

火炸药学报 2016年6期


题 目 作 者 卷(期)页


伍 俊,杨 益,庄铁栓 39 (1) 1


李亮亮,沈 飞,屈可朋,肖 玮,何 超 39 (1) 14


宋小兰,王 毅,宋朝阳,宋 丹,安崇伟,王晶禹,张景林 39 (1) 23


张 涛,谷 岩,赵继波,贺红亮,刘高旻,伍 星 39 (1) 28


崔云霄,陈鹏万,戴开达,王雷元,刘龑龙 39 (1) 34


姚艺龙,吴立志,唐 乐,成 波,沈瑞琪,叶迎华,胡 艳,朱 朋 39 (1) 39

Analysis on the Combustion Characteristics of Metal/AP Mixtures by Using Emission Spectroscopy

DENG Zhe, HU Chun-bo, YANG Jian-gang, ZHU Xiao-fei, CAI Yu-peng 39 (1) 43


侯冠臣,李兆乾,刘 勋,刘 强,赵 静,裴重华 39 (1) 48


曹 雄,罗 帅,许丽娟,孟瑞鸿 39 (1) 52


田 磊,李斌栋 39 (1) 56


张明丛,杜忠华,周 涛,李 刚,范志强 39 (1) 60


黄媛媛,高建峰,王军勤,曹端林,李永祥,李福莲,杨 轩,任亚峰 39 (1) 66


王洪伟,智小琦,刘学柱,郝 飞 39 (1) 70


姚 旭,慕晓刚,刘 博,王煊军 39 (1) 75


赵 昱,张晓宏,张 伟,樊学忠,谢五喜,徐洪俊,刘运飞,杜姣姣 39 (1) 79


秦沛文,赵孝彬,李 军,秦 超,程立国,苏 晶,关红波 39 (1) 84


张冬梅,韩 芳,贾 林,张林军,常 海,潘 清,王克勇,王 琼,涂 健 39 (1) 89


韩 冰,魏 伦, 王琼林, 唐小军, 刘少武,刘金玉,辛凯迪 39 (1) 95


刘子如,邵颖惠,任晓宁,常 海 39 (2) 1


王芳芳,常 海,张林军,杜姣姣,王 琼 39 (2) 8

Estimation of the Ballistic Effectiveness of 3,4-and 3,5-Dinitro-1-(trinitromethyl)-1H-Pyrazoles as Oxidi-zers

for Composite Solid Propellants

LEMPERT David B,DALINGER Igor L,SHU Yuan-jie,KAZAKOV Anatolii I,SHEREMETEV Aleksei B 39 (2) 16

Microcellular Foaming of CA/RDX Composites in a Batch Supercritical CO2Process

YANG Wei-tao, YING San-jiu 39 (2) 22


洪 颖,李艳春,成 一 39 (2) 27


林长津,王 浩,蒋淑园,朱晨光 39 (2) 32


李 博,李兆乾,罗庆平,裴重华 39 (2) 36


刘 宁,王伯周,舒远杰,武宗凯,周 群,赵强莉,王文亮 39 (2) 40


王建峰,黄振亚,侯果文 39 (2) 45


胡衍甜,吕早生,孙 昱,吕春绪 39 (2) 50


薛建锋,沈培辉,王晓鸣 39 (2) 54


李吉祯,牛鹏俊,樊学忠,张国防,蔚红建,付小龙,唐秋凡 39 (2) 59


邵航松,凌亦飞,侯天骄,阮宏伟,王晨娇,罗 军 39 (2) 64

1, 1′-二羟基-5, 5′-联四唑二羟胺盐的晶形计算及控制

任晓婷,张国涛,何金选,卢艳华,丁 宁,叶丹阳,雷 晴,郭滢媛,侯 斌 39 (2) 68


刘卫孝,姬月萍,汪 伟,高福磊,汪营磊,陈 斌,丁 峰,刘亚静 39 (2) 72


王利侠,袁宝慧,孙兴昀,刘丰旺,唐 斌,李妍妍,董立明 39 (2) 75


王玉玲,郭亚南 39 (2) 80


李 猛,赵凤起,徐司雨,姚二岗,裴 庆,郝海霞,姜菡雨 39 (2) 86


陈雪莉,王 瑛,张 佩 39 (2) 92


张 涛,李国岫,陈 君,虞育松,王 梦 39 (2) 98


徐其鹏,罗志龙,李 萌,康 超,陈 基,陈 松,杨 毅 39 (2)102


陈 曦, 邹建新, 曾小勤, 丁文江 39 (3) 1


张建侃,赵凤起,徐司雨,汪营磊 39 (3) 9

Energetic Abilities of Solid Composite Propellants Based on 3,4,5-Trinitropyrazole and Ammonium Dinitramide

