

世界文学评论 2015年2期








诗集于1609年5月20日以四折单行本正式出版。内容丰富多彩,语言新颖别致,既有高雅诗行,又有粗俗俏皮话,还有许多富于诗意的比喻、隐喻、戏言和出色双关语,每首诗都洋溢着炽热浪漫的诗情画意。后世对莎士比亚十四行诗争议不断,有人认为是诗人真实遭遇的记录,有人认为纯属虚构;有人认为歌颂爱情,有人认为歌颂友谊;有人认为是献给一个人的,有人认为是献给若干人的。通常的看法是,从第1首到第126 首是写给一位貌美贵族青年的;从第127首到第152首是写给一位黑肤女郎的;中间个别几首和最后两首与故事情节无关。

莎士比亚十四行诗的每一行为抑扬格(iambic pentameter)5音步10音节,其韵式为abab cdcd efef gg,格律严谨,锐耳动听;每首诗由三个韵式各自独立的四个诗句(quatrain)和两个起格言警句作用的押韵对句(couplet)构成,按起承转合编排,逻辑严谨,意思豁达,语言精美凝练。


汉语在叙事状物、表情达意方面,在世界各国语言中堪称一流,“汉语不仅以其词汇的丰富而著称,而且也以其在语句组织方面的多彩而自豪(郭绍虞)”,用现代汉语准确翻译400多年前英国莎士比亚十四行诗,真实传递原诗风格意蕴与外形特征并非难事。我国京剧和各地方剧种有不少唱段唱词是10字一行,用汉语10字译英语10音节具有可操作性。国人对变换的隔行押韵不陌生,唐代诗人刘长卿《寻南溪常道士》诗“一路行径处/莓苔见屐痕/白云依静渚/芳草闭闲门/过雨看松色/随山到水源/溪花与禅意/相对亦忘言”以及1 500多年前南华禅寺六祖惠能和尚写的诗“菩提本无树/明镜亦非台/本来无一物/何处惹尘埃”就是明证,只一味强调以一韵到底的韵式翻译莎士比亚十四行诗才能使中国读者感到这是诗,而不谈译语的凝练精美,实有误导之嫌。







原文: 蒋译:

When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see, 闭上眼,眼睛看得最清晰, (a)

For all day they view things unrespected; 因白天它们视物不专心; (b)

But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee, 睡觉时,梦中它们注视你, (a)

And darkly bright, are bright in dark directed. 黢黑发亮,昏暗中放光明。 (b)

Then thou, whose shadows doth make bright, 你啊,你的身影闪闪发亮, (c)

How would thy shadow's form form happy show 你的身形构成幸福景观, (d)

To the clear day with thy much clearer light, 你的光比晴天更加亮堂, (c)

When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so! 不见眼睛你身影也灿烂! (d)

How would , I say, mine eyes be blessed made 我说,我的眼睛,多么有福 (e)

By looking on thee in the living day, 在鲜活白天能对着你看, (f)

When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade 死夜中你不完美的身躯 (e)

Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay! 穿越沉睡而停留在盲眼! (f)

All days are nights to see till I see thee, 白天是黑夜要看只看你, (g)

And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me. 黑夜和白天你我在梦里。 (g)

【解析】第1节“起”,诗人述说白天事情纷扰视物不专心,只有夜深人静闭上眼入睡时看爱友才看得最清晰,睡梦中注视爱友,爱友在黑暗中浑身黢黑发亮;第2节“承”,接上文,进一步歌颂爱友,梦见爱友的身影闪闪发亮,爱友 的身形构成幸福景观,爱友发的光比晴朗的白天更亮堂,即使睡梦中看不见爱友的眼睛,也能够看到爱友的身形同样灿烂;第3节“转”,,诗人说,虽然白天视物不专注,看得不清晰,但毕竟能直接对着爱友看,所以我的眼睛还是有福气,可谓我们中国人常说的“一饱眼福”,即使到了夜晚,在迷糊的睡梦中,爱友的身躯显得不完美,但能穿越沉睡停留在我看不见的眼睛里;第4“合”,此两行点题,语句凝练简洁,起格言警句的作用,全诗结束:不管白天黑夜,要看只看你,其余人或事都不屑一顾,不管黑夜白天,梦中显示的只有你和我。

