

世界建筑 2015年2期




1 外景/Exterior view






2 效果图/Rendering

Site order + prototype + and basic construction

Chetian Village Tourist Center is located at the heart of China's Guizhou Province, in the national new development zone of Guian. Chetian's standard groupings of units are spread across various plains alongside the foot of the hill range which runs in parallel with the small river. The spatial layouts of these three bands of units come in a classic reproductive and parallel formation. With the spontaneous expansion of these common but highly adaptive bands of units, the arrangement eventually turns into a phenomenon in which the toothed part of these parallel units conform towards one another in creation of a natural site order.

Therefore we integrated the unique characteristics of the units mentioned above into our Chetian Village Tourist Center, which created a highly adaptive spatial formation in parallel with the surrounding roads as well as the hills.

These three parallel bands of units produce L-shape spaces in an isomorphic fashion. The repetitive L-shape turns eventually create a space similar to that of a courtyard, categorized in China as "yuan". The surrounding walls of the courtyard adopt bluestone masonry and are cohesively painted in white, which creates a ritualistic atmosphere for the stone alleyway entrance. The space formed by the second band is categorized as "Xiang" (alley), which is located in the widest part of the site. By stretching and twisting the L shape, additional space is produced for a restroom at the north end of the site. Chetian Village's traditional stone masonry and wipe-dry technics are also adopted to capture the essence of a winding stone path into a secluded space. The third band takes up the largest volume of the site, a space categorized as "Tang" (hall). This area is the main functional part of the tourist center. An aftertaste is brought about by the basic frame structure and the filler and exterior walls of local stones. The interior units follow the parallel pattern of the band and are partitioned according to their functions. We deliberately put a turn near the south end of the first band and the second band in order to combine the three bands into one structural unity. We went beyond the traditional methods of expansion by predetermining the parameters of the project, putting the relationship among each of the walls in an orderly hierarchy, and emphasizing the functions of each section. Nevertheless, we preserved the traditional L-shape units in aim of retaining the relative independence among the parallel bands while gaining the benefits of uniformity and integrity. Our project displays the repeatability and uniqueness of the local spatial control.

The Chetian Village Tourist Center displays a design concept of "site order + prototype + basic method of construction", which leads to the following conclusions: 1) We research on site order is an attempt to transform the local experience in handling complex landforms into a basic framework for continuous spaces, a framework that embraces the village's traditional way of living. 2) We retain the unique characteristics of the village in our prototype while maintaining control through transformation of design. 3) We believe that technology is the materialization of life, therefore, no matter how advanced technology becomes, it must adapt to the place, the times and the life which it belongs to.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client:贵州贵安文化旅游投资有限公司/Guizhou Gui'an Cultural Tourism Investment Co.,Ltd.

主持建筑师/Principal Architects:魏浩波,谢劲松/WEI Haobo, XIE Jinsong

建筑设计/Architectural Design:魏浩波,马宁/WEI Haobo, MA Ning

设计单位/Design Team:西线工作室/Westline Studio

室内设计师/Interior Designers:魏浩波,谢劲松,马宁,吴蛟/WEI Haobo, XIE Jinsong, MA Ning, WU Jiao

结构工程师/Structural Engineers:李元平,杨小强/LI Yuanping, YANG Xiaoqiang

图纸审核/Drawings Verifier:周可/ZHOU Ke

现场负责/On-site Controller:唐晓,张波纹,李新鑫/ TANG Xiao, ZHANG Bowen, LI Xinxin

项目功能/Program:游客接待,导览,休息与纪念/Tourist reception, information center, resting place and souvenir shop结构形式/Structure:砖混,传统石砌,框架/Brick, traditional barnacle, and frame

层数/Number of Floors:2

建筑材料/Materials:砖,车田村当地石材,混凝土,清水混凝土挂板/Bricks, local stones, concrete, fair-faced concrete slabs

建筑面积/Floor Area:935m2

设计时间/Design Period:2014

摄影/Photos:谢劲松,欧明华/XIE Jinsong, OU Minghua

3 总图/Site plan

4 剖面/Section

5 外景/Exterior views 7 施工中/Under construction

6 外景/Exterior views

7 施工中/Under construction

8 外景/Exterior views






FANG Xiaofeng: This is a common tourist facility project. What makes it uncommon is the architects' way of design going beyond the collage of symbols. On the one hand, the architects organize the layout structure based on the village's spatial prototype. On the other hand, they explore and establish the poetic connotations of the site. The use of color glass has special significance in hot climatic conditions of southern China. Indeed, it was used in large quantities in Lingnan gardens and residences. Breaking from thetraditional practice of using color glass as decoration, this project integrates it with spatial sequence and rhythm variation which achieved a more powerful expression. Personally, I appreciate more the cultural mentality of peace and confidence expressed through the project by the architects, who have uttered a localized poem with modern technology and language.

9 外景/Exterior views

10 外景/Exterior views

11 外景/Exterior views

LU Andong: Twisted Space

This is an introversive architecture, a building process starting from the site, then shrinking inward, followed by folding, enveloping, and ending with the setting up of atmosphere. Space is the only keyword, while formal hierarchy, materials and crafts, traditional images are its three embodiments. It is not a reception center, nor an exhibition space, but an exhibition OF space, or in another word, an object to be exhibited itself. This architecture is a spatial exercise on the "Site", but irrelevant to the local "Place".

Chetian Village Tourist Center, Gui'an, Guizhou, China, 2014

Architects:WEI Haobo, XIE Jinsong/Westline Studio


Simulation and experimental research of digital valve control servo system based on CMAC-PID control method①
基于 Savitzky-Golay 加权拟合的红外图像非均匀性条带校正方法