LEMPERT David B., CHUKANOV Nikita, SHU Yuan-jie 39 (3) 17


张栋淋,杨荣杰,翟进贤 39 (3) 21


张玉根,王志鑫,程广斌,吕春绪,杨红伟 39 (3) 26


张文英,邓晓雅,陈思瑾,吕臻珂,洪慧玲,袁 帅,唐 红,豆育升 39 (3) 32


武宗凯,舒远杰,刘 宁,丁小勇,吴敏杰,王 可,王 波,卢莹莹 39 (3) 37


刘瑞鹏,罗一鸣,王红星,高 杰,蒋秋黎,杨 斐 39 (3) 43

Effect of Aging on the Performances of TNT Based Melt-cast Explosives

NIU Guo-tao, HAO Jing, JIN Da-yong, ZHANG Dong-mei, NIU Lei, CAO Shao-ting 39 (3) 48


胡宏伟,冯海云,肖 川,顾晓辉,宋 浦 39 (3) 53

Study on Kinetic Parameters of Thermal Decomposition Reaction and Thermal Stability of 3,4-Bis(3-nitrofurazan-

4-yl)furoxan Based on Kissinger Method

LI He-qun,AN Chong-wei,DU Meng-yuan,WEN Xiao-mu,WANG Jing-yu 39 (3) 58


温晓燕,谯 娟,刘红妮,苏鹏飞,石 强,胡 岚 39 (3) 61


邓小胜 ,刘祥萱,高 鑫,卜晓宇 39 (3) 66


杨燕京, 赵凤起, 孙 美, 仪建华, 姚德龙, 轩春雷, 许 毅, 王长建, 孙志华, 安 亭 39 (3) 70


相恒升,陈 雄,周长省,赖华锦 39 (3) 75


周 诚,毕福强,王伯周,李祥志,李吉祯,周 群 39 (3) 80


王 婕, 余永刚,刘 焜 39 (3) 84


武敬博,苟瑞君,郑俊杰,王学雷,赵燕兵 39 (3) 89


周 帅, 邓国栋,王志强,殷求实,鲁磊明,郁榴华 39 (3) 95


许灿啟,杨建兴,杨伟涛,焦旭英 39 (3)101


胡荣祖, 姚二岗, 马海霞, 张教强, 张 海, 高红旭, 曲文刚, 仪建华, 赵凤起, 罗 阳, 赵宏安 39 (3)106


李尚昆,黄西成,王鹏飞 39 (4) 1

RDX-Aluminum Interaction-A DFT Study

Lemi Türker 39 (4) 12


周 诚,黄靖伦,王伯周,张丽媛,马 卿,李祥志 39 (4) 19


王小军,张晓鹏,尚凤琴,鲁志艳,王 霞,马 骁,金韶华 39 (4) 23


侯聪花,贾新磊,王晶禹,姜雪梅 39 (4) 27


张丽涵,王民昌,徐 敏,陈智群,张 皋,潘 清,廉 鹏 39 (4) 32


艾 进,李建军,陈建波,陈 捷,于 谦,熊 鹰 39 (4) 37


赵 娟,冯晓军,徐洪涛,田 轩,冯 博 39 (4) 42


何伟平,黄 菊,刘晓静,陈厚和 39 (4) 46


乔相信,洪晓文,乔 磊,徐赫阳,陈 闯 39 (4) 51


王利侠,戴致鑫,周 涛,景青波,贾 铭,周 玲 39 (4) 56


朱绪强,王 锋,杜忠华,成 一 39 (4) 61


赵 凯,王 浩,王 玮,杨 斐,刘瑞鹏,朱一举 39 (4) 68


裴 庆,赵凤起,郝海霞,徐司雨,张 衡 39 (4) 73

Thermal Decomposition Reaction Kinetics of a HAN-based Gel Propellant

CHEN Yong-kang, CHEN Ye-hong, AN Zhen-tao, ZHANG Li, ZHANG Qian,LIU Jian-guo 39 (4) 77


曹 鹏,杨 斌,王江宁,杨丽龙,宋秀铎,陈俊波 39 (4) 82


李 兵,李 媛,廖 昕 39 (4) 87


张 超,赵凤起,金朋刚,宋秀铎,马 亮,秦 能,曹 鹏,李宏岩,陈俊波,袁志锋 39 (4) 92


唐小军,冯昌林,赵煜华,崔鹏腾,张玉成 39 (4) 97


赵宝明,张邹邹,张 衡,靳建伟,赵宏立,郭 丹,魏学涛,辛凯迪 39 (4)102


严启龙,宋振伟,安 亭,张晓宏,赵凤起 39 (5) 1


陈冰虹,刘建忠,梁导伦,周禹男,周俊虎 39 (5) 13

Relative Explosive Strength of Some Explosive Mixtures Containing Urea and/or Peroxides

