

中国学术期刊文摘 2015年10期

Mississippian Barnett Shale,Fort Worth basin,north-central texas: Gas-shale play with multi-trillion cubic foot potential

Scott L. Montgomery; Daniel M. Jarvie; Kent A. Bowker; et al.

Unconventional shale-gas systems: The Mississippian Barnett Shale of north-central Texas as one model for thermogenic shale-gas assessment

Daniel M. Jarvie; Ronald J. Hill; Tim E. Ruble; et al.

Shale gas potential of the Lower Jurassic Gordondale Member,northeastern British Columbia,Canada

Ross,DJK; Bustin,RM

Characterizing the shale gas resource potential of Devonian-Mississippian strata in the Western Canada sedimentary basin: Application of an integrated formation evaluation

Ross DJK,Bustin RM



(1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;2. 中国石油西南油气田公司,四川成都650001)



(1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院;2. 提高石油采收率国家重点实验室)





“页岩气(shale gas)”是最重要的非常规天然气资源,资源潜力超过致密气和煤层气之和,美国“页岩气革命”对全球能源格局已产生深刻影响.科罗拉多矿业学院Curtis教授系统阐述了页岩气的概念,页岩气是连续生成的生物化学成因、热成因或两者混合的天然气聚集,具有普遍含气、大面积分布、多种岩性封闭、短距离运移等特点,以游离形式存在于天然裂缝和孔隙中,以吸附状态存在于干酪根和粘土颗粒表面,以溶解状态存在于干酪根和沥青质中.近年来,“页岩气”概念被广泛引入国内,普遍认为,页岩气是赋存于富有机质泥页岩层段中,以吸附态和游离态为主要赋存方式、大面积连续分布的非常规天然气,为典型“自生自储、原地滞留”聚集模式,成分以甲烷为主.


页岩气发现较早,1821年美国在东部泥盆系钻探第一口页岩气井,1914年美国发现第一个页岩气大气田—Big Sandy气田,1981年页岩气之父乔治·米歇尔对Barnett页岩实施大规模压裂,实现了页岩气开采真正意义上的大突破.页岩气由南部地区的Barnett页岩,到Haynesville页岩,再到东部地区的Marcellus页岩,持续获得重大发展,至2014年,北美地区在约50个富有机质页岩区带中证实存在页岩气资源,在其中9个区带实现了页岩气的规模开发,2014年美国页岩气产量为3637×108m3,占美国天然气总产量的50%,依靠页岩气,美国实现了天然气自给.全球正在进行一场“页岩气革命”,北美以外地区已有20多个国家正在进行页岩气资源的前期评价和勘探开发先导试验,中国、阿根廷、英国、印度、新西兰等国已发现了页岩气,全球页岩气资源量约为456×1012m3,勘探开发前景广阔.中国页岩气资源丰富,发育海相、海陆过渡相—湖沼煤系和湖相3类富含有机质页岩,均具备页岩气形成条件.近年来,页岩气已得到国家和企业的高度重视,已在地质基础研究、资源评价和核心区优选、水平井压裂等技术创新、工业化试验区建设等攻关取得重大进展.2004—2007年,引入页岩气概念;2008年,钻探第一口页岩气地质井长芯1井;2009年,首次在中国页岩气储集层中发现丰富的纳米级孔隙;2010年,成立国家能源页岩气研发(实验)中心;2010年,四川盆地威201井在志留系龙马溪组获日产大于1×104m3页岩气;2011年,国家第一个页岩气重大专项《页岩气勘探开发关键技术》立项;2012年四川盆地焦石坝构造焦页1HF在志留系龙马溪组获日产气20.3×104m3工业气流,发现了中国首个大型页岩气田—涪陵气田,并已启动一期50×108m3产能建设,中国页岩气勘探取得战略突破.目前,中国已在重庆焦石坝、巫溪,四川长宁-威远、富顺-永川,云南昭通、陕西延安等地区开展页岩气工业开采或先导试验.截至2014年底,中国累计投资200亿元,完钻页岩气井400口,压裂获气160口井,2013年页岩气产量2×108m3,2014年产量13×108m3,中国页岩气开发利用已顺利实现工业起步.

中国页岩气开发利用面临保存较差、埋藏较深、地表复杂、水源短缺、环境保护等一系列问题,大规模经济有效开发难度较大.中国页岩气规模化发展,需要突破理论关、技术关、成本关、环境关“四道关”,需注意优先解决四川盆地龙马溪组构造型“甜点”和连续型“甜点区”页岩气递减规律、四川盆地筇竹寺组优质资源落实、3500 m以深页岩气效益开发技术与装备研发、海陆过渡相/陆相页岩气资源潜力评价等关键问题.初步估算,中国页岩气技术可采资源量大约为(10~25)×1012m3.预计未来5~10年,将是中国页岩气技术攻关与先导试验的关键期,需要制定“加快‘核心区’评选、加大‘试验区’建设、加强‘生产区’规划”等战略发展路线图,力争2020年前后实现页岩气工业化全面突破和规模发展.



截至2015年4月20日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以页岩气(shale gas)为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1726与1020条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下.







根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以页岩气(shale gas)为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下.



根据Web of Science统计数据,以页岩气(shale gas)为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下.



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 30文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下.

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2002,86(11): 1921-1938

Mississippian Barnett Shale,Fort Worth basin,north-central texas: Gas-shale play with multi-trillion cubic foot potential

Scott L. Montgomery; Daniel M. Jarvie; Kent A. Bowker; et al.

Abstract: The Mississippian Barnett Shale serves as source,seal,and reservoir to a world-class unconventional natural-gas accumulation in the Fort Worth basin of north-central Texas. The formation is a lithologically complex interval of low permeability that requires artificial stimulation to produce. At present,production is mainly confined to a limited portion of the northern basin where the Barnett Shale is relatively thick(>300 ft; >92 m),organic rich(present-day total organic carbon >3.0%),thermally mature(vitrinite reflectance >1.1%),and enclosed by dense limestone units able to contain induced fractures. The most actively drilled area is Newark East field,currently the largest gas field in Texas. Newark East is 400 mi2(1036 km2)in extent,with more than 2340 producing wells and about 2.7 tcf of bookedgas reserves. Cumulative gas production from Barnett Shale wells through 2003 was about 0.8 tcf. Wells in Newark East field typically produce from depths of 7500 ft(2285 m)at rates ranging from 0.5 to more than 4 mmcf/day. Estimated ultimate re coveries per well range from 0.75 to as high as 7.0 bcf. Efforts to extend the current Barnett play beyond the field limits have encountered several challenges,including westward and northward increases in oil saturation and the absence of lithologic barriers to induced fracture growth. Patterns of oil and gas occurrence in the Barnett,in conjunction with maturation and burial-history data,indicate a complex,multiphased thermal evolution,with episodic expulsion of hydrocarbons and secondary cracking of primary oils to gas in portions of the basin where paleotemperatures were especially elevated. These and other data imply a large-potential Barnett resource for the basin as a whole(possibly >200 tcf gas in place). Recent assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey suggests a mean volume of 26.2 tcf of undiscovered,technically recoverable gas in the central Fort Worth basin. Recovery of a significant portion of this undiscovered resource will require continued improvements in geoscientific characterization and approaches to stimulation of the Barnett reservoirs.

Keywords: interdisciplinary approach; Pennsylvanian; marattialean pecopterids; functional groups; FTIR

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2005,89(2): 155-175

Unconventional shale-gas systems: The Mississippian Barnett Shale of north-central Texas as one model for thermogenic shale-gas assessment

Daniel M. Jarvie; Ronald J. Hill; Tim E. Ruble; et al.

Abstract: Shale-gas resource plays can be distinguished by gas type and system characteristics. The Newark East gas field,located in the Fort Worth Basin,Texas,is defined by thermogenic gas production from low-porosity and low-permeability Barnett Shale. The Barnett Shale gas system,a self-contained source-reservoir system,has generated large amounts of gas in the key productive areas because of various characteristics and processes,including(1)excellent original organic richness and generation potential;(2)primary and secondary cracking of kerogen and retained oil,respectively;(3)retention of oil for cracking to gas by adsorption;(4)porosity resulting from organic matter decomposition; and(5)brittle mineralogical composition. The calculated total gas in place(GIP)based on estimated ultimate recovery that is based on production profiles and operator estimates is about 204 bcf/section(5.78×109M-3/1.73×104m3). We estimate that the Barnett Shale has a total generation potential of about 609 bbl of oil equivalent/ac-ft or the equivalent of 3657 mcf/ac-ft(84.0 m3/m3). Assuming a thickness of 350 ft(107 m)and only sufficient hydrogen for partial cracking of retained oil to gas,a total generation potential of 820 bcf/section is estimated. Of this potential,approximately 60% was expelled,and the balance was retained for secondary cracking of oil to gas,if sufficient thermal maturity was reached. Gas storage capacity of the Barnett Shale at typical reservoir pressure,volume,and temperature conditions and 6% porosity shows a maximum storage capacity of 540 mcf/ac-ft or 159 scf/ton.

Keywords: Sichuan Basin; middle paleo-uplift; pyrobitumen; natural gas potential; upper Proterozoic strata

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2007,91(4): 475-499

Shale gas potential of the Lower Jurassic Gordondale Member,northeastern British Columbia,Canada

Ross,DJK; Bustin,RM

Abstract: The Lower Jurassic Gordondale Member is an organic-rich mudrock and is widely considered to have potential as a shale gas reservoir. Influences of Gordondale mudrock composition on total gas capacities(sorbed and free gas)have been determined to assess the shale gas resource potential of strata in the Peace River district,northeastern British Columbia. Sorbed gas capacities of moisture-equilibrated samples increase over a range of 0.5 to 12 weight percent total organic carbon content(TOC). Methane adsorption capacities range from 0.05 cc/g to over 2 cc/g in organic-rich zones(at 6 MPa and 30 degrees C). Sorption capacities of mudrocks under dry conditions are greater than moisture equilibrated conditions due to water occupation of potential sorption sites. However,there is no consistent decrease of sorption capacity with increasing moisture as the relationship is masked by both the amount of organic matter and thermal maturation level. Clays also affect total gas capacities in as much as clay-rich mudrocks have high porosity which may be available for free gas. Gordondale samples enriched with carbonate(calcite and dolomite)typically have lower total porosities than carbonate-poor rocks and hence have lower potential free gas contents. On a regional reservoir scale,a large proportion of the Gordondale total gas capacity is free gas storage(intergranular porosity),ranging from 0.1-22 Bcf/section(0.003-0.66 m3/section). Total gas-in-place capacity ranges from 1-31.4 Bcf/section(0.03-0.94 m3/section). The greatest potential for gas production is in the south of the study area(93-P)due to higher thermal maturity,TOC enrichment,higher reservoir pressure,greater unit thickness and improved fracture-potential.

