

世界建筑 2015年3期


Stadium and Gymnasium of Dalian Sports Center, Dalian, China, 2013


Architects: FU Benchen, CHU Xiao, WEI Zhiping, LU Shiliang/The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT

1 外景/Exterior view

2 体育场二层平面/Floor 1 plan of the stadium

3 体育场屋盖平面/Roof plan of the stadium


4 鸟瞰/Aerial view

The stadium and the gymnasium of Dalian sports center are the main buildings of this complex, which are connected by an "S"-shaped elevated platform. Its gross building area is about 200,000m2. The design concept aims to connect with the city culture of Dalian. The form of the gymnasium is generated based on a closed helix which passes through both the interior and exterior spaces of the building. It spirals up and symbolizes developing and flowing, full of tension. The form of the stadium’s canopy works well with the height of the bleachers, and is covered with ETFE cushions. Through the changing color and texture of the cushions, the stadium presents similar dynamic effect as the gymnasium through a different approach. At night, the changing cushion-canopy looks like a huge glowing object that enriches the city landscape. Although the shape and facade materials are different between the gymnasium and the stadium, they share similar characteristics. They symbolize the ocean and the galaxy that nurture life with endless cycles and movement, and represent the development and enormous vitality of the city of Dalian.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 大连星海湾金融商务区投资管理股份有限公司,大连体育中心开发建设投资有限公司/Investment Management Co., Ltd. in Xinghaiwan Financial Business Area Dalian, Investment and Construction Co., Ltd. of Dalian Sports Center

设计团队/Project Team: 哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院(建筑设计)/付本臣,初晓,魏治平,陆诗亮(建筑师)/The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT (Architectural Design)/ FU Benchen, CHU Xiao, WEI Zhiping, LU Shiliang (Architects)

建筑面积/Floor Area: 200,000m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2008-2011

摄影/Photos: 韦树祥/WEI Shuxiang (Fig.1, 4, 8, 9, 10),魏治平/WEI Zhiping (Fig.5)

5 体育场外景/Exterior of the stadium

6 体育场剖面/Section of the stadium

7 体育馆剖面/Section of the gymnasium




8 体育馆外景/Exterior view of the gymnasium

9.10 体育馆内景/Interior view of the gymnasium

Jury Statement

The design of the stadium originates from a novel concept and adopts a rational structural form using a new material of cushion-canopy. It presents not only an attractive shape but also a harmonious relationship with its surrounding seaside environment. The creativity in technology application is shown in the fine combination of ETFE grid membrane and the steel structure that not only fulfills the stadium's functional requirement but also provides good shading, rich colors, and a graceful and dynamic form.

The design of the stadium combines the primary architectural space with the complicated spiral form, and hides the huge space into its unified shell units. The architectural shape provides good solutions for requirements on spatial height, lighting, and morphology. Structural technologies are adopted to realize perfect integration between function and form.


西安奥体中心主体育场 罩棚钢结构元旦首吊