Ahmed K. HUSSEIN, Svatopluk ZEMAN, Muhamed SUCESKA, Marcela JUNGOVA 39 (5) 22

Energetic Opportunities of Solid Composite Propellants Containing Some Hypothetic Furazano-[3,4-d]-py-ridazine

-based Derivatives

LEMPERT David B., DORO-FEENKO Ekaterina M., SHU Yuan-jie,JIANG Wei-dong,WU Zong-kai,WANG Ke,LIU Xiao-qiang 39 (5) 28


姚 路,姚德龙,仪建华,阚瑞峰,杨燕京,许振宇,阮 俊,刘建国 39 (5) 35


杨 澍,郑雄飞,黄雪峰,李盛姬,郭艳辉 39 (5) 40


王猛杰, 常春然, 徐抗震, 马海霞, 赵凤起 39 (5) 46


李军伟,王燕宾,饶求剑,王宁飞 39 (5) 51


张 炜,周 星,鲍 桐,邓 蕾,姜本正,杨 军,周俊红,俞 艳 39 (5) 58

用Flash DSC研究硝酸铵的相变特征与规律

任晓宁,赵凤起,高红旭,轩春雷,李 娜 39 (5) 64


王 欢,孙治丹,张常山,居学海 39 (5) 69


张悦阳,冯永安,张 博,杨 利,张同来 39 (5) 74


王长健,孙 美,魏志刚,刘科祥,牛建军,许 毅,刘晋湘 39 (5) 79


赵宁宁,马海霞,安 亭,赵凤起,胡荣祖 39 (5) 84


唐乾森,肖正刚 39 (5) 93


袁志锋,赵凤起,张教强,宋秀铎,高红旭,郑 伟,王 瑛,裴江峰,王 晶 39 (5) 99


尚 宇,金 波,彭汝芳,刘强强,郭志成,赵 钧,张青春,楚士晋 39 (5)104


刘所恩,张国辉,王月丽,刘玉存,王建中, 吴瑞强,任晓斌 39 (5)111


郑文芳,郝海霞,蔺向阳,潘仁明,高 伟,王成爱 39 (5)115


王江宁,杨 斌,孙志刚,尚 帆,谢 波,马 亮 39 (5)119


韩志跃,杨月桢,杜志明,张英豪,姚 谦 39 (6) 1


张家荣,毕福强,王伯周,张俊林,翟连杰,李亚南,贾思媛 39 (6) 12


程宇腾,林秋汉,李 席,詹高澍,贾 辉 39 (6) 20


毕福强,翟连杰,张俊林,王伯周,樊学忠 39 (6) 26


杭贵云,余文力,王 涛,李 臻 39 (6) 32


尚海茹,冯长根,孙 良,甘 强 39 (6) 38


董小虎,胡 岚,汪营磊,舒远杰,严 蕊,吴敏杰 39 (6) 44


丁秋华,李玉平,姜 鑫,谷振华,蔡震峰,陈琳子,武春艳,王 新 39 (6) 49

The Reactivity between Aluminum Powder and Liquid Phase of Fuel-air Explosives

XING Xiao-ling, ZHAO Sheng-xiang, LI Wen-xiang, FANG Wei 39 (6) 55


李金河,傅 华,赵继波,龚晏青,孙永强 39 (6) 58


李 硕,袁俊明,刘玉存,覃文志,邢宗仁,唐 鑫 39 (6) 63


李亮亮,屈可朋, 沈 飞, 肖 玮, 王 辉, 何 超 39 (6) 69


李 艺,郭晓燕,杨荣杰,李子妍,王宁飞 39 (6) 74


李 伟,尹欣梅,王小英,张 林,唐 泉,潘新洲,汪 越 39 (6) 80


杨 筱,智小琦,杨宝良,李娟娟 39 (6) 84


朱登攀,刘志涛,刘 琼,廖 昕 39 (6) 90


贾 林,张 皋,张林军,杨彩宁,顾 妍,崔鹏腾 39 (6) 94


闫光虎,赵煜华,张玉成,刘 毅,崔鹏腾,梁 磊,李 强,肖 霞 39 (6) 98


闫喜艳,张丽华,薛 欢 39 (6)103

Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants 2015 Vol.38

Total Contents

A Review of Research on Action Mechanism and Damage Effect of Underwater Explosion

