

重庆与世界 2015年9期




▲ 神龙峡漂流













▲ 山王坪5000亩人工水杉林海已经成为一道美丽风景

▲ 生态石林




▲ 大观园荷花




▲ 瑞士风情小镇

▲ 黎香湖





▲ 东坡望星空

▲ 山王坪露营

▲ 绝壁栈道

Jinfo Mountain

Chongqing Nanchuan Jinfo Mountain is situated in the northernmost of Dalou mountain range, whose major peak Fengchui ridge, the highest mountain of the Dalou range, has an altitude as much as 2238 meters. With coverage of 1,300 square kilometers, it becomes a maximum-sized, second-tonone natural air conditioner and forest oxygen bar nearest to the downtown Chongqing. On June 23, 2014, the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee voted for and passed the “South China Karst” application project including Jinfo Mountain; since then, Jinfo Mountain has been listed as one in the World Natural Heritage.

Before that, Jinfo Mountain has been endowed with a multitude of “National titles” such as the National Scenic Area,National Forest Park, the First National Science Education Base, National Nature Reserves, National Natural Heritage and National 5A Tourist Attractions, to cite but a few.

Jinfo tour can keep the travelers access to three wonders: World Natural Karst Heritage, biodiversity and Buddhist culture.

World Natural Heritage—the unique landscape of Karst tableland has formed a grand magnificent landscape spectacle in Jinfo. “How precipitous Jinfo is that it is towering between misty clouds” is the best portrayal of Jinfo Mountain. As an example of world Tableland landscape, Jinfo's worldlevel square-shaped table topography is surrounded by steep giant cliffs, in which the mountain caves served as basis are embedded. Together, these giant cliffs and caves present a spectacular combination of scenic landform. Since Jinfo has recorded the cutting process of the high- altitude karst plateau, and it also contains evidence of intermittent uplifts and karstification of the region since the Cenozoic, it is the most typical tableland karst area.

Walking along the green ponds and deep valley, up to the mountain top by the most beautiful trail, or taking the westernslope cableway famous for its maximum elevation of Asia, one can witness the lofty manner of the above-cloud Jinfo. Beneath the ridge “Tortoise Facing Sun” is a footpath of a total length of 3,500 meters on a steep cliff, both thrilling and breath-taking. In the body of the Jinfo Mountain is tucked with an ancient Buddhist cave known as “the top Buddhist cave”, which is the world's oldest and highest cave with a probe length over 25 km. Inside the cave a 10,000 square-meter underground hall could be viewed with the attractions like “Buddha landing from the heaven”, and the Arhat group.

Jinfo enjoys a 1900-meter altitude gap which makes it a majestic mountain with running ridges and ever-changing weather and views. In scorching summer days, the average temperature is 21.7 degrees Celsius in Jinfo Mountain, rich in negative oxygen ions, whose green sites, meandering streams,and refreshing air has made the place an attractive summer resort. Every winter, the mountain is clad in silvery white snow. As the most lasting and best-equipped southern snowfield in Chongqing, it offers visitors with superb experiences to see the snow, play the snow, and skiing.

Living up to its reputation as a “biological gene bank”,its identified plant resources have reached 5907 kinds, 1607 genera under 302 families, animal resources 1762 kinds under 324 families, of which, 16 kinds of the plants have been listed as the f rst-rating national protective plants. Among “The Wonderful Fives” (Silver f r, Chimonobambusa qundrangularis,azalea, Gingko, big-tree tea), silver f r is known as the “living fossil plant”, “panda in the plant”. Jinfo Mountain is endowed with 1978silver f rs, a wonder of the world's rare plants. Every April and May, the mountain is embellished with 500 000(49 kinds) alpineazalea trees, whose petals in full blossom,colors bright and permeating, and clusters of f owers forming a magnif cent spectacle. Chimonobambusa is a unique plant; with a seemingly rounded f gure, it feels edges and corners. After the annual autumn rain, countless fresh bamboo shoots sprout in the 100,000 acres of bamboo forest, which is renowned as the Mountain Treasure for its tender texture and f ne taste.

