

重庆与世界 2015年9期






美国驻成都总领事馆来渝庆祝中美合作70周年 推动双方各领域合作往来



谷立言在会上致辞称,此次活动展示了史迪威将军和飞虎队二战时期的珍贵照片和实物,深切缅怀中美两国的抗战英雄。2015年是美国驻成都总领事馆开馆30周年,成都总领事馆的主要任务是将两国政府达成的协议转化为行动,使两国人民受益,并进一步增进中美两国间的贸易自由化,深入探讨气候变化等全球化问题,维护和促进文化合作与交流。他还表示,自2014年11月以来,美国驻成都总领馆扩大了赴美签证受理能力,今年有望使赴美签证量翻倍,鼓励更多的中国游客参与到“Travel USA 2015”的旅游活动中。同时将更加努力推动加深重庆及西南地区与美国友好城市间的双边贸易投资关系。



意大利瓦莱达奥斯塔大区主席罗兰丁一行访渝 签署两城友好合作备忘录

6月29日—7月2日,意大利瓦莱达奥斯塔大区主席罗兰丁(Augusto Rollandin)率团来渝访问,推动瓦莱达奥斯塔大区与我市在经贸、旅游、农业等领域的友好合作。

















8月4日,戴着大红鼻子,身着彩色服装的来自以色列的“医疗小丑”AvitalDvory和Shlomi Golan来到重庆西南医院儿科门诊病房,为小朋友们带来了精彩的演出,为他们带来欢笑,减轻了病痛。



另一成员Shlomi自2002年成为小丑治疗师,曾就职于Hadasa en karem,目前在以色列Kaplan医院任职。


HKTDC to Serve Chongqing Enterprises "Going out"

On June 26, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council held a "Chongqing-Hong Kong Cooperation in Jointly Exploring the International Market Forum" in Chongqing. Ms. Margaret Fong, Executive Director of HKTDC gave a speech on behalf of HKTDC at the forum that it will assist enterprises to expand the international market, the distribution of its more than 40 off ces around the world will serve for Chongqing enterprises "going out".

She said that Chongqing and Hong Kong can strengthen cooperation in four aspects: first, Hong Kong businessmen can consider setting up production lines in Chongqing; the second, besides shipping products from Hong Kong, it can also introduce high-end goods from Europe and distribute to national retail network through Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe international railway in Chongqing in the future; Third, Hong Kong infrastructure and real estate industry can get involved in property infrastructure projects in Chongqing to help speed up urbanization development in Chongqing; Fourth, Chongqing companies can "go out" with helps of Hong Kong.

U.S. Consulate General Chengdu Celebrates Sino-US 70 Years of Partnership in Chongqing

On June 30, U.S. Consulate General Chengdu held event of the 239th anniversary of the founding of the United States in Chongqing, also celebrated 70 anniversary of the Sino-US cooperation. Raymond Greene, the Consul General of U.S. Consulate General Chengdu said this year will do more to promote cooperation in f elds of trade, culture, tourism with Chongqing and the Southwest.

The event was to show the photography and objects of General Stilwell and the Flying Tigers during the World War II to memorize the heroes of China and America.2015 is the 30 anniversary of establishment of United States Consulate General in Chengdu. Its main task of this year is to turn the agreements between the two Governments into practice to benefit the people of both countries, and further enhance the liberalization of trade, discuss global issues such as climate change, the preservation and promotion of cultural cooperation and exchanges.

In line with the agreement that both governments recently just signed on climate change, U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu also plans this year to invite 8 American companies to Chongqing and Guiyang to promote the "Smart City, Green City" technology, of which 2 has already arrived. This will contribute to the construction of China's urban traffic and address water security issues in order to reach the Green goals of energy conservation and emission reduction.

President of Valle d'Aosta, ltaly Visits Chongqing and Signs Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation

On June 29-July 2, Augusto Rollandin led a delegation to visit Chongqing, promoting cooperation in economic and trade,tourism, agriculture and other f elds with region of Valle d'Aosta,Italy.

In the morning of June 30, Mayor of Chongqing, Huang Qifan met with Mr. Rollandin and exchanged views on strengthening the all-round mutually beneficial cooperation between the two parts, and signed the memorandum of friendship and cooperation between Chongqing, China and Valle d'Aosta region of Italy.

During his visit in Chongqing, he also had talks with Chongqing foreign economic and Trade Commission,Chongqing Council for the Promotion of International Trade,visited Chongqing Academy of agricultural sciences, and also held a tourism promotion for Valle d'Aosta region. Mr. Rollandin gave a speech at the conference, inviting people from Chongqing and the neighbor to Valle d'Aosta to feel the wonders of the beautiful snow-capped mountains and enjoy exotic culture.

Yin Shin Leung Charitable Foundation Signs 2015 Donation of Construction Project Agreement with Chongqing

On July 3, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce organized representatives of Wanzhou, Youyang,Pengshui, and Wuxi County to sign a Donation of Construction Project Agreement with Hong Kong Yin Shin Leung Charitable Foundation in Shanghai. 5 total of items were signed withdonated funds of over 1.7 million Yuan.

It is reported that Yin Shin Leung Charitable Foundation donates more than 10 million a year of funds for building projects in China; over 2 million Yuan was donated for building projects in Chongqing in recent years to boost local educational development, as well as areas of health, transportation development and new rural construction.

2015 Overseas Chinese Youth "Chinese Root-Seeking Tour" Summer Camp Starts in Chongqing

On July 22, the opening ceremony of 2015 Overseas Chinese Youth "Chinese Root-Seeking Tour" Summer Camp was held at Chongqing Normal University. 87 overseas Chinese youth who are from Belgium, the Netherlands, Malaysia,Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, Panama and the United States came to Chongqing for 12 days of learning Chinese language and traditional culture.

It is reported that the summer camp was organized by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, hosted by Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce. Of these 90 overseas Chinese people, most came here the first time, which will learn calligraphy, paper-cutting, tea-making, Chinese folk dance, Chinese martial arts of traditional culture with Chinese characteristics during their stay.

In addition, 39 students and 2 teachers will be picked out of these 87 adolescents to participate in the closing summer camp in Beijing.

"Medical Clowns" from lsrael Appear in Chongqing

On August 4, AvitalDvory and Shlomi Golan, two "medical clowns" from Israel came to pediatric outpatient department of Southwest hospital in Chongqing, wearing a big red nose and dressing in colorful clothes, brought a great show for kids to relieve their pains as they laugh.

According to the officer of Israel Consulate-General in Chengdu, two Israel "medical clowns" were invited by Israel Consulate-General in Chengdu for a 2 days' special trip of tours and lectures in Chongqing. Both of them were f rst came to Chongqing, they had been to the Lijia branch of children's Hospital, and will also go to Chongqing children's welfare home later. The two "medical clowns” are not only familiar with medical knowledge, but also has rich acting experience, they came here to share "clown therapy" with physicians in Chongqing.

"Medical Clowns" from Israel Appear in ChongqingPhotoed by Tang Nan


State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Myanmar’s Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin Inaugurating the Consulate-General of Myanmar in Chongqing国务委员兼外长王毅与缅甸外长温纳貌伦共同为缅甸驻重庆总领事馆揭牌
马尔凯大区 星罗棋布的古村落与博物馆中的生活之趣