WU Jun, YANG Yi, ZHUANG Tie-shuan 39 (1) 1

Progress of Study on the Safety of Explosive Charge under Different Strain-rate Conditions

LI Liang-liang, SHEN Fei, QU Ke-peng, et al 39 (1) 14

Preparation of CL-20/DNT Cocrystal Explosive and Study on Its Performance

SONG Xiao-lan, WANG Yi, SONG Zhao-yang, et al 39 (1) 23

Experimental Study on Shock Initiation Process of a New Insensitive High Explosive JBO-9X under High Impact Pressure

ZHANG Tao, GU Yan, ZHAO Ji-bo, et al 39 (1) 28

Numerical Simulation of PBX under Circular Anvil Brazilian Test Based on EFG Method

CUI Yun-xiao,CHEN Peng-wan,DAI Kai-da, et al 39 (1) 34

Direct Writing Rule of Nano CL-20 Explosive Energetic Ink

YAO Yi-long,WU Li-zhi,TANG Yue, et al 39 (1) 39

Analysis on the Combustion Characteristics of Metal/AP Mixtures by Using Emission Spectroscopy

DENG Zhe, HU Chun-bo, YANG Jian-gang, et al 39 (1) 43

Preparation of Antistatic Nitrocellulose Composite by Solvent-nonsolvent Method and Its Performance Characterization

HOU Guan-chen, LI Zhao-qian, LIU Xun, et al 39 (1) 48

Thermal Decomposition of TATB and Its Thermal Explosion Characteristics in [Emim]Ac/DMSO Solvent

CAO Xiong, LUO Shuai, XU Li-juan, et al 39 (1) 52

Study on the Synthetic Technology of TEX Using Nonionic Surfactant as Efficient Catalyst

TIAN Lei,LI Bin-dong 39 (1) 56

Influence of Liner Structural Parameters on Formation and Penetration of the Circumferential Multiple Linear Explosive Formation Penetration

ZHANG Ming-cong, DU Zhong-hua, ZHOU Tao, et al 39 (1) 60

Preparation and Characterization of High Activity Micron Porous Aluminum Powder

HUANG Yuan-yuan, GAO Jian-feng, WANG Jun-qin, et al 39 (1) 66

Cook-off Experiments and Numerical Calculation on Thermal Initiation Critical Temperature of JH Explosive under Defined Condition

WANG Hong-wei, ZHI Xiao-qi, LIU Xue-zhu, et al 39 (1) 70

Experimental Research on Recovery of AP Component from HTPB Propellant by the Swelling/Dissolving Method

YAO Xu, MU Xiao-gang, LIU Bo, et al 39 (1) 75

Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties of GAP Binder Films

ZHAO Yu, ZHANG Xiao-hong, ZHANG Wei, et al 39 (1) 79

Size Effects of Thermal Safety of NEPE Propellant

QIN Pei-wen, ZHAO Xiao-bin, LI Jun, et al 39 (1) 84

Study on Crack Formation Mechanism of Pressed Charge A-IX-II under Temperature Cyclic Load

ZHANG Dong-mei, HAN Fang, JIA Lin, et al 39 (1) 89

Influences of Gun Propellant Charge Structures on the Muzzle Smoke and Flash

HAN Bing, WEI Lun, WANG Qiong-lin, et al 39 (1) 95

Mathematical Models and Its Calculations for Predicting the Life of Explosives and Propellants

LIU Zi-ru,SHAO Ying-hui,REN Xiao-ning,CHANG Hai 39 (2) 1

Research Progress of Crosslink Density Test Method and Its Application in Explosives and Propellants

WANG Fang-fang, CHANG Hai, ZHANG Lin-jun, et al 39 (2) 8

Estimation of the Ballistic Effectiveness of 3,4-and 3,5-Dinitro-1-(trinitromethyl)-1H-Pyrazoles as Oxidizers for Composite Solid Propellants

LEMPERT David B., DALINGER Igor L., SHU Yuan-jie, et al 39 (2) 16

Microcellular Foaming of CA/RDX Composites in a Batch Supercritical CO2Process

YANG Wei-tao, YING San-jiu 39 (2) 22

Modification of Boron Nanoparticles and Its Effect on Boron/ Nitrocellulose Nanofibers

HONG Ying,LI Yan-chun,CHENG Yi 39 (2) 27

Research on Thermal Decomposition Properties in Solid-phase of Mg/PTFE and Mg/PTFE/Viton Pyrolants under High Pressure with DSC