Keywords: shaly sand; pore-scale model; conductivity; clays

来源出版物:Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology,2007,55(1): 51-75

Characterizing the shale gas resource potential of Devonian-Mississippian strata in the Western Canada sedimentary basin: Application of an integrated formation evaluation

Ross DJK,Bustin RM

Abstract: Devonian-Mississippian strata in the northwestern region of the Western Canada sedimentary basin(WCSB)were investigated for shale gas potential. In the subsurface,thermally mature strata of the Besa River,Horn River,Muskwa,and Fort Simpson formations attain thicknesses of more than 1 km(0.6 mi),encompassing an area of approximately 125000 km2(48300 mi2)and represent an enormous potential gas resource. Total gas capacity estimates range between 60 and 600 bcf/section. Of particular exploration interest are shales and mudrocks of the Horn River Formation(including the laterally equivalent lower Besa River mudrocks),Muskwa Formation,and upper Besa River Formation,which yield total organic carbon(TOC)contents of up to 5.7 wt.%. Fort Simpson shales seldom have TOC contents above 1 wt.%. Horn River and Muskwa formations have excellent shale gas potential in a region between longitudes 122°W and 123°W and latitudes 59°N and 60°N(National Topographic System [NTS] 94O08 to 94O15). In this area,which covers an areal extent of 6250 km2(2404 mi2),average TOC contents are higher(>3 wt.% as determined by wire-line-log calibrations),and have a stratal thickness of more than 200 m(656 ft). Gas capacities are estimated to be between 100 and 240 bcf/section and possibly greater than 400 tcf gas in place. A substantial percentage of the gas capacity is free gas caused by high reservoir temperatures and pressures. Muskwa shales have adsorbed gas capacities ranging between 0.3 and 0.5 cm3/g(9.6-16 scf/t)at reservoir temperatures of 60-80°C(140-176°F),whereas Besa River mudrocks and shales have low adsorbed gas capacities of less than 0.01 cm3/g(0.32 scf/t; Liard Basin region)because reservoir temperatures exceed 130°C(266°F). Potential free gas capacities range from 1.2 to 9.5 cm3/g(38.4 to 304 scf/t)when total pore volumes(0.4%-6.9%)are saturated with gas. The mineralogy has a major influence on total gas capacity. Carbonate-rich samples,indicative of adjacent carbonate platform and embayment successions,commonly have lower organic carbon content and porosity and corresponding lower gas capacity(<1% TOC and <1% porosity). Seaward of the carbonate Slave Point edge,Muskwa and lower Besa River mudrocks can be both silica and TOC rich(up to 92% quartz and 5 wt.% TOC)and most favorable for shale gas reservoir exploration because of possible fracture enhancement of the brittle organic- and siliceous-rich facies. However,an inverse relation between silica and porosity in some regions implies that zones with the best propensity for fracture completion may not provide optimal gas capacity,and a balance between favorable reservoir characteristics needs to be sought.

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2008,92(1): 87-125




(1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;2. 中国石油西南油气田公司,四川成都650001)











2006年中国石油与美国新田石油公司进行了国内首次页岩气研讨,依据四川盆地南部威远、阳高寺等地区的常规天然气勘探开发过程中,钻遇寒武系筇竹寺组和志留系龙马溪组时出现的丰富含气显示现象,提出中国具备海相页岩气形成与富集的基本地质条件[9-10].2007年即与新田石油合作,开展了威远地区寒武系筇竹寺组页岩气资源潜力评价与开发可行性的联合研究,该研究项目为中国与国外的第一个页岩气联合研究项目.与此同时,对整个蜀南地区古生代海相页岩地层开展了露头地质调查与老资料(井)复查.为探索页岩气地质与资源前景评价方法,2008年中国石油勘探开发研究院在四川盆地南部长宁构造志留系龙马溪组露头区钻探了中国第一口页岩气地质评价浅井即长芯1井,井深154.3 m,取心151.6 m[1].通过2007—2008年的前期地质研究与选区评价,初步认识到上扬子地区古生界发育多套海相富有机质页岩,厚度大,有机碳含量高,具有较好的页岩气形成条件.2009年中国石油率先在四川盆地威远—长宁、云南昭通等地区进行页岩气钻探评价,与壳牌(shell)公司在四川盆地富顺—永川地区进行中国第一个页岩气国际合作勘探开发项目.同时,国土资源部在全国油气资源战略选区调查与评价专项中设立了“中国重点地区页岩气资源潜力评价和有利区带优选”项目,中国石化在贵州大方—凯里方深1井区开展了寒武系牛蹄塘组页岩气老井复






中国海相富有机质页岩分布广泛,主要发育在中国南方地区、华北地区及西部塔里木盆地的上震旦统、下寒武统、上奥陶统—下志留统等(表2).海相富有机质泥页岩分布面积大、横向变化稳定,厚度一般在100~500 m.海相富有机质页岩有机质丰富,平均含量1.0%~5.12%,其中高TOC含量(TOC含量大于2%)的富含有机质页岩段发育,厚度一般为20~180 m.海相富有机质页岩有机质类型以腐泥型—混合型为主,属倾成油型母质,热演化程度处在裂解成气阶段(1.0%<Ro<5.2%)[11],页岩气以原油热裂解气为主.海相高演化页岩基质孔隙、有机质微—纳米级孔隙发育,构成了页岩气良好的储集空间.海相页岩脆性矿物丰富,黏土矿物单一.海相页岩成气藏条件优越,勘探开发前景好.

中国南方地区是海相页岩气较有利地区,尤以上扬子地区为好,如四川盆地筇竹寺组富有机质页岩分布面积18.5×104km2,厚200~600 m,有效页岩厚度110~163 m,TOC含量0.82%~4.68%,平均2.3%,页岩含气量0.13~5.02 m3/t,石英、长石和碳酸盐岩等脆性矿物为49%~58%;五峰组—龙马溪组富有机质页岩分布面积13.7×104km2,厚300~500 m,有效页岩厚度40~125 m,TOC含量0.5%~7.12%,平均2.1%,页岩含气量0.2~6.5 m3/t,石英、长石和碳酸盐岩等脆性矿物含量为33.0%~51.2%.2010年钻探的W201、N201两口页岩气评价井(直井),经大型水力压裂,在筇竹寺组页岩和五峰组—龙马溪组页岩中均获得了初始页岩气产量过1.0×104m3/d的高产页岩气流,实现了中国页岩气首次突破.







有关中国页岩气资源发展前景,国内不少机构/学者对此做出了较为乐观的预测(表5).预测显示中国页岩气资源丰富,其中地质资源量为(30~166)×1012m3,技术可采资源量为(7~45)×1012m3.无论是从地质资源量还是技术可采资源量上看,中国页岩气资源都具备良好发展基础.甚至已有机构/学者根据资源预测结果及目前进展,认为中国未来5年将实现页岩气规模化生产,页岩气产量达到65×108m3,至2020年前后,突破页岩气勘探开发关键技术,页岩气产量有望达到(600~1000)×108m3[4].页岩气储层比任何致密油气储层都还要致密,实现有效开发难度非常大.中国的页岩气勘探开发虽已在先导性试验井中取得突破,但仍为起步阶段.中国页岩气地质条件与开发条件都与北美不同(表6).首先,从地质条件上看,中国的富有机质页岩,尤其是古生界海相富有机质页岩大多经历了复杂的构造改造,在盆地周缘页岩地层抬升出露、断裂切割严重,保存条件是海相页岩气勘探开发面临的严峻挑战;中国富有机质页岩热成熟度复杂,海相页岩形成时间早,演化程度高,陆相页岩形成时间晚,演化程度低,两个端元的热演化程度都将直接导致中国富有机质页岩含气量变化大、含气量偏低.其次,从开发条件上看,中国富有机质页岩在盆地内主体埋深较大,超过了3500 m或更大,在南方海相页岩发育区,地表多以山地和丘陵等复杂地表区为主,且不是常规油气生产的主产区,地面设施与管网缺乏.由此可见,中国页岩气资源丰富,具有良好发展前景,但是,中国页岩气地质与开发条件复杂,决定了中国页岩气勘探开发不会一蹴而就,需要一定时间准备与探索.未来5~10年需要坚持深化地质认识与技术攻关,突出基础地质研究、核心区评价和先导试验区建设.海相富有机质页岩气重在深化基础地质研究,落实经济可采资源,优选开发核心区,强化关键技术攻关,推进先导试验区建设,形成一定规模页岩气产量.海陆过渡相—煤系与湖相富有机质页岩以地质条件评价为重点,以技术可采资源潜力落实为核心,钻探一批先导试验井,优选有利页岩气区带和层系,实现中国页岩气持续稳定发展.







(1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院;2. 提高石油采收率国家重点实验室)



全球页岩气勘探开发自1821年在美国东部泥盆系页岩中钻成第1口页岩气井、1914年发现第1个页岩气田——Big Sandy气田[2]以来,历经1821—1978年偶然发现、1978—2003年认识创新与技术突破、2003—2006年水平井与水力压裂等技术推广应用、2007—2010年全球化发展(页岩气中国年、欧州年)等4个阶段.1981年被誉为“页岩气之父”的乔治·米歇尔对Barnet t页岩C. W. Slay No. 1井实施大规模压裂并获成功以来,实现了真正意义的页岩气突破.至2009年底,北美发现页岩气盆地30个,开发井50000余口,井深2500~4500 m;2009年年产量950×108m3[3],占北美天然气总产量的12%(其中美国产量889×108m3).中国页岩气走过了裂缝油气藏勘探与偶然发现(2005年以前)、基础研究与技术准备(2005—2009年)和工业化突破(2010年)等3个阶段.1966年四川威5井在寒武系筇竹寺组页岩中获日产气2.46×104m3,为中国最早的页岩产气井[4];2008年中国石油勘探开发研究院在四川长宁地区钻探的长芯1井[5]为中国第1口页岩气地质井;2009年中国石油在四川威远-长宁、富顺-永川等地区启动了首批页岩气工业化试验区建设;2010年中国石油勘探开发研究院在四川长宁地区建立了第1条中国页岩气数字化标准剖面;2010年中国石油钻探的四川盆地威201井在寒武系、志留系页岩中获工业气流,实现中国页岩气首次工业化突破.




页岩(shale)是由粒径小于0.0039 mm的细粒碎屑、黏土、有机质等组成,具页状或薄片状层理、易碎裂的一类沉积岩,亦即美国所称的粒径小于0.0039 mm的细粒沉积岩.