Jinfo is the world's only mountain named after the “Golden Buddha” (Jinfo). The summer and autumn sunny evening would behold that the layers of the cliff is dyed by the sunset oblique,shining resplendently like a gilded Buddha statue; that's why the famous Chinese cultural scholar Yu Qiuyu accredits Jinfo as “mountain and Buddha live in one.” Ever since the Tang Dynasty, Jinfo has enshrined and worshiped the Dipamkara as a famous Buddha temple. Up to Ming and Qing dynasties,Buddhism of the mountain entered its heyday, with famous temples up to 300; therefore, Jinfo is known as “Southern Top Buddhism Site, Bashu First Famous Mountain” and taking its rank in “Emei, the north, south Jinfo, Putuo east, and towards the west the Golden Buddha”. Today, the Golden Buddha Temple on Jinfo invites many devout pilgrims; a prosperous site of worshiping for Buddhists, it is the largest Buddhist shrine in Sichuan-Chongqing-Guizhou area.

▲ The Golden Buddha Temple

▲ The Western-Slope Cableway

Since 1985, China has accessed into the "World Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection Convention"; till June 23,2014, there are all over 47 World Heritage Sites listed in China,including 33 cultural heritages, 10 natural ones, 4 culturalnatural ones.

"Karst" was originally a limestone plateau in northwestern Yugoslavia, a natural phenomenon of mechanical erosion and chemical corrosion by water on certain rocks. South China Karst geomorphology starts from the Himalayas range;from west to east they are respectively Tibetan karst plateau glaciers, periglacial Karst, in South China the Karst takes shape ranging from the sword-shaped karst (Stone Forest), tableland karst (Jinfo mountain), karst valleys (Wulong), calcified Karst(Jiuzhaigou), dolomite karst (Shi Bing), cone karst plateau slope(Libo-Huan Jiang), plain tower karst (Guilin), to the Vietnam Halong Bay coastal peak forest Karst landscape. Among them, the Yunnan Stone Forest, Libo in Guizhou, and Wulong were taken as “South China Karst” (f rst phase) World Natural Heritage nomination, which have been off cially listed as World Natural Heritage Site on June 27, 2007.

“South China Karst” (Phase II) World Natural Heritage includes three nominations -- Jinfo Karst tableland, Guilin continental tower karst, Guizhou Shibing dolomite karst, and Libo expansion area Huanjiang.

Chongqing Jinfo Karst is seated in Nanchuan District,located in the transitional zone of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau edge to the Sichuan Basin. As a typical representative of the cutting plateau Karst Tableland, it is the remaining part of the ancient planation surface. Its topography is characterized with a high-altitude cave system, multi-level planation surfaces,recovered peak clusters and low-lying lands, closed cliffs, deep canyons and other morphological features. The total area of Jinfo Karst is174.19 square kilometers, the core area of 67.44 square kilometers of which is bordered by f rst-level cliffs, the rest 106.75 square-kilometer buffer area is bordered by the second level cliffs .

Jinfo Mountain is constituted by two karst systems -the underground cave systems and modern shallow surface karst system; with antiquity, inheritance, multiple generations and continuity, it represents the ancient process history of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau edge geological landforms, and it also provides an ideal place for the study on the evolution andits properties of the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau karst area since the Cenozoic.

Jinfo Karst has met the dual criteria—World Heritage criteria Ⅶ andⅧ: First, the unusual natural phenomena and the exceptional aesthetic value, the second is an important component of the Southern China Karst evolution.

Jinfo Mountain is bequeathed with 5unique karst Humanities wonders of nature: a typical Karst tableland,ancient high-altitude cave system,colorful surface karst landscapes, rich biodiversity and long nitrate-instilling history and culture, which served as a dynamo for the successful application.

First, Jinfo Karst tableland is of spectacular form; with its cliffs completely closed, it is not only unique in southern China, but also a model of the world karst Tableland.