辜译: 曹译:

我的眼睛闭得紧紧,却反能看得清清 我眼睛闭得越紧就看得越清晰

他们白日里所见之物,多半是淡淡平平。 因为它们白天所见都极其平常;

但当我的双眼在梦中向你凝望, 而当我入睡,它们在梦中看你,

它们如暗夜焰火顿时四照光明。 遮暗的目光便被引向黑暗之光。

你眼中观照的形象既能使黑暗发出光芒, 可既然你的身影能够照亮黑暗,

它们又怎会在大白天里用更强的光亮 让紧闭的眼睛也感到灿烂辉煌,

形成令人销魂的场景, 那但愿你身影之形体能在白天

我虽闭起了双眼,你的形象却如此鲜明。 用你更亮的光形成更美的形象!

那么, 唉,我的双眼要怎样才会交上好运, 我说既然在死寂的夜你的倩影

以便在青天白日里也能目睹你的倩影, 能穿透沉睡逗留于紧闭的睡眼,

不然我就只能在死夜于沉沉的酣睡中, 那但愿我的眼睛被赐予这幸运:

用紧闭的双眸观摩你飘忽的芳容。 能在充满生气的白天把你看见!

看不到君颜,每一个白日都如黑夜阴晦, 若是看不见你,白天也像夜晚,

夜夜成了白天,因为只在夜梦里我们才会相会。 梦中与你相会,夜晚也是白天。


纵观外形,原文140音节,韵脚为abab cdcd efef gg;蒋译140字,悉依原韵;辜译227字,多出于蒋译87字,字数庞杂,且各行长短不齐,最短第7行9字,最长第14行19字,还不遵循原韵;曹译179字,多出蒋译39字,每一行大致整齐,基本遵循原韵。

原文: 1 When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see, a

2 For all day they view things unrespected; b

3 But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee, a

4 And darkly bright, are bright in dark directed. b

蒋译: 1 闭上眼,眼睛看得最清晰, a (“上”字有“紧”的意味)

2 因白天它们视物不专心; b(unrespected意为unnoticed; unregarded)

3 睡觉时,梦中它们注视你, a(look on thee就是“注视你”)

4 黢黑发亮,昏暗中放光明。 b

辜译: 1 我的眼睛闭得紧紧,却反能看得清清(习惯说“看得清楚”)

2 他们白日里所见之物,多半是淡淡平平;(屠岸译文“平凡的”)

3 但当我的双眼在梦中向你凝望,(梁宗岱译文“向你凝望”)

4 它们如暗夜焰火顿时四照光明。(原文既无比喻,也无fireworks“焰火”)

曹译: 1 我眼睛闭得越紧,就看得越清晰,(原文不是the more...the more... 结构)

2 因为它们白天所见都极其平常,(“极其平常”也从屠岸“平凡”而来)

3 而当我入睡,它们在梦中看你,(“当”习惯与“的时候”搭配)

4 遮暗的目光便被引向黑暗之光。(darkly bright非“遮暗的目光”)


原文: 5 Then thou, whose shadows doth make bright, c

6 How would thy shadow's form happy show d

7 To the clear day with thy much clearer light, c

8 When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so! d

蒋译: 5 你啊,你的身影变得明亮, c

6 你的身形构成幸福景观, d(show是名词,意为aspect; an external sign)

7 你的光比晴天更加亮堂, c

8 不见眼睛你身影也灿烂! d(“不见”与unseeing,准确对等)

辜译: 5 你眼中观照的形象既能使黑暗发出光芒,(原文处既无eye,又无dark)

6 它们又怎会在大白天里用更强的光亮(“更强的光亮”太刺眼了)

7 形成令人销魂的场景,(原文无“灵魂离开肉体,极度欢乐”之意)

8 我虽闭起了双眼,你的形象却如此鲜明。(“起”字错用,见下面说明)

曹译: 5 可既然你的身影能够照亮黑暗,

6 让紧闭的眼睛也感到灿烂辉煌,(原文无“眼睛”,何来“紧闭的”)

7 那但愿你身影之形体能在白天(“身影之形体”费解)

8 用你更亮的光形成更美的形象!(胡乱翻译,完全没了eyes的踪影)