页岩气(shale gas)是指从富有机质黑色页岩中开采的天然气,或自生自储、在页岩纳米级孔隙中连续聚集的天然气.



目前进行页岩气经济开发的核心区有5个富集高产条件(见表1),通常是指TOC值大于2%、处在生气窗内、脆性矿物含量大于40%的有效页岩.有效页岩厚度大于30~50 m(有效页岩连续发育时大于30 m,断续发育或TOC值小于2%时,累计厚度大于50 m)时亦足以满足商业开发要求.北美产气页岩有效厚度最小为6 m(Fayet teville),最大为304 m(Marcellus),核心区有效页岩厚度均大于30 m.







中国南方、华北地台及塔里木地台发育的古生界海相黑色页岩多形成于水深200 m左右、生物化石丰富、强还原环境的深水陆棚相,如四川盆地发育的寒武系筇竹寺组、志留系龙马溪组黑色页岩为受大陆边缘坳陷控制的深水陆棚相沉积[17](见图3),富有机质黑色页岩面积13.5×104~18.0×104km2,厚200~400 m,有机质丰富,含海洋浮游生物笔石化石及自生黄铁矿等,有机碳含量1.85% ~4.36%,最高达11.0%~22.3%.在这两套黑色页岩中均发现了大量页岩气.


中国发育陆相含油气盆地页岩:渤海湾盆地古近纪、松辽盆地白垩纪、鄂尔多斯盆地三叠纪、四川盆地侏罗纪、塔里木盆地三叠纪)侏罗纪、准噶尔盆地侏罗纪均为大型湖盆沉积,在湖盆的扩张期,形成了分布广泛且厚度大的湖相页岩,有机质十分丰富,含介形虫、孢粉、细菌、高等植物等化石,厚度200~2500 m,有机碳含量2%~3%,最高达到7%~14%.在中新生代发现了众多规模不等的油气聚集带[18],大庆油田、胜利油田、辽河油田、鄂尔多斯中生界油气聚集区等,其油气就源于该套湖相泥岩.



下寒武统海相页岩在中上扬子区发育好,有机质类型为腐泥型-混合型.从沉积环境看,川东-鄂西、川南及湘黔3个深水陆棚区下寒武统海相页岩最发育[20],平均厚度100 m,TOC值平均高达8%左右.四川盆地下寒武统海相页岩全盆地发育,以硅质页岩、炭质页岩、粉沙质页岩和黑色页岩为主,厚度平均为139 m,TOC值平均1.0%~5.5%,盆地南部页岩埋藏浅于4000 m.

上奥陶统-下志留统海相页岩在川东南、川东北、鄂西渝东、中下扬子等区广泛发育[5],以黑色页岩、炭质页岩、黑色笔石页岩、钙质页岩为主,平均厚120 m,TOC值平均4%左右,干酪根为腐泥型.四川盆地上奥陶统-下志留统海相页岩在川南-川东地区发育较好.据笔者综合运用伽马能谱、元素捕获、探地雷达及陆地激光三维全信息扫描等手段建立的长宁双河上奥陶统五峰组-下志留统龙马溪组海相页岩地层数字化标准剖面(见图4)统计,川南上奥陶统五峰组-下志留统龙马溪组黑色页岩厚度大于308 m,有机质类型为腐泥型,TOC值平均2.94%,最高达8.75%.

海陆交互相及陆相煤系炭质页岩在华北、华南地区和塔里木盆地广泛分布(见表4).北部主要发育在天山-兴蒙海槽.鄂尔多斯盆地海陆交互相山西组-太原组-本溪组页岩厚40~120 m,单层厚度不大,多数与煤层、致密砂岩甚至薄层灰岩交互出现.准噶尔盆地石炭系滴水泉组炭质页岩最厚达249 m,二叠系芦草沟组黑色页岩累计厚度超过200 m.中国南方地区的二叠系龙潭组(P2)炭质页岩厚20~200 m,最厚达670 m,分布面积约30×104~50×104km2.其中,滇黔桂地区上二叠统龙潭组页岩厚度为20~60 m,四川盆地上二叠统页岩厚10~125 m,川中和川西南一带厚80~110 m,四川盆地西北缘、北缘及东北缘较薄,多小于20 m.中新生代陆相煤系炭质页岩主要发育在坳陷和断陷湖盆中,如鄂尔多斯盆地和准噶尔盆地侏罗系、四川盆地上三叠统(厚150~1000m)、吐哈盆地侏罗系(厚50~400 m,最厚达1200 m)等.

总体上,中国海陆交互相和中新生代陆相炭质页岩除上扬子及滇黔桂地区单层厚度较大外,多数地区单层厚度都不大,常与煤和致密砂岩甚至灰岩互层,单层平均厚度一般小于15 m,单独开发这套薄层煤系页岩气将面临很大的挑战,进行页岩气、致密气、煤层气等多目的层联合开发是有效开发的新途径.

主要分布于陆相含油气盆地的湖相页岩沉积范围最广(见表5),广泛发育湖相页岩油、致密砂岩油与致密页岩油.松辽、鄂尔多斯、四川等中新生代坳陷盆地[21]及渤海湾新生代断陷盆地都沉积了厚层湖相富有机质页岩、砂岩与泥岩[22].如松辽盆地嫩江组和青山口组两套页岩十分发育,嫩江组在全盆地稳定分布,中央坳陷区厚度超过250 m,青山口组一段在中央坳陷区几乎全部为黑色页岩,厚度为60~80 m,干酪根类型为ⅳ—型,Ro值为0.9%~1.8%.鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7段主要为深湖相沉积,富有机质页岩平均厚度20~40 m,分布面积超过4×104km2,有机碳含量平均高达14%,干酪根类型为ⅳ—型,Ro值为0.6%~1.2%.最近,在该套湖相页岩地层内发现了大量致密油,油层为厚10~20 m、孔隙度10.2%、渗透率0.21×10-3μm2的致密粉砂岩,有工业油气流井近200口,平均产量8.6 t/d.该特征与北美在Williston盆地Bakken页岩层中发现的致密油极为相似[23].Bakken地层位于上泥盆统顶部,由下向上分9段,最下面第1段页岩厚度12~15 m,TOC值高达14%~18%,Ro值为1.1%~1.3%,为富有机质页岩层.上覆第2段致密粉砂岩油层孔隙度10%~13%,渗透率0.01×10-3~1×10-3μm2,厚5~15 m,面积约75563 km2,1999年USGS专家估算页岩中致密油地质资源量为578×108t,一般预测为241×108~518×108t.致密油是继页岩气突破后又一重大发现,成为新亮点.






中国陆相地层中广泛发育页岩油.页岩油是生油岩内纳米-微米级孔隙与裂缝聚集的石油,如在松辽盆地古龙凹陷已发现下白垩统青山口组和嫩江组页岩油聚集,页岩富有机质,总厚300~620 m,一般异常高压,干酪根为ⅳ—型,Ro值为0.9%~1.2%.最早在大安构造大4井青山口组泥岩段获日产油2.66 t,另有50余口井见油气显示,4口井产少量油气-古501井、英15井、英3井、大111井),5口井获工业油气流(英12井、英18井、英16井、古1井、大4井).盆地南部新北油田泥岩裂缝性油藏几口井已开采10余年,累计产油超过3×104t.鄂尔多斯、渤海湾等盆地生油层系中也发育页岩油.页岩油是页岩气之后又一“源岩油”领域,值得重视.



随着成熟度增加,干酪根、原油热裂解大量生烃,除了生成大量油气、为常规油气藏提供丰富的物质来源之外,有机质本身可产生5~200 nm左右纳米级孔隙[30].笔者在对中国四川盆地寒武系和志留系高-过成熟海相页岩储集层的研究中首次发现,这两套地层下部不仅有机质丰度高、含气量高,而且呈分散状、纹层状分布的“有机质颗粒”内部形成大量微米-纳米级孔隙(见图5),这些孔隙大者3~4 μm,小至几个纳米,一般都大于100~200 nm,为丰富的页岩气资源提供了充足的储集空间,有力地说明中国南方致密的海相页岩具备优质储集条件,在有机质丰度比较高的层段和区域,勘探开发前景良好.澳大利亚Beetaloo盆地在全球最老地层(约14×108a)——元古界发现了页岩气,有机碳含量4%,Ro值高达3.49%,预测页岩气资源量5600×108m3.



页岩气形成机制是原位“滞留成藏”,连续型分布.甲烷在页岩微孔(孔径小于2 nm)中顺序填充,在介孔(孔径为2~50 nm)中多层吸附至毛细管凝聚,在大孔(孔径大于50 nm)中甲烷以压缩或溶解态赋存.成藏中经过吸附、解吸、扩散等作用.有机质生气或油裂解成气,天然气先在有机质孔内表面饱和吸附;之后解吸扩散至基质孔中,以吸附、游离相原位饱和聚集;过饱和气初次运移至上覆无机质页岩孔中;气再饱和后,二次运移形成气藏(见图6)[31,32].


脆性矿物含量是影响页岩基质孔隙和微裂缝发育程度、含气性及压裂改造方式等的重要因素.页岩中黏土矿物含量越低,石英、长石、方解石等脆性矿物含量越高,岩石脆性越强,在人工压裂外力作用下越易形成天然裂缝和诱导裂缝,形成多树-网状结构缝,有利于页岩气开采.而高黏土矿物含量的页岩塑性强,吸收能量,以形成平面裂缝为主,不利于页岩体积改造.美国产气页岩中石英含量为28%~52%、碳酸盐含量4%~16%,总脆性矿物含量为46%~60%.笔者对中国3种不同类型页岩的矿物组成进行测试后发现,无论是海相页岩、海陆过渡相炭质页岩,还是陆相页岩,其脆性矿物含量总体比较高,均达到40%以上,如:上扬子区古生界海相页岩石英含量24.3%~52.0%、长石含量4.3%~32.3%、方解石含量8.5%~16.9%,总脆性矿物含量40%~80%(见表7、图7);四川盆地上三叠统须家河组黏土矿物含量一般为15%~78%,平均为50%左右,石英、长石等脆性矿物含量一般为22%~85%,平均为50%左右.鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界含煤层系炭质页岩石英含量32%~54%,平均48%,总脆性矿物含量40%~58%;鄂尔多斯盆地中生界陆相页岩石英含量27% 47%,平均40%,总脆性矿物含量58%~70%.