Second, the huge and ancient highaltitude underground cave system of Jinfo Mountain is with clear development levels, which reflects the significant changes of the hydrogeological and ancient karst geomorphological evolution in Jinfo mountainous area.

Third, Jinfo'srich surface karst landscape has formed erosion hills, lowlying lands, slockers, Stone Forests,waterfalls, canyons, hanging valleys, and other natural astronomical landscape with extraordinary natural beauty like snow and ice, rime, clouds, sunrise,f ammule.

Fourth, Jinfo Mountain, as a rare biological gene bank in southwest China, is one of the most biodiverse regions at the same latitude karst areas,whose endangered, endemic, rare f ora and fauna spawn a unique landscape biodiversity.

Fifth, in addition to the above four unique cultural spectacles, the long history and culture of its nitrate-instilling can be traced back to 700 years ago,of where the glorious history of the development of Chinese gunpowder was witnessed.

Jinfo World Heritage Application Time Nubs

In 1998 and 2003, Jinfo Mountain has twice been included in the World Natural Heritage Tentative List.

On June 3, 2012, the official launch of the Jinfo “South China Karst” world heritage application project.

From August 20 to September 1, 2013, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (abbreviation: IUCN) expert paid f eld visits to assess the “South China Karst” application sites.

On June 23, 2014, the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee voted by ballot for the “South China Karst” project, when Jinfo was put on the World Natural Heritage Site list.

Experts' Comments

· Internationally renowned karst expert and professor of the Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences Rick Ford: Jinfo plateau evolution and Karst tableland development is unique. The latter part of it is irreplaceable in the South China Karst Heritage Project; and what makes it more valuable is that its resources have not been artificially demolished,and the integrity is effectively protected.

· Former chairman of the International Association of Cave, Andrew Evans: Jinfo nitrate-instilling underground plant has made a rarity of the world.

· Professor Smith, Chairman of the Task Force on Caves and Karst of the World Heritage Protection Alliance: Jinfo Karst geological features are prominent. It's been long since its very formation; with a large scale, and such a wealth of biological resources in the karst area, it is very representative.

· Internationally renowned Karst expert,Professor Paul Williams of Auckland University in New Zealand: Jinfo cave system ref ects the evolution of the Earth and the history of landscape changes,forest systems reflecting the evolution of karst ecosystems. There is no doubt that Jinfo is rich with the world's natural heritage value. Jinfo nitrate-mining ruins,of great cultural value, have provided important evidence to the gunpowder manufacturing, one of the four Chinese inventions.

· Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuan Taoxian: the highaltitude Jinfo Karst tableland is short of water conditions, so how were they formed the massive underground cave system and large accumulation of cave gravel layer? The problem got no answers from the three other South China Karst nominations, which makes it a must of Jinfo Mountain in the project.

· Chinese Academy of Sciences academician, taxonomic expert Wang Wencai: Jinfo has rich f ora.

· Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences researcher Zhu Xuewen: Jinfo Mountain enjoys obvious advantages in its biological resources, karst topography,geological structure, evolution history that few international and domestic places can keep on the par with.

Nanchuan District, in the south of Chongqing municipality, is located in where Yuqian(Chongqing and Guizhou Province) economic belt and Chongqing-Hunan (Chongqing-Hunan Province) economic belt meet. It is making efforts to create a national tourist resort and a famous tourist city of China.

The tourism resources in Nanchuan District are of great variety, high grade, high density and obvious advantages. Now, Jinfo Mountain & the Dragon Gorge scenic spot,Shanwangping National Karst Ecological Park, Nanchuan Ecological Gand View Garden,Lixiang Lake Wetland Ecological Park, Banxi Riverside Park and many other A-level national scenic resorts have been built here. More detailed information about these scenic spots will be introduced respectively as follows:

The Dragon Gorge Scenic Resort (National 5A-level Scenic Area)

▲ The Dragon Gorge Drift

The Dragon Gorge scenic resort is located in the west of Jinfo Mountain in Nanping town, Nanchuan District. As a national 5A-level scenic spot, its thrilling spring water rafting, beautiful landscape of lakes and mountains, wooden houses and villas beside lakes, and delicious Miao food are so attractive to tourists that the resort becomes a popular destination.

