广东 佛山510180)
【摘要】目的通过形态学观察评价乙酸诱导建立急性直肠黏膜损伤模型的效果。方法将含有4%乙酸溶液的棉签经SD大鼠肛门置入直肠1 min,置入深度为3 cm,诱导大鼠形成急性直肠黏膜损伤,并于损伤后0.5 h和1、4、6 d分别解剖大鼠,对直肠进行大体形态观察和组织病理学分析。结果损伤后大鼠6 d内全部存活,模型成功率为100%。损伤后0.5 h~1 d,大鼠直肠黏膜大体形态由充血、水肿和溃疡到合并出血,镜下形态见黏膜层由上皮组织坏死伴出血到黏膜组织全层坏死,腺体由部分留存到全无,黏膜下层由水肿到合并充血、出血,间质内由血管扩张充血到炎细胞浸润;损伤后4 ~6 d,直肠黏膜大体形态仍可见部分水肿和血丝,镜下形态见黏膜上皮有部分留存,损伤部位有炎性肉芽组织增生,黏膜充血、出血减轻。结论4%乙酸作用于直肠1 min能成功诱导建立大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤模型,该模型操作方便、成功率高、重复性好,损伤维持时间6 d以上,适合作为快速筛选直肠外用药物疗效的动物模型。
临床常见的直肠损伤类型大致可分为内源性损伤、外源性损伤和医源性损伤。目前,建立直肠损伤动物模型的方法主要有放射法、物理法、染菌法和化学法。乙酸诱导急性直肠黏膜损伤,是化学法的一种,虽然已在少数文献中应用,但是尚无单纯针对乙酸诱导大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤过程的形态学变化报道,尤其缺少直观的直肠损伤大体形态学变化的图片资料。本研究主要通过观察4%乙酸作用直肠1 min诱导大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤后6 d内的大体形态和组织病理学变化,评价其作为模型的效果和愈后,一方面为急性直肠黏膜损伤动物模型研究提供背景数据,另一方面也为直肠外用药物研究提供实验基础。
SPF级SD大鼠15只,体重180~220 g,雄性,购于广东省医学实验动物中心〔SCXK(粤)2013-0002〕。本实验所有动物实验操作均在广东省医学实验动物中心实验设施内进行〔SYXK(粤)2013-0002〕。
电子天平(上海友声衡器有限公司BS-3000A);轮转切片机(德国Leica公司 RM2135);生物组织全自动脱水机(湖北孝感医用仪器有限公司 TS-12C);生物组织包埋机及冷冻机(湖北孝感医用仪器有限公司 BM-VII);摊片烤片机(湖北孝感医用仪器有限公司 CS-VI);生物组织全自动染色机(湖北孝感医用仪器有限公司 RS-18);病理图像分析系统(日本奥林巴斯 BX41)。
将检疫合格的15只SD大鼠随机分为正常对照组(3只)和模型组(12只)。实验造模前,大鼠禁食1 d。造模时,将大鼠麻醉,以4%的乙酸棉签经大鼠肛门置入直肠1 min,置入深度为3 cm,制备模型组12只大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤模型。观察损伤后大鼠的饮食、体重和排便情况,并于损伤后0.5 h和1、4、6 d分别解剖大鼠,对直肠进行大体形态观察和组织病理学分析。本实验所有动物实验操作均经过广东省医学实验动物中心实验动物伦理委员会批准。
损伤后1~2 d大鼠出现厌食、腹泻和体重减轻症状,6 d内大鼠全部存活,模型成功率为100%。
正常对照组直肠形态正常,无黏膜出血、水肿和溃疡;在大鼠直肠黏膜损伤后0.5 h,模型组直肠黏膜充血、水肿和溃疡;在大鼠直肠黏膜损伤后1 d,模型组直肠黏膜明显出血、溃疡,损伤明显;在大鼠直肠黏膜损伤后4 d,模型组损伤情况有所改善,局部出血减轻;在大鼠直肠黏膜损伤后6 d,模型组充血、出血减轻。见图1。
注:A. 正常对照组直肠形态正常,无黏膜出血、水肿和溃疡;B. 模型组损伤后0.5 h直肠黏膜充血、水肿和溃疡;C. 模型组损伤后1d直肠黏膜损伤明显,黏膜明显出血;D. 模型组损伤后4 d直肠黏膜依然可见水肿和血丝;E. 模型组损伤后6 d直肠黏膜充血、出血明显减轻。 图1 大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤大体形态图Note. A. Normal morphology of the rectal mucosa of normal control rats. B. Rectal mucosal edema and ulcer are present in the rat mucosa at 0.5 h after acetic acid intervention. C. Visible mucosal hemorrhagic changes in the rat rectal mucosa are obviously at 1 day after acetic acid intervention. D. Edema and redness of the rat rectal mucosa at 4 days after acetic acid intervention. E. Congestion and hemorrhage of the rat rectal mucosa are obviously attenuated at 6 days after acetic acid intervention. Fig.1 Gross appearance of acetic acid-induced acute rectal mucosal injury in the rats
正常对照组直肠未见明显异常;损伤后0.5 h,模型组部分直肠黏膜上皮组织坏死,部分腺体留存,黏膜下层水肿,间质血管扩张充血;损伤后1 d,模型组直肠黏膜全层坏死伴出血,未见腺体留存,黏膜下层水肿、充血、出血、间质炎细胞浸润;损伤后4 d,模型组黏膜出血减轻,部分腺体留存,损伤部位见炎性肉芽组织增生,黏膜下充血;损伤后6 d,模型组黏膜上皮有部分留存,损伤部位仍可见炎性肉芽组织增生,黏膜充血、出血减轻。见图2。
直肠损伤动物模型的建立方法各有侧重:放射法侧重于模拟盆腔肿瘤放疗后的直肠损伤,如盆腔照射17.5 ~25 Gy[1,2]可引起大鼠直肠轻中度损伤;物理法侧重于模拟外源性的直肠损伤,如用器械反复磨擦直肠,造成局部黏膜层损伤和出血;染菌法侧重于模拟感染性的直肠损伤,如用大肠杆菌[3]、幽门螺杆菌[4]感染肠道组织造成损伤;化学法侧重于模拟炎症性的直肠损伤,化学试剂单纯作用于直肠的不多见,刺激部位大多集中在结肠,如用葡聚糖硫酸钠[5]、三硝基苯磺酸[6]诱导肠道炎性损伤,不过这些试剂价格昂贵,造模后动物会有不同程度的死亡。
本研究使用乙酸诱导急性直肠黏膜损伤的方法与王振军[7]文献中的造模方法有相似之处,但本研究使用的乙酸浓度、造模时间以及后续观察时间都与其不同,并且增加了直观的直肠损伤大体形态学变化的图片数据。对于乙酸作用的强度和直肠损伤的趋势,本研究的结果与王振军研究的结果基本对应。本研究的结果表明,4%乙酸作用直肠1 min能成功诱导建立大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤模型,该模型操作方便、成功率高、重复性好,组织形态学变化易于观察,损伤维持时间6 d以上,适合作为快速筛选直肠外用药物疗效的动物模型。
