

校园英语·中旬 2015年10期

【Abstract】The analysis of context is the base of correct understanding and translation of words.The word meaning varies with its position in the whole passage.And this thesis will discuss the determined effect of context from two aspects: linguistic context,situational context.

【Key Words】Internal context; External context; Word meaning


The choice of word meaning is the primary process in understanding since a word is the smallest and most essential unit in the constitution of language.Words and words are different.Some have single meaning,but some have more than one meaning.That is polysemous.

These polysemous words have various denotations.At the same time,they are limited by concrete context,for a word has two different kinds of meanings: lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.Context has close relations with translation of words and the correct choice of word meaning is the step to achieve the proper understanding of the sentence and passage.

2.Context and the Choice of Word Meaning

Linguists divide the context into two different criteria: linguistic context and non-linguistic context.We can also say the linguistic context is the internal context about the word itself; and the second is external context,which is more about the situation when the word is used.

2.1 Internal Context.It refers to the context that is located before or after a single word,a phrase,or even a passage.During communication,the involvers always intend to express themselves by using some language according to certain context and linguistic relations,but not by looking up the dictionary and just choosing one of them directly as we usually do,since some words has several or even more explanation in the dictionary.It will be introduced first from the aspect of semantics.Here the functions of context have to be involved.Commonly speaking,each word has conceptual meaning or fundamental meaning,the meaning which is known publicly and relatively fixed and so do those expressions and sentences constituted by words.Even some have more than one meaning of this kind.However,once they are involved in a certain concrete context,they possess a temporary meaning.

In translation,when facing practical choice of meanings,we must consider context,since meaning is mostly determined by its application in the language,or it will lead to bad translation.Take the word“bow”for example:

(1)Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow.

(2)He acknowledged the applause with a small bow.

Obviously,in these two sentences the word“bow”has quite different meanings.The word itself owns two word classes.According to the whole sentence,and especially the hint word “ribbon”,we can conclude that the word here means“a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces”.While in the second sentence,it is not so easy to guess its meaning.After reading the whole one and in accordance with the word “applause”,one thing we can make sure is that the word here can not be translated as the first one,or it will puzzle the readers “an act of bending ones head or knees”.

In brief,linguistic context is mainly in relation with the word classes or different meanings of the words themselves.

2.2 External Context.Not only does meaning have close relation with concrete linguistic context,but is also connected with individual life and practical environment.It is the necessary process to analyze the situational context,in order to grasp the speakers intention.The translator must realize the deep meaning through many factors,the attitude,mood of the speaker and some other individual information.Situational context get rid of further obstacles.One situation generates one meaning.

For example: Youve done a terrific job!

For this sentence,in different environment,its meaning differs.First,if there is indeed something wonderful happening,the speaker wants the listener to do something,that is,it is a good job,such as performing well in work or academic achievement.if it is said in a low voice and without joy,the speaker uses irony.And the sentence means the opposite: it is too bad and even in a mess.The speaker is complaining actually.

On the other hand,if we do not consider the context,one word,or one sentence can be explained in many ways.For example,“you are crazy”.Each word in this sentence is simple and we have no difficulty in understanding its literal meaning.We know it means someone is out of his or her mind and psychologically ill.But also when combing each word together,it also has the extra meaning.You are really into something with great enthusiasm,and doing something creatively,surprising or rare.For example,when someone is reading for two whole days.


From all the examples we conclude that after comparing the two kinds of contexts,the way of getting information is different.The former is through the written content and the latter is through the situation which is not written down.


[1]Nida Eugene A.On Translation[M].Beijing: China International Translation Corporation.1985.







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