LIN Chang-jin,WANG Hao ,JIANG Shu-yuan, et al 39 (2) 32

Preparation and Characterization of Energetic Polymer/Nitroguanidine Composite Energetic Materials

LI Bo,LI Zhao-qian,LUO Qing-ping, et al 39 (2) 36

Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Crystal Morphology of FOX-7

LIU Ning, WANG Bo-zhou, SHU Yuan-jie, et al 39 (2) 40

Study on Synthesis and Properties of BAMO-GAP Based ETPE

WANG Jian-feng, HUANG Zhen-ya, HOU Guo-wen 39 (2) 45

Preparation of HMX by Nitrolysis of DPT in N2O5/HNO3/Organic Solvent Mixed Systems

HU Yan-tian, Lü Zao-sheng, SUN Yu, et al 39 (2) 50

Research on Ricochet and Its Regularity of Projectiles Obliquely Penetrating into Concrete Targets

XUE Jian-feng, SHEN Pei-hui, WANG Xiao-ming 39 (2) 54

Preparation and Application of Nano Carbon-supported PbO·CuO Composite Catalysts

LI Ji-zhen, NIU Peng-jun, FAN Xue-zhong, et al 39 (2) 59

Synthesis and Characterization of 9-Nitro-9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-2,6-diyl Dinitrate

SHAO Hang-song, LING Yi-fei, HOU Tian-jiao, et al 39 (2) 64

Calculation and Control of Crystal Morphology of Dihydroxylammonium 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate

REN Xiao-ting, ZHANG Guo-tao, HE Jin-xuan, et al 39 (2) 68

Synthesis and Characterization of 3-Nitraza-5-azido-pentanol Nitrate

LIU Wei-xiao,JI Yue-ping,WANG Wei, et al 39 (2) 72

Structural Design and Experimental Research on the Anti-armor and Anti-Personnel Multi-purpose Warhead

WANG Li-xia, YUAN Bao-hui, SUN Xing-yun, et al 39 (2) 75

Effects of Surface Adsorption on Mechanical Properties of JO-9159 Explosive by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

WANG Yu-ling,GUO Ya-nan 39 (2) 80

Effect of Ammonium Perchlorate Replacements on Energetic Performance of Solid Propellant

LI Meng, ZHAO Feng-qi, XU Si-yu, et al 39 (2) 86

Inhibiting Rule of Combustion Stabilizers on the Unstable Combustion of RDX-CMDB Propellant

CHEN Xue-li, WANG Ying, ZHANG Pei 39 (2) 92

Numerical Simulation of Combustion Process in Non-toxic ADN-based Aerospace Thruster with Considering Thermal Dispersion Effect

ZHANG Tao, LI Guo-xiu, CHEN Jun, et al 39 (2) 98

Study on the Kinetics of Degrading the HMX Wastewater by Ultrasonic/Fenton Oxidation Method

XU Qi-peng, LUO Zhi-long, LI Meng, et al 39 (2)102

Applications of Mg-based Hydrogen Storage Materials in Energetic Materials

CHEN Xi, ZOU Jian-xin, ZENG Xiao-qin,et al 39 (3) 1

New Progress of Study on Preparation Methods of Graphene and Graphene-based Composites Applied in Solid Propellants

ZHANG Jian-kan, ZHAO Feng-qi, XU Si-yu,et al 39 (3) 9

Energetic Abilities of Solid Composite Propellants Based on 3,4,5-Trinitropyrazole and Ammonium Dinitramide

LEMPERT David B., CHUKANOV Nikita, SHU Yuan-jie 39 (3) 17

Structure Identification of Residual Group of the Initiator of GAP with Low Polymerization Degree and Its Residual Chlorine Analysis

ZHANG Dong-lin,YANG Rong-jie,ZHAI Jin-xian 39 (3) 21

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Azido-triazine Energetic Compounds Derived from s-triazine

ZHANG Yu-gen, WANG Zhi-xin, CHENG Guang-bin,et al 39 (3) 26

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Sensitivity, Thermal Expansion and Mechanical Properties of PBX9501

ZHANG Wen-ying,DENG Xiao-ya,CHEN Si-jin, et al 39 (3) 32

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of CL-20/FOX-7 Co-crystal

WU Zong-kai, SHU Yuan-jie, LIU Ning, et al 39 (3) 37

Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation on Temperature and Shrinkage Porosity of TNT, DNAN and DNTF during Solidification Process

LIU Rui-peng, LUO Yi-ming, WANG Hong-xing, et al 39 (3) 43

Effect of Aging on the Performances of TNT Based Melt-cast Explosives

NIU Guo-tao, HAO Jing, JIN Da-yong, et al 39 (3) 48

Evaluation of the Internal Blast Performance of Explosives Based on Roof Lift Test