岩石孔隙是储存油气的重要空间和确定游离气含量的关键参数.据统计,有平均50%左右的页岩气存储在页岩基质孔隙中.页岩储集层为特低孔渗储集层,以发育多类型微米甚至纳米级孔隙为特征,包括颗粒间微孔、黏土片间微孔、颗粒溶孔、溶蚀杂基内孔、粒内溶蚀孔及有机质孔等.孔隙大小一般小于2 μm,有机质孔喉一般100~200 nm,比表面积大,结构复杂,丰富的内表面积可以通过吸附方式储存大量气体[33].一般页岩的基质孔隙度为0.5%~6.0%,众数多为2%~4%.四川盆地华蓥山红岩煤矿龙马溪组和威远地区筇竹寺组页岩实测结果:龙马溪组页岩孔隙度为2. 43%~15.72%,平均4.83%;筇竹寺组页岩孔隙度为0.34%~8.10%,平均3.02%.鄂尔多斯盆地中生界陆相页岩实测孔隙度0.4%~1.5%,渗透率0.012×10-3~0.653×10-3μm2.





页岩气区根据含气性可划分为核心区、外围区.页岩含气量是衡量页岩气核心区是否具经济开采价值和进行资源潜力评估评价的重要指标,页岩含气量包括游离气、吸附气及溶解气等.哈里伯顿公司认为商业开发远景区的页岩含气量最低为2.8 m3/t,目前北美已商业开发的页岩气,其含气量最低约为1.1 m3/t,最高达9.91 m3/t.实测发现四川盆地下寒武统寒武系筇竹寺组黑色页岩含气量为1.17~6.02 m3/t,平均2.82 m3/t,龙马溪组黑色页岩含气量为1.73~3.28 m3/t,与北美产气页岩的含气量(见表7)相比,均达到了商业性页岩气开发下限,具备商业性开发价值.由于中国页岩气尚未进入开发阶段,钻探页岩气井少,因此无法获取更多的页岩含气量数据.但根据老井复查结果,在已往的钻井中,钻遇的黑色页岩段发现了大量的气测显示,有井涌和井喷现象发生,证明页岩段含气性很好.如:四川盆地威远地区钻穿筇竹寺组的107口井中,32口井52个井段出现不同级别气测显示,威5井在钻至2795~2798 m筇竹寺组页岩层段时发生井喷,中途测试获日产2.46×104m3的天然;钻穿川南地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩层段的15口井中32个层段见良好气测显示,阳63井3505~3518 m龙马溪组页岩段测试后获日产天然气3500 m3.




中国页岩气勘探开发尚处于起步阶段,可用于页岩气资源潜力预测的资料非常有限.尽管中国不同地区在富有机质页岩发育规模、页岩质量等方面具广泛的相似性,但中国地质条件复杂,尤其是构造演化、沉积环境、热演化过程等,使不同地区页岩气形成、富集存在许多差异.中国古生界海相富有机质页岩分布范围广、连续厚度大、有机质丰度高,但演化程度高、构造变动多;中新生界陆相富有机质页岩横向变化大,以厚层泥岩或砂泥互层为主,有机质丰度中等,热成熟度低.因此,基于地质类比对中国页岩气资源潜力进行预测.中国古生界海相富有机质页岩有利领域展布面积63×104~90×104km2,中新生界陆相富有机质泥页岩有利领域展布面积23×104~33×104km2,有效页岩厚度20~300 m,有机碳含量0.50%~25.71%,Ro值为0.8%~4.5%,预测页岩气资源量30×1012~100×1012m8,这些预测数据都是初步结果,而中国页岩气的技术与经济可采资源量正在研究之中.


中国页岩气与北美页岩气对比,有3个特殊性:海相页岩热演化程度较高(Ro值为2.5%~5.0%)、构造活动较强,需寻找保存条件有利的地区,避开露头和断裂破坏区;陆相页岩热演化程度较低、分布非均质性较强,有效开发需针对性技术;地面多山地、丘陵等复杂地表,埋藏较深(5000~7000 m),还面临水资源与环保等问题,需采用适用技术降低成本.因此,中国页岩气勘探开发应特别注意复杂地表、埋藏深度、后期保存等特殊地质条件,如塔里木盆地海相页岩埋藏深度大,南方部分地区页岩出露后面临保存、开发中地表多山地等难题,因此,要加强有利核心区优选与经济评价.












来源出版物:天然气工业,2004,24(7): 15-18联系邮箱:张金川,




摘要:以四川盆地为重点,介绍中国海相、海陆过渡相、陆相三大类型页岩形成的沉积环境、地球化学与储集层特征、含气量与远景资源量.中国海相页岩是一套高有机质丰度(TOC为1.0%~5.5%)、高—过成熟(Ro值为2.0%~5.0%)、富含页岩气(含气量1.17~6.02 m3/t)、以陆棚相为主的沉积,主要分布在华南扬子地区古生界、华北地台古生界和塔里木盆地寒武系—奥陶系;海陆过渡相煤系炭质页岩有机质丰度高(TOC为2.6%~5.4%)、成熟度适中(Ro值为1.1%~2.5%);中新生界陆相页岩有机质丰度高(TOC为0.5%~22.0%)、低熟—成熟(Ro值为0.6%~1.5%).在对四川盆地下古生界页岩储集层研究中首次发现,寒武系和志留系海相页岩发育大量与北美地区相似的微米—纳米级孔隙.综合评价认为四川盆地发育的多套页岩气层系是勘探开发的现实领域,四川盆地中南部威远—长宁等地区的寒武系和志留系是页岩气勘探开发的核心区与层系,其特点是:热演化程度较高(Ro值为2.0%~4.0%)、孔隙度较高(3.0%~4.8%),含气量较高(2.82~3.28 m3/t)、脆性矿物含量较高(40%~80%)、埋深适中(1500~4500 m),有利于开采.


来源出版物:石油勘探与开发,2010,37(6): 641-653






来源出版物:天然气工业,2008,28(6): 136-140联系邮箱:张金川,






来源出版物:石油勘探与开发,2007,34(4): 392-400






来源出版物:石油学报,2009,30(4): 484-491联系邮箱:聂海宽,






来源出版物:天然气工业,2008,28(2): 151-156联系邮箱:张金川,






来源出版物:天然气工业,2009,29(12): 109-114




摘要:油气勘探开发领域从常规油气向非常规油气跨越,是石油工业发展的必然趋势,二者在油气类型、地质特征及聚集机理等方面明显不同.常规油气研究的灵魂是成藏,目标是回答圈闭是否有油气;非常规油气研究的灵魂是储层,目标是回答储集有多少油气.非常规油气主要表现在连续分布、无自然工业产量.目前,常规油气面临非常规的问题,非常规需要发展成新的“常规”.伴随技术的进步,非常规可向常规转化.常规油气聚集包括构造油气藏、岩性-地层油气藏,油气以孤立的单体式或较大范围的集群式展布,圈闭界限明显,储集体发育毫米级—微米级孔喉系统,浮力成藏.非常规油气聚集包括致密砂岩油和气、致密碳酸盐岩油和气、页岩油和气等,一般源储共生,大面积连续或准连续分布于盆地斜坡或中心,圈闭界限不明显,页岩系统储集体广泛发育纳米级孔喉,浮力作用受限,油气以原位滞留或短距离运移为主.以中国重点盆地致密油和致密气为例,系统分析了其地质特征与勘探潜力.非常规油气储集空间主体为纳米级孔喉系统,局部发育微米—毫米级孔隙,其中页岩气储层孔径为5~200 nm,致密灰岩油储层孔径为40~500 nm,致密砂岩油储层孔径为50~900 nm,致密砂岩气储层孔径为40~700 nm.针对全球石油工业和纳米等技术的快速发展,提出了“纳米油气”的概念,指出“纳米油气”是未来石油工业的发展方向,需要发展纳米油气透视观测镜、纳米油气驱替剂、纳米油气开采机器人等换代技术,油气智能化时代将随之到来.


来源出版物:石油学报,2012,33(2): 173-187联系邮箱:邹才能,






来源出版物:天然气工业,2010,30(10): 7-12联系邮箱:蒋裕强,






来源出版物:天然气工业,2009,29(5): 33-39联系邮箱:董大忠,


Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations

Howarth,Robert W; Santoro,Renee; Ingraffea,Anthony

Abstract: We evaluate the greenhouse gas footprint of natural gas obtained by high-volume hydraulic fracturing from shale formations,focusing on methane emissions. Natural gas is composed largely of methane,and 3.6% to 7.9% of the methane from shale-gas production escapes to the atmosphere in venting and leaks over the life-time of a well. These methane emissions are at least 30% more than andperhaps more than twice as great as those from conventional gas. The higher emissions from shale gas occur at the time wells are hydraulically fractured-as methane escapes from flow-back return fluids-and during drill out following the fracturing. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas,with a global warming potential that is far greater than that of carbon dioxide,particularly over the time horizon of the first few decades following emission. Methane contributes substantially to the greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas on shorter time scales,dominating it on a 20-year time horizon. The footprint for shale gas is greater than that for conventional gas or oil when viewed on any time horizon,but particularly so over 20 years. Compared to coal,the footprint of shale gas is at least 20% greater and perhaps more than twice as great on the 20-year horizon and is comparable when compared over 100 years.

Keywords: Methane; Greenhouse gases; Global warming; Natural gas; Shale gas; Unconventional gas; Fugitive emissions; Lifecycle analysis; LCA; Bridge fuel; Transitional fuel; Global warming potential; GWP

来源出版物:Climatic Change,2011,106(4): 679-690联系邮箱:Howarth,Robert W;


Unconventional shale-gas systems: The Mississippian Barnett Shale of north-central Texas as one model for thermogenic shale-gas assessment

Jarvie,Daniel M; Hill,Ronald J; Ruble,Tim E; Pollastro,Richard M

Abstract: Shale-gas resource plays can be distinguished by gas type and system characteristics. The Newark East gas field,located in the Fort Worth Basin,Texas,is defined by thermogenic gas production from low-porosity and low-permeability Barnett Shale. The Barnett Shale gas system,a self-contained source-reservoir system,has generated large amounts of gas in the key productive areas because of various characteristics and processes,including(1)excellent original organic richness and generation potential;(2)primary and secondary cracking of kerogen and retained oil,respectively;(3)retention of oil for cracking to gas by adsorption;(4)porosity resulting from organic matter decomposition; and(5)brittle mineralogical composition. The calculated total gas in place(GIP)based on estimated ultimate recovery that is based on production profiles and operator estimates is about 204 bcf/section(5.78×109M-3/1.73×104m3). We estimate that the Barnett Shale has a total generation potential of about 609 bbl of oil equivalent/ac-ft or the equivalent of 3657 mcf/ac-ft(84.0 m3/m3). Assuming a thickness of 350 ft(107 m)and only sufficient hydrogen for partial cracking of retained oil to gas,a total generation potential of 820 bcf/section is estimated. Of this potential,approximately 60% was expelled,and the balance was retained for secondary cracking of oil to gas,if sufficient thermal maturity was reached. Gas storage capacity of the Barnett Shale at typical reservoir pressure,volume,and temperature conditions and 6% porosity shows a maximum storage capacity of 540 mcf/ac-ft or 159 scf/ton.

