Subject index WJEM 2015
Subject index WJEM 2015
Subject index WJEM 2015
Abdominal compartment syndrome 23,137
Abdominal wall tension 137
Activated partial thromboplastin time 311
Activated protein C 100
Activities of daily living 284
Acute attack 201
Acute exacerbation 34
Acute kidney injury 248
Acute lung injury 67, 299
Acute myocardial infarction 153
Acute pancreatitis 29
Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II 35,124,141
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 27,148, 165,197,248
Adrenocorticotropic hormone test 35
Advanced cardiac life support 153
Advanced Trauma Life Support 218
Airway management 85
Albuterol 165
Algorithm 94
Alteplase 74
Alveolar epithelial cells 70
Angioedema 74
Angiography 234
Angiotensin converting enzyme 74
Association study 123
Attempted suicide 229
Attitude 118
Autoimmune disease 153
Automated external def brillation 86
Autopsy reports 222
Ballistic gel 226
Basic life support 118,179,186
Bedside ultrasound 293
Biomarker 40,131
Blast injuries 289
Blood pressure 234
Body mass index 143
Bombing 289
Bottle gourd 309
B-type natriuretic peptide 131
Cardiac anatomy 192
Cardiac arrest 85,61,153,270
Cardiac dysrhythmias 61
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Cardiovascular diseases 214
Cardiovascular system 247
Carotid injury 229
Carotid pseudoaneurysm 229
CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells 40
Cecal ligation and puncture 6
Central venous oxygen saturation 106
Central venous pressure 106
Cervical fractures 222
Chest compression 85,179
Children 265
China 212
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease 34,61,201
Circulatory system 253
Clinical pulmonary infection score 35
Coagulation factor V 100
Coagulation-f brinolysis system 249
Community education 268
Community-acquired pneumonia
Compartment syndrome 233
Compression depths 273
Compression rate 273
Computed tomography 30,75,208,293
Congenital heart disease 191
Continuous positive airway pressure 60
Corticosteroid insuff ciency 34
C-reactive protein 132
Critical care 60
Critical illness 34,147
Cross sectional survey 118
Cross-cultural communication 116
Cultural barriers 111
Cytokines 124
Decision making 16
Deep vein thrombosis 100
Def brillation 85
Delay 277
Dental interns 120
Developing country 212,217
Diabetes mellitus 207
Diagnostic ultrasound 10
Digital ischemia 233
Diluted thrombin time 311
Disease severity assessment 131
Dissection 231
Door to balloon 277
Early intervention 60
Echocardiography 133
Education 16,186,270
Educational institutions 120
Elder abuse 261
Elder Assessment Instrument 262
Elderly 283
Embryonal natural orif ce transluminal endoscopic surgery 23
Emergency 48,131
Emergency department 16,29,44,
Emergency medical service
Emergency Medicine 225
Emergency service 54,60
Emergency treatment 94
Endoplasmic reticulum stress 67
Endothelial NO synthase 102
Endotracheal intubation 88
Endovascular stenting 231
Endovascular treatment 230
Epidemiology 283
Epinephrine 85, 89
Erythema 233
Ethiopia 265
Fascia iliaca compartment nerve block 142
Femoral bone fracture 142
First medical contact 277
Flexible endoscope 23
Fluid resuscitation 26
Fraction 215
Gene 100
Geriatric 283
Glucocorticoid 34,172
Guidelines 270
Hand lacerations 44
Harmless acute pancreatitis score 30
Health professionals 120
Hereditary 100
Heterogeneity 175
High-density lipoprotein 202
Hong Kong 283
Hospital admission 223
Hospital survival 89
Hydrogen sulf de 67
Hyperglycemia 176
Hypertension 207
Hypothermia 85
Immigrants 111
Immune dysfunction 5
Infection 233
Inf ammation 34
Injection drug use 233
Injuries 44,48,221
Injury severity score 105,218
Inspired oxygen fraction 197
Intensive care unit 106,148
International health 10
Intra-abdominal hypertension 137
