

世界建筑 2015年4期




1 江南布衣杭州总部鸟瞰效果图(图片来源:GOA大象设计)

江南布衣杭州总部1)是伦佐·皮亚诺在中国承接的首个建筑项目。3月26日,在伦佐·皮亚诺赴项目施工现场会议前及现场工作期间,本刊对伦佐·皮亚诺及其合伙人马克·卡罗尔(Mark Carroll),以及项目业主杭州江南布衣服饰有限公司总裁李琳、项目中方合作建筑事务所GOA大象设计总经理陆皓进行了简短的采访。








伦佐·皮亚诺:我们关注细节是因为这是我们职责的一部分。我们也会关注光、地段、社会等方面,你要知道如何创造一个让人们喜欢的场所。一个建筑师必须要把很多事情做好,这其中也包括要做一个好的建造者。不是好的建造者的建筑师,就像不弹琴的钢琴家,或者不画画的画家。这是你的本职工作,你必须要对细节感兴趣。我们要在上海开幕的展览名为“渐渐件件”(piece by piece),我们的工作就是这样一件件做出来的。



马克·卡罗尔:我想我们开始了一个很好的程序。因为实际上我们不可能一直跟进建造过程,所以我们会要求做样板。他们会制作建筑各个部分的部件的样板给我们看。一个部件的样板可能会做两三次,直到做好它。然后样板就成了标准,接下来只要重复制作就可以了。我们希望建筑的每个部件都被很好地制作,然后被多次重复。就像展览题目“渐渐件件”(piece by piece):我们设计部件,然后不断重复。比如这个项目中立面上的铝百叶将会重复4000多次,绿色立面上种植植物的部件将有2000多个,都会通过这种方式来制作。因为我们想在这里用清水混凝土,这对建造品质要求很高,很困难。我们的业主非常好,他们接受了邀请意大利建造方来施工的想法。这个意大利的清水混凝土建造方曾为安藤忠雄在意大利的项目工作,也曾和我们在美国金贝尔博物馆项目中合作。他们现在正在为杭州这个项目工作。

WA: 您多次提到“学习”,我们的杂志是基于清华大学的,我也想问您一个关于建筑教育的问题。您出生于一个建造者之家。您曾说过这使您远离学术界,远离那种对年轻学生很危险的创造形式的轻易的快感。据我所知,也曾有清华大学的学生到您的事务所实习。您如何看待当今的建筑教育?您认为什么是培养青年建筑师最为合适的方式?




WA: You said that architecture is about exploring. Your works are not with strong sense of personal style, but you prefer to find inspiration from specific place and context. Hangzhou is historic city with beautiful landscape and cultural heritage, and also with many new constructions like other big cities in China. You also said that you never take a new job without visiting the place. What inspiration did you find here when you first visited the site? What make you decide to take this job?

Renzo Piano: Our office is a partnership, we have worked together since 20 to 30 years ago. For this project, Mark and other colleagues came before me, and collected all the necessary information, then we talked and made some work, then I came. But during that first period, that lasted 6 months, with out team coming here and of course the client coming to Genova, we started to collect information and develop some concepts.

And when you come to Hangzhou, one of the urban inspirations is nature and water. The nature here is beautiful. through the window where we are, looking at the shadow on that wall, you realize the relationship between building and nature, they work well together. this was when we saw and we fall in love with it. We built 10 years ago in San Francisco, the California Academy of Sciences, in that building we designed a living roof. So we know it can be done. The living roof mean a lot: it's not just beautiful, it's also functional. So we started to dream about growing tea on the roof to protect the building in this project, then this dream became a reality, and we started to work with the consultant.

You know it's always like that, inspiration come from something, and then you have to express the concept to the team. It's like playing pingpang, not two people but with 30 people, so the ball goes everywhere. Inspiration comes from many places, it is never just one. It's coming from many places. And of course, more general terms China is about texture, light, shadow, and about sense of lightness as well. So you have to learn from the place and from the tradition. We are basically contemporary architects, we accept the challenge of living in our time, so we need to build in our way, I think it's wrong to pretend to belong to the past. We belong to the future.