原文: 9 How would , I say, mine eyes be blessed made e

10 By looking on thee in the living day, f

11 When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade e

12 Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay! f

蒋译: 9 我说,我的眼睛,多么有福 e

10 在鲜活白天能对着你看, f (“在鲜活白天”in the living day,简洁对等)

11 死夜中你不完美的身躯 e

12 穿越沉睡而停留在盲眼! f

辜译: 9 那么,爱,我的双眼要怎样才会交上好运,(辜没有读懂原文)

10 以便在青天白日里也能目睹你的倩影,(“在青天白日里”,请与蒋译比较)

11 不然我就只能在死夜于沉沉的酣睡中,

12 用紧闭的双眸观摩你飘忽的芳容。 (胡猜乱蒙歪曲原意)

曹译: 9 我说既然在死寂的夜你的倩影

10 能穿透沉睡逗留于紧闭的睡眼,(此行有“能”,第12行又用“能”,累赘)

11 那但愿我的眼睛被赐予这幸运:(不仅歪曲原意,而且重复第7行“那但愿”)

12 能在充满生气的白天把你看见!(此行“能”与第10行“能”,冗赘)

此节中,辜译“那么”、“以便”、“不然”,曹译“既然”、“那但愿”、“把你看见(习惯说‘被你看见’)”、第10行两个“睡”,都是好诗应该避免的说法;辜译“观摩你飘忽的芳容”费解,华兹华斯倒有a wandering voce(“飘忽的声音”)一说。

原文 :13 All days are nights to see till I see thee, (10)g

14 And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me. (10)g

蒋译 :13 白天黑夜要看我只看你, (10)g

14 黑夜白天你我都在梦里。 (10)g

辜译: 13 看不到君颜,每一个白日都如黑夜阴晦, (16)g

14 夜夜成了白天,因为只在夜梦里我们才会相会。 (19)g

曹译:13 若是看不见你,白天也像夜晚, (12)g

14 梦中与你相会,夜晚也是白天。 (12)g

现在谈谈最后两行英雄双行体对句(Heroic Couplet)的翻译。第13行原文“to see”和“I see thee”是肯定形式,辜译“看不到君颜”,曹译“若是看不见你”,都是否定形式,与原文相悖,原文压根儿无“no”或“not”,辜译“君颜”是生造,规范的汉语不这样说,《现代汉语词典》不作为词条收录。曹译增添“不”字还嫌不够,还要增添原文没有的表示假设条件的“若是”(if),对原文歪曲得更厉害,辜译的“如”,是“如同”、“好像”,可原文根本没有“as / seem /be like”等表示比喻的对应词语。辜译“黑夜阴晦”别扭,因为只要是“黑夜”,其黑暗程度远超“阴晦”,“阴晦”是蛇足,只是为了与下面的“相会”凑韵,而“相会”也很牵强,原文不是“meet each other”,更无表示“因为”的“because”,辜译严重歪曲原意。辜译“夜梦”也不好,原文不是“night dreams”,汉语说“他夜晚(爱)做梦”而不说“他(爱)做夜梦”,但可说“他(爱)做白日梦”,“梦”前所谓的“华丽修饰语”“夜”,绝对不能胡乱添加在“梦”的前面。须知,语言是约定俗成,只能顺应,不能胡来,而原文“dreams”前也无“night”,可见英汉语在语言习惯表达方面也有不少相同之处。此两行只在末尾有一逗号和句号,辜译曹译都在行中隔开,分别增添两个逗号。必须指出,起格言警句作用的这最后两行对句,结构巧妙,用词洗练,辜译第13行16字,第14行19字,大大超过原诗音节数一半,而且两行还不对称。总之,意思走样,与语法抵牾,冗词赘语太多,都是辜译和曹译之败笔。



Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts 你胸膛有众心而受青睐

Which I lacking have supposed dead, 我因为欠缺误以为死亡,

And there reigns love, and all love's loving parts, 爱雄踞于此,是全爱之爱,

And all those friends which I thought buried. 那所有故旧想必已埋葬。

How many a holy and obsequious tear 多少神圣而哀悼的泪水

Has dear religious love stol'n from mine eye 将挚爱从我的眼中偷走

As interest of the dead, which now appear 像死者之权益,此刻显示

But things removed that hidden in thee lie! 可你心里藏的事被移走!

