Electric Power Museum of the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), Beijing, China, 2015
1 外景/Exterior view
2 外景/Exterior view
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目负责人/Principal in Charge: 庄惟敏/ZHUANG Weimin设计团队/Design Team: 庄惟敏,张维,杜爽等/ZHUANG Weimin, ZHANG Wei, DU Shuang, et al.
合作/Collaborators: 北京市电力设计院/Beijing Power Design Institute
场地面积/Site Area: 7502.90m2
总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 47,767.75m2(地上/Aboveground: 24,880.80m2,地下/Underground: 22,886.95m2)
建筑高度/Height: 60m
设计时间/Design Period: 2009-2011
竣工时间/Completion: 2015.12
摄影/Photos: 姚力/YAO Li
3 总平面/Site plan
4 外景/Exterior view
5 鸟瞰图/Aerial view perspective
6 草图/Sketch
7 地下五层平面/Floor -5 plan
8 地下四层平面/Floor -4 plan
9 地下三层平面/Floor -3 plan
10 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
Located in Xicheng Dis., Beijing, this project is a newly-built civil infrastructure and a public building. the site is to the east of Caishikou Rd., to the north of Zhuchao Rd., to the west of a planning road, and to the south of Zhongshan Guild Hall, which is protected as a cultural heritage. the parcel area is 7478.57m2, with a maximum gross height of the building restricted to 60m, except for the area within the range of 30m from Zhongshan Guild Hall, where no permanent construction shall exceed 5m. the project consists of two parts, part one is a 220KV transformer substation on basement level 3-5, on top of which is part two, a science museum and the customer service center.
Integration of the transformer substation and the museum
the project was a major transformer substation for Beijing 2009 "Coal to Electricity" project, one of the most important engineering projects of Beijing municipal government aimed at replacing collective coal burning boilers with regenerative electric boilers. this "Coal to Electricity" project is expected to cut down coal heating consumption in winter and reduce emission of CO2, SO2and nitrogen oxide. As a result, air quality in urban Beijing would be improved due to the enlarged collective use of clean energy.
The project is the first 220KV transformer substation in China that has a visitor's route open to the public. It is also one of the most important exhibition space in Beijing Electricity Science and Technology Museum. In the beginning of design process, the architect conducted massive surveys and made detailed programming plan. Eventually, a comprehensive design was proposed which put the museum and the transformer substation together as a whole, based on the concept of combinations of "science and technology and its popularization", "above and beneath the ground", "cladding and exhibition" and "permanent and renewable display". the SGCC Museum is a pioneer example of mixed use of infrastructure and commercial land, which provides new approach to optimize urban land storage in the New Normal time. In addition, it is a typical example of double application of both industrial and civil building code in China. It is also the first high-rise public building located above an underground 220KV transformer substation in Beijing. In conclusion, it provides a pioneer technical experience to deal with urban land storage problems.
Respect for space pattern of ancient Beijing city
The SGCC Museum's site is trapezoid in shape, of which the north side is wider than the south. To the north of the site lies Zhongshan Guild Hall, which is protected as a cultural heritage. Within the range of 30m from Zhongshan Guild Hall is the construction-restricted area. The master plan takes into consideration of the cultural heritage building and set the 12-floor main building on the south part of the side so as to make more space for it. Along Caishikou Rd., the exterior of the building is simple to show a large-scale entrance space. On the north part of the site there is a 6-floor podium building. To the north of the podium building is the constructionrestricted area. In this area there are outdoor facilities such as green space, parking lots, entrances and exits, ventilation shafts, etc. These low rise constructions keep the pattern of ancient Beijing city's urban fabric and serve as a buffer zone between the SGCC Museum and Zhongshan Guild Hall. Moreover, the SGCC Museum consists of several small volumes, which dispel the visual tension of the huge building and enrich the shape of the building.
Building envelop that reflects city history and modern technology
The design of building envelop aims at reflecting the relationship between architecture and urban development. In terms of material, stately stone, which provides a sense of history, is used in combination with modern glass curtain wall, which represents contemporary technology. This combination of materials responds to the complicated self-growing surrounding urban fabric. The simple and elegant travertine and deep and stately Baltic brown are mainly used on west facade in order to make the museum elegantly stands out from surrounding modern high-rise buildings. The stone curtain wall, with the pattern of openings on the wall reflecting traditional Chinese decorative pattern, has a standard 4.2m wide and 4.2m tall unit and is installed on site after pre- fabrication in factory. Low-E glass and double layered tempered and laminated super white glass respond to historic urban area and reflect sky and Hutong view, which provides a sense that the Hutong grows from ground to the building's facade.□
11 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
12 三层平面/Floor 2 plan
13 四层平面/Floor 3 plan
14 五层平面/Floor 4 plan
SHAO Weiping: Urban patching and openness
Compared to mature building types, the Electric Power Museum of the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) can be considered as a "trans-boundary" project. Located in the old district of south Beijing – where My Memories of Old Beijing took place, the site's surrounding area is experiencing large-scale urban renovation, with rapid growth of high-rise residential and commercial blocks. To its west is the Caishikou Street, and to its north a cultural-conservation building, the Zhongshan Club. Under strict architectural programming, the project made attempts at functional integration and spatial expansion, combining the 220KV substation powerhouse with the museum and deftly transforming a "staff-only" restricted area into a popular science classroom through architectural vocabulary. the powerhouse and the museum share the same space, while each maintaining its own system. Supported by trans-boundary technology, the originally introvert space achieved utmost openness, thus its architectural potential is considerably expanded. the main space of the high-rise building is open to all four directions, creating visual interactions between the new building and the existing environment. The undersides of the projecting parts employ high-reflective material to fuse the new building with old urban setting. On the one hand, the project presents its urban function as a whole to the public; on the other hand, having fulfilled technical requirements, the architect guaranteed both the new building's integration with the old city's cultural texture and their regeneration by means of scale control, spatial composition and disposition of facade materials. the SGCC Electric Power Museum's programming and implementation explored new ways of thinking for the optimization of urban land stock in the context of sustainable development. It is a typical case of joint application of urban infrastructure and public construction land, as well as an integrated design of high-rise buildings above the substation. (English translation by LIU Chen)
15 外景/Exterior view
16.17 幕墙详图/Detail of curtain wall
18.19 立面细部/Façade detail
20 外景/Exterior view