

世界建筑 2015年3期


Silk House, Wuhan, China, 2014


Architects: MU Wei, WAN Qian, WANG Chenfeng, WANG Jingshi/Advanced Construction Information Development + School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology + La Natur

1 外景/Exterior view




项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Project Team: 穆威,万谦,王晨峰,王晶石,蒋博尧,周延,冯梓原,方芳,王南薰,葛碧苑,李航,李婳,李昊,郭豪,王文文,胡彬岩,杜恬/MU Wei, WAN Qian, WANG Chenfeng, WANG Jingshi, JIANG Boyao, ZHOU Yan, FENG Ziyuan, FANG Fang, WANG Nanxun, GE Biyuan, LI Hang, LI Hua, LI Hao, GUO Hao, WANG Wenwen, HU Binyan, DU Tian

建筑面积/Floor Area: 300m²

设计时间/Design Period: 2014.03-2014.06

摄影/Photos: 郭利敏 (Fig.1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11),蒋博尧 (Fig.2),谭刚毅 (Fig.5, 8)

2 模型/Model

3 细部/Detail

4 轴测示意/Axonometric diagram

"Silk House", the 2nd Children's Natural Construction Workshop following "City in the Sky", was sponsored by Natur. We selected a camphor forest as our construction site, where 40 children aged between 6-12 years old took part in this festival with their parents. Every weekend from March to June the children and their parents gathered in our school (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) to receive tutorials on architecture, from getting to know the site to the scale and other basic knowledge, supervised by the architects. And the children were required to hand in their sketches and models. We did not start building the real Silk House in the camphor forest until May.

Silk House is located amid the camphor trees and defined by them. The camphor trees are both the surroundings and part of the structure. Through repeated tests on different materials by the architects and the children, steel wires were picked out to form the major space of Silk House and hemp strings to surround the structure and define its appearance. There was no drawing for the building. It was a structure hidden in the trees and explored through the children's eyes. The architects offered the children weaving methods for creating space among the trees. With the contribution of the children, the building looked like a big toy in the forest, with an experimental structure, a style defined by trees and internal flowing space created by the children as they liked. Traditionally speaking, Silk House was not a perfect building: It had no foundation, no pillar, no beam, nor any rod. But Silk House reinterpreted the possibility of building and extended the boundary of architecture.

The four basic questions of architecture, the ancient science, found new answers in the children's natural workshop of Natur. Who to design? Who to build? Which type of structure? And who to use? There came the answers: The children were the main builders; the parents are amplifiers of their thoughts; the architects offered the guidance; and the forest provided the invisible form of architecture.

Silk House is another experiment on children's construction. It may end anytime, but more likely it may continue forever and anywhere.



Jury Statement

This project is an attempt in which children are involved in the construction process. Through the clever use of the space of camphor forest and with the most unlimited construction methods, the artificial building and its natural environment are integrated to create a temporary structure that has certain educational significance and can disappear at any time. It evokes people to reconsider the relationship between architecture and nature as well as that between professional design and public participation. It is also a meaningful practice which combines professional and public architectural education.

5 局部立面/Partial elevation

6 细部/Detail

7-11 建造过程/Construction process