Keywords: primary migration; organic-matter; source rocks; carbon; basin; hydrocarbons; adsorption; diffusion; kerogen; play

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2007,91(4): 475-499联系邮箱:Jarvie,DM;


Fractured shale-gas systems


Abstract: The first commercial United States natural gas production(1821)came from an organic-rich Devonian shale in the Appalachian basin. Understanding the geological and geochemical nature of organic shale formations and improving their gas producibility have subsequently been the challenge of millions of dollars worth of research since the 1970s. Shale-gas systems essentially are continuous-type biogenic(predominant),thermogenic,or combined biogenic-thermogenic gas accumulations characterized by widespread gas saturation,subtle trapping mechanisms,seals of variable lithology,and relatively short hydrocarbon migration distances. Shale gas may be stored as free gas in natural fractures and intergranular porosity,as gas sorbed onto kerogen and clay-particle surfaces,or as gas dissolved in kerogen and bitumen. Five United States shale formations that presently produce gas commercially exhibit an unexpectedly wide variation in the values of five key parameters: thermal maturity(expressed as vitrinite reflectance),sorbed-gas fraction,reservoir thickness,total organic carbon content,and volume of gas in place. The degree of natural fracture development in an otherwise low-matrix-permeability shale reservoir is a controlling factor in gas producibility. To date,unstimulated commercial production has been achievable in only a small proportion of shale wells,those that intercept natural fracture networks. In most other cases,a successful shale-gas well requires hydraulic stimulation. Together,the Devonian Antrim Shale of the Michigan basin and Devonian Ohio Shale of the Appalachian basin accounted for about 84% of the total 380 bcf of shale gas produced in 1999. However annual gas production is steadily increasing from three other major organic shale formations that subsequently have been explored and developed: the Devonian New Albany Shalein the Illinois basin,the Mississippian Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth basin,and the Cretaceous Lewis Shale in the San Juan basin. In the basins for which estimates have been made,shale-gas resources are substantial,with in-place volumes of 497-783 tcf. The estimated technically recoverable resource(exclusive of the Lewis Shale)ranges from 31 to 76 tcf. In both cases,the Ohio Shale accounts for the largest share.

Keywords: subsequent thermal history; appalachian basin; organic-matter; rome trough; accumulation; methane

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2002,86(11): 475-499


Mississippian Barnett Shale,Fort Worth basin,north-central texas: Gas-shale play with multi-trillion cubic foot potential

Montgomery,SL; Jarvie,DM; Bowker,KA; et al.

Abstract: The Mississippian Barnett Shale serves as source,seal,and reservoir to a world-class unconventional natural-gas accumulation in the Fort Worth basin of north-central Texas. The formation is a lithologically complex interval of low permeability that requires artificial stimulation to produce. At present,production is mainly confined to a limited portion of the northern basin where the Barnett Shale is relatively thick(>300 ft; >92 m),organic rich(present-day total organic carbon>3.0%),thermally mature(vitrinite reflectance>1.1%),and enclosed by dense limestone units able to contain induced fractures. The most actively drilled area is Newark East field,currently the largest gas field in Texas. Newark East is 400 mi2(1036 km2)in extent,with more than 2340 producing wells and about 2.7 tcf of booked gas reserves. Cumulative gas production from Barnett Shale wells through 2003 was about 0.8 tcf. Wells in Newark East field typically produce from depths of 7500 ft(2285 m)at rates ranging from 0.5 to more than 4 mmcf/day. Estimated ultimate re coveries per well range from 0.75 to as high as 7.0 bcf. Efforts to extend the current Barnett play beyond the field limits have encountered several challenges,including westward and northward increases in oil saturation and the absence of lithologic barriers to induced fracture growth. Patterns of oil and gas occurrence in the Barnett,in conjunction with maturation and burial-history data,indicate a complex,multiphased thermal evolution,with episodic expulsion of hydrocarbons and secondary cracking of primary oils to gas in portions of the basin where paleotemperatures were especially elevated. These and other data imply a large-potential Barnett resource for the basin as a whole(possibly >200 tcf gas in place). Recent assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey suggests a mean volume of 26.2 tcf of undiscovered,technically recoverable gas in the central Fort Worth basin. Recovery of a significant portion of this undiscovered resource will require continued improvements in geoscientific characterization and approaches to stimulation of the Barnett reservoirs.

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2005,89(2): 155-175联系邮箱:Montgomery,SL;


The importance of shale composition and pore structure upon gas storage potential of shale gas reservoirs

Ross,Daniel J.K; Bustin,R. Marc

Abstract: The effect of shale composition and fabric upon pore structure and CH4sorption is investigated for potential shale gas reservoirs in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin(WCSB). Devonian-Mississippian(D-M)and Jurassic shales have complex,heterogeneous pore volume distributions as identified by low pressure CO2and N2sorption,and high pressure Hg porosimetry. Thermally mature D-M shales(1.6%-2.5% VRo)have Dubinin-Radushkevich(D-R)CO2micropore volumes ranging between 0.3 and 1.2 cc/100 g and N2BET surface areas of 5-31 m2/g. Jurassic shales,which are invariably of lower thermal maturity ranging from 0.9 to 1.3% VRo,than D-M shales have smaller D-R CO2micropore volumes and N2BET surface areas,typically in the range of 0.23-0.63 cc/100 g(CO2)and 1-9 m2/g(N2). High pressure CH4isotherms on dried and moisture equilibrated shales show a general increase of gas sorption with total organic carbon(TOC)content. Methane sorption in D-M shales increases with increasing TOC and micropore volume,indicating that microporosity associated with the organic fraction is a primary control upon CH4sorption. Sorption capacities for Jurassic shales,however,can be in part unrelated to micropore volume. The large sorbed gas capacities of organic-rich Jurassic shales,independent of surface area,imply a portion of CH4is stored by solution in matrix bituminite. Solute CH4is not an important contributor to gas storage in D-M shales. Structural transformation of D-M organic matter has occurred during thermal diagenesis creating and/or opening up microporosity onto which gas can sorb. As such,D-M shales sorb more CH4per weight percent(wt %)TOC than Jurassic shales. Inorganic material influences modal pore size,total porosity and sorption characteristics of shales. Clay minerals are capable of sorbing gas to their internal structure,the amount of which is dependent on clay-type. Illite and montmorillonite have CO2micropore volumes of 0.78 and 0.79 cc/100 g,N2BET surface areas of 25 and 30 m2/g,and sorb 2.9 and 2.1 cc/g of CH4,respectively(dry basis)-a reflection of microporosity between irregular surfaces of clay platelets,and possibly related to the size of the clay crystals themselves. Mercury porosimetry analyses show that total porosities are larger in clay-rich shales compared to silica-rich shales due to open porosity associated with the aluminosilicate fraction. Clay-rich sediments(low Si/Al ratios)have unimodal pore size distributions <10 nm and average total porosities of 5.6%. Siliceous/quartz-rich shales(high Si/Al)exhibit no micro- or mesopores using Hg analyses and total porosities average 1%,analogous to chert.

Keywords: Pore structure; Microporosity; Sorption; Shale gas reservoirs

来源出版物:Marine and Petroleum Geology,2009,26(6): 916-927

联系邮箱:Ross,Daniel J.K;


Mississippian Barnett Shale: Lithofacies and depositional setting of a deep-water shale-gas succession in the Fort Worth Basin,Texas

Loucks,Robert G; Ruppel,Stephen C

Abstract: The Mississippian Barnett Formation of the Fort Worth Basin is a classic shale-gas system in which the rock is the source,reservoir,and seal. Barnett strata were deposited in a deeper water foreland basin that had poor circulation with the open ocean. For most of the basin's history,bottom waters were euxinic,preserving organic matter and,thus,creating a rich source rock,along with abundant framboidal pyrite. The Barnett interval comprises a variety of facies but is dominated by fine-grained(clay-to silt-size)particles. Three general lithofacies are recognized on the basis of mineralogy,fabric,biota,and texture:(1)laminated siliceous mudstone;(2)laminated argillaceous lime mudstone(marl); and(3)skeletal,argillaceous lime packstone. Each facies contains abundant pyrite and phosphate(apatite),which are especially common at hardgrounds. Carbonate concretions,a product of early diagenesis,are also common. The entire Barnett biota is composed of debris transported to the basin from the shelf or upper oxygenated slope by hemipelagic mud plumes,dilute turbidites,and debris flows. Biogenic sediment was also sourced from the shallower,better oxygenated water column. Barnett deposition is estimated to have occurred over a 25-m.y. period,and despite the variations in sublithofacies,sedimentation style remained remarkably similar throughout this span of time.

来源出版物:AAPG Bulletin,2007,91(4): 579-601联系邮箱:Loucks,Robert G;


Water Management Challenges Associated with the Production of Shale Gas by Hydraulic Fracturing

Gregory,Kelvin B; Vidic,Radisav D; Dzombak,David A

Abstract: Development of unconventional,onshore natural gas resources in deep shales is rapidly expanding to meet global energy needs. Water management has emerged as a critical issue in the development of these inland gas reservoirs,where hydraulic fracturing is used to liberate the gas. Following hydraulic fracturing,large volumes of water containing very high concentrations of total dissolved solids(TDS)return to the surface. The TDS concentration in this wastewater,also known as “flowback”,can reach 5 times that of sea water. Wastewaters that contain high TDS levels are challenging and costly to treat. Economical production of shale gas resources will require creative management of flowback to ensure protection of groundwater and surface water resources. Currently,deep-well injection is the primary means of management. However,in many areas where shale gas production will be abundant,deep-well injection sites are not available. With global concerns over the quality and quantity of fresh water,novel water management strategies and treatment technologies that will enable environmentally sustainable and economically feasible natural gas extraction will be critical for the development of this vast energy source.

Keywords: shale gas; hydraulic fracturing; produced water; flowback

来源出版物:Elements,2011,7(3): 181-186联系邮箱:Gregory,Kelvin B;


Impact of Shale Gas Development on Regional Water Quality

Vidic,R.D; Brantley,S.L; Vandenbossche,J.M; et al.

