

世界建筑 2015年3期


Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, China, 2014


Architects: LIU Yichun, CHEN Yifeng, WANG Longhai/Atelier Deshaus

1 内景/Interior view

2 总平面/Site plan




项目信息/Credits and Date

客户/Client: 私人/Private

设计团队/Project Team: 大舍建筑设计事务所(建筑设计)/柳亦春,陈屹峰,王龙海,王伟实,伍正辉,王雪培,陈鹍(建筑师)/Atelier Deshaus (Architectural Design)/LIU Yicun, CHEN Yifeng, WANG Longhai, WANG Weishi, WU Zhenghui, WANG Xuepei, CHEN Kun (Architects)

用地面积/Site Area: 19,337m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 33,007m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2011.11-2012.07

施工时间/Construction Period: 2014.03

摄影/Photos: 苏圣亮/SU Shengliang


3 室外通道/Alley through the museum

Long Museum West Bund is located at Xuhui District in Shanghai along Huangpu River. The project site was previously used as a coal transportation wharf. Before the current design, there are a coal-hopper-unloading bridge and a two-story underground garage existing on site. The bridge was constructed in the 1950s, and is about 110m long, 10m wide and 8m in height. The garage was just completed two years ago.

The design adopts independent cantilever structures featuring "vault-umbrella". Freely arranged shear walls go all the way down to the existing basement and are integrated with the existing concrete structure frame. These shear walls transform the first level of the underground garage into an exhibition space. Above ground, the "vault-umbrellas" with various directions interconnect with each other and create a rich space with multiple orientations. All the electrical and mechanical system is integrated within the "vault-umbrella" structures. Within the ground level covered by the "vault-umbrellas", walls and ceilings are treated with ascast concrete finish. As a result, the geometric division between them is blurred. These structural spaces not only provide protection and comfort at the human scale, but also respond to the existing coal-hopper-unloading bridge at the wharf visually. Moreover, the interior space of the building presents a primordial and wild charm, while the spatial dimension, large or small, and the as-castfinish concrete surface bring a sense of reality with details such as the seams and bolt holes left by the molding boards. The directness and simplicity resulting from the combination of "straightforward" structures, materials and spaces, together with the powerful or light quality generated by the large-scale overhangs, achieve continuity between the building and the industrial character of the existing site, not only in space but also in time.

The flowing exhibition space on the ground level covered by the as-cast-finish concrete "vaultumbrellas" and the "white box" exhibition space in the basement are connected with a spiral staircase. The primordial but realistic space and the juxtaposition of the ancient, modern and contemporary art works create a tension and present an exhibition space with the dimension of time.

4 内景/Interior view

6 桥、咖啡屋和江畔/Bridge, cafe and the river

5 结构概念图/Structure plan




7 煤上传桥和博物馆/Coal-uploading-bridge and the museum

8 伞体单元/Detail of the vault-umbrella

9 内景/Interior view

Jury Statement

The design of Long Museum West Bund was inspired by an existing industrial structure on site built in 1950s. The building is a simple and pure cube embedded with curves. The as-cast concrete finish and glass are plain, refined and exquisite. The exhibition halls are formed by the "vault-umbrellas", and the construction is of high level of completion, from the overall to the details. All of the above responds well to the history of the site, jointly creating an urban space with modern aesthetics that carries the memory of industrial civilization. Meanwhile, the design skillfully hides all pipelines in the cavity of the structure, thereby perfectly eliminating artificial decorations in the interior exhibition space.

With an open access to the general public, Long Museum West Bund is closely linked to the urban life of common people. While providing basic functions, it also documents the continuity and change of the urban environment.


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