

西北植物学报 2015年5期


(1 庆元县林业局,浙江庆元 323800;2 浙江省庆元县安南乡人民政府,浙江庆元 323813;3 浙江农林大学 暨阳学院,浙江诸暨 310024)



(1 庆元县林业局,浙江庆元 323800;2 浙江省庆元县安南乡人民政府,浙江庆元 323813;3 浙江农林大学 暨阳学院,浙江诸暨 310024)

摘要:该文报道了采自中国浙江庆元县百山祖国家级自然保护区木兰科含笑属一新种——尾叶含笑(MicheliacaudataM.X.Wu,X.H.Wu & G.Y.Li),该种与野含笑(M.skinneriana)和紫花含笑(M.crassipes)相近,但与野含笑的区别在于叶片倒卵形至倒卵状椭圆形,叶背面密被黄褐色茸毛,长5~7.5 cm,宽2.5~3.2 cm,先端尾尖,侧脉每边约6对,花被片椭圆形;与紫花含笑的区别在于花被片淡黄色,雌蕊群柄长3~4 mm。根据国际自然及自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录分类标准,尾叶含笑濒危等级为极度濒危。


The genusMicheliaL.,(Magnoliaceae) is a large genus in the family Magnoliaceae with about 80 species.It occurs in Southeast Asia from India and Sri Lanka eastwards to South Japan and South China and southeastwards to Indonesia[1-5].There are 41 species ofMicheliarecorded from China[4],recently a mass of new species reported[6-15].Up to 2004,there are 70 species in China[5],and this country is considered the centre of modern distribution and diversity of the genus[1,4,16].

Recently,Nooteboom considers the Magnoliaceae to include two monogeneric subfamilies,with Magnolioideae containing the genusMagnoliaand Liriodendroideae containing the genusLiriodendron.The reduction of the former genera of Magnolioideae to a single genus is based on DNA analysis[17-19]and morphology[20]data.In the present,Nooteboom’s new classification of Magnoliaceae is much controversial,so in this article we still follow Law’s classification[1].

During a botanical survey on the Baishanzu Nature Reserve in Qingyuan County,Zhejiang,China in September 2010,aMicheliaspecies growing in a valley,ca 460 m a.s.l.cought our attention.At the first glance this species was indeed somewhat similar toM.skinnerianaDunn.Upon a closer examination,however,we found that the plant in question differs markedly having leaves obovate to obovate-oblong,leaves abaxial with dense fulvous villous,apex caudate,vein ca.6 on each side.After making a botanical expedition in May 2011 to Baishanzu Nature Reserve again,observing the plant in the field,checking specimens ofMicheliain the ZJFC and HHBG herbarium and consulting relevant floras and other literature[21-23],we are convinced that the plant represents a hitherto undescribed species,which is here described and illustrated.

1MicheliacaudataM.X.Wu,X.H.Wu & G.Y.Li sp.nov.(Fig.1,2)

Haec speciesMicheliaskinnerianaDunn similis,sed a hoc suffruticibus vel arboibus,foliis obovatis vel obovati-ellipticis,5-7.5×2.5-3.2 cm,foliis abaxialibus dense flavo-brunneis villosis,apicibus caudatis,lateralibus venis ca.6 paribus;petiolis haud stipulais;perianthis ellipticis distinguitur.

TYPE:China.Zhejiang:Qingyuan County,Songyuan Town,Jiaokeng Village,Guanmenao conservation area,400-600 m a.s.l.,grows in evergreen broad-leaved forests,ravines.460 m a.s.l.,12.iv.2010,Ye Qingjiao & Wu Xiahua 1096 (holotype,ZJFC).

PARATYPE:China.Zhejiang:Qingyuan County,Songyuan Town,Jiaokeng Village,460 m a.s.l.,26.ix.2010,Ma Dandan,Li Genyou & Wu Mingxiang QY20100922 (ZJFC).

Evergreen shrubs or small trees,up to 6.0 m tall.Bark grayish white,old branches dark brown with a little villous,young twigs brown with densely fulvous villus.Leaf blade leathery,obovate to obovate-oblong,5-7.5 cm long,2.5-3.2 cm broad,upper surface glabrous,lower surface with dense fulvous villous,midvein depressed and with fewness villus on upper surface and prominent and with dense fulvous villus (especially at base) on down surfaces,secondary veins ca.6 on each side of midvein,reticulate veins prominent on both surfaces when dry,base cuneate,apex caudate.Petiole 3-4 mm long,stipular scar almost reaching petiole apex.Peduncle ca.7-9 mm long,with dense fulvous villous.Flowers erect,fragrant.Tepals 6,pale yellow,elliptic,1.3-1.7×0.6-0.9 cm.Stamens ca.40,ca.8 mm long,anther ca.5 mm long,connective exserted into a ca.0.2 mm mucro;Filaments yellow,slender,ca.3 mm long.Gynophore 3-4 mm long,with dense fulvous villus;gynoecium ca.20,ca.8 mm long;carpels with dense fulvous villus.Fruit usually curved or shortened due to carpels partly undeveloped;mature carpels globose to ellipsoid,1-1.5 cm long with beak mucronate,dehiscent.Seeds usually 1 per carpel,fleshy aril orange-red.