Intra-arterial injection 233
Intubation 60
Ischemia 233
Ischemic stroke 74,207
Lactate 105
Leukocytosis 246
Limb injuries 219
Linguistic barriers 111
Lumbar fractures 223
Magnetic resonance imaging 208,294
Malaria 10
Malondialdehyde 72
Massive pulmonary embolism 153
Mechanical ventilator 196
Medical education 191,225
Meta-analysis 94,172
Military 179,165,212
Multiple organ dysfunction 26,105
Musculoskeletal trauma 217
Myeloperoxidase 300
Myocardial infarction 277
Near-infrared spectroscopy 105
Neurological outcomes 90
Neuromuscular disorders 214
Neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio 30
Noninvasive monitoring 137
Opioid abuse 233
Optical nerve sheath diameter 11
Pakistan 191,217
Paragliding accidents 221
Paragliding injuries 221
Paraoxonase 201
Parasitic infection 293
Patient care team 16
Pediatric emergency department 212
Peer-assisted learning 186
Penetrating injury 305
Penetrating peripheral limb injuries 218
Percutaneous coronary intervention 278
Perineal injuries 305
Perineal region 305
Peritoneal dialysis 23
Peritoneal lavage 23
Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/protein kinase B 299
Pneumonia 197
Pneumonia severity index 131
Pneumothoraxes 222
Poisoning 54,265
Polymoriphism 100
Polymorphism 201
Positive end expiratory pressure 197
Postoperative pain 142
Prevalence rate 34
Procalcitonin 40
Prognosis 34,40,147
Prothrombin time 311
Pseudoaneurysm 230
Pulmonary embolism 100,153
Questionnaire 119
Receiver operating characteristic 12
Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator 75
Red cell distribution width 30
Regulatory T cells 5
Reliability and validity 94
Renin-angiotensinaldosterone system 131
Respiratory diseases 214
Respiratory distress 62,155
Respiratory distress 62
Respiratory failure 196
Respiratory frequency 197
Respiratory insuff ciency 147
Resuscitation 85
Review 85
Rib fractures 88
Road traff c accidents 49
Rural medicine 191
Saudi Arabia 48
Screening 261
Sedation 147
Sepsis 5,40,148,245
Septic shock 123,246
Sequential invasive-noninvasive ventilation 196
Sequential organ failure assessment 41
Severe acute pancreatitis 23,299,302
Shock 309
Shock index 105
Simulation-based trainings 20
Single nucleotide polymorphisms 123
Soft tissue injuries 217
Sonographic anatomy 227
Stentgrafts 229
Stroke 231
Sub-Saharan Africa 10
Sudden death 270
Suicide attempt 54
Superoxide dismutase 72
Surgery 142
Systemic capillary leak syndrome 23
Systemic inf ammatory response syndrome 148
T cell receptor 6
Take-off 222
Tanzania 10,293
Teaching materials 225
Temperature 210
Terrorist Bombings 289
Thrombolysis 153
Thrombomodulin 102
Tidal volume 197
Toll-like receptors 124
Toxicity 309
Tracheostomy 196
Transforming growth factor-β 6
Trauma 48
Triage 94,289
Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 123
Tumor necrosis factor 300
Turkey 207,221
Ultrasonography 225
Ultrasound 191
Upper extremity fractures 222
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding 173
Urinary bladder pressure 138
Venous thromboembolism 155
Venous thrombosis 100
Ventilation 179
Ventilator-free days 165
Visual analogue scale 45,143
Weaning 196
Weather conditions 207
World Health Organization 293
Wortmannin 299
Wound debridement 218
Wound infection 44
World journal of emergency medicine的其它文章
- Author index WJEM 2015
- Antidotes for patients taking novel oral anti-coagulants
- Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) juice poisoning
- Instructions for Authors
- Wooden stick penetration from the perineal region up to the thorax
- Expression of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and effects of inhibitor Wortmannin on expression of tumor necrosis factor-α in severe acute pancreatitis associated with acute lung injury