HU Hong-wei,FENG Hai-yun,XIAO Chuan, et al 39 (3) 53

Study on Kinetic Parameters of Thermal Decomposition Reaction and Thermal Stability of 3,4-Bis(3-nitrofurazan-4-yl)furoxan Based on Kissinger Method

LI He-qun,AN Chong-wei,DU Meng-yuan, et al 39 (3) 58

Determination ofα-HMX Phase Impurity Content in HMX by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

WEN Xiao-yan, QIAO Juan, LIU Hong-ni, et al 39 (3) 61

Degradation of UDMH Wastewater with High Concentrations by Cu2+/H2O2Method

DENG Xiao-sheng, LIU Xiang-xuan, GAO Xin, et al 39 (3) 66

Investigations on the Exhaust Plume Velocity Characteristics of Double-base and CMDB Propellants Charge Based on TDLAS Technique

YANG Yan-jing, ZHAO Feng-qi, SUN Mei, et al 39 (3) 70

Effect of Oxygen Content in Environment Gas on the Laser Ignition Process of NEPE Propellant

XIANG Heng-sheng, CHEN Xiong, ZHOU Chang-sheng, et al 39 (3) 75

Energetic Characteristics Computation of Propellants Containing Hydrazinium 3,5-Diamino-1,2,4-triazole

ZHOU Cheng, BI Fu-qiang, WANG Bo-zhou, et al 39 (3) 80

Simplified Model on Droplet Size Distribution in the Spray Field of HAN-based Liquid Propellant

WANG Jie, YU Yong-gang, LIU Kun 39 (3) 84

Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Premade Fragments Droved by Hexagonal Prism Shaped Warhead

WU Jing-bo, GOU Rui-jun, ZHENG Jun-jie, et al 39 (3) 89

Fast Determination of Diphenylamine Content in Single-base Gun Propellant by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

ZHOU Shuai, DENG Guo-dong, WANG Zhi-qiang, et al 39 (3) 95

Effect of Pore Structure on Combustion Performance of Foamed Gun Propellants

XU Can-qi,YANG Jian-xing,YANG Wei-tao, et al 39 (3)101

Derived Ways and Logical Choice/Determination of the Mechanism Functions and Their Some Application in Rate Equation of the Decomposition Reaction of Energetic Materials

HU Rong-zu, YAO Er-gang, MA Hai-xia, et al 39 (3)106

Recent Advances in the Investigation on Mechanical Properties of PBX

LI Shang-kun, HUANG Xi-cheng, WANG Peng-fei 39 (4) 1

RDX-Aluminum Interaction-A DFT Study

Lemi Türker 39 (4) 12

Effects of Solvent on Phase Transitions and Thermal Properties of FOX-7

ZHOU Cheng, HUANG Jing-lun, WANG Bo-zhou,et al 39 (4) 19

Crystal Structure and Performances of the Dilithium 5,5′-Bistetrazole -1,1′-diolate Tetrahydrate

WANG Xiao-jun, ZHANG Xiao-peng, SHANG Feng-qin,et al 39 (4) 23

Preparation of Refinement HMX by Non-solvent and Its Performance Characterization

HOU Cong-hua,JIA Xin-lei,WANG Jing-yu,et al 39 (4) 27

NMR Characterization of Hexaallylhexaazaisowurtzitane

ZHANG Li-han,WANG Min-chang,XU Min,et al 39 (4) 32

Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition Reaction of LLM-105 Based PBX Explosives

AI Jin, LI Jian-jun, CHEN Jian-bo, et al 39 (4) 37

Shock Initiation Characteristics of FOX-7 and RDX Based Aluminized Explosive

ZHAO Juan,FENG Xiao-jun,XU Hong-tao, et al 39 (4) 42

Calculation Method of Combustion Equilibrium Product Compositions Based on Multidimensional Space

HE Wei-ping, HUANG Ju, LIU Xiao-jing, et al 39 (4) 46

Penetration-induced Initiation Behavior of Energetic Fragment for Moving Target

QIAO Xiang-xin,HONG Xiao-wen, QIAO Lei, et al 39 (4) 51

Effect of Pressing Molding on the Property Shaped Charge Penetration Power of CL-20-based Explosive

WANG Li-xia, DAI Zhi-xin, ZHOU Tao, et al 39 (4) 56

Research on the Formation Mechanism and Penetration Power of Multiple Model LEFP

ZHU Xu-qiang, WANG Feng, DU Zhong-hua, et al 39 (4) 61

Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of DNAN

ZHAO Kai, WANG Hao, WANG Wei, et al 39 (4) 68

Experimental Research on Temperature Sensitivity Coefficient of Burning Rate for RDX-CMDB Propellant