2Distribution and habitat

M.caudatais endemic to southern Zhejiang,one of the core areas of the National Nature Reserve of the Baishanzu in Eastern China,which is well-known for its very rich flora and high endemism of seed plants.So far,this species is known only from the Baishanzu Nature Reserve,where it grows at 400-600 m evergreen broad-leaved forests in valley,together withCastanopsisfargesii,C.fordii,Machilusvelutina,Cunninghamialanceolata,Linderaaggregata,Phyllostachysedulis,M.skinneriana,M.fovolatavar.cinerascens,Schimasuperba,Euryamuricata,E.loquaiana,E.rubiginosavar.attenuata,Camelliabrevistyla,C.sinensis,Euscaphisjaponica,Dalbergiahupeana,Ilexchinensis,I.pubescens,Elaeocarpusjaponicus,Vacciniummandarinorum,Ardisiabrevicaulis,Rhododendronsimsii,R.championiae,Gardeniajasminoides,Loropetalumchinense,Symplocoslancifolia,Rubuscorchorifolius,Diplosporadubia,Melastomadodecandrum,Miscanthussinensis,Lophatherumgracile,Liparispauliana,Pogonatherumcrinitum,Dicranopterispedata,Woodwardiajaponica,Spheno-merischinensis,Trachelospermumjasminoides,Smilaxglabra,etal.

Fig.1 M.caudataM.X.Wu,X.H.Wu & G.Y.Li sp.nov.

Fig.2 M.caudataM.X.Wu,X.H.Wu & G.Y.Li sp.nov.

3IUCN Red List category

The populations ofM.caudatawe found covers only an area of about 1 km2and has approximately 200 individuals.According to the IUCN red list categories and criteria (IUCN 2001),this species should be categorized as ‘Critically Endangered’ (CR).Fortunately,the type locality is not easily accessible and very sparsely populated because modern transportation means are not yet available from the County of Qingyuan.

4Similar species

M.caudata(Table 1) is similar toM.skinnerianaandM.figo,but differs from the former in its leaves obovate to obovate-oblong [vs.narrowly obovate-elliptic,oblanceolate,or narrowly elliptic),5-7.5×2.5-3.2 cm (vs.5-11(-14)×1.5-3.5(-4) cm],abaxially dense fulvous villus (sparsely brown villous),apex caudate (vs.long caudate-acuminate),secondary veins ca.6 on each side of midvein (vs.10-13),out tepals glabrous(vs.with brown trichomes at base),connective exsertedinto a ca.0.2mmmucro(vs.0.5 cm).AndM.figois distinguished by its leaves narrowly elliptic to obovate-elliptic,abaxially midvein with brown appressed trichomes but other parts glabrescent,apex obtusely acute,tepals pale yellow but margin sometimes red to purple,gynoecium glabrous.The new species is also similar toM.crassipes,but differs in its leaves lower surface with dense fulvous villous,flowers pale yellow,gynophore 3-4 mm long.

Table 1 Morphological differences betweenM.caudatasp.nov.and related species

Key toMicheliain Zhejiang

1a.Stipules adnate to petiole,leaving stipular scar on petiole.

2a.Petiole longer,often exceeding 5 mm;tepals 9 or more,in 3 or more whorls.

3a.Stipular scar nearly reaching middle of petiole;tepals white


3b.Stipular scar as long as petiole;tepals yellow


2b.Petiole shorter,usually not exceeding 5 mm;tepals 6,in 2 whorls.

4a.Gynoecium glabrous


4b.Gynoecium with trichomes or pilose.

5a.Tepals purplish red to dark purple;gynoecium not exceeding androecium,densely pilose


5b.Tepals pale yellow;gynoecium exceeding androecium,densely pilose.

6a.Leaf blade apex caudate,secondary veins ca.6 on each side of midvein;gynophore 3-4 mm,with dense fulvous villus


6b.Leaf blade apex long caudate-acuminate,secondary veins ca.10-13 on each side of midvein;gynophore 4-7 mm,with dense brown trichomes


1b.Stipules free from petiole,no stipular scar on petiole.

7a.Young twigs,buds,leaf blade abaxial surfaces glabrous.

8a.Leaf blade abaxial surfaces with white powdery;tepals 9,white,ca 5-7×3.5-4 cm


8b.Leaf blade abaxial surfaces without powdery;tepals 6,pale yellow,ca.3×1.5 cm


7b.Young twigs,buds,leaf blade abaxial surfaces with trichomes.

9a.Leaf blade abaxial surfaces with reddish brown or silvery gray tomentose,tepals pale yellowish green,outer 6-7 cm long;gynophore 1.7-2 cm


9b.Leaf blade abaxial surfaces with densely brown pubescent or golden yellow villous,tepals white,outer ca.3 cm long;gynophore ca.8 mm



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A New Species ofMichelia(Magnoliaceae) from Zhejiang

WU Xiahua1,WU Mingxiang1,YE Qijiao2,MA Dandan3,LI Genyou3*

(1 Qingyuan Forestry Bureau,Qingyuan,Zhejiang 323800,China;2 People’s Government of Annan Town,Qingyuan County,Qingyuan,Zhejiang 323813,China;3 Jiyang College,Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University,Zhuji,Zhejiang 310024,China)

Abstract:MicheliacaudataM.X.Wu,X.H.Wu & G.Y.Li (Magnoliaceae),collected from the Baishanzu Nature Reserve in Qingyuan County,Zhejiang Province,China,is described and illustrated.This new species is similar toM.skinnerianaDunn andM.crassipesLaw,but differs from the former in its leaves obovate to obovate-oblong,abaxial with dense fulvous villous,5-7.5×2.5-3.2 cm broad,apex caudate,vein ca.6 on each side;tepals oblong.It also differs from the later in its flowers pale yellow,gynophore 3-4 mm long.M.caudatais classified as Critically Endangered based on the IUCN Red List criteria.

Key words:Micheliacaudata;Magnoliaceae;new species;Zhejiang








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