It is about 85 kilometers away from the Dragon Gorge scenic spot to the main urban region of Chongqing and 27 kilometers to Nanchuan city. The area of the Dragon Gorge scenic spot is about 13 square kilometers. With long gorges and numerous waterfalls, the Dragon Gorge takes on the typical shape of Y, like a recumbent dragon in a mountain,hence the name of it. Walk across the entrance of the resort and a 4.2-kilometers footpath along with “Buddha's Hand Print”, “Leopard Ridge” and many other natural valley wonders will jump into your sight. About 100 waterfalls will appear in the canyon every time rain stops. The highest peak of the mountains in the Dragon Gorge-Leopard Ridge-is 1380 meters above the sea level. With a forest coverage rate of over 90%,average annual temperature of 13.7 degrees centigrade, fresh air, abundant rain, flouring plants, waterfalls, steep cliffs and happy birds, the Dragon Gorge is one of the best resorts for urban citizens to take holidays leisurely in hot summer.

The most thrilling activity in the Dragon Gorge scenic spot is canyon raft ride. Several thousand visitors come to play this activity every day in summer. The whole journey with a raft ride track in the middle of canyons is about 3 kilometers. Water in the gorges f ows from underground and springs in mountains and the source is Mudu River. The Dragon Gorge raft ride is praised as the First Raft Ride in the World for high water quality, good ecological environment, low water temperature and constant water flow which bring only excitement without danger.

Water cableway, the newly built water sports equipment,is about 350 meters in length and 60 meters in height. The upstream stop is built at the entrance to the Dragon Cave and the downstream stop beside the waterwheel at the exit of a valley. Its average sliding speed is at 8.158 meters per second so that the visitors can enjoy the excitement as if f oating in the sky and at the same time appreciate the splendid views around the Dragon River. The water cableway is really safe, reliable and thrilling.

Shanwangping National Karst Ecological Park

This park covers an area of 11,000 mu (about 733 hectares) of karst landscape with ecological stone forest, karst caves and immense forests, of which stone forest and karst caves are of typical plateau karst landscapes. Shanwangping ecological stone forest is one of the most distinctive and vastest ones ever explored in China. In addition, there are 5,000 mu(equals 333.33hectares) of metasequoia and 1,000 mu (about 66.67 hectares) of ginkgo growing here and Shanwangping is the best place to view the clouds and sunrise in Chongqing.

Main Attraction 1: Ecological Stone Forest

The large-scale Shanwangping ecological stone forest is formed in the ancient times and therefore has abundant biological resources. Stone forests, arbors, bush woods and green mosses combined with Chinese yew, red magnolia,camellia, boxwood and other rare trees are covered in the primeval forests. Therefore, Shanwangping ecological stone forest is a good example of ecological stone forest and green stone forest. Flouring trees surrounding stones and stones encircling trees form a unique landscape of stone forest. As one of the best conserved stone forests with best vegetation growing in China, Shanwangping ecological stone forest presents a picture of natural bonsai.

Main Attraction 2: Metasequoia Woods

Along the entrance to the park to Shanwangping stone forest scenic spot, 5,000 mu (equals 333.33hectares) of metasequoia stands on each side of the road. Leave the hustle and bustle of the city for the secular metasequoia woods, and you can take a leisure walk on the paths, listen to the happy birds singing, watch the insects sporting and smell the fragrant flowers and grasses. What a pleasant experience as if you return to the true nature! The rich plants, all-shaped stones and winding tree-lined paths here all contribute to its primeval beauty of Shanwangping. With a high altitude and average temperature of 23 degrees in summer, it is a good place to take summer holidays.

In autumn, ginkgoes and red maples paint the world colorful with the golden hair of a girl that has been soaked by the setting sun. The completely red metasequoia woods wait for you to come near and have a good look, leaving the last ray of sunset in your eyes and your peaceful heart.