PEI Qing, ZHAO Feng-qi, HAO Hai-xia, et al 39 (4) 73

Thermal Decomposition Reaction Kinetics of a HAN-based Gel Propellant

CHEN Yong-kang, CHEN Ye-hong, AN Zhen-tao, et al 39 (4) 77

Effect of Organic Bismuth-copper Compound on Combustion Performances of DNTF/HMX-CMDB Propellants

CAO Peng,YANG Bin,WANG Jiang-ning, et al 39 (4) 82

Experimental Study on the Enhancement Effect of the Combustion Performance of Solid Powder with Plasma

LI Bing, LI Yuan, LIAO Xin 39 (4) 87

Experimental Study on Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) in p(BAMO-AMMO) Thermoplastic High Energy Propellants

ZHANG Chao,ZHAO Feng-qi , JIN Peng-gang, et al 39 (4) 92

Effect of Inside and Outside Web Thickness Difference on the Combustion Performance of 7-Perf Granular Gun Propel-lant

TNAG Xiao-jun,FENG Chang-lin,ZHAO Yu-hua, et al 39 (4) 97

Experement Research for the Ignition Performance of Gun Propellant with Ignition Delay Device

ZHAO Bao-ming, ZHANG Zou-zou, ZHANG Heng, et al 39 (4)102

Research Progress in Theoretical Prediction of Physicochemical Properties for Energetic Materials

YAN Qi-long, SONG Zhen-wei, AN Ting, et al 39 (5) 1

Research Progress in Coating Mechanism and Technology of Boron Particles

CHEN Bing-hong, LIU Jian-zhong, LIANG Dao-lun,et al 39 (5) 13

Relative Explosive Strength of Some Explosive Mixtures Containing Urea and/or Peroxides

Ahmed K. HUSSEIN, Svatopluk ZEMAN, Muhamed SUCESKA,et al 39 (5) 22

Energetic Opportunities of Solid Composite Propellants Containing Some Hypothetic Furazano-[3,4-d]-pyridazine-based Derivatives

LEMPERT David B.,DOROFEENKO Ekaterina M.,SHU Yuan-jie,et al 39 (5) 28

Measurement Method of Plume Velocity for Solid Propellant Charge Based on TDLAS

YAO Lu, YAO De-long, YI Jian-hua,et al 39 (5) 35

Ignition, Combustion and Pyrolysis Characteristics of Ethylenediamine Bisborane

YANG Shu, ZHENG Xiong-fei, HUANG Xue-feng,et al 39 (5) 40

Theoretical Study of Thermite Reaction Enthalpy for Metal Composite Oxides of Ferrite Series

WANG Meng-jie,CHANG Chun-ran,XU Kang-zhen, et al 39 (5) 46

Oscillating Combustion Characteristics of Micro-aluminum Powder in Sound Field

LI Jun-wei,WANG Yan-bin,RAO Qiu-jian,et al 39 (5) 51

Effect of Molecular Structure of Double-core Ferrocene Derivative (DFD)on Impact Sensitivity of Superfine-AP/DFD Binary System

ZHANG Wei,ZHOU Xing,BAO Tong, et al 39 (5) 58

Investigation on Phase Transformation Characteristics and Regulars of Ammonium Nitrate(AN) Using Flash DSC

REN Xiao-ning, ZHAO Feng-qi, GAO Hong-xu,et al 39 (5) 64

Molecular Dynamic Simulation on Compatibility of Components in Solid Propellants

WANG Huan, SUN Zhi-dan, ZHANG Chang-shan, et al 39 (5) 69

Preparation and Properties of Bitetrazolyethane Aminoguanidine

ZHANG Yue-yang,FENG Yong-an, ZHANG Bo, et al 39 (5) 74

Research on Measurement Technology of Plume-smoke Transmittance of Solid Propellant Based on Video Image Analysis

WANG Chang-jian,SUN Mei,WEI Zhi-gang, et al 39 (5) 79

Effects of Superthermite Al/Fe2O3on the Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Nitrocellulose

ZHAO Ning-ning, MA Hai-xia, AN Ting, et al 39 (5) 84

Numerical Simulation of Combustion Gas Flow inside Perforations of Stick Gun Propellant with Narrow Channels

TANG Qian-sen, XIAO Zheng-gang 39 (5) 93

Effect of Nano-Nickel Powder on Combustion Properties of Al-CMDB and CL-20-CMDB Propellants

