

核技术 2015年6期

刘合凡 葛良全 谢希成 赵剑锟 罗耀耀


刘合凡 葛良全 谢希成 赵剑锟 罗耀耀

(成都理工大学 地学核技术四川省重点实验室 成都 610059)

为研究探测器立体角在X射线荧光(X-ray fluorescence, XRF)分析仪的设计对测量结果的影响,运用蒙特卡罗方法对XRF仪进行建模。结果表明,探测器脉冲计数随着探测器与样品之间距离的增大指数衰减;随着探测器立体角的增大,特征峰计数非线性增大,源峰探测效率指数递减;探测器本征探测效率与探测器立体角无关。本文研究方法和结论可为一些XRF仪的设计提供参考。


在元素分析领域,X射线荧光(X-ray fluorescence, XRF)分析仪是最重要的分析仪器类型之一,广泛应用于采矿、环保、石化、材料、食品等领域[1–5]。XRF测量中,仪器计数率不仅与待测试样本身的物理化学性质有关,还与激发源、试样、探测器的相对几何位置有关[6–8]。探测器的安放位置不同,所形成的探测器立体角不同,从而使仪器探测效率也不一样。在可接受误差范围内,应尽量提高仪器荧光计数和探测效率,进而提高分析精度和缩短分析时间。而经大量学者研究,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室的通用大型蒙特卡罗程序MCNP软件已经成为核技术领域谱数据模拟和分析的重要软件之一[9–13]。该软件的模拟数据在其相对误差小于5%的前提下,运用建模模拟计算方法预测谱线强度的准确度约达95%,而用该方法模拟未知成份样品,其预测准确度也能达90%–97%[14]。本文运用MCNP软件参考实际荧光分析仪的具体情况进行建模,通过改变探测器立体角得到模拟计算结果,以观察探测器立体角对XRF测量结果的影响情况。

1 理论基础

1.1 探测器立体角的计算


图1 X射线荧光测量中立体角关系推导示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of deriving the desired X-ray collection angle in XRF measurement.




1.2 拟合优度评价



2 蒙特卡罗模型



图2 蒙特卡罗方法模拟X射线荧光测量系统空间几何布置图Fig.2 Geometric layout for XRF measurement system by Monte Carlo method.


3 结果分析

3.1 特征峰计数与“探测器-样品”距离H的关系


图3 蒙特卡罗方法模拟Cu样品特征峰计数与探测器轴心距离的关系Fig.3 Relationship between Cu's X-ray characteristic fluorescence peak counts and ‘detector axis to specimen' distance by Monte Carlo calculation.


3.2 特征峰计数与探测器立体角的关系


图4 蒙特卡罗方法模拟Cu样品特征峰计数与探测器立体角的关系Fig.4 Relationship between Cu's X-ray characteristic fluorescence peak counts and the desired X-ray collection angle by Monte Carlo calculation.

图4 中,随探测器立体角的逐渐增大,特征峰计数非线性增大,对CuKα脉冲计数进行指数拟合,拟合优度为0.99966。

3.3 探测效率与探测器立体角的关系


图5 蒙特卡罗方法模拟Cu样品峰总比、源峰探测效率与探测器立体角的关系Fig.5 Relationship of the Cu's ‘peak to source' ratio, ‘peak to total' ratio and the desired X-ray collection angle by Monte Carlo calculation.



4 结语


(1) 探测器脉冲计数随着探测器与样品之间距离的增大指数衰减;

(2) 随着探测器立体角的增大,特征峰计数非线性增大;

(3) 随着探测器立体角的增大,源峰探测效率指数递减;

(4) 探测器本征探测效率与探测器立体角无关。

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CLC TL8, O657.3

Calculation of desired X-ray collection angle on XRF analyzer designed by Monte Carlo method

LIU Hefan GE Liangquan XIE Xicheng ZHAO Jiankun LUO Yaoyao
(Chengdu University of Technology, Key Laboratory of Applied Nuclear Techniques in Geosciences, Chengdu 610059, China)

Background: The designing of the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer's geometric layouts need to be considered, such as ‘detector to specimen' distance, ‘detector to source' distance, ‘source to specimen' distance. The desired X-ray collection angle is one of the important factors of the detection performance. However, the experience geometric layouts have been unable to meet every XRF analyzer designing, because the performance of the excitation source or the detector is getting better, sample processing technology is much more advanced, and so on. Purpose: The aim is to study the impact of the desired X-ray collection angle on XRF analyzer designing, and provide a technical guidance on methodologies for XRF analyzer designing. Methods: In this paper, we build the XRF analyzer models by the Monte Carlo method and analyze the impacts of the desired X-ray collection angle on XRF analyzer designing. Results: Kinds of factors with the desired X-ray collection angle are analyzed, such as Cu's X-ray characteristic fluorescence peak counts, the ‘detector axis to specimen' distance, the Cu's ‘peak to source' ratio. Conclusions: With the increasing of distance between the detector and the specimen, the detector's pulse counts satisfy an exponential decay law. With the desired X-ray collection angle increasing, the Cu's X-ray characteristic fluorescence peak counts increase linearly. With the desired X-ray collection angle increasing, the ‘peak to source' ratio decays exponentially, but the ‘peak to total' ratio remains the same.

Desired X-ray collection angle, XRF analysis, Monte Carlo method, Goodness of fit









第二章 探测器有反应
第二章 探测器有反应