Abstract: Unconventional natural gas resources offer an opportunity to access a relatively clean fossil fuel that could potentially lead to energy independence for some countries. Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing make the extraction of tightly bound natural gas from shale formations economically feasible. These technologies are not free from environmental risks,however,especially those related to regional water quality,such as gas migration,contaminant transport through induced and natural fractures,wastewater discharge,and accidental spills. We review the current understanding of environmental issues associated with unconventional gas extraction. Improved understanding of the fate and transport of contaminants of concern and increased long-term monitoring and data dissemination will help manage these water-quality risks today and in the future.

Keywords: potential contaminant pathways; hydraulically fractured shale; marcellus shale; methane contamination; appalachian basin;pennsylvania; aquifers; wells; extraction; challenges



Nanoscale gas flow in shale gas Sediments

Javadpour,F; Fisher,D; Unsworth,M

Abstract: Production of gas out of low permeability shale packages is very recent in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin(WCSB). The process of gas release and production from shale gas sediments is not well understood. Because of adsorptive capacity of certain shaleconstituents,including organic carbon content: coalbed methane models are sometimes being applied to model and simulate tight shale gas production behaviour. Alternatively,conventional Darcy flow models are sometimes applied to tight shale gas. However,neither of these approaches takes into account the differences in transport mechanisms in shale due to additional nanopore networks. Hence,the application of existing models for shale results in erroneous evaluation and predictions. Our analysis shows that a combination of a nanopore network connected to a micrometre pore network controls the gas flow in shale. Mathematical modelling of gas flow in nanopores is difficult since the standard assumption of no-slip boundary conditions in the Navier-Stokes equation breaks down at the nanometre scale,while the computational times of applicable molecular-dynamics(MD)codes become exorbitant. We found that the gas flow in nanopores of the shale can be modelled with a diffusive transport regime with a constant diffusion coefficient and negligible viscous effects. The obtained diffusion coefficient is consistent with the Knudsen diffusivity which supports the slip: boundary condition at the nanopore surfaces. This model can be used for shale gas evaluation and production optimization.

来源出版物:Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology,2007,46(10): 55-61


Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Shale Gas,Natural Gas,Coal,and Petroleum

Burnham,Andrew; Han,Jeongwoo; Clark,Corrie E; et al.

Abstract: The technologies and practices that have enabled the recent boom in shale gas production have also brought attention to the environmental impacts of its use. It has been g debated whether the fugitive methane emissions during natural gas production and transmission outweigh the lower carbon dioxide emissions during combustion when compared to coal and petroleum. Using the current state of knowledge of methane emissions from shale gas,conventional natural gas,coal,and petroleum,we estimated up-to-date life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions. In addition,we developed distribution functions for key parameters in each pathway to examine uncertainty and identify data gaps such as methane emissions from shale gas well completions and conventional natural gas liquid unloadings that need to be further addressed. Our base case results show that shale gas life-cycle emissions are 6% lower than conventional natural gas,23% lower than gasoline,and 33% lower than coal. However,the range in values for shale and conventional gas overlap,so there is a statistical uncertainty whether shale gas emissions are indeed lower than conventional gas. Moreover,this life-cycle analysis,among other work in this area,provides insight on critical stages that the natural gas industry and government agencies can work together on to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of natural gas.

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2012,46(2): 619-627联系邮箱:Burnham,Andrew;




摘要:页岩油是储存于富有机质、纳米级孔径为主页岩地层中的成熟石油,是常规—非常规“有序聚集”体系的重要类型之一,对中国陆相页岩油形成的沉积环境、储集空间、地球化学特征和聚集机制等基本石油地质问题进行了分析总结.富有机质页岩主要发育在半深湖—深湖环境,不同岩性组合共生沉积;发育纹层结构,微米—纳米级孔喉和微裂缝是主要储集空间;有利页岩以Ⅰ型和AⅡ 型干酪根为主、Ro 值为0.7%~2.0%、TOC值大于2.0%、有效厚度大于10 m;揭示了页岩孔隙演化和页岩油滞留聚集模式,储集空间、脆性指数、黏度、压力、滞留量等是页岩油“核心区”评价的关键.中国陆相页岩油在湖盆中心连续聚集,初步预测可采页岩油资源量约30×108~60×108t,水平井体积压裂、改造“天然裂缝”、注粗颗粒“人造储集层”等可能是页岩油工业化发展的核心技术,提出加快页岩油“分布区”研究、加强“核心区”评选、加大“试验区”建设的“三步走”发展思路.借鉴北美海相页岩气突破成功经验,陆相页岩油工业化有望在中国首先突破.


来源出版物:石油勘探与开发,2013,40(1): 14-26联系邮箱:邹才能,



摘要:利用四川盆地南部地区最新钻探的井下资料、周边露头地质调查资料及大量样品的分析测试结果,从富有机质页岩区域展布、地球化学特征、岩石储集特征、含气性等方面研究川南地区下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩气形成条件与资源前景.研究区筇竹寺组有机质含量高(TOC值为0.55%~25.70%,平均值大于2%),页岩有效厚度大(黑色页岩厚60~300 m),脆性矿物含量较高(大于40%),页岩中发育丰富的纳米一微米级孔隙和微裂缝,含气量高(页岩含气量0.27~6.02 m3/t,平均1.90 m3/t),有利于页岩气的形成与富集.钻井过程中筇竹寺组气显示频繁并获得了工业性突破,是目前中国最有利的页岩气勘探开发层系之一,综合对比研究认为威远、叙永一筠连地区是研究区内筇竹寺组页岩气勘探开发最有利的地区.


来源出版物:石油勘探与开发,2012,39(1): 69-75联系邮箱:黄金亮,





来源出版物:煤炭学报,2013,38(5): 728-736联系邮箱:孟召平,mzp@





来源出版物:石油勘探与开发,2013,40(5): 574-579





来源出版物:石油学报,2014,35(1): 1-10联系邮箱:郑民,





来源出版物:天然气工业,2014,34(2): 18-26联系邮箱:梁兴,



摘要:在分析全球常规-非常规油气发展态势、梳理中国近10年油气地质理论与技术创新成果基础上,系统阐述了常规-非常规油气“有序聚集”内涵,指出常规油气供烃方向有非常规油气共生、非常规油气外围空间可能有常规油气伴生,强调常规油气与非常规油气协同发展,找油思想从“源外找油”深入到“进源找油”.非常规油气甜点着眼于烃源性、岩性、物性、脆性、含油气性与应力各向异性“六特性”匹配评价,以页岩气为例,中国有利页岩气TOC大于2%,纹层状硅质钙质或钙质硅质页岩,孔隙度3%~8%,脆性矿物含量50%~80%,含气量2.3~4.1 m3/t,压力系数1.0~2.3,天然裂缝发育;北美有利页岩气TOC大于4%,硅质页岩、钙质页岩或泥灰岩,孔隙度4%~9%,脆性矿物含量40%~70%,含气量2.8~9.9 m3/t,压力系数1.30~1.85,天然裂缝发育.重点论述了“甜点区”评价、平台式“工厂化”生产模式等方法与技术:提出非常规油气富集“甜点区”8项评价标准,其中3项关键指标是TOC大于2%(其中页岩油S1大于2 mg/g)、孔隙度较高(致密油气大于10%,页岩油气大于3%)和微裂缝发育;阐述了多井平台式“工厂化”生产内涵及其实施需要具备“批量布井、标准设计、流水作业、重复利用”4要素;通过地下含油气地层各方向水平井体积压裂,形成大型人工缝网系统“人造油气藏”.


来源出版物:石油勘探与开发,2014,41(1): 14-26



摘要:四川盆地是目前中国页岩气勘探开发的重点地区,也是最成功的地区.四川盆地页岩气资源勘探开发前景,将在较大程度上反映和影响中国页岩气未来的发展前景.通过全面总结近年来该盆地页岩气勘探开发的新进展,得出了以下认识:①四川盆地经历了海相、陆相两大沉积演化,发育了海相、海陆过渡相、陆相三类富有机质页岩,形成了震旦系陡山沱组、寒武系筇竹寺组、奥陶系五峰组—志留系龙马溪组、二叠系龙潭组、三叠系须家河组、侏罗系自流井组6套有利的页岩气富集层系;②深水陆棚相、集中段厚度大、热演化程度适中、正向构造背景下裂缝发育、储层超压是五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气富集的“五大”关键要素;③该盆地页岩气勘探开发仍面临资源富集“甜点区”及资源潜力不清、深度超过3500 m的深层页岩气勘探开发技术不成熟等两大挑战.结论认为:四川盆地已在侏罗系、三叠系和寒武系初步实现了页岩气发现,在奥陶系—志留系实现了工业化突破和初步规模生产,未来发展前景较好;该盆地页岩气资源可以实现经济有效勘探开发,预期可实现年产量300×108~600×108m3;对该盆地页岩气资源勘探开发将为中国页岩气资源规模发展提供重要的理论与技术支撑.


来源出版物:天然气工业,2014,34(12): 1-15联系邮箱:董大忠,

页岩气储层孔隙发育特征及主控因素分析: 以上扬子地区龙马溪组为例




来源出版物:地学前缘,2015,22(1): 374-385联系邮箱:黄磊,





来源出版物:石油与天然气地质,2015,36(1): 1-6





来源出版物:地质科技情报,2015,34(1): 131-139联系邮箱:刘洪平,

Petrophysical Considerations in Evaluating and Producing Shale Gas Resources

C.H. Sondergeld; K.E. Newsham; J.T. Comisky; et al.

Abstract: We present a practical assessment of petrophysical properties of shales and their measurement in the lab and via logs. Gasbearing shale present unique measurement challenges due to their ultra-low permeability and complicated pore volume connectivity. Thecombination of low intrinsic permeability and gas sorption effects renders these reservoirs “unconventional”. Advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic stimulation have transformed gas-shale resources into economic reserves. Given their economic significance,there is a strong drive to understand gas shale petrophysical property measurements,both in the laboratory and in the subsurface. We note that various core analysis protocols are used in different laboratories leading to physical property measurements that are inconsistent,even when measured on identical sample sets. In addition,log analysis of kerogen-rich shale is ‘unconventional’ compared to classical techniques used in tight gas sands. As shale gas evaluation is becoming widely practiced among service companies and operators,we will focus on three reservoir assessment categories: storage capacity(gas-in-place),flow capacity(gas deliverability)and mechanical properties impacting hydraulic stimulation. Within each of these categories we have identified influential petrophysical properties such as rock composition,total organic carbon(TOC)content,porosity,saturation,permeability and mechanical properties. Specifically,we demonstrate the importance of estimating accurate mineral and kerogen content as these properties directly impact rock quality,hydraulic fracturing protocols,and gas-in-place estimations. In reviewing these practices,we also will show the need and possible direction of new technologies that will be required for making evaluations more accurate and quantitative in the future.