YUAN Zhi-feng, ZHAO Feng-qi,ZHANG Jiao-qiang, et al 39 (5) 99

Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Behavior of Bis-2-methylimidazolium 1H,1′H-5,5′-Bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate

SHANG Yu, JIN Bo, PENG Ru-fang,et al 39 (5)104

Effects of Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene on Performance of RDX-CMDB Propellant

LIU Suo-en, ZHANG Guo-hui, WANG Yue-li, et al 39 (5)111

Combustion Characteristics of Double-base Propellant under the Action of Cold Wall Effects

ZHENG Wen-fang,HAO Hai-xia,LIN Xiang-yang, et al 39 (5)115

Influence of Interior Ballistic Stabilizer on the Combustion Performance of Middle and High Burning Rate RDX-CMDB Propellants

WANG Jiang-ning, YANG Bin, SUN Zhi-gang, et al 39 (5)119

Progress of Study on Thermal Behaviors of Nitrogen-rich Compounds as Azole, Triazine and Furazan

HAN Zhi-yue, YANG Yue-zhen, DU Zhi-ming, et al 39 (6) 1

Research Progress on the Synthesis of Energetic Compounds Based onα-Polynitromethyl-azoxy Moieties

ZHANG Jia-rong, BI Fu-qiang, WANG Bo-zhou,et al 39 (6) 12

Influence of Constraint Strength of Shells on the Performance of Thermobaric Explosives Blasting in the Air

CHENG Yu-teng,LIN Qiu-han,LI Xi,et al 39 (6) 20

Theoretical Study of Cage-HMX: 2,4,6,8-Tetranitro-2,4,6,8-tetraazatricycle[,7]octane

BI Fu-qiang, ZHAI Lian-jie, ZHANG Jun-lin,et al 39 (6) 26

Molecular Dynamics Research on Mechanical Properties and Sensitivity of RDX-TNT Explosive

HANG Gui-yun,YU Wen-li,WANG Tao,et al 39 (6) 32

Photocatalytic Degradation of DNT Wastewater by Composite Catalyst and Its Degradation Mechanism

SHANG Hai-ru, FENG Chang-gen, SUN Liang,et al 39 (6) 38

Preparation and Thermal Properties of Nano-Al/CuO Composite

DONG Xiao-hu, HU Lan, WANG Ying-lei, et al 39 (6) 44

Treatment of TNT Red Water Polluted Soil by Thermal Decomposition Method

DING Qiu-hua,LI Yu-ping,JIANG Xin,et al 39 (6) 49

The Reactivity between Aluminum Powder and Liquid Phase of Fuel-air Explosives

XING Xiao-ling, ZHAO Sheng-xiang, LI Wen-xiang,et al 39 (6) 55

Experimental Study on the Shock Response of a TATB-based Insensitive Explosive with Electromagnetic Particle Velocity Gauge

LI Jin-he,FU Hua,ZHAO Ji-bo,et al 39 (6) 58

Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Shock Initiation of JH-14C Detonation Device

LI Shuo,YUAN Jun-ming,LIU Yu-cun, et al 39 (6) 63

Effect of Friction Effect on Dynamic Mechanical Performances of a PBX Explosives

LI Liang-liang, QU Ke-peng, SHEN Fei,et al 39 (6) 69

Effect of Aluminum/Organic Fluoride Composite on the Combustion Properties of Aluminized HTPB Propellants

LI Yi, GUO Xiao-yan, YANG Rong-jie, et al 39 (6) 74

Effect of Lead Salt Catalysts on the Combustion Properties of GAP Reduced Smoke Propellant

LI Wei,YIN xin-mei,WANG Xiao-ying,et al 39 (6) 80

Influences of Charging Size and Structure on Cook-off Characteristics of HTPE Propellant

YANG Xiao, ZHI Xiao-qi, YANG Bao-liang 39 (6) 84

Study on Improving the Mechanical Properties of Nitroguanidine Gun Propellant with KH550 at Low Temperature

ZHU Deng-pan, LIU Zhi-tao, LIU qiong, et al 39 (6) 90

Azidonitramine Intermediate Sample Preparation for Quantitative Analysis by Calendering-drying Method

JIA Lin, ZHANG Gao, ZHANG Lin-jun,et al 39 (6) 94

Static and Dynamic Combustion Performance in Bore of DAGQ Gun Propellant

YAN Guang-hu, ZHAO Yu-hua, ZHANG Yu-cheng,et al 39 (6) 98

Effect of Multi-hydroxyl Polyether on the Anti-impact Properties of High-energy Nitramine Gun Propellant

YAN Xi-yan, ZHANG Li-hua, XUE Huan 39 (6) 103


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