注:A. 正常对照组大鼠直肠组织镜下见黏膜上皮组织完整,结构正常;B. 模型组损伤后0.5 h,大鼠直肠组织镜下见部分黏膜上皮组织坏死,部分腺体留存,黏膜下层水肿,间质血管扩张充血;C. 模型组损伤后1 d,大鼠直肠组织镜下见黏膜层全层坏死伴出血,未见腺体留存,黏膜下层水肿、充血、出血、间质炎细胞浸润; D. 模型组损伤后4d直肠黏膜依然可见水肿和血丝;E. 模型组损伤后6 d,大鼠直肠组织镜下见黏膜上皮有部分留存,损伤部位仍可见炎性肉芽组织增生,黏膜充血、出血减轻。 图2 大鼠急性直肠黏膜损伤病理图(H&E)Note. A. The normal and intact rectal mucosa of normal control rats. B. Partial necrosis of the mucosal epithelium, edema and partial loss of glandular structure in the submucosa and interstitial vascular congestion in a rat rectum at 0.5 hour after acetic acid intervention. C. Extensive necrosis and hemorrhage of the mucosa, completely disappearance of glands, edema, congestion, hemorrhage, and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration in the submucosa in the rectum of a model rat at 1 day after acetic acid intervention. D. At 4 days after acetic acid intervention, edema and hemorrhage are still seen in the rectal mucosa of a model rat; E. 6th day after acetic acid intervention, the morphological structures of rectum are improved obviously but lesions are not fully recovered, it remains visible partial disappearance of glands and proliferation of inflammatory granulation, congestion and hemorrhage of rectal mucosa are alleviated obviously. Fig.2 Microscopic changes of the acute rectal mucosa injuries in the rats at different time points after acetic acid intervention. (H&E staining)
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Morphological characterization of the rat model of
acetic acid-induced acute rectal mucosal injury
LOU Cai-xia1, HU Li-chun2, LI Xiao-ping2, SUN Xia1, ZHONG Zhi-yong1, KUANG Shao-song1, TANG Xiao-jiang1
(1. Laboratory of Comparative Medicine, Guangdong Medical Laboratory Animal Center, Foshan, Guangdong 528248, China;
2. Third People's Hospital of Nanhai Distirct, Foshan, Guangdong 510180)
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo establish a reproducible rat model of acute rectal mucosal injury induced by acetic acid. Methods Fifteen healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into the control group (3 rats) and experimental group (12 rats). Acute rectal mucosal injury was induced by 4% acetic acid using a cotton swab inserted into the rat rectum for 1 min to a depth of 3 cm. The morphological characteristics were analyzed by the naked eye and histology at 0.5 h and 1, 4, and 6 days after acetic acid intervention. ResultsAll rats survived 6-day study period. The successful rate of model establishment was 100%. From 0.5 h to 1st day after acetic acid intervention, the gross morphology of recta showed congestion, edema and ulcer to ulcer complicated with hemorrhage. The histology showed necrosis and hemorrhage of the epithelial tissue of the mucosa to complete and extensive necrosis of the mucosa. The glandular structure showed partial to complete loss. The submucosa showed edema to edema complicated with hemorrhage and congestion. The interstitial tissues showed vasodilatation and congestion to inflammatory cell invasion.From 4 to 6 days after acetic acid intervention, the rectal mucosal changes were obviously improved. Epithelial and glandular regeneration and inflammatory granulation occurred, but not fully recovered, some edema and redness, partial lack of glands were still present. Conclusions4% acetic acid for 1 min can be used to successfully induce rat model of acute rectal mucosal injury. This procedure is easy to operate, with a high success rate,reproducible, and the alterations are lasting more than 6 days. This animal model is very suitable for rapid screening of topical drugs for the treatment for rectal mucosal injury.
【Key words】Acute rectal mucosal injury; Rat model; Acetic acid; Morphological characteristics; Histology
【文章编号】1005-4847(2015) 02-0143-05
[通讯作者]唐小江(1967-),男,博士,主任医师,博士生导师,研究方向:毒理学和药理学。E-mail: river-t@163.com
[作者简介]楼彩霞(1983-),女,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:药理学和动物疾病模型。E-mail: alou1218@163.com