Thou art the grave where buried love doth live, 你是坟墓埋葬的爱会活,

Hung with the trophies of my loves gone, 挂满我死去爱人的祭品,

Who all their parts of me to thee did give: 我所有一切给了你好多:

That due of many now is thine alone. 诸多中的那份归你留存。

Their images I loved I view in thee, 我钟爱的倩影在你心中,

And thou, all they, hast all the all of me. 而你和他们,全在我心中。


If thou survive my well-contented day 你若活过我寿限的那天

When that churl death bones with dust shall cover, 当死神用土覆盖我尸骨,

And shalt by fortune once more resurvey 而将会幸运地审阅再三

These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover, 你逝去爱人的拙涩诗句,

Compare them with the bett'ring of the time, 把它们与当下杰作相比,

And though they be outstripped by every pen, 虽然比每一支笔要差些,

Reserve them for my love, not for their rhyme 但为了爱而留,不为韵式

Exceeded by the height of happier pen. 自知拙作已被妙笔超越。

O then vouchsafe me but this loving thought: 哦恩准我有这爱的思想:

'Had my friend's muse grown with this growing age, 让朋友的诗才逐年跟进,

A dearer birth than this his love had brought 他的爱带来了新的诗行

To march in ranks of better equipage; 在锦衣华服行列中行进。

But since he died, and poets better prove, 可他已死,诗人们更有才,

Theirs for their style I'll read , his for his love.' 为他的爱,我将读其文采。


Full many a glorious morning have I seen 多少明丽的早上我目睹

Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye, 王者的眼睛取悦于山顶,

Kissing with golden face the meadows green, 金色面庞吻着草场青绿,

Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy; 灰暗的溪水被点染成金。

Anon permit the basest clouds to ride 瞬间又让卑鄙云翳掠过

With ugly rack on his celestial face, 他的天脸粘上丑恶乌云,

And from the forlorn world his visage hide, 避开不幸人间其脸闪躲,

Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace. 带着这种羞辱偷偷西沉。

Even so my sun one early morn did shine 我的太阳也在早上照亮,

With all triumphant splendor on my brow; 辉煌光彩在我额头闪耀,

But out, alack, he was but one hour mine; 消失了啊,他只一时发光;

The region cloud hath masked him from me now. 现在天上云翳将他笼罩。

Yet him for this my love no wit distaineth: 我对他的爱不因此轻慢:

Suns of the world may stain when heaven's staineth. 天上太阳会暗人间亦然。


Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day 你为何允诺如此好晴天

And make me travel forth without my cloak, 使我未带斗篷踏上征途,

To let base clouds o'ertake me in way, 让乌云在路上把我追赶,

Hiding thy brav'ry in their rotten smoke? 将你的光华藏匿于浓雾?

'Tis not enough that through the cloud thou break 这还不够你又穿过云翳

To dry the rain on my storm-beaten face, 弄干我脸上浇打的雨水,

For no man well of such a salve can speak 没人会称道这样的膏剂

That heals the wound and cures not the disgrace . 只治疗伤口不医治羞愧。

Nor can thy shame give physic to my grief; 你的愧疚难治我的悲伤;

Though thou repent, yet I have still the loss. 虽然你懊悔,我哀戚依旧。

Th' offender's sorrow lends but weak relief 犯人的悔恨只微微补偿,

To him that bears the strong offence's cross. 重犯的十字架由他承受。

Ah, but those tears are pearl which thy love sheds, 啊,可你爱洒的泪是珍珠,

And they are rich, and ransom all ill deeds. 极珍贵,把全部恶行赎回。


No more be grieved at that which thou hast done; 别再为你的事情而伤感:

Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud. 玫瑰有刺,清泉也有淤泥。

Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun, 乌云与亏蚀使日月变暗,

And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud. 蠹虫寄身于最甜的花蕾。

All men make faults, and even I in this, 人都会犯错,我也是这样,

Authorizing thy trespass with compare, 用比喻为你作无罪辩护,

Myself corrupting salving thy amiss, 自我作践掩饰你的罪状,

Excusing thy sins more than thy sins are; 你罪行再多也为你辩护;