▲ Shanwangping 5000-mu artificial metasequoia forest delivers gorgeous sights

▲ The Ecological Stone Forest

Nanchuan Ecological Grand View Garden

As the only one national modern agriculture demonstration zone in Chongqing, the Ecological Grand View Garden is situated in the northwest of Nanchuan, covering Daguan Town, Xinlong Town, Lixiang Town, Muliang Village and Hetu Village. The demonstration zone is in a favorable geographic position where the transportation is convenient with Chongqing-Hunan Highway through the whole territory. It is within one hour distance to Chongqing Jiangbei Airport, Chongqing bonded port and logistics centers.

As the biggest and most beautiful rural garden in the countryside of Chongqing,the Ecological Grand View Garden has cheery avenue, herb garden, rose garden,kiwi garden, blueberry garden, lotus pool,vineyard, exotic fruit garden and botanic garden with rare Jinfo Mountain plants. Throughout the year, different varieties of activities such as picking f owers and fruits,fishing, tasting cuisine and farming are carried out here.

▲ Herb Garden

▲ Lotus in Grand View Garden

▲ The Swiss-Style Town

Lixiang Lake Wetland Ecological Park

Lixiang Lake Wetland Ecological Park is situated in the hinterland of Nanchuan northern ecological agriculture park, 59 kilometers (highway) away from the main region of Chongqing and 28 kilometers away from Nanchuan city. Drive off Chongqing—Hunan highway and notice the downward lane,and you can arrive there directly. Surrounded by 65-kilometer revetment line,Lixiang Lake has many harbors. It is such an ideal and comfortable place that visitors can take holidays, build f tness and nourish their souls, for the water is clear, the mountain beautiful and the environment peaceful.

Lixiang Lake is a drop of water left by God on the earth, clear and transparent. The rippling waves in the lake spark like a layer of shiny silver and are crumpled like a piece of green satin. A Swiss-style town with European flavor is surrounded the lake. The villas are against the clear water, making you diff cult to distinguish the lake from the sky. If you want to experience a western-style wedding, come here with your beloved.

▲ Lixiang Lake

178 kilometers driving around Jinfo Mountain

Nanchuan district has tailored 6 optional self-driving routes for visitors this summer, of which the Jinfo Mountain driving route is 178 kilometers and you can try one-day tour, two-day tour or three-day tour. As a saying goes, “Walk around waters and Jinfo Mountain, good luck will comes to you.” Driving for a trip in Jinfo Mountain, you can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and the charm of rural cultural customs along the road.

The soil in Nanchuan is rich in selenium according to the exploration. The land contains mora than 0.3mg selenium ( per kilogram soil) covering an area of 780 square kilometers, mainly including Jinfo Mountain and Grand View Garden districts. Se-rich fruits and vegetables grown in these places can improve immunity and have the effects of anti-aging, anticancer, eye and liver protection, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The local specialty products, such as Jinfo Mountain bamboo shoots, Gaoshan Mountain fruits and vegetables, local chickens and ducks and Xiaohe rice noodles, are all ideal choices for selfdriving tour.

There are more than 500 rural home inns with well-equipped facilities and first-class service. In A Guide to Nanchuan Traveling for Drivers, car-driving visitors can search for more information about food,accommodation and entertainments. Over 30 car service stations along the road can provide you with water, rest room and consultation services. There are 16 camp sites with a large variety of camp choices such as camp in starry nights, camp beside cliffs, and camp in forest and so on. In Nanchuan, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, the local cultural customs and the delight of camping in the open air. It will be a pleasant and unforgettable experience for visitors to take holidays here.

Chongqing Jinfo Mountain A Rare“Tableland Karst” Wonder in the World

□ Written and Edited by Tang Gang

Why Jinfo deserves to be placed in the Heritage list?

More Tourist Attractions besides Karst Landscapes in Nanchuan

▲ The Starry Sky viewed at the Eastern Slope

▲ Shanwangping Camping

▲ The Walkway along the cliff


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