Judo & Taekwondo Venue of 2008 Beijing Olympics Games (USTB Gymnasium), Beijing, China, 2007
在项目立项开始,该馆就设计有50m×25m的游泳馆, 包含10条标准泳道。同样,我们立足学校长远使用,游泳馆的设计与主馆紧密结合,运动员区与淋浴更衣区紧凑布局,考虑师生的教学和对外开放,设有足够的更衣与淋浴空间。配合教学上课,设有宽敞的陆上训练和活动场地,并且在泳池边陆上场地设置了地板辐射采暖,为赛后学生和教师使用提供了人性化的设计。
1.2 设计草图/Sketch
3 外景/Exterior view
4 鸟瞰/Bird's eye view
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目负责人/Principal in Charge: 庄惟敏/ZHUANG Weimin
设计团队/Design Team: 庄惟敏,栗铁,任晓东,梁增贤,董根泉等/ZHUANG Weimin, Ll Tie, REN Xiaodong, LIANG Zengxian, DONG Genquan, et al.
基底面积/Building Area: 23,800m2
总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 24,662m2(地上/Aboveground, 22,060m2,地下/Underground, 2602m2)
檐口高度/Height of Eaves: 体育馆/Main Stadium, 23.75m;
游泳馆/Swimming Stadium, 13.14m
座席数/the Number of Seats:
赛时/ Olympic period: 8012个标准席(固定座席/Fixed seats, 4080个;临时座席/Temporary seats: 3932个)
赛后/Post-Olympic period: 5050个标准席(固定座席/ Fixed seats, 3820个;活动座席/Moveable seats, 1230个)
设计时间/Design Period: 2004.11-2005.9
竣工时间/Completion: 2007.11
摄影/Photos: 张广源/ZHANG Guangyuan
Serving as one of the primary competition venues of the 29th summer Olympic Games, the 2008 Beijing Olympics Judo & Taekwondo facility (USTB Gymnasium) successfully hosted judo and taekwondo games during the Olympics, as well as wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby games during the subsequent Paralympics. The building, consisting of a main arena and a Olympic-sized swimming pool (measured 50m long and 25m wide), has a gross floor area of 24,662.32 square meters. As it is located on a campus, it was designed not only for the games, but for future utilization by the university as well. As a result, the architect conducted investigations in order to ensure a functional transition between Olympic use and post-Olympic use, and to analyze the special geographic, social, and campus characteristics of the project’s genius-loci, management, and operation.
Competition zone courts
the dimensions of the competition area in the main arena were 60m x 40m, which was required by the IOC’s official guidelines for judo and taekwondo games. These requirements can also accommodate three basketball courts for post-Olympic usage by the university. Large competition areas such as this are not frequently found in many universities, as they often result in the dispersal of seating areas and expansion of audience hall, as well as excess of proper visual distance in the smaller-court games. The large-scale competition area, which was designed to be as large as possible as to fulfill Olympic requirements, obviously contradicts with multiple, comparably smaller-scale basketball (or handball) courts planned post-Olympics because of the visual distances involved. To solve this issue, moveable stands have been employed.
Permanent stands, temporary stands, and moveable stands
According to the IOC's guidelines, the number of seats in a judo & taekwondo arenas should be at least 8000. A capacity of 5000 was identified in the design concept, based on a precedent study of the scale and features of Chinese university arenas. therefore, based on future requirements of campus usage, 5000 permanent seats were planned to be installed. However, in order to meet IOC requirements, at least 3000 temporary seats needed to added for the Olympics.
If all of the 5000 permanent seats were to be placed fronting the competition zone, then the 3000 temporary seats typically would be located along the inner edges of the competition zone. this could have led to a void inner zone after the Olympics, with an excess of visual distance and waste of space due to the requirements of the competition areas. Therefore, the 3000 temporary seats were built on scaffolds on two platforms behind the northern and southern permanent seats, and will be removed to make room for two courts after the Olympics and Paralympic games. In addition, 1000 moveable seats were placed along four walls of the competition zone, which can be folded into the wall so as not to obstruct events during and after the Olympics.
As a result, the final designed number of seats was fixed at 8012, of which 4080 are permanent, 3932 were temporarily rented (fulfilling all requirements of judo and taekwondo games during the Olympics, as well as wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby games during the Paralympics), and 1230 are moveable. After the Olympics, the total number of permanent seats will be 5050, adequate for larger-scale sporting events, such as blind judo, goalball, international and domestic judo and taekwondo championships, campus sporting events, meetings, performances, as well asswimming and other types of recreation.