来源出版物:SPE 2010,131768: 1-34

Thirty Years of Gas Shale Fracturing: What Have We Learned?

George E. King

Abstract: Although high gas flow rates from shales are a relatively recent phenomenon,the knowledge bases of shale-specific well completions,fracturing and shale well operations have actually been growing for more than three decades and shale gas production reaches back almost one hundred ninety years. During the last decade of gas shale development,projected recovery of shale gas-in-place has increased from about 2% to estimates of about 50%; mainly through the development and adaptation of technologies to fit shale gas developments. Adapting technologies,including multi-stage fracturing of horizontal wells,slickwater fluids with minimum viscosity and simultaneous fracturing,have evolved to increase formation-face contact of the fracture system into the range of 9.2 million m2(100 million ft2)in a very localized area of the reservoir by opening natural fractures. These technologies have made possible development of enormous gas reserves that were completely unavailable only a few years ago. Current and next generation technologies promise even more energy availability with advances in hybrid fracs,fracture complexity,fracture flow stability and methods of re-using water used in fracturing. This work surveyed over 350 shale completion,fracturing and operations publications,linking geosciences and engineering information together to relay learnings that will identify both intriguing information on selective opening and stabilizing of micro-fracture systems within the shales and new fields of endeavor needed to achieve the next level of shale development advancement.

来源出版物:SPE 2010,133456: 1-50

Pore structure characterization of North American shale gas reservoirs using USANS/SANS,gas adsorption,and mercury intrusion

Clarkson,CR; Solano,N; Bustin,RM; et al.

Abstract: Small-angle and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering(SANS and USANS),low-pressure adsorption(N2and CO2),and high-pressure mercury intrusion measurements were performed on a suite of North American shale reservoir samples providing the first ever comparison of all these techniques for characterizing the complex pore structure of shales. The techniques were used to gain insight into the nature of the pore structure including pore geometry,pore size distribution and accessible versus inaccessible porosity. Reservoir samples for analysis were taken from currently-active shale gas plays including the Barnett,Marcellus,Haynesville,Eagle Ford,Woodford,Muskwa,and Duvernay shales. Low-pressure adsorption revealed strong differences in BET surface area and pore volumes for the sample suite,consistent with variability in composition of the samples. The combination of CO2and N2adsorption data allowed pore size distributions to be created for micro-meso-macroporosity up to a limit of similar to 1000 angstrom. Pore size distributions are either uni- or multi-modal. The adsorption-derived pore size distributions for some samples are inconsistent with mercury intrusion data,likely owing to a combination of grain compression during high-pressure intrusion,and the fact that mercury intrusion yields information about pore throat rather than pore body distributions. SANS/USANS scattering data indicate a fractal geometry(power-law scattering)for a wide range of pore sizes and provide evidence that nanometer-scale spatial ordering occurs in lower mesopore-micropore range for some samples,which may be associated with inter-layer spacing in clay minerals. SANS/USANS pore radius distributions were converted to pore volume distributions for direct comparison with adsorption data. For the overlap region between the two methods,the agreement is quite good. Accessible porosity in the pore size(radius)range 5 nm-10 μm was determined for a Barnett shale sample using the contrast matching method with pressurized deuterated methane fluid. The results demonstrate that accessible porosity is pore-size dependent.

Keywords: Shale gas; Pore structure; Small-angle neutron scattering; Gas adsorption; Mercury intrusion

来源出版物:Fuel,2013,103: 606-616联系邮箱:Clarkson,CR;

Generation,transport,and disposal of wastewater associated with Marcellus Shale gas development

Lutz,Brian D; Lewis,Aurana N; Doyle,Martin W

Abstract: Hydraulic fracturing has made vast quantities of natural gas from shale available,reshaping the energy landscape of the UnitedStates. Extracting shale gas,however,generates large,unavoidable volumes of wastewater,which to date lacks accurate quantification. For the Marcellus shale,by far the largest shale gas resource in the United States,we quantify gas and wastewater production using data from 2189 wells located throughout Pennsylvania. Contrary to current perceptions,Marcellus wells produce significantly less wastewater per unit gas recovered(approximately 35%)compared to conventional natural gas wells. Further,well operators classified only 32.3% of wastewater from Marcellus wells as flow back from hydraulic fracturing; most wastewater was classified as brine,generated over multiple years. Despite producing less wastewater per unit gas,developing the Marcellus shale has increased the total wastewater generated in the region by approximately 570% since 2004,overwhelming current wastewater disposal infrastructure capacity. Citation: Lutz,B. D.,A. N. Lewis,and M. W. Doyle(2013),Generation,transport,and disposal of wastewater associated with Marcellus Shale gas development,Water Resour.

Keywords: natural-gas; pennsylvania; challenges; methane; brine

来源出版物:Water Resources Research,2013,49(2): 647-656联系邮箱:Lutz,Brian D;

Desalination and Reuse of High-Salinity Shale Gas Produced Water: Drivers,Technologies,and Future Directions

Shaffer,Devin L; Chavez,Laura H. Arias; Ben-Sasson,Moshe; et al.

Abstract: In the rapidly developing shale gas industry,managing produced water is a major challenge for maintaining the profitability of shale gas extraction while protecting public health and the environment. We review the current state of practice for produced water management across the United States and discuss the interrelated regulatory,infrastructure,and economic drivers for produced water reuse. Within this framework,we examine the Marcellus shale play,a region in the eastern United States where produced water is currently reused without desalination. In the Marcellus region,and in other shale plays worldwide with similar constraints,contraction of current reuse opportunities within the shale gas industry and growing restrictions on produced water disposal will provide strong incentives for produced water desalination for reuse outside the industry. The most challenging scenarios for the selection of desalination for reuse over other management strategies will be those involving high-salinity produced water,which must be desalinated with thermal separation processes. We explore desalination technologies for treatment of high-salinity shale gas produced water,and we critically review mechanical vapor compression(MVC),membrane distillation(MD),and forward osmosis(FO)as the technologies best suited for desalination of high-salinity produced water for reuse outside the shale gas industry. The advantages and challenges of applying MVC,MD,and FO technologies to produced water desalination are discussed,and directions for future research and development are identified. We find that desalination for reuse of produced water is technically feasible and can be economically relevant. However,because produced water management is primarily an economic decision,expanding desalination for reuse is dependent on process and material improvements to reduce capital and operating costs.

Keywords: contact membrane distillation; mechanical vapor compression; ammonia-carbon dioxide; osmosis desalination; seawater desalination; natural-gas; waste-water; energy-requirements; process performance; fouling behavior

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2013,47(17): 9569-9583


A Critical Review of the Risks to Water Resources from Unconventional Shale Gas Development and Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States

Vengosh,Avner; Jackson,Robert B; Warner,Nathaniel; et al.

Abstract: The rapid rise of shale gas development through horizontal drilling and high volume hydraulic fracturing has expanded the extraction of hydrocarbon resources in the U.S. The rise of shale gas development has triggered an intense public debate regarding the potential environmental and human health effects from hydraulic fracturing. This paper provides a critical review of the potential risks that shale gas operations pose to water resources,with an emphasis on case studies mostly from the U.S. Four potential risks for water resources are identified:(1)the contamination of shallow aquifers with fugitive hydrocarbon gases(i.e.,stray gas contamination),which can also potentially lead to the salinization of shallow groundwater through leaking natural gas wells and subsurface flow;(2)the contamination of surface water and shallow groundwater from spills,leaks,and/or the disposal of inadequately treated shale gas wastewater;(3)the accumulation of toxic and radioactive elements in soil or stream sediments near disposal or spill sites; and(4)the over extraction of water resources for high-volume hydraulic fracturing that could induce water shortages or conflicts with other water users,particularly in water-scarce areas. Analysis of published data(through January 2014)reveals evidence for stray gas contamination,surface water impacts in areas of intensive shale gas development,and the accumulation of radium isotopes in some disposal and spill sites. The direct contamination of shallow groundwater from hydraulic fracturing fluids and deep formation waters by hydraulic fracturing itself,however,remains controversial.

Keywords: potential contaminant pathways; disinfection by-products; southern high-plains; natural-gas; marcellus shale; drinking-water;waste-water; sedimentary basin; barnett shale; methane contamination

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2014,48(15): 8334-8348联系邮箱:Vengosh,A;

Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Freshwater Consumption of Marcellus Shale Gas

Laurenzi,Ian J; Jersey,Gilbert R

Abstract: We present results of a life cycle assessment(LCA)of Marcellus shale gas used for power generation. The analysis employs the most extensive data set of any LCA of shale gas to date,encompassing data from actual gas production and power generation operations. Results indicate that a typical Marcellus gas life cycle yields 466 kg CO2eq/MWh(80% confidence interval: 450-567 kg CO2eq/MWh)of greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions and 224 gal/MWh(80% CI: 185-305 gal/MWh)of freshwater consumption. Operations associated with hydraulic fracturing constitute only 1.2% of the life cycle GHG emissions,and 6.2% of the life cycle freshwater consumption. These results are influenced most strongly by the estimated ultimate recovery(EUR)of the well and the power plant efficiency: increase in either quantity will reduce both life cycle freshwater consumption and GHG emissions relative to power generated at the plant. We conclude by comparing the life cycle impacts of Marcellus gas and U.S. coal: The carbon footprint of Marcellus gas is 53%(80% CI: 44-61%)lower than coal,and its freshwater consumption is about 50% of coal. We conclude that substantial GHG reductions and freshwater savings may result from the replacement of coal-fired power generation with gas-fired power generation.

Keywords: natural-gas; footprint; coal

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2013,47(9): 4896-4903

联系邮箱:Laurenzi,Ian J;

Natural gas from shale formation-The evolution,evidences and challenges of shale gas revolution in United States

Wang,Qiang; Chen,Xi; Jha,Awadhesh N; et al.