For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense— 我以理性对待你的罪过——

Thy adverse party is thy advocate— 你的原告是你的辩护人——

And 'gainst myself a lawful plea commence. 对抗我自己而为你开脱。

Such civil war is my love and hate 这场内战我是又爱又恨

That I am accessory needs must be 以致我是从犯实在必须

To that sweet thief which sourly robs from me. 甜蜜小贼从我身上窃取。


Let me confess that we two must be twain 让我承认我俩必是两人

Although our undivided loves are one; 我们的爱虽不分是一体;

So shall those blots that do with me remain 所以我身上将留有污痕

Without thy help by me be borne alone. 无需你助忍受由我自己。

In our two loves there is but one respect, 我俩的爱中有一个慎重,

Though in our lives a separable spite 我们生活里虽彼此分开;

Which, though it alter not love's sole effect, 它虽没有改变爱的行动,

Yet doth it steal sweet hours from love's delight. 它偷走光阴从愉悦的爱。

I may not evermore acknowledge thee 我也许不再认你是故交,

Lest my bewailed guilt should do thee shame, 免得我的罪过使你受辱,

Nor thou with public kindness honour ne 你也不要公开对我夸耀

Unless thou takes that honour from thy name. 除非从你名字获得荣誉。

But do not so. I love thee in such sort 可别如此。我爱你就是这样:

As, thou being mine, mine is thy good report. 你属于我,我才使你有声望。


As a decrepit father takes delight 像衰老的父亲乐于看到

To see his active child do deeds of youth, 他活泼的孩子年轻有为,

So I, made lame by fortune's dearest spite, 所以我,身体残,被命运恶搞,

Take all my comfort of thy worth and truth; 获得快感于美德和真理;

For whether beauty, birth, or wealth, or wit, 不论美丽、血统、财富、才智,

Or any of these all, or all, or more, 或一项,或全部,抑或更多,

Entitled in thy parts do crowned sit, 你都拥有头衔稳坐第一,

I make my love engrafted to this store. 我把我爱与这宝库结合。

So then I am not lame, poor, nor despised, 所以我并不残、不穷、不坏,

Whilst that this shadow doth such substance give 当这想象赐予这些家伙

That I in thy abundance am sufficed 我就在你的博大中惬怀,

And by a part of all thy glory live. 且靠你的一点光辉存活。

Look what is best, that best I wish in thee; 看最好的,愿在你的身躯;

This wish I have, then ten times happy me. 有这欲念,我就十倍幸福。


How can my muse want subject to invent 你活着,我的缪斯,怎缺少

While thou dost breathe, that pour'st into my verse 想象的主题,涌入我诗篇,

Thine own sweet argument, too excellent 你的温馨题材,极为美好

For every vulgar paper to rehearse? 为每一篇可诵之拙作谋篇?

O, give thyself the thanks if aught in me 哦,要谢你若拙作有诗意

Worthy perusal stand against thy sight; 站在你的眼前值得一读;

For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee, 那些缄默之人不能写你,

When thou thyself dost give invention light? 当你照亮了想象的全部?

Be thou the tenth muse, ten times more in worth 做第十个缪斯价值超十

Than those old nine which rhymers invocate 强过九位蹩脚者总乞求,

And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth 他有求于你,就让他努力

Eternal numbers to outlive long date. 写出永恒诗篇长存不朽。

If my sight muse do please these curious days, 若我的缪斯能取悦时代,

The pain be mine, but thine shall be the praise. 我痛苦,可你将被人崇拜。


O, how thy worth with manners may I sing 哦,我如何歌颂你的价值

When thou art all the better part of me? 当你全是我更好的那份?

What can mine own praise to mine own self bring, 什么能带给我赞美自己,

And what is t but mine own when I praise thee? 当赞美你不是我的那份?

Even for this let us divided live, 甚至为此而让我们分居,

And our dear love lose name of single one, 我们相爱失去单身之名,

That by this separation I may give 就凭这种区别我可给予

That due to thee which thou deservst alone. 你注定独自应得的那份。

O absence, what a torment wouldst thou prove 哦离去,多大剧痛在心上

Were it not thy sour leisure gave sweet leave 酸楚闲暇不是甜蜜离散

To entertain the time with thoughts of love, 以爱的思绪去娱乐时光,

Which time and thoughts so sweetly doth deceive, 而时光与思绪甜蜜行骗。

And that thou teachest how to make one twain 你教授如何使一个变两

By praising him here who doth hence remain! 谁留在这里就将他表扬!