5 总平面/Site plan
6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
7 外景/Exterior view
Warm-up gymnasium during Olympics & swimming pool after Olympics
The design also includes a standard ten-track swimming pool, measuring 50m long and 25m wide. the pool, located beside the main arena, takes future usage into consideration as well. the athlete areas and locker rooms have a compact layout, still providing sufficient locker space for teaching and public usage. For teaching purposes, there is a wide training court alongside the pool, as well as is an infloor radiant heating system surrounding the pool for the comfort of teachers and students.
During the Olympics, the swimming pool was capped with a temporary slab, which served as a warm-up zone for the judo and taekwondo events. It was especially convenient for the athletes to go back and forth between the warm-up zone and the adjacent competition zone, and this was a welcome and tangible result of the general design concept.
Function programming during Olympics and functional transition after Olympics
Post-Olympic reuse was highly considered in the design, based on the future usage and development of the building. In order to save land and create more space athletic spaces within the sports zone of the university campus, the building's plan has a compact layout. Based on the genius-loci of the site and innovations in the building's elevation, a simple volume with a small shape coefficient was selected, which makes the building space-efficient and energy-efficient. After the Olympics, parking lots for athletes, media staff and VIPs on the north and south side of the building have been turned into athletic areas, and the previous Olympic plaza on the east side, consistent with the campus axis and road network, has been transformed into a permanent cultural square that has a monumental significance. In addition, previous BOB media areas on the north and south side of the Olympic square have been converted into throwing sports, basketball and tennis courts.
The Olympic and post-Olympic use of interior spaces include:
Former news release hall—dancing classroom;
Former news sub-center—students activity center;
Former VIP dining room—exhibition space;
Former office for sport association—office for PE class teaching crew;
Former athletes' registration room—students' exercise center (warm-up zone);
Former warm-up zone and competition committee—standard swimming pool;
Former doping-check room—physical therapy room;
Former locker room for referee—locker room for Gymnasium;
Former VIP lounge—cafe;
Former temporary seats—basketball (or other ball sports) court.
In addition, some other details also vividly demonstrate the design concept of "fulfilling Olympic requirements and adapting to future longterm usage of the university", including east and west elevations which are primarily solid walls, public platforms on the second floor near the north and south entrances, the scaffold-like moveable temporary seating system, natural light conduit systems, multi-functional performance systems, a solar water-heating system, a floor radiation heating system around the swimming pool, etc.□
8 入口局部/Entrance
9.10 内景/Interior views
ZHENG Fang:After graduating from School of Architecture in 1996, I began to work at the Institute of Architectural Design. Later on, I had the honor of designing the Sports Center of Tsinghua University with prof. ZHUANG Weimin. Despite the lack of a comprehensive design brief at that time, Mr. Zhuang had a clear concept for the sports center. the success of such definition in stimulating a colorful campus life has seen testified by time (I continued my doctoral study with prof. ZHUANG and my graduation ceremony happened to take place at that very sports center). The concepts adopted by prof. ZHUANG for the Sports Center of Tsinghua University were employed again in 2004 in the design of the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) Gymnasium. In prof. ZHUANG's definition, the primary purpose of the Gymnasium is to serve the campus as well as the Olympic Games. He integrated functional planning, energy strategies and technological choices into his design. the USTB Gymnasium and two other gymnasiums built for the 2008 Summer Olympics, namely Peking University Gymnasium and Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium, became the basic model for multifunctional campus sports facilities in China. they also established a paradigm for later campus facility constructions and will help define campus community life in a long run.
In fact, the lack of clear design briefs has always been a problem in the construction of sports facilities in China. Programming, technical standards and operational strategies are all ambiguous. Therefore, architects undertaking such projects have to be adept at architectural programming, design and even operation consultation. USTB Gymnasium not only provides a playground and a swimming pool suitable for campus life, a multi-use grandstand equipped with permanent, temporary and mobile seats, but also introduces a sustainable strategy through an innovative tubular daylighting system which reduces the building's operating costs. All this has fulfilled the design purposes of the USTB Gymnasium.(English translation by Dandan WANG)
11 剖面/Section
12 观众入口/Audience entrance