封面介绍:The cover image presents the CH3NH3PbI3perovskite thin films,and the corresponding surface morphology and crystal structure. On page 576,DING et al. demonstrate that the CH3NH3PbI3thin films can be obtained by reacting PbO-PbI2hybrid films with CH3NH3I vapor,and the uniform surface morphology and suitable photoelectrical properties show that the prepared CH3NH3PbI3thin films can be employed in photovoltaic devices.
有机-无机卤化物钙钛矿是一类优异的光电材料.在过去四年内,基于有机-无机卤化物钙钛矿的光电器件实现了超过15%的光电转换效率.而有机-无机卤化物钙钛矿材料的可控制备是保证其在光电器件中应用的基础.本文采用新的沉积方法在玻璃衬底表面制备了一种典型的有机-无机卤化物钙钛矿 CH3NH3PbI3薄膜.其制备过程是: 采用超声辅助的连续离子吸附与反应法在玻璃衬底表面沉积PbO-PbI2复合物膜,之后与CH3NH3I蒸汽在110℃环境下反应,将PbO-PbI2复合物膜转化成CH3NH3PbI3钙钛矿薄膜.对CH3NH3PbI3薄膜的微观结构,结晶性及其光电性能等进行了表征.结果表明,CH3NH3PbI3薄膜呈晶态,具有典型的钙钛矿晶体结构.薄膜表面形貌均匀,晶粒尺寸超过400 nm.在可见光范围,CH3NH3PbI3薄膜透过率低于10%,能带宽度为1.58 eV.电学性能研究表明CH3NH3PbI3薄膜表面电阻率高达1000 MΩ.高表面电阻率表明CH3NH3PbI3薄膜具有一定的介电性能,其介电常数(εr)在100 Hz时达到155.本研究提出了一种制备高质量CH3NH3PbI3钙钛矿薄膜的新方法,所得CH3NH3PbI3薄膜可望在光、电及光电器件中得到应用.
来源出版物:物理化学学报,2015,31(3): 576-582联系邮箱:李效民,lixm@mail.sic.ac.cn
封面介绍:A novel copper-catalyzed tandem coupling/isomerization reaction of alkynyl bromides and secondary propargylic alcohols in piperidine has been developed by Bi et al. on page 610,thereby allowing for the stereoselective synthesis of 1,5-disubstituted(E)-pent-2-en-4-yn-1-ones in 40%~83% yields.
来源出版物:有机化学,2015,35(3): 610-617
来源出版物:Chinese Chemical Letters,2015,26(2): 167-172
联系邮箱:Isao Noda,noda@udel.edu
从反应化学原理到工业应用ⅠS Zorb 技术特点及优势
摘要:对S Zorb技术反应化学进行了导向性基础研究.获得S Zorb技术是一种催化裂化含硫汽油流化床超深度高选择性催化加氢转化脱硫的认识;获得了S Zorb技术通过在加氢催化剂中引入ZnO组元,与加氢活性金属组元形成协同,在反应过程中在线快速转化催化加氢脱硫生成的 H2S,从而克服了催化加氢脱硫热力学平衡限制难题,提高了脱硫转化深度的认识,同时获得该协同作用创造性地在催化加氢脱硫反应系统内建立了一个极低H2S分压反应环境,避免了H2S与汽油中高辛烷值烯烃组分生成硫醇的副反应、使催化剂活性金属Ni在反应过程中保持于零价态成为可能的认识,获得零价态金属Ni具有对噻吩硫化物很高的吸附活性、对高辛烷值烯烃、芳烃组分仅有很低的吸附活性的认识.在此基础上,提炼出了S Zorb技术催化加氢脱硫与ZnO在线转化H2S协同脱硫机理,提炼出了S Zorb技术流程中诸技术环节的工作原理,提炼出使S Zorb技术实现既超深度脱硫又保持辛烷值的关键技术措施.
关键词:清洁汽油;加氢脱硫;化学;S Zorb
来源出版物:石油学报(石油加工),2015,31(1): 1-6联系邮箱:龙军,longjun.ripp@sinopec.com
封面介绍:The cover picture shows a new and expeditious approach for the identification and quantification of 15 phthalate plasticizers in beverages. Phthalates are legally regulated in foods and beverages in Europe,USA and China because of their potential healthy threaten. By a combined SPME and DART-FTICR-MS approach,phthalates at sub-ng·mL-1levels can be accurately analyzed in a short time,the limits of quantification(LOQs)were estimated to be at 0.3-5.0 ng·mL-1. This rapid and easy-to-use method provided a relatively high-throughput and powerful analytical approach for quick testing and screening phthalates in beverages and water samples to ensure food safety. More details are discussed in the article by Guoet al. on page 213-219.
Combination of Solid-Phase Micro-Extraction and Direct Analysis in Real Time-Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Sensitive and Rapid Analysis of 15 Phthalate Plasticizers in Beverages
Mengxi Wu,Haoyang Wang,Guoqing Dong,et al.
Abstract: A method for rapid identification and quantification of phthalate plasticizers in beverages was developed. A number of 15 phthalate plasticizers which covered all the phthalates concerned in the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act(CPSIA),European Union legislations and Chinese national standards(GB)were analyzed. By a combined solid-phase micro-extraction(SPME)and direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry(DART-MS)approach,phthalates at sub-ng·mL-1levels can be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in a short time. The use of ultrahigh-resolving power and the accurate mass measurement capacity naturally provided by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR-MS)minimizes the matrix interferences and thus enables the evaluation of phthalates in a complex matrix without extensive sample handlings or preparations. The limits of quantification(LOQs)were estimated to be at 0.3-5.0 ng·mL-1,lower than the Maximum Residue Limit(MRL)regulated by the European Union legislations(2007/19/EC)in foods,beverages,food packaging and toys(0.3-30 ng·mL-1). This rapid and easy-to-use SPME-DART-FT-ICR-MS method provided a relatively high-throughput and powerful analytical approach for quick testing and screening phthalates in beverages and water samples to ensure food safety.
Keywords: solid-phase micro-extraction; direct analysis in real time; Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry;phthalates
来源出版物:Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2015,33(2): 213-219联系邮箱:Yinlong Guo,Ylguo Guo@jlu.edu.cn
Recent developments in two-dimensional(2D)correlation spectroscopy
Isao Noda
Recent noteworthy developments in the field of two-dimensional(2D)correlation spectroscopy are reviewed. 2D correlation spectroscopy has become a very popular tool due to its versatility and relative ease of use. The technique utilizes a spectroscopic or other analytical probe from a number of selections for a broad range of sample systems by employing different types of external perturbations to induce systematic variations in intensities of spectra. Such spectral intensity variations are then converted into 2D spectra by a form of correlation analysis for subsequent interpretation. Many different types of 2D correlation approaches have been proposed. In particular,2D hetero-correlation and multiple perturbation correlation analyses,including orthogonal sample design scheme,are discussed in this review. Additional
to other important developments in the field of 2D correlation spectroscopy,such as projection correlation and codistribution analysis,were also provided.
Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy; Hetero-correlation; Multiple perturbation correlation; Orthogonal sample design