XL 40

Take all my love, yea, take them all: 都拿走,拿走我全部的爱:

What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? 是否你比以前多了什么?

No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call, 不是爱,爱人,你呼唤真爱,

All mine was thine before thou hadst this more. 这之前我的爱就是你的。

Then if for my love thou my love receives, 那么你如果得到我的爱,

I cannot blame thee for my love thou unuset; 享用我的爱我就不怪你。

But yet be blamed if thou this self deceives 可你若自欺就要被责怪

By willful taste of what thyself refuset. 借故品尝你拒绝的东西。

I do forgive thy robbry, gentle thief, 我原谅你抢劫,温柔小贼,

Although thou steal thee all my porverty; 尽管你偷光了我的全部;

And yet love knows it is a greater grief, 可是爱知道这更加可悲:

To bear loves wrong than hates known injury .能忍爱伤害却难忍冤屈。

Laccivious grace, in whom all ill well shows, 儒雅风流,恶行尽显其中,

Kill me spites, yet we must not be foes. 把我杀死,也不仇敌与共。

XLI 41

Those pretty that liberty commits 有时候我不在你的心上

When I am sometimes absent from thy heart 风流放纵犯了那些小错

Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, 你的美与年华相得益彰,

For still temptation follows where thou art. 你所在之地跟随着诱惑。

Gentle thou art, and therefore to be won; 你高贵优雅,且受到垂青;

Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assailed 你美丽动人,因而被攻击;

And when a woman woos, what woman's son 当女人勾引时,哪个男人

Will sourly leave her till he have prevailed? 会悻悻离去而不占便宜?

Ay me, but yet thou mightst my seat forebear, 哎呀,可你把我位子占有,

And chide thy beauty and thy straying youth 怪你的美丽与浪荡的青春

Who lead thee in their riot even there 引导你跟她们淫乱享受

Where thou art forced to break a two-fold truth: 你被迫毁掉双重的诚信:

Hers, by thy beauty tempting her to thee, 她的,用你的美诱她失身,

Tine, by thy beauty being false to me , 你的,用你的美对我无信。


That you hast her, it is not all my grief, 你拥有她,我并不太悲戚,

And yet it may be said I loved her dearly; 然而可说我爱她很痴情;

That she hath thee is of my wailing chief, 她拥有你我才伤心哭泣,

A loss in love that touches more nearly 失恋狠狠触及我的心灵。

Loving offenders, thus I will excuse ye: 情场罪犯们,我为你们辩护:

Thou dost love her because thou know'st I love her, 你爱她因你知道我爱她,

And for the sake even so doth she abuse me, 因为我她对我如此羞辱,

Suff'ring my friend for my sake to approve her. 为了我朋友遭罪去夸她。

If I lose thee, my loss is my love's gain, 失去你,是我爱人的丰收,

And losing her, my friend hath found that loss. 失去她,朋友知我损失大。

Both find each other,and I lose twain, 你两秀恩爱,我却失两头,

And both for my sake lay on me this cross. 因为两头我都背十字架。

But here's the joy: my friend and I are one. 朋友与我一体,这才逗乐,

Sweet flattery! Then she loves but me alone. 甜蜜献媚!她只爱我一个。


If the dull substance of my flesh were thought, 若我这身笨肉快如思想,

Injurious distance should not stop my way; 险路迢迢难挡我的征程;

For then, despite of space, I would be brought 那么,天地茫茫,我被带往

From limits far remote where thou dost stay 你那所在之地,远近不分。

No matter then although my foot did stand 那没什么我的脚就站立

Upon the farthest earth removed from thee; 于最远的大地离你而去;