Mark Carroll: Planting tea on the roofs is a good example of our exploration. It is something that

2 伦佐·皮亚诺和江南布衣总部模型(图片来源:GOA大象设计)

came instinctively, looking at the nearby hills with the cultivation of tea plants, then working with our consultant, and discussing with our client, the concept starts becoming a reality. At first you think maybe the tea plants won't make very good tea, but when you start working with the specialist and consultants, you realize that the tea may be useful, to help shade the building, and possibly good to drink.

Renzo Piano: This is just one element. There are so many others, just to make an example. In the beginning we start with a little idea, and then somebody says "impossible", somebody says "why not". A good team is where nobody says "impossible"; everybody says "let's try". This is what I have to say, we have a very good team, not just talking about us, but also GOA, our partners, the client, and the builder. You know somebody is coming from Venice to do the concrete. Sometimes people don't like to learn, they just say I know how to do the job. But we need the positive attitude of people, where everybody says "let's try", it's kind of an optimism, kind of desire to do things. this is also a very important element in our work.

WA: Compared with many other architects, you pay more attention to construction and details. But the construction quality in China is relatively low compared to Europe. Do you think you could ensure the construction quality of this project? If yes, howcould you ensure that?

Renzo Piano: Paying attention to detail is part of our duty. We also give a lot of attention to light, to the value of the site. We also paying a lot of attention to the social side, and how to make place for people to enjoy. An architect must be good enough in doing many things, including being a good builder. An architect that is not a good builder is like a pianist that doesn't play the piano, or like a painter that doesn't paint. So consequently you must be interested in detail. Our exhibition that will open tomorrow in Shanghai is called "piece by piece", so of course we work piece by piece.

But the architect only doing good detail is not enough. You need to do good detail in a good project, for a good reason. You need a number of things to come together. And also, the good detail is about beauty. It is about celebrating the sense of life and the sense of transparency. A good detail is never just by itself, not just to show you are clever. It's the same thing when you write, you don't write for the pleasure to make good phrase, the good phrase must mean something, or otherwise it doesn't matter. So being architect doing just good detail is quite academic in reality. We are working on details because we believe there is a connection between good detail and beauty, and civic value. The detail is just part of the story, it's like a good director, I've been a good friend to many of those people, in the concert hall that do rehearsals, and they could immediately find something that is wrong. It's detail, but it's not just detail, it's about one unite sound. So the detail is about the entirety, it's about a well-made building and the pieces coming together.

Now the second part of the question, is the quality good enough here. Yes I think it will be good. It's getting better and better. And I think this country has the energy and desire to learn. We work with people, sometimes they don't know how to do. But they learn, and this is the way the community changes. This is also the way we became a good office, we were not the same at the beginning, because you learn. You know what, to learn you need to be a bit humble. To learn you have to be able to absorb.

Mark Carroll: I think we have started a good process. Actually we cannot follow the construction process as well as we could in the Europe. therefore, we have developed a process of making mockups. So they make small pieces of the building that we review. Maybe we do that piece two or three times, until we get the right quality. then it becomes the standard, and they just repeat it. We hope that we are making a well built building with pieces that are well made, and we just repeat it many times. That's how we make our buildings, like our exhibition, as you know that it's called "piece by piece". It's a good reason we call that, because we design pieces and then we repeat them over and over. For example, our piece for the facade is made of pressed aluminum, that is repeated over 4000 times. Then we have the green facade, we design the pieces to hold the plants, that piece will be repeated maybe 2000 times. the finish material will be exposed concrete. It has to be very good, and that is difficult. This is the great value about our client, they accepted this idea. We brought a good Italian builder that has made concrete for Tadao Ando in Italy. We worked with him in the United States for the Kimbell museum, and he is here in Hangzhou now.