Abstract: Extraction of natural gas from shale rock in the United States(US)is one of the landmark events in the 21st century. The combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing can extract huge quantities of natural gas from impermeable shale formations,which were previously thought to be either impossible or uneconomic to produce. This review offers a comprehensive insight into US shale gas opportunities,appraising the evolution,evidence and the challenges of shale gas production in the US. The history of US shale gas in this article is divided into three periods and based on the change of oil price(i.e.,the period before the 1970s oil crisis,the period from 1970s to 2000,and the period since 2000),the US has moved from being one of the world's biggest importers of gas to being self-sufficient in less than a decade,with the shale gas production increasing 12-fold(from 2000 to 2010). The US domestic natural gas price hit a 10-year low in 2012. The US domestic natural gas price in the first half of 2012 was about $2 per million British Thermal Unit(BTU),compared with Brent crude,the world benchmark price for oil,now about $80-100/barrel,or $14-17 per million BTU. Partly due to an increase in gas-fired power generation in response to low gas prices,US carbon emissions from fossil-fuel combustion fell by 430 million ton CO2-more than any other country-between 2006 and 2011. Shale gas also stimulated economic growth,creating 600000 new jobs in the US by 2010. However,the US shale gas revolution would be curbed,if the environmental risks posed by hydraulic fracturing are not managed effectively. The hydraulic fracturing is water intensive,and can cause pollution in the marine environment,with implications for long-term environmental sustainability in several ways. Also,large amounts of methane,a powerful greenhouse gas,can be emitted during the shale gas exploration and production. Hydraulic fracturing also may induce earthquakes. These environmental risks need to be managed by good practices which is not being applied by all the producers in all the locations. Enforcing stronger regulations are necessary to minimize risk to the environment and on human health. Robust regulatory oversight can however increase the cost of extraction,but stringent regulations can foster an historic opportunity to provide cheaper and cleaner gas to meet the consumer demand,as well as to usher in the future growth of the industry.

Keywords: Natural gas from shale formation; Energy revolution; Environmental challenge; Best practices; US shale gas

来源出版物:Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,2014,30: 1-28联系邮箱:Wang,Qiang;

Water resource impacts during unconventional shale gas development: The Pennsylvania experience

Brantley,Susan L; Yoxtheimer,Dave ; Arjmand,Sina; et al.

Abstract: Improvements in horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing have revolutionized the energy landscape by allowing the development of so-called “unconventional” gas resources. The Marcellus play in the northeastern U.S.A. documents how fast this technology developed: the number of unconventional Marcellus wells in Pennsylvania(PA)increased from 8 in 2005 to similar to 7234 today. Publicly available databases in PA show only rare evidence of contamination of surface and groundwaters. This could document that incidents that impact PA waters have been relatively rare and that contaminants were quickly diluted. However,firm conclusions are hampered by i)the lack of information about location and timing of incidents; ii)the tendency to not release water quality data related to specific incidents due to liability or confidentiality agreements; iii)the sparseness of sample and sensor data for the analytes of interest; iv)the presence of pre-existing water impairments that make it difficult to determine potential impacts from shale-gas activity; and v)the fact that sensors can malfunction or drift. Although the monitoring data available to assess contamination events in PA are limited,the state manages an online database of violations. Overall,one fifth of gas wells drilled were given at least one non-administrative notice of violation(NOV)from thePA regulator. Through March 2013,3.4% of gas wells were issued NOVs for well construction issues and 0.24% of gas wells received NOVs related to methane migration into groundwater. Between 2008 and 2012,161 of the similar to 1000 complaints received by the state described contamination that implicated oil or gas activity: natural gas was reported for 56% and brine salt components for 14% of the properties. Six percent of the properties were impacted by sediments,turbidity,and/or drill cuttings. Most of the sites of groundwater contamination with methane and/or salt components were in previously glaciated northern PA where fracture flow sometimes allows long distance fluid transport. No cases of subsurface transport of fracking or flow back fluids into water supplies were documented. If Marcellus-related flowback/production waters did enter surface or groundwaters,the most likely contaminants to be detected would be Na,Ca,and Cl,but those elements are already common in natural waters. The most Marcellus-specific "fingerprint" elements are Sr,Ba,and Br. For example,variable Br concentrations measured in southwestern PA streams were attributed to permitted release of wastewaters from unconventional shale gas wells into PA streams through municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants before 2011. Discharge has now been discontinued except for brines from a few plants still permitted to discharge conventional oil/gas brines after treatment. Overall,drinking water supply problems determined by the regulator to implicate oil/gas activities peaked in frequency in 2010 while spill rates increased through 2012. Although many minor violations and temporary problems have been reported,the picture that emerges from PA is that the fast shale-gas start may have led to relatively few environmental incidents of significant impact compared to wells drilled; however,the impacts remain difficult to assess due to the lack of transparent and accessible data.

Keywords: Unconventional shale gas; Environmental impact; Hydraulic fracturing; Hydrofracturing; Water quality; Marcellus Shale

来源出版物:International Journal of Coal Geology,2014,126(S1): 140-156

Molecular simulation of shale gas adsorption and diffusion in inorganic nanopores

Sharma,Aman; Namsani,Sadanandam; Singh,Jayant K

Abstract: We studied the structural and dynamical properties of methane and ethane in montmorillonite(MMT)slit pore of sizes 10,20 and 30 angstrom using grand canonical Monte Carlo and classical molecular dynamics(MD)simulations. The isotherm,at 298.15 K,is generated for pressures up to 60 bar. The molecules preferentially adsorb at the surface as indicated by the density profile. In case of methane,we observe only a single layer,at the pore wall,whose density increases with increasing pressure. However,ethane also displays a second layer,though of low density in case of pore widths 20 and 30 angstrom. In-plane self-diffusion coefficient,DII,of methane and ethane is of the order of 10-6m2/s. At low pressure,DIIincreases significantly with the pore size. However,DIIdecreases rapidly with increasing pressure. Furthermore,the effect of pore size on DIIdiminishes at high pressure. Ideal adsorbed solution theory is used to understand the adsorption behaviour of the binary mixture of methane(80%)and ethane(20%)at 298.15 K. Furthermore,we calculate the selectivity of the gases at various pressures of the mixture,and found high selectivity for ethane in MMT pores. However,selectivity of ethane decreases with increase in pressure or pore size.

Keywords: methane; shale gas; GCMC; ethane; montmorillonite

来源出版物:Molecular Simulationk,2015,41(5-6): 414-422联系邮箱:Singh,Jayant K;

Study on gas flow through nano pores of shale gas reservoirs

Guo,Chaohua; Xu,Jianchun; Wu,Keliu; et al.

Abstract: Unlike conventional gas reservoirs,gas flow in shale reservoirs is a complex and multiscale flow process which has special flow mechanisms. Shale gas reservoirs contain a large fraction of nano pores,which leads to an apparent permeability that is dependent on pore pressure,fluid type,and pore structure. Study of gas flow in nano pores is essential for accurate numerical simulation of shale gas reservoirs. However,no comprehensive study has been conducted pertaining to the gas flow in nano pores. In this paper,experiments for nitrogen flow through nano membranes(with pore throat size: 20 nm,55 nm,and 100 nm)have been done and analyzed. Obvious discrepancy between apparent permeability and intrinsic permeability has been observed; and the relationship between this discrepancy and pore throat diameter(PTD)has been analyzed. Then,based on the advection-diffusion model,a new mathematical model has been constructed to characterize gas flow in nano pores. A new apparent permeability expression has been derived based on advection and Knudsen diffusion. A comprehensive coefficient for characterizing the flow process was proposed. Simulation results were verified against the experimental data for gas flow through nano membranes and published data. By changing the comprehensive coefficient,we found the best candidate for the case of argon with a membrane PTD of 235 nm. We verified the model using experimental data with different gases(oxygen,argon)and different PTDs(235 nm,220 nm). The comparison shows that the new model matches the experimental data very closely. Additionally,we compared our results with experimental data,the Knudsen/Hagen-Poiseuille analytical solution,and existing models available in the literature. Results show that the model proposed in this study yielded a more reliable solution. Shale gas simulations,in which gas flowing in nano pores plays a critical role,can be made more accurate and reliable based on the results of this work.

Keywords: Shale gas; Nano pores; Apparent permeability; Advection-diffusion model; Knudsen diffusion

来源出版物:Fuel,2015,143: 107-117联系邮箱:wei,mingzhen;


The first commercial United States natural gas production(1821)came from an organic-rich Devonian shale in the Appalachian basin. Understanding the geological and geochemical nature of organic shale formations and improving their gas producibility have subsequently been the challenge of millions of dollars worth of research since the 1970s. Shale-gas systems essentially are continuous-type biogenic(predominant),thermogenic,or combined biogenic-thermogenic gas accumulations characterized by widespread gas saturation,subtle trapping mechanisms,seals of variable lithology,and relatively short hydrocarbon migration distances. Shale gas may be stored as free gas in natural fractures and intergranular porosity,as gas sorbed onto kerogen and clay-particle surfaces,or as gas dissolved in kerogen and bitumen. Five United States shale formations that presently produce gas commercially exhibit an unexpectedly wide variation in the values of five key parameters: thermal maturity(expressed as vitrinite reflectance),sorbed-gas fraction,reservoir thickness,total organic carbon content,and volume of gas in place. The degree of natural fracture development in an otherwise low-matrix-permeability shale reservoir is a controlling factor in gas producibility. To date,unstimulated commercial production has been achievable in only a small proportion of shale wells,those that intercept natural fracture networks. In most other cases,a successful shale-gas well requires hydraulic stimulation. Together,the Devonian Antrim Shale of the Michigan basin and Devonian Ohio Shale of the Appalachian basin accounted for about 84% of the total 380 bcf of shale gas produced in 1999. However annual gas production is steadily increasing from three other major organic shale formations that subsequently have been explored and developed: the Devonian New Albany Shalein the Illinois basin,the Mississippian Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth basin,and the Cretaceous Lewis Shale in the San Juan basin. In the basins for which estimates have been made,shale-gas resources are substantial,with in-place volumes of 497-783 tcf. The estimated technically recoverable resource(exclusive of the Lewis Shale)ranges from 31 to 76 tcf. In both cases,the Ohio Shale accounts for the largest share.

fractured sandstone; liquid permeability; gas permeability; laboratory study


文章题目第一作者来源出版物1Fractured shale-gas systemsCurtis JBAAPG Bulletin,2002,86(11): 1921-1938 2 Mississippian Barnett Shale,Fort Worth basin,north-central texas: Gas-shale play with multi-trillion cubic foot potential Montgomery SL AAPG Bulletin,2005,89(2): 155-175 3 Unconventional shale-gas systems: The Mississippian Barnett Shale of north-central Texas as one model for thermogenic shale-gas assessment Jarvie DMAAPG Bulletin,2007,91(4): 475-499 4 Shale gas potential of the Lower Jurassic Gordondale Member,Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology,northeastern British Columbia,Canada Ross DJK 2007,55(1): 51-75 5 Characterizing the shale gas resource potential of Devonian-Mississippian strata in the Western Canada sedimentary basin: Application of an integrated formation evaluation Ross DJKAAPG Bulletin,2008,92(1): 87-125

Fractured shale-gas systems

JB Curtis

*摘编自《石油学报》2012年33卷 增刊1:107~114页