For nimble thought can jump both sea and land 敏捷思想越过海洋大地,

As soon as think the place where he would be 猛一想那会是他的去处。

But ah, thought kills me that I am not thought, 可思想杀我我不是思想,

To leap large length of miles when thou are gone 跃过漫漫长路当你消失

But that, so much of earth and water wrought, 天造了这许多大地海洋,

I must attend time's leisure with my moan. 我必留意闲暇伴随悲戚。

Receiving naught by elements so slow, 靠元素收到乌有很慢悠,

But heavy tears, badges of either's woe. 可沉沉泪水,是标志哀愁。

XLV 45

The other two, slight air and purging fire, 另两种元素清气与纯火,

Are both with thee whenever I abide; 两者无论何处我都陪你;

The first my thought, the other my desire, 前者我思想后者我欲火,

These present-absent with swift motion slide; 时隐时现行动滑溜迅疾;

For when these quicker elements are gone 这两种灵巧的元素去往

In tender embassy of love to thee, 你的身边沉入爱的温馨,

My life being made of four, with two alone 我的生命由二变四组装,

Sinks down to death, oppressed with melancholy, 垂垂死去时不由得伤心,

Until life's composition be recurred 等到生命的四元素回归

By those swift messengers returned from thee, 那些信使迅疾离你而去,

Who even but now come back again assured 可此刻他们竟重又返回

Of thy fair health, recounting it to me. 确保你健康,对着我讲述。

This told, I joy; but then no longer glad, 此言我喜闻,却不再高兴,

I send them back again and straight grow sad. 我又送走他们顿生悲情。


Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war 我的眼和心在决一死战

How to divide the conquest of thy sight. 决定如何赢得你的注视。

Mine eye my heart my picture's sight would bar, 眼阻拦心看你影像奇观,

My heart, mine eye the freedom of that right. 心不让眼有自由的权利。

My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie, 心宣称你就在他的心田,

A closet never pierced with crystal eyes; 水晶般的双眼难窥其中;

But the defendant doth that plea deny, 可是被告否定那种狡辩 。

And say in him thy fair appearance lies. 说他眼中有你秀美姿容。

To 'cide this title is empanelled 这种权益由陪审团决定

A quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart, 思考断案,全由心的跟班,

And by their verdict is determined 就靠他们判断做出裁定:

The clear eye's moiety and the dear heart's part. 明眸分一半心儿另一半。

As thus: mine eye's due is thy outward part, 于是:我眼分享你的外形,

And my heart's right thy inward love of heart. 我心享有你内在的爱心。


Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took, 我的眼和心进行了和谈,

And each doth good turns now unto the other. 约定双方轮流各享好处。

When that mine eye is famished for a look, 当我挨饿的眼想看一看,

Or heart is love with sighs himself doth smother, 或者心是爱叹息着诉苦,

With my love's picture then my eye doth feast, 有爱人的画像眼很尽兴,

And to the painted banquet bids my heart 还邀心赴这描绘的盛宴,

Another time mine eye is my heart's guest 彼时我的眼是心的贵宾

And in his thoughts of love doth share a part. 在爱的怀想中共享美餐。

So either by thy picture or my love, 不管你的画像或我的爱,

Thyself away art present still with me; 你自己远离也陪我在此,

For thou no farther than my thoughts canst move, 你远离也不离我的情怀,

And I am still with them, and they with thee; 我跟着他们,他们跟着你。

Or if they sleep, thy picture in my sight 若他们睡了,我见你画像

Awakes my heart to heart's and eye's delight. 唤醒我心使心和眼欢畅。


How careful was I when I took my way 好小心啊我踏上了征程

Each trifle under truest bar to trust, 每件细软锁好防止闯入,

That to my use it might unused stay 到我用时也许原封未动。

From hands of falsehood, in sure wards of trust. 远离贼手,藏在可靠小屋。

But thou, to whom my jewels trifles are, 可你,我的珠宝是你饰物

Most worthy comfort, now my greatest grief, 最值得乐,现在我最伤心,

Thou best of dearest and mine only care 你是我至爱只有我关注,

Are left the prey of every vulgar thief. 留下来是窃贼的战利品。

Thee have I not locked up in any chest 我不能够把你锁进箱柜

Save where thou are not, though I feel thou art 你不在此,虽然我能感觉

Within the gentle closure of breast, 你有我的温柔胸膛包围,

From where at pleasure thou mayst come and part; 你来去随意非常愉悦:

And even thence thou wilt be stol'n, I fear, 我怕里面你会被人偷走,

For truth proves thievish for a prize so dear. 因为重奖诚实变成小偷。


Against that time, if ever that time come, 怕那时,如果那时真的来,

When I shall see thee frown on my defects, 我见你会皱眉因我的错,

Whenas thy love hath cast his utmost sum, 当你的爱人已经算出来

Called to that audit by advised respects; 所谓的精确的计算结果。

Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass 怕那时你走过举止怪异

And scarcely greet me with that sun, thine eye, 眼睛有太阳几乎不理人,

When love converted from the thing it was 当爱情变得脱离了本义

Shall reasons find of settled gravity: 将从确定的肃穆找原因。

Within the knowledge of mine owndesert, 藏在我自己的熟人中间,

And this my hand against myself uprear 举起我这手反对我自己

To guard the lawful reasons on thy part. 捍卫合理原因站你那边。

To leave poor me thou hast the strength of laws, 甩掉我你有执法之权力,

Since why to love I can allege no cause. 为什么要爱我不知所以。

L 50

How heavy do I journey on the way, 一路征程我走得好疲乏,

When what I seek— my weary trave'ls end 我追寻劳顿旅途的终点

Doth teach that ease and that repose to say 那舒适那睡梦教我说话:

'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend.' “离开你的朋友里程很远。”

The beast that bears me, tired with my woe, 那牲口驮着我累得不行。

Plods dully on to bear that weight in me, 承载我的重量劳累乏力,

As if by some instinct the wretch did know 仿佛它命苦本能地听命:

His rider loved not speed, being made from thee. 骑者不想快,越快越离开你。

The bloody spur cannot provoke him on 带血马刺不能逼它加速,

That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide, 发怒之时刺进它的皮肉,

Which heavily he answers with a groan 一声嘶鸣它沉闷地答复

More sharp to me than spurring to his side: 疼痛不已比刺它还难受。

For that some groan doth put this in my mind: 那声嘶鸣真的使我开窍:

My grief lies onward and my joy behind. 前面是烦恼后面乐陶陶。


XII 22

My glass shall not persuade me I am old 照镜子我不信我已老朽

So long as youth and thou are of one date; 只要青春与你时日一样;

But when in thee time's furrows I behold, 当你脸上有时间的深沟,

Then look I death my days should expiate. 我知道我也一定会死亡。

For all that beauty that doth cover thee 遮盖你全身的所有美艳

Is but the seemly rainment of my heart, 仿佛是我心中那件罩袍,

Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me; 活在你心里,活在我心田;

How can I then be elder than thou art? 那么我怎么会比你更老?

O therefore, love, be of thyself so wary 因此啊,爱人,你自己保重

As I, not for myself,but for thee will, 像我,不为我自己,只为你,

Bearing thy heart, which J will keep so chary 捧着你的心,我如此慎重,

As tender nurse her babe from faring ill. 像乳娘育婴怕染上恶疾。

Presume not on thy heart when mine is slain: 假定我心已死你心不会:

Thou gav'st me not to give back again. 你把心给我就不再收回


As an unperfect actor on the stage 像个蹩脚演员登台演出

Who with his fear is put besides his part, 心里总怕角色演得不像,

Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage 又像头野兽在咆哮发怒

Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart, 用力过猛反倒弄伤心脏,

So I, for fear of trust, forget to say 而我,因缺少自信,忘记

The perfect ceremony of lov's rite, 赞美情场上完美的盛典,

And in mine own love's strength seem to decay, 我内心爱之力似乎衰微,

O'er-charged with burden of mine own love's might. 爱之力压着我成了负担。

O let my books be then the eloquence 哦让我的诗集善于说话、

And dumb presages of my speaking breast, 无声预感我胸中的情怀,

Who plead for love, and look for recompense, 为爱而申辩,为爱而报答,

More than that tongue that more hath more expressed. 全胜过口头已有的表白。

O learn to read what silent love hath writ; 哦,学会解读沉默的爱意;

To hear with eyes belong to love's fine wit. 用眼聆听属于爱的心智。


①英文释义见:Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary by Alexander Schmidt Dover Publications, Inc., New York ,1971.

Against that time ensconce me here 怕那时我把我藏在这里