WA: You come from a family of builders. You said that it was good because it kept you away from academia, from the easy pleasure of creating form, which was dangerous for young students. Our magazine is based on Tsinghua University, as I know some student from Tsinghua University get the opportunity to intern in your office. What do you think about the architectural education today? What is the way you prefer for young architects training?

Renzo Piano: Well, I don't know about what to do about architectural education, I know what we can do. In our office, we created a small foundation. the foundation is made by our money, we don't ask for other people's money. With this money, about 17 to18 young people coming from all over the world, from China, America, Africa, South America, from everywhere. And they stayed with us for 6 month, in our office in Genoa and Paris. In Italian there is a word "bottega", it's a way to learn by doing. It's from the Renaissance, for the people study sculpture or painting. there are things to learn from the day by day experience. We don't like to sit down and to tell people what to do. They got enough in the university. We invite people to come to the meetings and to work in the office.

the work is about passion, but you cannot teach passion, you can only show passion. In education, you cannot keep telling people what to do, the only thing you can do is to give them example. the young students learn by watching and absorbing. Of course to do this you have to be good, and normally those students are good, they were very well selected. Typically for the first month they were lost, and then they started to learn. This is what I think we should do and we are doing. But it doesn't mean that the university is not good. You need the university. But at the end of the university, you need more. You need the reality, you need passion, and you need also a little fighting sometime.

There is one thing you have to teach young people, or I would say showing to young people, is about obstination. Without obstination, you go nowhere, because you do something fine, but it never enough. You need a bit more, without sublime obstination, you never get in the center, but you always get the periphery. I think this is also very important for the young people. You need to tell them "Garbage, it's not good enough, do again!" Sometimes in the university they don't do that. But in the real life you have to be careful. You have to wait, try and try again, and then you could reach that moment like the bell ringing. that is not easy, it takes time, but it's not casual, it's coming from work and passion.


1) 江南布衣杭州总部基地位于杭州城西天目山路,地处西湖与西溪之间,包含办公、美术馆、艺术中心、秀场及商业等功能,是一个综合性的艺术园区。 由伦佐·皮亚诺建筑工作室与GOA大象设计共同设计完成。伦佐·皮亚诺通过围合的方式在地块内创造了一个130m×95m的中心广场,与西班牙马德里主广场(Plaza Mayor)尺度相似。同时又对地块进行切割,创造出广场与城市之间的连接和渗透,这些切线限定出不同的植被、镜面水池及下沉广场等丰富的景观元素。建筑体量在首层通过内退和通透的玻璃以实现悬浮的效果,并在8-9层进行退台,屋顶作为第五立面将尽可能被茶树覆盖,朝向广场的立面被设计成特殊的生态绿化幕墙。伦佐为此反复推敲,创作了特殊的节点做法,成为项目中最为有趣的元素之一。该项目从意大利引进的清水混凝土施工团队Dottor Group,花费了将近8倍的代价,意欲打造中国乃至世界领先的清水混凝土。(项目说明文字来源:GOA大象设计)









3 伦佐·皮亚诺在工地现场



4 伦佐·皮亚诺与马克·卡罗尔(右)在现场样板间




5 伦佐·皮亚诺与李琳(左)在清水混凝土样板前

所以一开始我对这个决定心存疑虑,因为风险太大。 如果是一个2万m2的项目,这个决心会容易下得多。当然也有成本上的问题,我们一开始希望少做一点,但最后还是决定完全按照伦佐的设计来实现。这可能就是所谓大师的气场,敢于突破规则和界限。基于他的经验,他当然知道Dottor能把清水混凝土做得非常好,但他也未必有把握整个项目都能做到这个品质,因为项目的规模远远超过了他们以前所做过的清水混凝土工程。


Interview with Renzo Piano and the Project Team of JNBY Headquarters in Hangzhou

UN Lingbo

